Programma T-X .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 marzo 2017, 0:17

Un' altra giornalista portata in volo sul T-50A ..... questa volta Valerie Insinna di DefenseNews .....

..... ... 0a-trainer .....

E fanno tre .....


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 marzo 2017, 9:54

Leonardo comunica che produrrà il T-100, qualora risultasse vincente nella competizione, negli Stati Uniti ... ma si riserva di rivelare successivamente la località ove questo avverrà .....
After parting ways with Raytheon, Leonardo is flying solo in the US Air Force’s T-X trainer competition but still plans to establish final assembly for the M-346 trainer derivative in the USA..
The Italian company will announce the location of the manufacturing facility soon, DRS chief executive Bill Lynn told FlightGlobal in a 9 March interview.
The T-100 will maintain the M-346’s two Honeywell F124 engines, which are manufactured in Arizona, and its CAE simulators will be built in Florida.
Sin qui niente di nuovo ... poiché la produzione 'in loco' dell'aereo è, ovviamente, uno dei requisiti principali del bando .....
L'articolo di FlightGlobal è però interessante sotto altri punti di vista ..... in quanto fornisce chiarimenti su alcuni aspetti particolari della proposta italiana .....

..... "Leonardo to manufacture T-100 in the US" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 marzo 2017, 0:34

Textron Airland ha detto ..... NO !
Textron Airland has officially decided against offering its Scorpion jet for the Air Force’s T-X trainer competition, ending speculation about whether the aircraft would emerge as a dark horse candidate.
“We certainly believe the Scorpion can fit a good training role, not only for the U.S. Air Force but around the world, but with the requirements that had been put out there for the T-X, we don’t believe the Scorpion fits all the requirements,” said Bill Harris, the company’s vice president of Scorpion jet sales.
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "Textron AirLand to forgo T-X bid with Scorpion jet" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 marzo 2017, 11:50

Moretti va all' attacco .....
The CEO of Italy’s Leonardo has denied reports that the firm’s M-346 jet is too pricey to compete in the U.S. T-X trainer contest, pointing fingers at another supplier for driving up the cost.
Leonardo’s partnership with Raytheon to pitch the Italian trainer in the T-X context broke up last month amid reports that Leonardo refused requests from the US firm to lower the aircraft’s price.
Leonardo has since replaced Raytheon with its US electronics subsidiary DRS as prime contractor on the bid.
Asked about the split with Raytheon at a press conference in Milan on Wednesday, Leonardo CEO Mauro Moretti said, “The problem with Raytheon was not (our) price, because Raytheon checked it against a U.S. benchmark and our prices were lower.”
Moretti suggested Raytheon did have a problem with conditions set down by Honeywell, which provides propulsion for the jet, which was renamed the T-100 for the bid.
“Raytheon could not get what they wanted with Honeywell on the engines,” he said.
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "Leonardo CEO: Raytheon-Honeywell impasse to blame for T-X breakup" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 marzo 2017, 17:10

Leonardo ..... l' ex AD Moretti esprime i suoi (legittimi) timori sull' esito della competizione .....
Mauro Moretti, Leonardo’s chief executive, speaking on a full-year results call, noted that as the T-X competition was the last of the air force’s big ticket acquisitions, this provided an extra competitive edge.
“It is quite reasonable to assume that whoever didn’t have a result before wants to have a result today,” he says.
However, he is concerned that political considerations will favour domestic suppliers, despite Italy’s considerable defence purchases from the USA, notably the Lockheed F-35.
“If you consider the balance of what Italy is buying in defence in the USA against what we can sell in the same market we know it is absolutely not comparable,” he says.
“I don’t know a similar situation in defence and security between two countries. I hope and think that politically it will be considered to give the best system on the market at the moment the possibility that it needs.”
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "Leonardo fears US domestic politics will scupper T-X bid" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 marzo 2017, 21:04

