Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

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Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da hawk-eyed » 18 aprile 2014, 20:09


Speaking to the foreign affairs and defense committee of Japan’s upper house, defense minister Itsunori Onodera has confirmed that the Mitsubishi ATD-X (advanced technology demonstrator-experimental) future fighter demonstrator is on course to fly later this year, albeit with a slight delay. Originally to have been unveiled to the media in May, the ATD-X is now a few months behind schedule but should be revealed later this year, with a first flight to follow soon afterwards.


ATD-X is a project led by the defense ministry’s TRDI (Technical Research and Development Institute), with Mitsubishi as main contractor. The aim of the program is to build an experimental aircraft for evaluating the maturity and integration of advanced airframe and engine technologies for future fighters. The aircraft is also colloquially known as the “Shinshin” (spirit of the heart).

In late 2005 an ATD-X mock-up was used for radar cross-section tests at a range in France, and in the following year a one-fifth-scale radio-controlled model was built to test high-angle-of-attack controllability. Preliminary results from these trials led to a decision to proceed with a flying ATD-X demonstrator program in 2007, and a year later the mock-up was shown publicly for the first time at the Japan aero show.

It has been speculated that the project was initiated to apply pressure on the U.S. to sell the F-22 Raptor to Japan, although if true it was unsuccessful in that aim. However, it has subsequently evolved into a program that could lead to an indigenous sixth-generation fighter incorporating what is described as “I3” (informed, intelligent, instantaneous) technology. Among the technologies being explored are fly-by-light optic cable flight control, three-dimensional thrust vectoring and a “self-repair” flight control system that automatically recalibrates itself after failure or damage to the control surfaces.

Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries (IHI) has developed the XF5-1 afterburning turbofan to power the ATD-X. The company has considerable engine expertise through a long history of licensed production of U.S. engines, and indigenous development of the F3 turbofan that powers the Kawasaki T-4 trainer. The XF5-1 has already undergone extensive testing.

The Japanese MOD has outlined a plan for an “F-3” fighter to replace Mitsubishi F-2s in Japan Air Self-Defense Force service in the late 2020s, and expects to make a decision in Fiscal Year 2018 as to whether to continue with an indigenous design or to proceed along a joint development path, as it did with the F-2 (an enlarged derivative of the Lockheed Martin F-16 airframe with Japanese systems). Flight-tests with ATD-X will validate whether Japanese technologies are mature enough to support a cost-efficient indigenous development program.

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da ELTAR » 18 aprile 2014, 22:35

A very good report Mister hawk-eyed. Congratulation about your work. But I just wonder why you wrote in english instead italian...
Ho pianto, ho riso... Ho fatto scelte sbagliate, altre giuste... Sono amico di molti, voglio bene a pochi, non odio nessuno... Parlo poco ma dico sempre quello che penso... Qualcuno mi vuole bene, altri mi detestano... Pazienza è la vita!

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da hawk-eyed » 18 aprile 2014, 23:13

il mio lavoro? no...
ho soltanto fatto un 'copia-incolla'... :wink:
mi spiace ma coloro che non capiscono l'inglese usino il traduttore. :)
grazie e cordiali saluti Mister ELTAR! 8)

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 aprile 2014, 10:16

ELTAR ha scritto: A very good report Mister hawk-eyed. Congratulation about your work. But I just wonder why you wrote in english instead italian...

Ne ha comunque parlato, qualche giorno fa, anche Jane's .....

" Japan's indigenous stealth jet prototype 'to fly this year' " .....

http://www.janes.com/article/36713/japa ... -this-year

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 luglio 2014, 11:13

Roll-out .....

"Japan’s new stealth jet fighter has been officially unveiled" .....
http://theaviationist.com/2014/07/12/at ... nt-page-1/

Qualche giorno fa .....

"We’ve Spotted Japan’s New Stealth Fighter" .....


