CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 ottobre 2012, 14:31

Ancora ritardi nel controverso programma destinato a fornire alle forze armate canadesi un nuovo elicottero navale in sostituzione degli ormai decrepiti "Sea King" .....
No resolution in sight for Canada's Sikorsky Cyclone saga .....

By: Dominic Perry (London - 46 minutes ago)
Source: Flight International

Canada's long-running CH-148 Cyclone maritime helicopter procurement saga - which could leave prime contractor Sikorsky liable to pay compensation totalling almost C$90 million ($91 million) - looks no closer to resolution.

Although a fourth helicopter in an interim configuration recently arrived at the Royal Canadian Air Force's 12 Wing Shearwater base in Nova Scotia, there is still no delivery date set for its initial batch of six aircraft.

Ottawa had originally stipulated that the interim rotorcraft should arrive in 2008, but delays forced this date back to November 2010, with fully compliant Cyclones intended to arrive from June 2012.

In its most recent update on the programme, Canada's Department of National Defence said that six interim aircraft would be delivered by the end of this year.

But in a third-quarter earnings call on 23 October, Greg Hayes, chief financial officer of Sikorsky parent company United Technologies, admitted that problems remain with the contract.

The company is "well on its way" to completing the respective five and 19 helicopters it had planned to deliver in 2012 and 2013, says Hayes, but significant stumbling blocks remain to their acceptance.

"Until we have an agreement with the Canadian government in terms of the final configuration and an interim configuration, we really can't ship anything. We need to continue to work with the Canadians to find a win-win here."

Ottawa's procurement body, Public Works and Government Services Canada, says it will only "take delivery of an interim aircraft when the related contractual requirements are met." It says that Sikorsky is so far liable for compensation of C$8 million due to the delay to the interim helicopters. A further sum, rising to a maximum of C$80.5 million, will be payable for late delivery of helicopters in the final configuration.

"Senior government officials are meeting with Sikorsky leadership regularly to review progress. Sikorsky has reconfirmed its commitment to deliver helicopters at no additional cost to the Crown," it says.

To date, 10 air force technicians from Shearwater have received servicing-level maintenance training for the S-92-derived Cyclone, says the service, but pilot training has yet to commence.

The maritime helicopter programme has been running since 2004, when Canada ordered 28 CH-148s in a deal worth C$5 billion, including a support package.
E meno male che il governo canadese aveva cancellato nel 1993 un cospicuo ordine di 50 EH-101 ..... pagando poi le relative penali ..... ... der-19396/


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 maggio 2014, 15:44

La sventurata saga dell'elicottero navale canadese ..... dopo anni di alti e bassi (ma, oserei dire, più bassi che alti) ..... sembra proprio avviarsi verso l'infinito .....


"Sikorsky losses grow on CH-148 contract" ..... ... ct-398457/

Ma ..... dico ..... ci sarà mai qualcuno che, in Canada, sta mordendosi le mani per aver cancellato, a suo tempo, la commessa degli EH-101 ?


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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 giugno 2014, 23:13

Ultime dal paese delle Giubbe Rosse .....
Cyclone Program Revamped .....
Fonte ..... Aviation Week & Space Technology - June 23, 2014

Sikorsky plans to deliver at least six operationally capable CH-148 Cyclone maritime helicopters by June 2015 to allow Canada to begin replacing its aging CH-124 Sea Kings, under amended contracts signed after lengthy renegotiations on the much-delayed program.
The manufacturer has agreed to handing over Cyclones in Block 1 configuration within a year and begin delivering fully capable Block helicopters by June 2018.
“We hope to beat that,” says Sikorsky President Mick Maurer.
When Sikorsky won the competition in November 2004 to produce and support 28 maritime helicopters, deliveries were scheduled to begin in November 2008.
Development problems, principally with the mission system, delayed delivery.
Under the amended contracts, procurement cost for the 28 helicopters is unchanged at C$1.9 billion ($1.83 billion).
But the associated in-service support contract, originally valued at C$3.2 billion for 20 years to 2028, has been extended to 2038 and increased to C$5.4 billion.
Under a principles of agreement signed in January, Sikorsky will carry the cost of completing development of the Cyclone.
Parent company United Technologies says it will now record $850 million in sales on the program and take a $440 million second-quarter charge to cover cumulative costs.
Non ci resta che rimanere 'in fiduciosa attesa' che quanto annunciato sopra si verifichi ..... :mrgreen:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 giugno 2014, 10:28