LM ..... pronta (e anticipata) consegna offresi .....
Lockheed Martin could deliver its T-50A training jet to the U.S. Air Force six years earlier than a clean-sheet design, saving the service some $1 billion it would otherwise spend on the current T-38 Talon, the manufacturer contends.
“Our airplane is ready now,” Rob Weiss, Lockheed Martin executive vice president, declared March 21 as the proposal deadline neared for the Air Force’s T-X advanced pilot training requirement.
The service plans to award a contract this year for engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) and production of 350 new jets and ground-based training systems, an estimated $16.3 billion acquisition.
“We believe we’ve made the right choice with an off-the-shelf aircraft that meets all the requirements at very little risk to EMD,” Weiss added.
Fonte: AINonline ..... "Lockheed Martin Says It Can Deliver T-50A Early If Needed" .....

Vogliono vincere a tutti i costi ..... e le stanno tentando tutte per riuscirci ..... alla faccia dell' ingordigia ..... :tongue1:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 marzo 2017, 0:22

Boeing ha presentato la propria offerta .....
Boeing submitted its proposal for the Air Force’s T-X advanced pilot training system on Tuesday, two days ahead of the deadline, company program manager Ted Torgerson told reporters during a company teleconference Wednesday.
The 90 days of preparation since the service released its request for proposals was “proposal hell,” Torgerson said, but all the required basic flight data, collected with the No. 1 aircraft, have been submitted, he reported.
Fonte: AFA ..... "Boeing’s In on T-X" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 marzo 2017, 10:26

Leonardo DRS ha annunciato di aver scelto la città di Tuskegee, in Alabama, quale sito destinato alla produzione del T-100 ..... nel caso riuscisse a vincere la competizione T-X .....


La notizia ..... secondo altre fonti .....

FlightGlobal ..... "Tuskegee to host Leonardo's T-100 assembly" .....

AINonline ..... "Leonardo Names Alabama Site for Assembling T-100 Jets" .....

DefenseNews ..... "Leonardo to build T-X in Alabama, killing off plans for Mississippi production facility" .....

Daily Report (AFA) ..... "Sweet Home if Leonardo Wins T-X" .....

La località, come è noto, ha anche una considerevole importanza storica ..... come ha fatto rilevare Robert Bentley, Governatore dell' Alabama, in un comunicato stampa .....


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 aprile 2017, 15:19

Ha volato il secondo esemplare del T-X di Boeing/Saab e ..... tanto per dirla alla vecchia maniera sovietica ..... "Tutto si è svolto secondo i piani prestabiliti" .....
The jet handled exactly like the first aircraft and the simulator, meeting all expectations,” says Matt Giese, Boeing test pilot for air force programmes.
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "Boeing/Saab fly second T-X test aircraft" .....

Boeing ..... "Second Boeing T-X Aircraft Takes Flight" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 aprile 2017, 9:49

L' ottimismo di Håkan Buskhe ..... Amministratore Delegato di Saab .....
Saab has made a major capital investment in its T-X partnership with Boeing over the past three years, but Buskhe says the scale of the USAF's requirement justifies its commitment.
"This will be a contract starting with 351 aircraft, and then probably another 350, and a huge global market. This will have – for us at least – a great impact over the years to come."
Buskhe remains bullish about the clean-sheet Boeing/Saab T-X platform's prospects with the USAF, and says company pilots are very happy with its performance, as a second example has recently joined the test campaign.
"From a technical perspective, I'm extremely sure that we have the best trainer system, with the latest technology," he says, adding: "We can also show that our aircraft is working very well."
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "T-X competitive field could expand, Saab suggests" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 maggio 2017, 18:05

Qualora il velivolo di Boeing & Saab riuscisse a vincere la competizione T-X ..... anche le Forze Aeree svedesi potrebbero acquistarlo per sostituire gli ormai vecchi Saab 105 ..... altrimenti .....
If Boeing and Saab’s trainer wins the U.S. Air Force’s T-X competition, the Swedish Air Force will put serious thought into buying it.
If another company nabs the contract, however, Sweden will likely opt for a much less expensive turboprop training aircraft, a Swedish Air Force official said Monday.
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
“If Saab-Boeing will not win, we will not take the aircraft that the U.S. Air Force will go for because it doesn’t make sense in that case.”
Then it would pursue a less expensive turboprop plane with a glass cockpit, like the Pilatus PC-21, he said.
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "Swedish Air Force interested in Boeing-Saab trainer jet, but probably not other T-X options" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 maggio 2017, 16:17

Qualora il velivolo di Boeing & Saab riuscisse a vincere la competizione T-X (e questo è necessario sottolinearlo sempre) ..... la sua produzione in serie avverrebbe a St. Louis .....

