Air Force One

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 marzo 2017, 19:12

Un nuovo capo alla direzione del programma .....
​The Air Force has created a new position to lead the Air Force One replacement program and has chosen Brig. Gen. Duke Richardson to do the job, the Dayton Daily News reported.
Richardson - who was nominated for a second star in February - is currently executive manager of the Air Force’s tanker directorate at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, where he has overseen development of the service’s KC-46 tanker.
Fonte: AFA ..... "KC-46 Executive Officer to Lead Air Force One Development" .....

Dayton Daily News ..... "Air Force responds to Trump’s concerns over Air Force One costs" .....

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 maggio 2017, 8:57

Una riparazione eseguita male ..... e Boeing paga .....
Boeing reimbursed the US government $4 million after three company mechanics damaged the oxygen system for a VC-25A, a modified VIP 747-200 also known as Air Force One, the US Air Force says in a new accident investigation report.
The VC-25A was damaged as three mechanics checked for leaks in the oxygen system, according to a summary of the Accident Investigation Board report (*) released on 9 May.
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "Air Force One damages blamed on Boeing mechanics" .....

(*) ..... ... 35-001.PDF .....

Robins AFB ..... "Accident Investigation Board finds lapse in maintenance procedures contaminated VC-25A oxygen system" .....

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 2 agosto 2017, 0:04

Si va avanti ..... però all' insegna del risparmio ..... secondo i desiderata del Presidente ..... :usa2:

Ainonline ..... "Boeing, U.S. Air Force Confirm New Air Force One Negotiations" .....

Defense One ..... "Trump Wanted a Cheaper Air Force One. So the USAF Is Buying a Bankrupt Russian Firm’s Undelivered 747s" .....

AFA ..... "Boneyard Boeings Will be the Next Air Force Ones" .....

DefenseNews ..... "Boeing to turn undelivered 747s meant for Russian customer into new Air Force Ones" .....

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 2 agosto 2017, 10:01

fonte: ... P5-S3.3-T1

I due nuovi "Air Force One" voluti da Trump
erano destinati ad una compagnia aerea russa

I giganteschi Boeing 747-8 saranno venduti all'Aeronautica Usa. Erano stati costruiti originariamente per la Transaero, fallita nel 2015

02 agosto 2017

NEW YORK. - I due giganteschi Boeing 747-8 che l'azienda aeronautica, secondo indiscrezioni, si appresta a vendere all'aeronautica Usa per diventare i prossimi Air Force One, gli aerei del presidente americano, erano stati costruiti originariamente per una compagnia aerea russa, la Transaero, fallita nel 2015 e rimasti sul groppone del colosso di Seattle. Ordinati nel 2013 dalla Transaereo sono stati completati due anni dopo e da allora sono rimasti privi di livrea nel deposito a cielo aperto nel deserto del Mojave in California dove le condizioni meteo, aria secca, consentono di mantenere i jet in perfette condizioni.
Boeing li ha ripresi e modificati con le specifiche segrete come sistemi di difesa anti-aereo e sistemi di comunicazioni speciali, oltre ad essere a prova dell'onda elettromagnetica innescata da un esplosione termonucleare che paralizza qualsiasi circuito elettrico nelle vicinanze dell'esplosioni. Trump prima di essere eletto li aveva criticati perche' erano stati ordinati dal'amministrazione Obama per sostituire i due attuali Jumbo presidenziali, usati ora da Trump. Poi ha iniziato a pretendere uno sconto alla Boeing e sembra che un'intesa sia stata raggiunta.
Il costo di un esemplare di Boeing 747-8 (l'ultimo della serie) senza le modifiche per l'Air Force One e' di 390 milioni di dollari. Ai primi di ottobre del 2016 Trump, ancora semplice candidato e neanche favorito contro la rivale democratica Hillary Clinton, se ne usci' sostenendo che "Boeing sta costruendo un Air Force One 747 per il futuro presidente ma i costi sono esplosi ad oltre 4 miliardi di dollari. Bisogna annullare l'ordine". Poi l'8 novembre ha vinto lui ed ha iniziato il tira e molla con Boeing che nell'arco di qualche settimana dara' l'annuncio dell'intesa. Peraltro gli Air Force One, (quasi) nuovi, saranno 2 e non 1 solo come lasciava intendere nel suo tweet da candidato, l'attuale presidente. Peraltro qualsiasi velivolo su cui vola il presidente diventa automaticamente l'Air Force One, così come se si tratta di un elicottero, viene designato in codice come 'Marine' One.
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da spiridione » 2 agosto 2017, 10:18

Il solito servizio giornalistico scritto con i piedi.....

