B772 Malaysia Airlines crash 17-07-14

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: B772 Malaysia Airlines crash 17-07-14

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 giugno 2019, 18:08

Il cerchio si stringe ...
Il Joint Investigation Team olandese ha incriminato per omicidio quattro persone, tre di nazionalità russa e uno di nazionalità ucraina, per il ruolo avuto nell'abbattimento del Boeing della Malaysia Airlines nei cieli dell'Ucraina orientale costato la vita a 298 tra passeggeri e membri dell'equipaggio.
Gli inquirenti hanno spiccato i corrispettivi mandati di arresto internazionali.
Lo riporta Interfax.
I tre russi coinvolti - tutti con un passato nei servizi di sicurezza russi come FSB o GRU - sono Igor Girkin, Serghei Dubinsky e Oleg Pulatov mentre l'ucraino è Leonid Kharchenko.
Fonte ... http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/mondo/2 ... 8bd88.html ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: B772 Malaysia Airlines crash 17-07-14

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 marzo 2020, 10:59

Da domani a processo ... in contumacia ...
Criminal proceedings are set to commence against four individuals accused of murder in connection with the destruction of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine six years ago.
The four initial suspects are being prosecuted, in absentia, in a Dutch court in the The Hague over the 298 fatalities which resulted when the Boeing 777-200ER was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in July 2014.
Arrest warrants were issued for the four – Igor Girkin, Sergei Dubinskiy, Oleg Pulatov and Leonid Kharchenko – in June last year, following an in-depth accident investigation and a parallel criminal probe.
Proceedings in The Hague will begin on 9 March.
The joint investigation between the Netherlands and four other countries, Ukraine, Malaysia, Belgium and Australia, is continuing and the five participants signed a co-operation extension agreement on the eve of the trial.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: B772 Malaysia Airlines crash 17-07-14

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 marzo 2020, 11:20

A processo !!!
Dutch prosecutors have taken into account that Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 might have been unintentionally shot down, mistaken for a military aircraft, but stress that this does not alter the criminal charges directed at the suspects.
In his opening statement to the trial – in absentia – of four suspects indicted over the Boeing 777-200ER’s destruction in July 2014, prosecutor Ward Ferdinandusse admitted that it was “perfectly conceivable” that the “true intention” of the defendants was to bring down a Ukrainian armed forces aircraft.
“Several items of evidence point to this scenario, including intercepted conversations the defendants had after the downing occurred,” he told the court in The Hague.
“When drawing up the indictment we explicitly took account of this ‘error scenario’.”
But Ferdinandusse pointed out that the charges concentrate on laws prohibiting action to cause an aircraft to crash “regardless” of the aircraft type and whether resulting fatalities are military personnel or civilians.

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