AFA ..... "Boeing Would Build T-X in St. Louis" .....

DefenseNews ..... "Boeing-Saab victory in T-X competition would bring work to St. Louis production line" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 maggio 2017, 17:55

Boeing parla con la stampa ..... ma evita di scendere nei dettagli ..... :mrgreen:
The Boeing-Saab offering for the U.S. Air Force’s T-X advanced jet trainer requirement is a “production relevant” aircraft, Boeing asserted this week.
The manufacturer batted down the suggestion that its clean-sheet design will take longer to deliver to the service than competing jets based on operational models.
Meeting with reporters on May 17 in St. Louis, Boeing’s T-X program manager Ted Torgerson maintained a tight grip on information about the single-engine, twin-tail, high-wing design the companies rolled out last September, declining to reveal their investment in the program, the workshare with Saab or the number of flight hours flown by now two working jets.
The T-X1 flew for the first time on December 20; the T-X2 flew on April 24.
Asked about how many flight hours the jets have accumulated, Torgerson said only: “They have flown a lot, as many as four times in a day.”
He added that Boeing has already collected what the Air Force requires for flight-test data, including time-stamped cockpit audio and video, to make the service’s June 28 deadline.
Fonte: AINonline ..... " Boeing: T-X Offering for U.S. Air Force is 'Production Relevant' " .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 giugno 2017, 17:35

Il 'Congressional Research Service' ha pubblicato, nei giorni scorsi, un documento .....

..... "Advanced Pilot Training (T-X) Program: Background and Issues for Congress" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 giugno 2017, 9:43

Recentissime da Parigi .....

FlightGlobal dedica un articolo alla competizione ..... soffermandosi in particolar modo sulla sfida in atto fra Boeing e Lockheed Martin e riservando soltanto un pugno di righe al T-100 .....

..... "PARIS: USAF trainer competition heats up" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 giugno 2017, 14:02

A margine del programma T-X .....

Very cheap and fast” ..... così gli Svedesi vorrebbero il successore del Saab 105 ...

FlightGlobal ..... "PARIS: Swedish new trainer programme moves forward" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 giugno 2017, 17:58

Leonardo .....

..... 'Siamo pronti a presentare all' USAF i dati di volo completi del T-100 entro i tempi stabiliti' .....
Leonardo DRS will submit all required flight data for its T-100 trainer offering on or before the US Air Force's 28 June deadline, with chief executive Bill Lynn describing its M-346-based solution as "low-risk, low-cost and operationally proven".
"We will have everything submitted on time, and it will be complete," Lynn said at the Paris air show on 19 June.
"We think we can make a very competitive bid."
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "PARIS: Leonardo touts operational pedigree of T-100 for T-X" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 giugno 2017, 0:04

Un sedile eiettabile per il T-X ..... la proposta di Martin-Baker .....
Martin-Baker is showing its candidate ejection seat for the US Air Force's T-X trainer for the first time at a major show, with the Mk18 design also to be the basis for offers to equip future fighters and upgrade in-service types.
Developed using the UK company's experience gained from designing and producing the US16E seat for Lockheed Martin's F-35, the new product matches the USAF's requirement to accommodate pilots with an unclothed weight of between 46.7-111kg (103-245lb).
But the lighter-weight design incorporates enhancements including updated neck protection, passive arm restraints and a rocket motor that can be rotated for pitch control during the ejection sequence.
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "PARIS: Martin-Baker shows candidate ejection seat for T-X trainer" .....

Fra l'altro .....
The USAF is expected to choose between the Boeing/Saab T-X, Leonardo DRS T-100 and Lockheed/Korea Aerospace Industries T-50A early in 2018, with 346 aircraft to be acquired as replacements for its Northrop T-38C trainers.
346 ?