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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 13 luglio 2014, 12:29

Chissà che hanno da nascondere nella parte sfumata sopra il carrello anteriore... :roll:

Comunque, garantito che questo a mezz'aria si trasforma in un robottone lanciamissili... :mrgreen:

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 luglio 2014, 18:59

Opzioni ..... :scratch:
Japan has rolled out its ATD-X Shinshin fighter technology demonstrator, is considering buying more Lockheed Martin F-35s and will decide within four years whether it will develop its next combat aircraft alone or with a foreign partner.
Fonte ..... "ATD-X Emerges Among Japanese Fighter Choices" .....
http://aviationweek.com/defense/atd-x-e ... er-choices

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 agosto 2014, 16:57

MatteF88 ha scritto:Chissà che hanno da nascondere nella parte sfumata sopra il carrello anteriore... :roll:
Già .....

Questo articolo ..... "Japanese MoD denies reports of 2015 first flight for ATD-X prototype" .....

http://www.janes.com/article/41815/japa ... -prototype

..... appena apparso sul sito di 'Jane's', si conclude infatti con queste parole .....
..... the TRDI on 12 August released four photographs of the ATD-X taken on 8 May.
In the images, some parts of the landing gear and exhaust slots have been blurred.

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 agosto 2014, 15:02

Incertezza sulla data del primo volo e ..... qualche considerazione sulla futura politica degli armamenti del Giappone .....

"When Will Japan's Prototype Fighter Fly? ..... http://www.defensenews.com/article/2014 ... |nextstory

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 novembre 2014, 9:25

Non glielo hanno voluto dare (lo F-22) ..... e allora i Giapponesi stanno studiando per farselo (possibilmente) da soli .....

Flying far is more important than flying fast, Japanese fighter technologists have found in studies aimed at defining their country’s next combat aircraft.
Looking for ways for their air force to fight outnumbered, researchers are also emphasizing that Japan’s next fighter should share targeting data, carry a big internal load of large, high-performance missiles and be able to guide them while retreating.
Fonte ..... "Japan Prepares Designs For Its Next Fighter - Japan is looking at a big, long-range fighter to defeat superior numbers" .....
http://aviationweek.com/defense/japan-p ... xt-fighter


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 gennaio 2015, 18:03

Problemi concernenti il software fanno ritardare il primo volo del dimostratore .....
Japan's Advanced Technology Demonstrator-X (ATD-X) fighter test platform will not fly until at least late 2015 due to issues with the software that controls automatic engine restarts, according to officials at the country's Ministry of Defence (MoD).
The first test flight was scheduled to take placebefore the end of the current financial year in March, but the problems affecting the engine control unit (ECU) will require several months to resolve, the officials said.
Fonte ..... "Japan's ATD-X first flight delayed by software glitch" .....
http://www.janes.com/article/47768/japa ... are-glitch

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 gennaio 2016, 8:40

Presentazione ufficiale ..... primo volo previsto per Febbraio ..... e un futuro ancora incerto .....

Japan on Thursday 28 January gave the world a new look at its new stealthy air superiority fighter jet, the ATD-X Shinshin.
The demonstrator aircraft was presented near Nagoya to Japanese media.
Images show an aircraft with obvious similarities to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.
It will be known as the F-3 when it enters service with the Japanese Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) in the future – if ever.
Fonte ..... "New look at Japan’s stealthy ATD-X Shinshin" .....
http://airheadsfly.com/2016/01/28/new-l ... -shinshin/

Inoltre ..... "ATD-X to spur Japan’s advanced fighter research" .....
https://www.flightglobal.com/news/artic ... ch-421374/

Video .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 marzo 2016, 0:07

Primo volo entro Marzo ..... forse ..... "Japan Goes Stealth" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 aprile 2016, 11:34

Primo volo .....


The Mitsubishi X-2 fighter technology demonstrator aircraft has conducted its maiden flight from Nagoya International Airport.
The jet performed basic operations during the flight including climbing, descending, and circling, says Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in a statement.
Fonte ..... "Mitsubishi X-2 completes maiden sortie"

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries ..... "MHI Conducts First Flight of "X-2"Advanced Technology Demonstrator" .....