Da 'Flight International' .....
Canada and Sikorsky have finally agreed the contract amendments required to allow the acquisition and support of the country's serially delayed CH-148 Cyclone maritime helicopters.
However, under the terms of the modified agreement the Royal Canadian Air Force will not receive a fully capable rotorcraft before 2018 – 10 years later than originally planned.
L'articolo ..... "Canada and Sikorsky agree new Cyclone deal" ..... ... al-400648/

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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da giragyro » 23 giugno 2014, 10:11

solo 10 anni di ritardo....tutto il mondo è paese dai .
Argo riconobbe Ulisse, Penelope no.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 giugno 2014, 14:48

giragyro ha scritto:solo 10 anni di ritardo....tutto il mondo è paese dai.
:dontknow: ..... Che ti devo dire?
Pur essendo un elicottero che ha avuto un lusinghiero successo in campo civile (assistenza ai campi petroliferi in alto mare) ..... in campo militare l'unico 'successo' che è riuscito a riscuotere è quello canadese ..... con i risultati che sono ora sotto gli occhi di tutti.
E' stato recentemente selezionato quale futuro 'Marine One' per il Presidente USA (dopo essere stato sconfitto anni fa in un'analoga e ben nota, nonché sventurata, competizione dallo EH-101 di AgustaWestland) grazie ai magheggi di Casa Bianca e annesse lobbies ..... con un concorso dal quale gli altri concorrenti si sono dovuti ritirare in quanto era stato tagliato su misura per Sikorsky.
Senza contare che non ha possibilità di ulteriori sviluppi poiché era già di per sé stesso un'evoluzione del vecchio progetto H-60 ..... ... 200714.PDF

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 maggio 2015, 8:27

Era un po' di tempo che non si vedevano notizie sul controverso programma canadese ..... ora il settimanale francese 'Air & Cosmos' provvede ad aggiornarci .....

Selon la presse canadienne, les forces armées locales devraient réceptionner leur premier hélicoptère CH-148 Cyclone opérationnel au mois de juin 2015.
La fin d'un interminable feuilleton ?
"Le bout du tunnel pour le CH-148 ?" ..... ... -le-ch-148

Tutto a posto dunque ?
Non proprio ..... perché, secondo fonti di stampa canadesi, si tratta di macchine che, in base all'ultima revisione del contratto, non sono ancora in grado di espletare pienamente le loro funzioni in quanto la piena operatività non verrebbe raggiunta prima del 2018 .....
National Defence says Sikorsky aircraft will be accepted with enough capabilities to allow for the retirement of the 50-year-old Sea King helicopters in 2015.
But this milestone will kick off a new program to enhance the Cyclones so that they are fully capable, beginning in 2018.
"Cyclone choppers to land starting in June — feds" ..... ... 80%94-feds

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 giugno 2015, 15:32

E intanto ..... cosa ne fa il Canada dei 9 VH-71A (ex-presidenziali USA) che aveva tempo addietro acquistato a prezzi di rottamazione con lo scopo di ricavarne pezzi di ricambio per i propri 'Cormorant' ?

Intenderebbe rimetterli in sesto e renderli operativi nel ruolo SAR .....
The Royal Canadian Air Force has started looking at a midlife upgrade for its search-and-rescue helicopter fleet that could see the former US presidential helicopters brought into service in Canada.
Canada bought the nine presidential VH-71 helicopters from the US in 2011 to be used for parts for its own AgustaWestland Cormorant search-and-rescue helicopters.
But seven of the VH-71s are airworthy, and Canada is now exploring whether they could be modified to take on search-and-rescue roles.
AgustaWestland has submitted a proposal to the Canadian government to do the conversion work, said Jeremy Tracy, who oversees the firm's government activities in Canada.
The Cormorants and VH-71s are variants of AgustaWestland's EH-101.
Fonte ..... "Canada May Adapt VH-71s for Search and Rescue" ..... ... /28741911/

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 giugno 2015, 20:50

Alleluia !!!!!