Ho volato su un MD80 così vecchio, che sulla porta di una toilette c'era scritto ORVILLE
e sulla porta dell'altra WILBUR....

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da Maxx » 2 agosto 2017, 12:19

spiridione ha scritto:Il solito servizio giornalistico scritto con i piedi.....
L'unica frase sensata è l'ultima.

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da spiridione » 2 agosto 2017, 12:50

Maxx ha scritto:
spiridione ha scritto:Il solito servizio giornalistico scritto con i piedi.....
L'unica frase sensata è l'ultima.
Neanche, perchè se POTUS vola su un velivolo (ala fissa o ala rotante, è lo stesso...) dei Marines, questo viene designato Marines One.

Allo stesso modo, che, se volasse su un velivolo della Marina, esso diverebbe il Navy One....

Ho volato su un MD80 così vecchio, che sulla porta di una toilette c'era scritto ORVILLE
e sulla porta dell'altra WILBUR....

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da Maxx » 2 agosto 2017, 12:58

spiridione ha scritto:
Maxx ha scritto:
spiridione ha scritto:Il solito servizio giornalistico scritto con i piedi.....
L'unica frase sensata è l'ultima.
Neanche, perchè se POTUS vola su un velivolo (ala fissa o ala rotante, è lo stesso...) dei Marines, questo viene designato Marines One.

Allo stesso modo, che, se volasse su un velivolo della Marina, esso diverebbe il Navy One....
Inoltre, disponendo l'USAF di elicotteri, se Donaldone vola su un elicottero dell'USAF questo è Air Force One!! :)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 agosto 2017, 23:33

Un nuovo commento dal Daily Report dell' AFA .....

..... "Secondhand 747-8s Could Accelerate Air Force One Replacement" .....

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 settembre 2017, 8:51

Assegnato a Boeing un contratto di 600 milioni di dollari .....

FlightGlobal ..... "USAF awards Boeing $600M contract toward Air Force One" .....

DefenseNews ..... "Boeing lands $600M contract to design new Air Force Ones" .....

USAF ..... "AF awards contract to begin designing next Air Force One aircraft" .....

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 febbraio 2018, 10:18

Secondo DefenseNews ... anche la Corea del Sud vuole procurarsene uno .....

..... "South Korea looks to buy its own Air Force One" .....

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 giugno 2018, 17:51

I frigoriferi d' oro dell' Air Force One ..... :mrgreen:
Air Force Cancels $24 Million Air Force One Refrigerator Contract .....

The Air Force’s $24 million plan for refrigerators on Air Force One is no longer running.
Rep. Joe Courtney (D-Conn.) said in a statement Monday afternoon (*) that Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson told him the sole source contract has been canceled, and the service is reviewing more affordable options.
“Even with the understanding that the Air Force One mission brings with it unique requirements and challenges, a $24 million sole-source contract just didn’t pass the smell test,” Courtney said in a statement.
Wilson, in her letter, said the Air Force and the White House Military Office decided to terminate the effort, but it could be reviewed if the Presidential Aircraft Replacement program is delayed.

- Brian Everstine
Fonte ..... il Daily Report dell' AFA .....

(*) ..... ... ole-source .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 luglio 2018, 23:40

Il programma procede ed emergono nuovi dettagli .....

..... ..... ... ns-450587/ .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 novembre 2018, 0:09

VC-25B ... superato l'esame preliminare ...
The US Air Force’s forthcoming Boeing VC-25B, popularly known by the call sign “Air Force One" when the president travels aboard, recently completed its preliminary design review.
The Presidential and Executive Airlift Directorate also said on 26 November that it anticipates that the VC-25B programme will complete its critical design review a year from now.
In April, Boeing was granted $24.1 million for additional design work on the next generation of presidential aircraft with the intent that preliminary design work would be complete by December 2018.
Fonte: ... "NewAir Force One' completes preliminary design review" ...

... ... "Air Force consolidates life cycle management of Presidential and executive aircraft fleet" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 marzo 2019, 14:02

VC-25B ... sforamento ...
The cost of buying, equipping, and preparing to operate the two Boeing 747s that will become the next Air Force One presidential transport aircraft is now pegged at $5.3 billion, nearly one-third more than the figure routinely touted by the White House, according to Air Force officials and Pentagon budget documents.
The projected price tag — included in the Pentagon’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal — marks the first time the Defense Department has provided a total cost estimate for the project.
It includes not only the cost of the planes themselves, but also work to build a new hangar complex at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland and other administrative, engineering, and development work.
L'articolo ... ... "Air Force One: New Estimate Bumps Total Cost By Nearly One-Third" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 giugno 2019, 23:16

Il nuovo Air Force One ...
Al Presidente piacerebbe vederlo pittàto così ...