Filmato .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 aprile 2016, 8:28

A margine del primo volo .....
Japan envisages a one year test campaign for the Mitsubishi X-2 technology demonstrator, with around 50 flights planned.
The aircraft’s 25 minute maiden flight on Friday 22 April saw it reach an altitude of 12,000ft and a top speed of 200kts, says Hirofumi Doi, manager of Japan’s Future Fighter Program at the defence ministry’s Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA).
Fonte ..... "Tokyo plans 50 X-2 flights in coming year" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 aprile 2016, 0:07

Il Giappone è orgoglioso della sua realizzazione .....
The first flight of the Mitsubishi X-2 will go down as a milestone in North Asia’s journey to develop ­advanced combat aircraft.
Although the experimental X-2 will never be an ­operational fighter, it is the most visible part of a broad Japanese industrial effort, fully backed by the government, to ­develop technologies necessary for advanced fighters, such as stealth, thrust vectoring control, sensors and advanced engines.
This work will inform Japan’s most ambitious aerospace endeavour: the development of a fighter likely to bear the designation F-3.
..... ma, in Asia, si trova già in buona compagnia .....
But Tokyo is not alone.
Over in China – a rising power it watches with concern, if not alarm – two ­fighter programmes are under way.
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Meanwhile, South Korea and 20% partner Indonesia are working on the KFX.
This aircraft will be powered by two GE Aviation F414s or Eurojet EJ200s.
Fonte ..... "OPINION: Why Japan's X-2 fighter is more than a symbol of pride" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 giugno 2016, 17:16

Il Giappone pensa al futuro caccia F-3 ..... e chiede informazioni alle piu' importanti aziende mondiali .....
Japan’s Ministry of Defence has requested information from international aerospace firms to explore options for its planned F-3 fighter programme, which could see a new type deployed in the 2030s.
Three options are on the table, according to an official familiar with the matter.
The first is to develop an all-new fighter indigenously, the second is to collaborate with a foreign partner for a new aircraft, and the third is to buy or upgrade an existing type.
Fonte ..... https://www.flightglobal.com/news/artic ... -f-426837/

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 ottobre 2016, 9:40

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries X-2 ..... ormai prossima la ripresa dei voli di collaudo .....

Japan’s Acquisition Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) is preparing the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries X-2 aircraft for its third flight.
The aircraft’s second flight saw the technology demonstrator make the one hour flight from Mitsubishi’s Nagoya factory to Gifu airbase in June, where ATLA took ownership of the aircraft.
Hirofumi Doi, programme manager of Japan’s Future Fighter effort, says that calibration and testing work with the aircraft are underway.
He would not give a specific date for the third flight, but says the work now underway was planned previously, and that there are no issues with the jet.
When the aircraft’s 50 flight test campaign gets underway in earnest, he expects X-2 - formerly known as ATDX - to fly roughly every two weeks.
Fonte ..... "JAPAN AEROSPACE: Scientists ready X-2 for flight test campaign" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 luglio 2017, 20:47

Intanto ..... si pensa al motore per quello che sarà l'aereo definitivo .....
Japanese Fighter Engine Program Advances To Core Testing .....

Bradley Perrett - Aviation Week & Space Technology - July 10, 2017

The airframe for Japan’s proposed indigenous fighter is for now only a concept, but the engine is turning into actual hardware.
Government defense engineers are this month beginning testing the core of the advanced turbofan for the proposed 2030s fighter.
Lockheed Martin, meanwhile, is reportedly strengthening the chances of an obvious alternative to the indigenous fighter by proposing that its F-35 be updated for Japan.
Although that choice would provide Japanese industry with much less to do and would not meet the defense ministry’s ideal for the next fighter, it should be much cheaper.
The indigenous fighter would be much bigger than the F-35, with a twin engine installation.
The turbofan is the XF9-1, says the defense ministry’s Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA), naming the engine for the first time.
Maximum thrust with afterburning, previously stated as 15 metric tons (33,000 lb.), is now said to be above that level, but the exact figure has not been disclosed.
Maximum dry thrust will be more than 11 metric tons.
Considering how few countries have the technology to build advanced and powerful aeroengines, this is a notably ambitious program.
Japan has previously developed no combat aircraft engine bigger than the XF5-1 demonstrator, which generates less than a third of the XF9-1’s thrust.
Japan’s aerospace propulsion specialist, IHI Corp., is the main contractor for the engine program and the XF5-1.
IHI built the core and performed functional testing on it before delivery to ATLA on June 28.
“Testing at the ATLA will begin in July to verify its performance,” says the agency.
A full demonstrator engine is to be completed by the end of June 2018, it adds, confirming and refining a schedule published in 2015.
The agency’s predecessor, the Technical Research and Development Institute, said in 2010 that it wanted to pursue this program as part of a technology-acquisition effort for a possible indigenous combat aircraft, what is now an option for the Future Fighter program that would replace the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) F-2 in the 2030s.
The airframe design has been studied extensively but will not be built unless and until the government goes ahead with full-scale development of the fighter.
IHI says it was contracted in 2010 to study components for the engine and in 2013 to build the core, which comprises the high-pressure compressor, combustor and high-pressure turbine.
The core was preceded by a compressor and combustor, each tested independently. The complete demonstrator XF9-1 will be built under a 2015 contract.


It will have a diameter at the inlet of about 1 m (39 in.), compared with the 1.2-m maximum diameter of the General Electric F110.
A drawing of the XF9-1 suggests that the case downstream of the inlet is only a little wider than the inlet, if at all, though accessories will add to width and depth, as usual.
The length of the XF9-1 will be about 4.8 m.
The core is about 1.5 m long. The quoted thrust levels are for the static, sea level condition.
If published material is taken at face value, the design has lost a previously intended feature, three rows of fixed and variable inlet guide vanes that would have acted together as a radar blocker, impeding radio-frequency energy on its way to and from the compressor.
A 2011 illustration showed that feature, but more recent pictures, including the latest, depict a conventional single row of inlet guide vanes.
The usual type of radar blocker, which Japan has worked on, is not part of the engine but rather is installed in the inlet duct upstream from it.
Other key features from the early design of the engine remain: a three-stage low-pressure compressor, six stages in the high-pressure compressor and single-stage high- and low-pressure turbines.
Those features, and the counter-rotation of the low- and high-pressure spools, match the configuration of the Pratt & Whitney F119 of the Lockheed Martin F-22.
A 3D vectoring exhaust nozzle, directing thrust up or down as well as to one side or the other, is planned.
Average temperature at the turbine inlet will be 1,800C (3,300F), ATLA says, repeating an earlier figure.
At least early in development, in the 1980s, the Pratt & Whitney F119 had a temperature at the combustor exit, just upstream from the high-pressure turbine, of about 1,600C.
The same company’s F135 engine, fitted to the Lockheed Martin F-35, operates at about 2,000C.
Japan is due to decide between the indigenous fighter and the alternatives in fiscal 2018.
Since the government will presumably first want to see the results of testing of the complete demonstrator engine, a decision late in the fiscal year is likely.
Lockheed Martin’s offer of the improved version of the F-35 Lightning has been reported by the Nikkei newspaper, which gives no details of proposed changes.
Adapting an existing design is the cheapest of three options for the Future Fighter, the others being developing an aircraft independently and doing so with another country, the Nikkei says, citing no sources.
It notably fails to mention an even cheaper possibility that the government has been considering: importation of an unmodified fighter type.
The Lightning is an obvious contender because Japan is already buying 42 F-35As, assembled by MHI, as replacements for F-4 Phantoms.
MHI could be expected to undertake any necessary development, fabrication and assembly of the airframe for an updated, specifically Japanese version, which would presumably be called the F-35J.
The Lightning in its current form is rather distant from the ideal of Japanese defense ministry engineers for a 2030s fighter.
Their concept for an all-new aircraft includes internal carriage of six long-range air-to-air missiles, such as MBDA Meteors, and two of short range.
Looking for great range and endurance, they have produced concept designs for a fighter larger than the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and much larger than the F-35.
Britain is integrating the Meteor on the F-35, but the U.S. fighter will carry no more than four such weapons internally, and then with no room for short-range air-to-air missiles.
Lockheed Martin could conceivably improve the F-35’s range and endurance with external tanks, perhaps conformal and at some cost to stealth.
It could also fit the lightest Lightning version, the F-35A, with the bigger and more voluminous wing of the F-35C, the variant designed for catapult launch and arrested recovery at sea.
Japanese avionics would also be possible for an F-35J.
Israel will at least load its own software on its version, the F-35I.
In June 2016, the Japanese defense ministry sought information from aircraft manufacturers about three possibilities for the fighter program: creating a new type, modifying an existing one or importing.
The possibility of international joint development has since emerged as a variation on the first option.
Britain and Japan agreed in March to look at the possibility of jointly creating a fighter for the 2030s; BAE Systems would be the obvious partner for MHI, while Rolls-Royce would work with IHI.
Sweden’s ambassador to Tokyo says Japan should consider Saab, too.
The F-2 was a modification of an existing type, the Lockheed Martin F-16.The U.S. company supported the development effort.
..... http://aviationweek.com/aviation-week-s ... re-testing .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 novembre 2017, 14:19

Dimostratore tecnologico Mitsubishi X-2 ..... si avvicina la fine dei voli di collaudo .....
Japan's Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) is approaching the end of testing with the Mitsubishi X-2 technology demonstrator aircraft.
The twin-engined fighter has completed 34 sorties, says Hirofumi Doi, manager of Japan's Future Fighter Program at ATLA.
The first two flights were conducted by Mitsubishi, the subsequent 32 by ATLA at Gifu air base.
The aircraft's maiden flight occurred on 22 April 2016.
Fonte: flightglobal.com ..... "Tokyo to conclude X-2 programme in March 2018" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 marzo 2018, 10:28

Un commento di RID aggiorna sulle prospettive del programma giapponese .....

..... "Giappone: quale caccia nazionale?" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 aprile 2018, 14:52

LM propone al Giappone un ..... 'Frankenfighter' ..... :eeeeek:
Secondo fonti della Difesa giapponese citate dal quotidiano Asahi (*), Lockheed Martin vorrebbe sviluppare assieme al Giappone un caccia da combattimento derivato dall' F-22 e dall' F-35 per concorrere a soddisfare il requisito nipponico per la realizzazione di un caccia nazionale, programma F-3, da affiancare all' F-35.
Fonte: portaledifesa.it ..... "Un ibrido tra F-22 ed F-35 per il Giappone" .....

(*) ..... "Lockheed Martin to offer Japan stealthy F-22 and F-35 hybrid jet" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 aprile 2018, 9:58

Sarebbe la Cina la maggior preoccupazione del Giappone .....
Another reason for the shift in interest to a new Gen5+ direction for Japan’s next air superiority fighter is China.
A March 15, 2018 article by Kyle Mizokami in Popular Mechanics (*) quoted Chinese aircraft developer Yang Wei, deputy director of advanced of science and technology at Aviation Industry Corp of China and member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as saying, “We are not complacent about what we have achieved. We will develop the J-20 into a large family and keep strengthening its information-processing and intelligent capacities. At the same time, we will think about our next-generation combat plane to meet the nation’s future requirements.”
Fonte: theaviationist.com ..... "Lockheed Martin to Propose 5th Gen F-22/F-35 Hybrid to Japan" .....

(*) ..... "China Is Already Planning Its Next-Generation Fighter Jet" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 novembre 2018, 21:16

Sostituzione degli F-2..... il Giappone sfoglia la margherita ..... :flower:

..... flightglobal.com ..... "ANALYSIS: Tokyo contemplates its future fighter plans" .....

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 aprile 2019, 23:55

"We're gonna make them an offer they can't refuse" ...
Ovvero ... la paura che i Giapponesi aderiscano al programma 'Tempest' ... fa novanta ... :eeeeek:
Washington and Tokyo appear to be holding deeper talks related to Japan’s development of a new fighter to replace the Mitsubishi F-2.
A report in Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun, citing unnamed government sources, says that the United States is willing to offer a notable degree of intellectual content related to stealth aircraft design.
The report adds that a proposal from the US side is on the table, and that Tokyo will decide by the end of 2019.
--- --- ---
The report suggests that Tokyo’s possible option of working with a European partner pushed Washington to be more generous in areas such as source of the code.
Fonte: flightglobal.com ... "Washington, Tokyo go deeper on F-3 tech transfer: report" ...


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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 giugno 2020, 15:57

Giappone ... vigilia di importanti decisioni ...
Tokyo edges toward Future Fighter framework ...

By Greg Waldron - 24 June 2020

Tokyo could be close to making some partnership decisions in its long-running effort to develop an indigenous replacement for the Mitsubishi F-2.
Japan’s Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) says that it is still looking at working with the UK and the USA on the programme.
As the 2020s unfold, the development of the Future Fighter, tentatively designated F-3, will coincide with the UK’s international Tempest effort, as well as US efforts to develop so-called “sixth-generation” capabilities.
“As for the schedule for the decision, we would like to decide the basic framework of development partners by the time the draft budget for JFY2021 is approved by the Japanese cabinet,” says ATLA.
Japan’s 2021 fiscal year will run from 1 April 2021.
Washington DC, which has extensive defence links with Tokyo, is clearly interested in the programme.
In February, US Air Force official Kelli Seybolt told FlightGlobal that interoperability with US forces is a primary American concern in the programme.
ATLA too has stressed that interoperability with allies is a key requirement.
However, earlier this year, ATLA confirmed that the Future Fighter will be an all new, clean-sheet design.
This ruled out a previous proposal from Lockheed Martin that would have called for a heavily updated version of the F-22, but using technologies found in the F-35.
A report from the Mitchell Institute in late 2019 suggested that the Future Fighter could be based on the FB-22 concept, a regional bomber version of the F-22 that would have boasted a large internal payload.
A heavy missile load and long endurance are understood to be key considerations for the Japanese programme.
In addition, Tokyo has expended significant resources developing technologies for the programme.
In addition to the X-2 technology demonstrator, which flew 34 sorties in 2016-2017, there were 14 additional programmes looking at specific technologies such as weapons bays, sensors, data links, and other areas deemed necessary for an advanced fighter.
IHI has also produced the experimental XF9-1 engine for laboratory work related to the programme.
Douglas Barrie, senior fellow for Military Aerospace with the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, says the fighter will need to have a very low-observable radar cross section from some aspects, with long range and a large internal payload.
A modular systems architecture that allows for easier upgrading of software is also essential.
Tokyo will also place a premium on the Future Fighter’s ability to work with teams of unmanned aircraft.
The capability to command teams of unmanned combat air vehicles will be baked into the Future Fighter’s design, with manned-unmanned teaming eyed in the 2030s.
“We recognise that technologies related to unmanned air vehicles using [artificial intelligence] are rapidly developing, and various unmanned equipment is being used internationally. We will have enough growth potential to accommodate advanced technologies such as manned-unmanned teaming accordingly as technologies mature,” says ATLA.
Teal Group analyst Richard Aboulafia says that today’s emerging fighter developments will see a human in the cockpit, but that a major requirement will be the ability to work with unmanned systems.
Fonte: FlightGlobal ...

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 luglio 2020, 10:40

Japan's Future Fighter ... in attesa di importanti decisioni ... vengono divulgate alcune date ...
Tokyo firming up timeframes for Future Fighter: reports ...
By Greg Waldron - 9 July 2020

Tokyo hopes to start building the prototype of its Future Fighter in 2024, according to local media reports in Japan.
Citing documents from Japan’s defence ministry, the reports state that mass production of the new fighter will commence in 2031.
The new fighter will be deployed in 2035, when the Mitsubishi F-2 fighter will be due for retirement.
Japan’s Acquisition Technology & Logistics Agency recently told FlightGlobal that it is still looking at working with the UK and the USA on the programme, with a decision on the basic framework of international cooperation ready for the draft budget for JFY2021 – Japan’s 2021 fiscal year, which will run from 1 April 2021.
Future Fighter will be a fresh design, as opposed to an update of an older design, namely Lockheed Martin’s offer of a heavily updated version of the F-22 that is equipped with technologies found on the F-35.

Fonte: FlightGlobal ...

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Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 agosto 2020, 1:01

Next-Generation Fighter Aircraft ... il Giappone chiede aiuto oltremare ...
Japan’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) has published a notice inviting foreign companies to engage with its project to develop next-generation fighter aircraft.
The notice – issued on 25 August – invites firms to be involved in the development phase of the F-X project and the integration of related technologies and capabilities.
It states that the invite supports the MoD’s “procedures for collecting information” about next-generation fighter aircraft.

... janes.com ... "Japan widens foreign access to F-X fighter project" ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Japanese Stealth Demonstrator To Fly This Year

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 dicembre 2020, 11:34

Next-Generation Fighter Aircraft ...

Lockheed Martin sarà, con tutta probabilità, scelta quale partner ...

asahi.comJapan to choose Lockheed Martin for partner on fighter jet project

E il velivolo sarà pure dotato di armamento avanzato ...

popularmechanics.comJapan’s New Fighter Jet Will Have Wild Tech, Like Microwave Weapons