The Royal Canadian Air Force has accepted delivery of its first six Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone maritime patrol helicopters, marking a major step forward for the Sea King replacement programme that has a “torturous history”.
Two more helicopters are due to arrive at the Shearwater operating base in Nova Scotia this December, and the full tranche of 28 Cyclones will be in place by 2021, Canadian defence minister Jason Kenney said at a ceremony 19 June.
The first six choppers arrive amid a hurricane of displeasure in Canada over the handling of the various Sea King replacement efforts, the latest of which – the Cyclone programme – started in 2004 but was beset by technical issues, delays, cost growth and contract revisions.
Fonte ..... "Canada accepts first six Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclones" ..... ... es-413896/

Fonte ufficiale ..... "Canada accepts six CH-148 Cyclone Helicopters" .....


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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 giugno 2015, 10:42

Ma ..... credevate veramente che sarebbe filato tutto liscio ?
Sikorksy Aircraft has begun delivering the first of its new Cyclone maritime helicopters to Canada, but the aircrafts' engines aren't capable of fully meeting the requirements.
The helicopters being delivered under the CAN $5.7 billion program (US $5.4 billion) will need to be upgraded over the next three to six years. The upgrades will include electronic systems and engines.
Fonte ..... "Canada's Newest Copter Needs Engine Upgrade" ..... ... /29219123/

Quando penso che in un futuro abbastanza prossimo il Canada dovrà scegliere il suo nuovo pattugliatore marittimo in una competizione alla quale parteciperà anche il C-27J ..... mi prendono gli attacchi di panico .....


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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 marzo 2017, 9:59

E' da parecchio tempo che questa discussione non viene aggiornata .....
Ho trovato in rete questo articolo, in verità non molto recente, di fonte canadese ..... il cui contenuto è assai eloquente .....

..... Cyclone helicopters to reach full operating capability in 2025: DND .....

Mancano dunque ancora ben otto anni per il raggiungimento della piena capacità operativa .....
..... ... .....


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 aprile 2017, 10:51

Pochi giorni fa è venuto alla luce un incidente, avvenuto nello scorso Marzo, che ha coinvolto uno dei CH-148 già consegnati alla RCAF .....

CBCnews ..... "Air force grounds Cyclone helicopters after training incident" .....

CTVNEWS ..... "Air force grounds Cyclone military helicopter fleet after issue during descent" .....

Cosa dicono dunque le ultime notizie?
Che, a quaranta giorni dal fatto, non sono ancora riusciti a determinarne le cause e ... continuano a grattarsi la testa .....
The Royal Canadian Air Force and Sikorsky appear no closer to finding the root cause of a failure with a flight control computer that has left its fleet of CH-148 Cyclone maritime patrol helicopters grounded since 10 March.
Fonte: Flightglobal ..... "Sikorsky and RCAF no closer to finding fault on Cyclones" .....


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 giugno 2017, 20:55

Sono passati altri due mesi e .....
Canada’s fleet of Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone helicopters have returned to limited flying following a two-month grounding, after a software issue was detected with the aircraft’s flight control computers.
An investigation by the manufacturer found the software problem affects all the Cyclone aircraft.
An update to eliminate the issue will be in place before Block 2 deliveries begin, says Sikorsky, but the firm, fixed-price contract covering the programme ensures that no costs will be borne by the customer.
The software issue will cause a one-month delay for aircraft training, but the Royal Canadian Air Force expects initial operational capability for the CH-148 will remain on schedule for April 2018.
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "Canada's Cyclone helicopters return to limited flying" .....


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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 gennaio 2018, 23:47

Eccone una nuova !!!

La 'palla' del sonar, fuoriuscendo leggermente dal fondo della fusoliera dell' elicottero, interferisce con le operazioni di appontaggio sulle navi .....
Testing of some of Canada’s new navy helicopters has hit a snag.
The Canadian Forces says a sonar system used by some CH-148 Cyclones must be removed before the helicopters are allowed to land on ships.
The military said in an email that the sonars risk being bumped by a landing system that tethers the helicopter to the ship.
The sonar system, which is typically lowered into the water for use, protrudes slightly from the bottom of the helicopter after it has been reeled into the fuselage.
“The protrusion from the base of the helicopter introduces a risk of the sonar striking the C-RAST (landing system) during a ship landing,” wrote Maj. Holly-Anne Brown.
“Due to this interference, the … aircraft is not cleared to conduct embarked operations with the sonar installed.”
Fonte: ..... "Cyclone problem: Sonar snafu a challenge for Canada’s new navy helicopters" .....