Però ..... suona bene ..... 8)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 giugno 2017, 23:52

I legislatori esortano l' USAF ad accelerare .....
U.S. lawmakers have encouraged the U.S. Air Force to sustain or accelerate fielding of its T-X successor for the Northrop T-38C trainer aircraft .....
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
In its mark of the fiscal 2018 defense authorization act, the House Armed Services tactical air and land forces subcommittee makes several aerospace-related recommendations and seeks briefings from service chiefs on several hot topics.
The legislation, released June 22, will be considered by the full House Armed Services Committee as part of its defense authorization bill for fiscal 2018.
The committee takes aim the Air Force’s long-running pursuit of a replacement for the 50-year-old T-38, which has been ongoing since the mid-1990s.
The fleet has already logged an average of 16,000 flight hours per aircraft, and the future T-X trainer doesn’t hit full operational capability until 2034.
A T-X contract is expected later this year, followed by a relatively short development cycle to meet initial operational capability in 2022.
“Any delay to the program will place the Air Force’s combat readiness at risk and maintaining or accelerating the current [T-X] program schedule is required to ensure safe and effective training,” the markup states.
Fonte: Aerospace Daily & Defense Report/AW&ST ..... "House Lawmakers Back T-X Acceleration, Analysis Of MQ-9B" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 2 settembre 2017, 8:57

Heather Wilson, Segretaria all' Air Force, teme ritardi nell' assegnazione del contratto .....
The contract award for the U.S. Air Force’s new trainer, as well as an influx of new pilots and cyber experts, are at risk if Congress funds the Pentagon through a long continuing resolution, according to Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson.
During an Aug. 31 joint interview with Defense News and Air Force Times, Wilson said the T-X contract award is one of the many programs that would likely be delayed under a CR, which funds the government at previous fiscal year levels.
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Asked if the service could still name a winner for T-X while delaying an actual contract, Wilson indicated that wouldn’t be happening, saying, “Well, what’s the point? We don’t have the money to be able to do it, so you end up delaying a lot of new starts.”
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "US Air Force secretary names T-X trainer contract, new hires as potential CR victims" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 settembre 2017, 11:48

Mentre il momento della scelta si avvicina ..... l' Amministratore Delegato di Leonardo DRS si dichiara convinto che esistano tuttora concrete possibilità di vittoria nella difficile competizione .....
The U.S. Air Force’s hunt for a next-generation military trainer aircraft is seemingly a cost shootout between Boeing and Lockheed Martin, with Leonardo DRS as the underdog.
But as the government reviews industry submissions for the T-X Advanced Pilot Training program and scrolls through hard drives full of flight data ahead of a down-select this fall, Leonardo DRS CEO Bill Lynn is confident his company’s M-346 Master-based T-100 proposal is a solid contender with every chance of victory.
The pending contract to replace the 1950s-era Northrop T-38 is valued at $16.3 billion for 350 aircraft.
Lynn’s T-X team has the full support of Leonardo’s leadership group in Rome, especially since victory in the U.S. would be a boon for global sales of the M-346, particularly among Lockheed F-35 operators.
“The history of predicting who is going to win these major competitions is poor; neither the tanker nor bomber competitions came out as many had predicted,” Lynn tells Aviation Week ahead of the Air Force Association’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference in Washington.
The fact is, we have a proven trainer. We’re the only ones already training F-35 pilots,” he points out.
The aircraft has already beaten Lockheed’s South Korean-built T-50 in a number of international contests, and it remains to be seen how the government rates the Boeing-Saab BTX clean-sheet combat trainer.
Lynn disputes assertions by analysts and pundits that the T-100 is at a disadvantage compared to Boeing’s and Lockheed’s offerings.
He also expects the T-100 to be very cost-competitive without the added overhead of a large U.S. teammate, like Raytheon.
Leonardo DRS is the U.S.-registered subsidiary of Leonardo and was essentially the fallback option for Leonardo Aircraft after it and Raytheon split in January.
“The current structure we have of Leonardo DRS with Leonardo Aircraft gives us the leanest cost structure we can have; and price is an important criterion,” Lynn says.
“The corporate leadership in Rome is completely behind this bid. They see this as a very significant opportunity.”
Lynn does not anticipate Leonardo DRS’s Italian heritage will be a hindrance.
If selected, final assembly and checkout will take place at a purpose-built facility at Moton Field in Tuskegee, Alabama.
Partner Honeywell will resume production of the M-346’s F124 turbofan engine in Phoenix, and CAE will produce the ground training system in Florida.
“This is going to be an American worker-built product,” Lynn says.
“We’re going to be employing a lot of Americans.”
Fonte: AW&ST ..... "T-X Trainer Competition Narrows Ahead Of Down-Select - Boeing, Leonardo DRS and Lockheed Martin await notice of T-X award" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 settembre 2017, 0:23