President Donald Trump unveiled his plan for the livery of the next Air Force One during a June 13 television interview, though the new paint scheme may require Congressional approval.
During an interview with ABC News, Trump showed a piece of paper with the proposed redesigned paint scheme for the next Air Force One.
Unlike the white, blues, and chrome livery of the current VC-25A, the VC-25B would be blue on its bottom, with a red strike and a white top half.
... ... "Trump Displays Proposed Paint Job for Next Air Force One" ...


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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 luglio 2019, 10:51


C'era una volta ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 agosto 2019, 9:53

5.2 miliardi di Dollari ...

... ... "New Pentagon Report Pegs Air Force One Cost at $5.2 Billion" ...


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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 marzo 2020, 10:54

VC-25B ... partono i lavori di modifica ...
The first 747-8 aircraft has begun the modification process to become a VC-25B, or the next Air Force One.
The aircraft, which were originally bought by a Russian airline but never delivered, were ferried to a Boeing modification facility in San Antonio, Texas, from a “boneyard” in California in spring 2019.
The modification work began on Feb. 25.
Since arriving at the Boeing facility, the company prepared the aircraft by removing commercial interiors, engines, auxiliary power units, and other system components ...

... ... "First New Air Force One Begins Modification Process" ...

Anche qui ... ... "Boeing starts ‘Air Force One’ modifications of 747-8" ...


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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 marzo 2020, 10:33

Anche su KEY.AERO ...
The US Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) has announced that the first of two Boeing 747-8s to be modified to VC-25B standard to become a new “Air Force One”, has begun.
The announcement came via a press release (*) on March 11, which detailed that work began on the first aircraft on February 25.
The USAF’s VC-25B programme is being managed by the AFLCMC’s Presidential and Executive Airlift Directorate, with Boeing conducting the work at its modification facility in San Antonio, Texas.


(*) ... ... "VC-25B begins modification to create the next Air Force One" ...


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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 aprile 2020, 9:22

Nonostante la pandemia ... :nurse:
The effort to replace Air Force One is moving along smoothly despite the new coronavirus, and has essentially completed a key design milestone, USAF acquisition boss Will Roper said April 16.
Program officials held the critical design review online rather than coming together in person during the pandemic, a practice that Roper touted as an easy and efficient model for the future.
He’s a fan of having participants raise their digital hand during a livestream to line up for questions.
“I don’t think we’re going to go back to people [temporary duty traveling] and sitting in large conference rooms,” he said.
“I don’t know if it makes any sense to do CDRs, at least at an unclass[ified] level, outside of tools like this.”

... ... "New Air Force One Moving Forward Despite Pandemic" ...

Anche qui ... ... "Air Force One is set to finish critical design review" ...

E qui ... ... "A key milestone of the Air Force One replacement program was conducted using virtual tools. It won’t be the last." ...


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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 aprile 2020, 15:40

Il programma va avanti ... però ...
Boeing will have to pay $168 million out of pocket to cover increased costs on the VC-25B Air Force One replacement program, the company said Wednesday.
Boeing attributed the overrun to “engineering inefficiencies” caused by the impact of COVID-19, but Chief Financial Officer Greg Smith said the program remains on schedule with a projected delivery of the first VC-25B in 2024.
However, Boeing’s quarterly report to the Security and Exchange Commission noted future risk to the program’s cost and schedule as a result of the engineering challenges.
“We believe these inefficiencies will result in staffing challenges, schedule inefficiencies and higher costs in the upcoming phases of the program,” the company stated in the report.

... ... "The new Air Force One just racked up its first cost overrun" ...

Anche qui ... ... "COVID-19 Impacts Air Force One Replacement Bottom Line" ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 giugno 2020, 23:13

"Columbine II" ... il primo Air Force One ...

... ... ... 180974937/ ...


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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 gennaio 2021, 16:02

La scelta della livrea del nuovo Air Force One non appare ancora nella lista delle urgenze del Presidente Biden ...
Want to know what the next Air Force One Will look like?
You’ll have to wait.
Deciding on the color scheme for the VC-25B, which is under development to replace the current VC-25As that serve as Air Force One, is not on the immediate to-do list for President Joe Biden, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a Jan. 22 briefing.
Former President Donald J. Trump in June 2019 displayed a proposed new livery for the next Air Force One, which would replace the famous white, gold, and light blue with a red, white, and blue scheme.
“The President has not spent a moment thinking about the color scheme of Air Force One,” Psaki said, adding that,
“Certainly, we’re aware of the proposal.”

... ... New Paint Job for Air Force One Not on Biden’s To-Do List, Yet


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 maggio 2021, 0:43

VC-25B ... ancora ritardi ... ed altre cose ...
Boeing will be late to deliver the two new Air Force One planes currently under construction, the U.S. Air Force’s top uniformed acquisition official said Thursday.
Last month, Boeing reported a $318 million charge on the VC-25B program to turn two Boeing 747s into new presidential aircraft, which are given the call sign “Air Force One” when the commander in chief is onboard.
The charges occurred just weeks after Boeing canceled its contract with GDC Technics, a Texas-based company contracted to supply VC-25B interiors, for falling more than a year behind schedule.
GDC later countersued Boeing, alleging that Boeing was responsible for the delays.
Ultimately the Air Force is still analyzing the full impact of the dispute on the program’s schedule, said Lt. Gen. Duke Richardson, the military deputy for the Air Force’s acquisition, technology and logistics enterprise.
“I think we’re definitely expecting an impact; the extent of it is not yet known,” he told attendees at the McAleese & Associates conference.

defensenews.comUnclear when Boeing will deliver new Air Force One planes, says Air Force general


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 giugno 2021, 0:29

Boeing propone un ulteriore slittamento ... ma l'USAF potrebbe non essere d'accordo ...
The existing VC-25As, known as Air Force One when the President is on board, may have to undergo another maintenance cycle, requiring Air Mobility Command to take funding from other requirements, as the replacement program faces a possible schedule delay.
Boeing presented the Air Force with a revised schedule for the production of the VC-25B, which would push back the delivery of the first aircraft by one year to 2025.
Darlene Costello, the acting assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, said during a June 9 House Armed Services seapower and projection forces subcommittee hearing that the Air Force is reviewing this schedule and will make a decision on it by September.
“Boeing has proposed, or informed, us that they believe they will be about 12 months beyond their original schedule. That doesn’t mean that we agree with that yet,” she said.

airforcemag.comAir Force One Replacement Delay Could Mean More Maintenance for Existing Planes

Anche qui … defensenews.comDelivery of new Air Force One planes could be delayed until 2025


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2022, 21:31

Ulteriore ritardo nella consegna del primo VC-125B ... si slitta al 2026 ...
The next Air Force One will be further delayed, with delivery of the first aircraft from Boeing now expected in 2026 as the company deals with supplier issues, pandemic-related problems and a contract that limits how the service can speed up the process.
“We’ve had some schedule slips because of supply chain issues and because of various factors,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said during an interview at the Farnborough International Air Show here.
“So I think, like several other programs, Boeing’s in a loss position and they’re doing the best they can to make up lost ground and recover.”
The delivery of the first VC-25B, a converted used Boeing 747-800, previously expected in 2024.
On June 28, William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, approved the new schedule baseline with the first delivery planned for September 2026 - a 24-month delay from the original contractual date.
The second aircraft would be delivered in September 2027 - a 36-month delay.
The deliveries have “threshold dates,” meaning the latest they can be delivered without breaking the contract, of September 2027 for the first aircraft and February 2028 for the second.
aviationweek.comNew Air Force One Delayed Again With First Delivery Set For 2026


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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da Maxx » 20 febbraio 2023, 11:22

Biden è a Kiev. Qualche giorni fa ho visto su FR24 una delle macchine deputate a trasportare POTUS in volo dalla Polonia (mi pare) verso Occidente, non era segnata la destinazione.

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Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 marzo 2023, 9:32

Il Presidente Biden ha deciso di rinunciare allo schema di tinteggiatura voluto dal suo predecessore Trump per il nuovo Air Force One ...
The U.S. Air Force's two future VC-25B presidential aircraft will wear a paint scheme more in line with the iconic ones on the existing VC-25A Air Force Ones.
President Joe Biden's decision on the paint job reverses one made by his predecessor, Donald Trump, which would have seen the aircraft wear an entirely new red, white, and blue livery.
The Secretary of the Air Force's Public Affairs Office announced the decision on the VC-25B's paint job today and provided specifics on how it differs from the VC-25A's scheme.
The current Air Force One livery dates back to President John F. Kennedy's administration.
The core scheme was created by the legendary designer Raymond Loewy at the urging of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Dumps Trump’s Air Force One Paint Job For Iconic Design

Anche qui … defensenews.comBiden drops Trump design for new Air Force One


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Air Force One

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 ottobre 2023, 18:04

Un nuovo addebito spinge le perdite dell’Air Force One di Boeing a 1,3 miliardi di dollari ...

airandspaceforces.comNew Charge Pushes Boeing’s Air Force One Losses to $1.3 Billion

:scratch: 🇺🇸 :-k