Anche qui ..... ..... "East Coast Sea Kings set to retire, but replacements face growing pains" .....

Indubbiamente si tratta dell' ennesimo 'trionfo' dell' ineffabile duo LM-Sikorsky in questo interminabile affaire dai contorni ormai paradossali .....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 gennaio 2018, 14:54

A margine dello specifico argomento trattato nella discussione .....
Mamma Lockheed ..... ci prova ..... :scratch:
Lockheed Martin Corp. is asking the Pentagon for $212 million toward restructuring costs for its $9 billion acquisition of Sikorsky Aircraft, saying the purchase will save taxpayers $8 in efficiencies for every $1 spent, as a defense agency questions whether the deal is eligible.
Defense Department agencies are auditing the claim, which would be applied to contracts with Lockheed’s Rotary and Mission Systems unit over the next five years.
Lockheed, the biggest U.S. government contractor, acquired helicopter maker Sikorsky from United Technologies Corp. in 2015.
“It’s not a deal per se, but it is the first merger-related issue the new administration has to address,” said Byron Callan, a defense business analyst for Capital Alpha Partners LLC.
Pentagon regulations provide for reimbursing restructuring costs if projected savings exceed $2 on every $1 spent.
But the Defense Contract Management Agency has said Lockheed’s “rationale for proposed savings does not appear to meet” the required “definition of external restructuring activities.”
Fonte: ..... "Lockheed Wants Pentagon to Help Pay Its Costs to Absorb Sikorsky" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 febbraio 2018, 9:10

Intanto ..... i Sea King della Costa Orientale sono andati finalmente in pensione .....
Canada's fleet of geriatric Sea King military helicopters has finally reached its long overdue retirement on the East Coast, and the Royal Canadian Air Force is making sure the venerable, snub-nosed workhorse gets a proper send-off after 54 years of service.
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
"We are now downing tools on Sea King operations on the East Coast so we can put our full efforts into transitioning aircrew and technicians to the new Cyclone," said Col. Sid Connor, wing commander at 12 Wing Shearwater.
"It's bittersweet for the technicians and aircrew here at 12 Wing."
Dovranno però passare ancora alcuni mesi prima che almeno un CH-148 possa essere considerato 'completamente operativo' ed altri tre anni affinché venga raggiunta la piena disponibilità di tutte le nuove macchine ... sempre che non sorgano ulteriori 'imprevisti' .....
The first "interim" CH-148 Cyclone arrived at Shearwater in May 2011.
But that model was for ground-based training only.
Connor said the Royal Canadian Air Force now has eight Cyclones.
He said he expects to have one fully operational within the next six months.
The remainder of the helicopters are expected to be fully operational by 2021.
Fonte: ..... "East Coast says farewell to the Sea King, Canada's Cold War workhorse" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 maggio 2018, 9:54

I problemi col sonar imbarcato ..... e cosa pensano di fare per risolverli .....
Back in December the Canadian Press news agency had a story revealing a new series of problems affecting the RCAF’s new maritime helicopter, the CH-148 Cyclone, and its sonar system.
The article outlined how the sonar system used by some CH-148 Cyclones must be removed before the helicopters are allowed to land on ships.
The RCAF has provided additional information to Defence Watch about what caused the problems and what is being done about those issues .....
Fonte: ..... "Attempt to improve Cyclone helicopter caused problems related to sonar equipment" .....

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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 maggio 2018, 0:35

Tu chiamala se vuoi .....

Sikorsky plans to offer Canada its S-92 civilian helicopter for the Royal Canadian Air Force’s search and rescue operations, hoping to make a case that it’s cheaper to buy new rather than upgrade the existing fleet of Leonardo’s Cormorant rotary aircraft.
The Royal Canadian Air Force is currently introducing into service the Cyclone maritime helicopter, a military variant of Sikorsky’s S-92.
It also operates a fleet of 14 Cormorants for search and rescue.
That helicopter, a variant of the EH-101, is built by Leonardo, formerly AgustaWestland.
The service is now working on a project to modernize its search and rescue fleet, but it has yet to decide whether to buy new aircraft or upgrade the Cormorants.
Depending on its decision, the cost of the project would range from CA$500 million to CA$1.5 billion (U.S. $391 million to U.S. $1.2 billion)
Fonte: ... "Sikorsky’s pitch for Canada: Our new helos are cheaper than upgrading yours" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 maggio 2018, 10:15

E, udite udite, si sono beccati pure un riconoscimento internazionale ..... :shock: :wohow: #-o
AHS International has recognized Canada's Department of National Defence (DND) and Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, for "conducting an extraordinary international effort" to demonstrate flight and shipboard operation of the CH-148 Cyclone maritime helicopter from a Royal Canadian Navy Halifax-class frigate.
The award cites successful expansion of the flight envelop to Sea State 6 conditions, where waves reached a height of six meters (20 feet) with winds up to 55 knots (100 km/hour or 63 mph).
On May 16, 2018, representatives from the Canadian Maritime Helicopter Project (CMHP) Combined Test Force accepted the Leonardo International Fellowship Award during AHS International's annual forum.
The award recognizes significant contributions to international vertical flight cooperation.


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 maggio 2018, 0:37

richelieu ha scritto:Tu chiamala se vuoi .....

Sikorsky plans to offer Canada its S-92 civilian helicopter for the Royal Canadian Air Force’s search and rescue operations, hoping to make a case that it’s cheaper to buy new rather than upgrade the existing fleet of Leonardo’s Cormorant rotary aircraft.
The Royal Canadian Air Force is currently introducing into service the Cyclone maritime helicopter, a military variant of Sikorsky’s S-92.
It also operates a fleet of 14 Cormorants for search and rescue.
That helicopter, a variant of the EH-101, is built by Leonardo, formerly AgustaWestland.
The service is now working on a project to modernize its search and rescue fleet, but it has yet to decide whether to buy new aircraft or upgrade the Cormorants.
Depending on its decision, the cost of the project would range from CA$500 million to CA$1.5 billion (U.S. $391 million to U.S. $1.2 billion)

Fonte: ... "Sikorsky’s pitch for Canada: Our new helos are cheaper than upgrading yours" ...

Una volta tanto, alla faccia di LM, i Canadesi hanno preso una saggia decisione ..... :wohow:
The Canadian government will begin negotiations with Leonardo for a modernization program for search and rescue helicopters, undercutting a competing effort by Sikorsky.
Leonardo will be awarded a sole-source contract to upgrade 14 CH-149 Cormorant helicopters, which will cost the government more than $1 billion, Canada announced Thursday.
The aircraft have been operated by the Royal Canadian Air Force for search and rescue missions since the year 2000.
AgustaWestland, a subsidiary of Leonardo, originally built the helicopters.
Fonte: ..... "Canadian award to Leonardo undercuts Sikorsky’s helo offer" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 maggio 2018, 9:42

Il comunicato di Leonardo in merito al prossimo aggiornamento dei 'Cormorant' canadesi .....

..... ... rade-fleet .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 giugno 2018, 8:45

Anche FlightGlobal tratta l' argomento ......
Interessante questo passaggio .....
A proposal to add up to seven additional Cormorants could be achieved by producing new aircraft, or potentially adapting surplus aircraft acquired via the USA following the cancellation of its VH-71 presidential helicopter programme.
..... ... et-449112/ .....

Ulteriori dettagli in quest' altro articolo .....

..... ... e-contract .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 maggio 2019, 10:25

Qualche aggiornamento ... dopo alcuni mesi ...

La fonte è ... ...

... "VIEWPOINT: Sergei Sikorsky on Canada’s Sea King Legacy" ...

... "Canadian CH-148 Cyclone Deployed in Counter-Drug Operation in Mid-East" ...