Boeing sceglie un fornitore .....

FlightGlobal ..... "Triumph to supply Boeing T-X wing and tails" .....

Boeing ..... "Boeing Selects Triumph Group as Major Supplier for its U.S. Air Force T-X Offer" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da Lampo 13 » 16 settembre 2017, 9:33

richelieu ha scritto:Boeing sceglie un fornitore .....

FlightGlobal ..... "Triumph to supply Boeing T-X wing and tails" .....

Boeing ..... "Boeing Selects Triumph Group as Major Supplier for its U.S. Air Force T-X Offer" .....
Quella dei motori o quella dei reggiseni? :mrgreen:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 settembre 2017, 11:01

Mancano ormai soltanto tre mesi alla decisione ..... ma permangono tuttora i dubbi relativi al livello dei finanziamenti .....
A continuing resolution signed by President Donald Trump on Sept. 8 will keep the military funded - albeit at reduced levels - until Dec. 8, but Defense Department leaders have warned that a longer CR could adversely impact the Air Force’s ability to buy new aircraft.
The Air Force’s biggest ongoing aircraft competition, the T-X trainer program, is one of the programs that could be caught in the crossfire of a longterm CR, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson told Defense News on Aug. 31.
However, other programs of record and technology development efforts also stand to be hurt if a continuing resolution is extended into the spring.
The service plans to award a contract in December to one of the three competing teams: Boeing-Saab’s clean sheet T-X, Leonardo DRS’s T-100 and Lockheed-Korean Aerospace Industries’ T-50A.
However, it may not be able to do so if still under a CR, which keeps funding at the same level as the previous fiscal year and prohibits new programs from starting, Wilson said.
Asked whether the Air Force could announce a T-X winner without awarding a contract, Wilson responded, “Well, what’s the point? We don’t have the money to be able to do it.”
Some of the T-X competitors are already starting to voice concerns about the effect continuing budget turmoil could have on the program going forward.
Fonte: ..... "T-X, F-35 among programs potentially afflicted by longterm continuing resolution" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 settembre 2017, 23:20

Nel frattempo ... da Leonardo DRS arrivano novità .....

Leonardo DRS has named a new head of its T-100 program, who will be responsible for leading the development and of the T-100 if the company wins the T-X trainer contract later this year.
Marc Lindsley, an Air Force veteran with more than 15 years of experience at Northrop Grumman, has been appointed vice president of T-100 programs, DRS announced Monday.
“Marc is a proven leader with extensive industry and military experience who has consistently demonstrated an ability to lead major programs and commands,” said Bill Lynn, CEO of Leonardo DRS.
“We are excited to have Marc join our team where his leadership strengths and knowledge of aerospace systems will be tremendous assets in both the capture and execution of the T-X program,” Lynn said.
Fonte: ..... "Leonardo DRS announces new head of T-100 program" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 settembre 2017, 23:47

Saab promette che, in caso di vittoria, aprirà un centro di produzione negli USA .....

Saab intends to establish a manufacturing and production center in the U.S. to handle the Swedish company’s work on the Boeing-Saab T-X trainer aircraft.
But it’s unclear if that plan will remain in place should the team-up fail to win the U.S. Air Force’s contract.
Also unclear is where the facility might end up.
At a speech on the floor of the Air Force Association’s annual conference, Boeing defense chief Leanne Caret and Saab AB president and CEO Haken Buskhe said the goal is for their T-X design to be more than 90 percent built in America.
Fonte: ..... "Saab pledges to open new facility in US for T-X, but questions remain" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 settembre 2017, 14:54

Comunanza ..... parlano due generali a riposo dell' Air Force ..... ora al servizio di LM .....
​The training syllabus for the Lockheed Martin/Korean Aerospace Industries T-50A is so common to that of the F-16 that Air Combat Command could offload 50 percent of tasks taught on the F-16 to the T-50A, Lockheed Martin consultant retired Gen. Don Cook said Monday in promoting the jet.
“It’s a nine-month syllabus in the F-16,” observed Cook, who retired as head of Air Education and Training Command in 2005.
After learning many of the same skills in the T-50A, which resembles the F-16 and was developed with training F-16 pilots in mind, “you’re basically checking out in a similar airplane,” and the F-16 program need be only four months, he said.
“This is the experience the Koreans have had” in flying both aircraft, added retired Gen. William Looney, who also retired as head of AETC.
Fonte: ..... "Lockheed Martin T-X Would Absorb Half of F-16 Training" .....

Nota ..... la foto non c'entra niente ..... si riferisce ad un'altra notizia ..... :mrgreen:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 settembre 2017, 17:23

richelieu ha scritto:Comunanza ..... parlano due generali a riposo dell' Air Force ..... ora al servizio di LM .....
Fonte: ..... "Lockheed Martin T-X Would Absorb Half of F-16 Training" .....

Nota ..... la foto non c'entra niente ..... si riferisce ad un'altra notizia ..... :mrgreen:
Nel frattempo ..... hanno provveduto ad inserire la foto corretta ..... :blackeye:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 settembre 2017, 0:16

A.A.A. ..... scappatoia cercasi .....
If a continuing resolution extends past December, the Air Force may consider choosing a winner for the T-X program while deferring the actual award, the service’s uniformed head of acquisition said Tuesday.
The service plans to award a contract for the T-X trainer program by the end of the calendar year.
However, if the current continuing resolution — which runs until Dec. 8 and prohibits new programs from starting — is extended past into 2018, the service may have to reevaluate its options, said Lt. Gen. Arnold Bunch, the Air Force’s uniformed head of acquisition.
“We will look at options to see if we can award with a delayed start. There are ways, we have done it before, when you award a contract and you delay the start of the contract for a few months,” he said at the Air Force Association’s annual conference.
“But we need some budget certainty before we go do that. If we go to sequestration funding levels, we’re going to have to look at everything that we’re doing. I hate to say the acquisition answer of depends, really, on what the situation is when we get to that point.”
Fonte: ... "If CR persists, Air Force could announce T-X winner ahead of contract award" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 settembre 2017, 11:33

A.A.A. ..... scappatoia cercasi ..... l' ottimismo del generale Bunch .....
Bunch said the T-X is funded for about $2 billion across the future years defense plan, and its final value is still to be determined by a Pentagon cost estimate.
Initial operational capability is set for 2024 - and full operational capability in 2034 - but Bunch said his office has been peppered by questions from Capitol Hill, the press, and inside the Air Force whether the program could be accelerated, and the answer is “yes,” he said.
Fonte: ..... "CR and T-X" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 settembre 2017, 13:18

Il T-X di Northrop Grumman ..... finalmente qualche rivelazione .....
Northrop Grumman subsidiary Scaled Composites has spoken out about its Model 400 jet that was tested for the ill-fated Northrop Grumman bid for the US Air Force’s T-X trainer program.
Having built and test-flown its Model 400 ‘clean-sheet’ T-X aircraft, Northrop Grumman looked like a certain bidder for the competition … until February this year, when it dramatically dropped out of the running.
Fonte: ..... "More details revealed on NG’s failed T-X jet" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 ottobre 2017, 23:39