Dopo tanti anni di problemi, rinvii e polemiche varie ... a quanto pare il programma comincia a marciare ...
The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) CH-148 Cyclones by Sikorsky significantly improve upon the surveillance area of the Sikorsky CH-124 Sea Kings, which the RCAF retired late last year, according to RCAF Col. Sid Connor, commander of 12 Wing in Shearwater, Nova Scotia.
"We can see 10 times farther underwater, and the Cyclone's radar and ESM (electronic warfare support measures) capabilities give us a chance to do above water surveillance 10 times greater than before," he said.
"The Cyclone can identify contacts for the ship captain. On any given flight, the area you are able to pick up, whether that's identifying narcotics trafficking or unidentified smaller vessels, is 10 times greater, or 100 times as much area."
Two Cyclones are deployed — one aboard the Royal Canadian Navy's Halifax-class frigate, HMCS Regina, in the Middle East, to support Operation Artemis, the Canadian portion of CTF 150 — a multi-nation effort to battle terrorists and illicit flows of drugs, weapons, and people.
The other deployed CH-148 is aboard the HMCS Toronto, in the Black Sea in support of Operation Reassurance — the Canadian contingent of NATO European deterrence efforts in Central and Eastern Europe.
... "CH-148 Cyclones Significantly Expand Surveillance Area, RCAF Says" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 agosto 2019, 15:29

Intanto ... Sikorsky (LM) sfonda in Brasile ...

... ... ... -b-460251/ ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 agosto 2019, 15:15

Intanto ... a proposito del previsto aggiornamento dei 'Cormorant' canadesi ...
Si procede ...
The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) is expanding and modernizing its CH-149 Cormorant search and rescue (SAR) helicopter fleet, Defence Minister Harjit S. Sajjan announced in Comox, British Columbia.
Through the investments announced, the fleet will receive at least two additional helicopters and be upgraded to extend its life to at least 2042 through the Cormorant Mid-Life Upgrade (CMLU) project valued at up to $1.39 billion.
With the CMLU project, the CH-149s (Canadian Forces designation for the AgustaWestland AW101) will be upgraded to the AW101-612 design which is the helicopter model recently procured by Norway for their search and rescue missions.
The upgrades include modernized engines, glass cockpit display system, navigation, communication and a digital automatic flight control system; improved sensor capability and synthetic training solutions and more.
Using an already established configuration accelerates the project considerably.
The CMLU project will be conducted by a team led by Leonardo and comprising of IMP Aerospace and Defence, CAE, GE Canada, Collins Aerospace and other smaller Canadian suppliers.
The project is currently in its definition phase, the implementation is planned for 2020, and the delivery of the first upgraded Cormorant expected in 2022.
... ... "Canada to Expand and Modernize Its CH-149 Cormorant Search and Rescue Helicopter Fleet" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 settembre 2019, 21:11

richelieu ha scritto:Intanto ... a proposito del previsto aggiornamento dei 'Cormorant' canadesi ...
Si procede ...

... ... "Canada to Expand and Modernize Its CH-149 Cormorant Search and Rescue Helicopter Fleet" ...
E Leonardo se ne compiace ... =D>

... "Leonardo e il Team Cormorant accolgono con favore l’impegno assunto dal Governo del Canada per l’ammodernamento e l’espansione della flotta di elicotteri da ricerca e soccorso Cormorant" ...

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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 aprile 2020, 0:23

Ne hanno perso uno al largo della Grecia ... :(

... ... ...

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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 maggio 2020, 15:54

Gli operatori che utilizzano lo S-92 per i collegamenti con le piattaforme petrolifere attendono con ansia i risultati dell'inchiesta sulla recente perdita di un esemplare della sua versione militare ...
Offshore helicopter operators will be waiting nervously for the outcome of investigations into the crash of a military helicopter off the coast of Greece in which six Canadian personnel were killed.
The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone anti-submarine warfare helicopter came down in good weather in the Mediterranean Sea on 29 April where it was operating as part of a NATO mission, killing all six on board.
Both the cockpit- and flight-data recorders have been recovered, but no details of the accident have been released.
Although the RCAF has “paused” operations with the type, this is a typical response under the circumstances.
However, commercial operators will be watching the situation with trepidation as the CH-148 is a military derivative of Sikorsky’s S-92 – a mainstay of the offshore transportation segment.

... ... "Offshore helicopter firms await outcome of CH-148 crash investigation" ...

All'estensore dell'articolo è probabilmente sfuggito il fatto che c'è qualcun altro che dovrebbe preoccuparsi per questo incidente ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 giugno 2020, 8:42

Il Governo del Canada comunica ...
The Commander of 1 Canadian Air Division, Lieutenant-General Alain Pelletier, has lifted the operational pause on the CH-148 Cyclone maritime helicopter fleet.
The return to flying operations follows a thorough risk assessment that outlined mitigation measures to ensure aircrews understand the conditions that led to the crash and how to avoid or resolve them.

... ... "Operational pause of CH-148 Cyclone fleet lifted" ...

Inoltre ... ... "CH148822 Cyclone - From the Investigator" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 dicembre 2021, 10:31

Avanti indré, avanti indré, che bel divertimento ... :lol:
Ovvero ... un pò di tempo in volo ... un pò di tempo a terra ...
La CBC News ha dato notizia che buona parte degli elicotteri Sikorsky (Lockheed Martin) CH-148 Cyclone in servizio con la RCAF è stata messa a terra a causa di crepe riscontrate nella trave di coda.
Almeno l’82% dell’intera linea è stata messa a terra a seguito del problema, praticamente 19 elicotteri su 23 elicotteri disponibili.
Il Canada ha ordinato 28 CH-148 Cyclone per operazioni anti sommergibile, pattugliamento, ricerca e soccorso nonché supporto alle Forze Speciali. I primi esemplari sono affluiti ai reparti a partire dal 2015.

aresdifesa.itGran parte della flotta di CH-148 Cyclone canadesi messa a terra per crepe

Anche qui … cbc.caMost RCAF Cyclone helicopters undergoing repairs after cracks discovered

E qui … cbc.caCracks in tails of RCAF Cyclone helicopters raise 'serious concerns,' says expert

In fin dei conti i Canadesi se lo meritano ...
Prima avevano acquistato alcune decine di AW EH-101 cancellando poi l'ordine della versione antinave/antisom e indicendo, successivamente, un nuovo concorso vinto da LM/Sikorsky che presentava questo elicottero che altro non è che un Black Hawk ingrandito.
Lo stesso discorso vale anche per gli Americani che, preferendo la versione VH-92 al VH-71 di AW (Grazie, Presidentissimo Obama e grazie Senatore McCain (R.i.P.) per avergli dato lo spunto per cancellare il programma VH-71!!!) si trovano ora a fronteggiare una bella serie di problemi ... Marine One Helicopter Is Struggling To Meet Requirements For Emergency Missions

stripes.comPresident’s new helicopter hits setback: It’s unreliable in a crisis, says Pentagon report


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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 7 dicembre 2021, 21:40

Sono anni che scrivo una volta ogni tanto che Lockheed Martin sta azzerando la "biodiversità" nell'industria aeronautica statunitense...

..a fare l'asso pigliatutto mettendo sempre nell'angolo la concorrenza si finisce per peggiorare per mancanza di stimoli esterni la qualità...

L'aeronautica mondiale ha veramente perso qualcosa quando ha fatto flop l'ottimo, veramente ottimo progetto (altro che il DC10...) Tristar...
Ma già che sia il costosissimo ma veramente riuscito F22 che l'F35 che l'eccellente Hercules ...che mo' pure il Marine One "debbano" essere "un po' per forza" che è che non è usciti dalla filiera LM non va bene.

North American, Grunman, Boeing, Consolidated, Douglas, Bell, Sikorsky, Chance Vought, Republic, Curtiss, Northrop... la grandezza dell'industria americana nel loro "secolo americano" è stata basata anche sulla "biodiversità" ingegneristica che sulla base della vera libera concorrenza stimolò sperimentazioni e levate di ingegno senza pari... quando il lobbismo passa sopra tutto questo e trova la via più breve per diventare molto probabilmente il vincitore d'ogni commessa, poi ci si ritrova sul lungo periodo indietro senza nemmeno sapere perché.

NESSUN progetto deve diventare "too big to fail"... perché se poi poco poco non è a consuntivo adeguato alle aspettative, il botto sotto sotto lo fai grosso anche se non è che "la roba tua non funzioni"... però al contribuente non si può dire.

In Italia abbiamo assistito allo stesso processo col gruppo Fiat, che pian piano si è pappato Autobianchi, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Innocenti, Ferrari, Maserati... non è stato un bene, perché è bastato che Romiti litigasse con Ghidella e lo mettesse in condizione di andarsene in Ford che poi si è vista una "Alfa" 155 costruita su pianale Fiat Tipo...
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 febbraio 2022, 0:58

Da Flight International ...
RCAF CH-148 Cyclone tail cracks caused by electronic warfare, satellite equipment ...

By Garrett Reim - 4, February 2022

Tail cracks found on the majority of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s (RCAF) CH-148 Cyclone helicopter fleet were caused by in-flight structural loads on electronic support measures and satellite communication antenna mounts.
The RCAF found cracks in the tail section of one of its Cyclones in November during a routine maintenance inspection.
Additional inspections found cracks in 21 out of 23 aircraft in the fleet.
The service removed affected CH-148s from flight service until fixed.
Sikorsky has developed a short-term solution repairing the damage, says Canadian Department of National Defence on 31 January.
The RCAF finished repairs on 11 helicopters, with work underway on another four aircraft as of 28 January.
Each helicopter requires a unique fix using “standard aircraft metal working techniques”, says the Canadian Department of National Defence.
“Based on the repairs made to date, the RCAF is able to force generate sufficient aircraft for both expeditionary and domestic operations, including the Royal Canadian Navy deployments in late January (with HMCS Calgary and HMCS Winnipeg) and the helicopter air detachment currently embarked on HMCS Montreal for Operation Reassurance,” says the Canadian Department of National Defense.
Sikorsky is continuing to look at the problem and is working on a permanent fix.
“We expect further information on the longer-term solution in the next month or so,” says the Canadian Department of National Defense.
“In the meantime, there is no immediate safety hazard, and we have complete confidence in the immediate solution being implemented.”
Ottawa notes that the cracked section of the tail is separate from the helicopter’s hinge and no cracking was found on the hinge or locking mechanism of the aircraft.
In December, Sikorsky told FlightGlobal that its civilian S-92A helicopter – upon which the CH-148 is based – was unaffected by the cracking issue.
The S-92A is a twin-engined medium-lift helicopter that is used widely in the oil and gas industry.
The CH-148 is used mostly for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, as well as maritime search and rescue, and overland utility missions.
RCAF plans to buy 28 examples of the Cyclone, with the final delivery to be made this year.


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Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da JT8D » 23 dicembre 2022, 19:05

Il Dipartimento della Difesa Nazionale Canadese ha assegnato a Leonardo un contratto del valore di 1 miliardo di dollari canadesi per il programma di ammodernamento ed espansione della flotta di elicotteri AW101/CH-149 SAR (Search and Rescue) “Cormorant”. ... cormorant/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 dicembre 2022, 23:48

JT8D ha scritto:
23 dicembre 2022, 19:05
Il Dipartimento della Difesa Nazionale Canadese ha assegnato a Leonardo un contratto del valore di 1 miliardo di dollari canadesi per il programma di ammodernamento ed espansione della flotta di elicotteri AW101/CH-149 SAR (Search and Rescue) “Cormorant”. ... cormorant/

Dopo il colossale pasticcio che combinarono ai tempi dell'acquisto e della successiva cancellazione del contratto degli EH-101 ... ora i Canadesi si sono finalmente resi conto del reale valore del velivolo.
Non so proprio se sia il caso di ridere o piangere ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: CH-148 Cyclone ..... la storia infinita .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 aprile 2023, 17:02

Leonardo ha assegnato a IMP Aerospace & Defence il subappalto per l'aggiornamento degli elicotteri SAR canadesi ...
Leonardo is delighted to announce that IMP Aerospace & Defence has been sub-contracted to undertake the upgrade of 13 in-service AW101/CH-149 Cormorant Search and Rescue (SAR) helicopters at its facility in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
This agreement, announced at an event on 27 April, with Canada’s Minister of Defence, the Honorable Anita Anand and government representatives from the United Kingdom and Italy, is further to the Canadian Department of National Defence contract awarded to Leonardo, through Leonardo UK LtdYeovil, on 23 December 2022, for the AW101/CH-149CormorantMid-Life Upgrade (CMLU) Project for 16 aircraft in total, which also comprises the augmentation of a further three aircraft.
edrmagazine.euLeonardo awards sub-contract to IMP Aerospace & Defence for Canadian Search and Rescue helicopters upgrade

Anche qui ... … atlantic.ctvnews.caCormorant contract: Search and rescue capabilities to be enhanced with DND funding

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