Non sarà per quest'anno .....
A contract for the Air Force’s T-X trainer program probably won’t be awarded until next spring, even if Congress is able to pass a spending bill that would remove restrictions on new-start programs, one of the service’s top leaders said.
At the time of the release of the final T-X solicitation last year, the service stated it planned to announce a winner before the end of calendar year 2017.
Now, the Air Force is aiming for a later goalpost, said Air Force Under Secretary Matt Donovan during his first interview in his new role at the Pentagon.
“Source selection is never based on the calendar, it’s based on events that they finished the source selection, and they do expect that to be somewhere in the spring,” he told Defense News, adding that the new target date is probably sometime near the end of March.
Fonte: ..... "T-X trainer award not likely until at least spring 2018" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 ottobre 2017, 0:27

E' un'accurata valutazione delle offerte il motivo principale dell'eventuale scivolamento alla prossima primavera dell'aggiudicazione del contratto .....
T-X Award May Slip to Spring .....

Although “we were shooting for the end of the year” to award the T-X contract, Bunch said the contract will likely slip to the spring of 2018.
This is not driven by the continuing resolution, but the regular tasks of properly evaluating the bids.
“I do not see” the delay pushing against later program milestones, he said, but “we’re very focused in getting it right,” because a protest would add significant delay.
“It’s event-driven,” he added.
Fonte: ..... "Speeding Up Acquisition a Bunch" .....

Nell'articolo ulteriori unformazioni su altri programmi attualmente in corso .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 ottobre 2017, 0:05

L'USAF vuole un nuovo sedile eiettabile, ancor più efficiente e sicuro di quelli installati sui T-38 in tempi abbastanza recenti, per i futuri T-X ...
In the late 2000s, the Air Force tapped British ejection-seat maker Martin-Baker to upgrade the Air Education and Training Command’s (AETC's) entire operational fleet of about 450 Talons with a modern Mk. 16 system.
Martin-Baker completed the installations in 2014.
Before that upgrade, they had all been outfitted with a 1960s-era, Northrop-built model.
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
The new Mk16 is a huge improvement on the legacy Northrop-made seat, accommodating more pilots on both ends of the height and weight spectrum and providing crews with a “zero-zero” escape system designed to safely extract pilots from emergencies in stationary aircraft on the ground as well as in the air.
The automatic ejection sequence deconflicts the seats, and leg restraints keep limbs in a safe position.
Those details can mean life or death for the pilot.
Now, Martin-Baker is offering its newest Mk. 18 seat to the industry teams vying to build the new T-X, according to Andrew Martin, the company’s vice president of business development and marketing.
Fonte: ..... "For T-X, U.S. Air Force Seeks Safer New Ejection Seat" .....

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Re: Programma T-X .....

Messaggio da Lampo 13 » 30 ottobre 2017, 8:33

richelieu ha scritto:L'USAF vuole un nuovo sedile eiettabile, ancor più efficiente e sicuro di quelli installati sui T-38 in tempi abbastanza recenti, per i futuri T-X ...
In the late 2000s, the Air Force tapped British ejection-seat maker Martin-Baker to upgrade the Air Education and Training Command’s (AETC's) entire operational fleet of about 450 Talons with a modern Mk. 16 system.
Martin-Baker completed the installations in 2014.
Before that upgrade, they had all been outfitted with a 1960s-era, Northrop-built model.
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
The new Mk16 is a huge improvement on the legacy Northrop-made seat, accommodating more pilots on both ends of the height and weight spectrum and providing crews with a “zero-zero” escape system designed to safely extract pilots from emergencies in stationary aircraft on the ground as well as in the air.
The automatic ejection sequence deconflicts the seats, and leg restraints keep limbs in a safe position.
Those details can mean life or death for the pilot.
Now, Martin-Baker is offering its newest Mk. 18 seat to the industry teams vying to build the new T-X, according to Andrew Martin, the company’s vice president of business development and marketing.
Fonte: ..... "For T-X, U.S. Air Force Seeks Safer New Ejection Seat" .....
Beh, vista la riuscita del F-35, sembra che ne abbiano davvero bisogno! :roll:
