Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 maggio 2021, 11:39

Secondo l'Agenzia Tass ...
Single-engine hypersonic stealth plane under development in Russia - source ...

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/.
Russia’s Sukhoi aircraft maker (part of the United Aircraft Corporation of Russia’s Rostec) is now developing Russia’s first single-engine low-observable hypersonic light tactical fighter aircraft, an aircraft industry source has told TASS.
"The Sukhoi company is developing a single-engine light tactical plane with the takeoff weight of up to 18 tonnes. The plane’s maximum speed will be above 2 Mach. It will also have super-maneuverability and improved takeoff and landing performance, thanks to a thrust vector control engine. The plane’s thrust-to-weight ratio will be above 1," the source said.
Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov told reporters in December 2020 that the company was working on the concept of an advanced single-engine light-and medium-class piloted and unmanned combat plane.
"Work is underway to develop a combat aviation system of the future in its light and medium classes. Under the design, this may be a universal platform in the manned and unmanned versions. The company is working on the concept and the operational requirements for such a platform. We are doing this on our own initiative so far, without [federal] budget funds," the Rostec chief said.

Inoltre … psk.blog.24heures.chSukhoi travaille sur un avion de combat léger !


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 luglio 2021, 10:36

Il nuovo aereo verrà presentato nei prossimi giorni nel corso di MAKS-2021 ...
The latest combat plane that Russia will unveil on the first day of the MAKS-2021 aerospace show will rival the US fifth-generation F-35 aircraft, Executive Director of Aviaport Aviation News Agency Oleg Panteleyev said on Tuesday.
"The teasers in English and the regions that the pilots presented in a video released by Rostec [state tech corporation] suggest that the domestic light fighter will be in competition with the US F-35 aircraft on foreign markets. I am certain that the fighter’s demonstration at the MAKS-2021 will create a wow effect. It is not accidental that [Russia’s state arms exporter] Rosoboronexport has invited over 120 delegations from 65 countries of the world to the aerospace show," he said.
Little is known about the plane’s performance characteristics so far, the expert pointed out.
According to the data available, the latest fighter features low radar signatures in various bands, a high thrust to weight ratio, a large weapon payload and advanced air-launched armaments, the expert pointed out.

tass.comNew Russian fighter to compete with US F-35 aircraft, says expert

Intanto cominciano a circolare le prime immagini … psk.blog.24heures.ch/Premières photos de l’avion de combat léger russe !


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 luglio 2021, 10:51

Altre immagini ...

... russianplanes.net ... https://russianplanes.net/ID288772 ...

... russianplanes.net ... https://russianplanes.net/ID288797 ...


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Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 luglio 2021, 15:23

richelieu ha scritto:
17 luglio 2021, 10:51
Altre immagini ...

... russianplanes.net ... https://russianplanes.net/ID288772 ...

... russianplanes.net ... https://russianplanes.net/ID288797 ...

Gli autori delle immagini ipotizzano la sigla Su-67 ... e il ben noto Dmitry Komissarov ha così commentato la seconda: "Tutto in nero, come un ninja" ...

A parte il fatto che ad essere nero non è l'aereo bensì il telone che lo ricopre ... 😲


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 luglio 2021, 23:48

Vuoi vedermi nudo ?


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Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 luglio 2021, 17:24

Prime immagini senza veli ...

Una presa d'aria che ricorda quella dello X-32 ...


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Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 luglio 2021, 17:57

"ScaccoMatto" ... un velivolo che potrebbe essere destinato all'esportazione ... secondo quanto scrive David Cenciotti ...
As already explained ... the concept might be designed for the export market and this would be the reason why Rostec released an ad (*) teasing the jet that clearly pointed to UAE, India, Vietnam and Argentina as potential customers.

theaviationist.comHere’s The First Clear Image Of The “CheckMate”, Russia’s New Stealth Fighter Design

(*)rostec.ru/enRostec Announces Presentation of a Fundamentally New Military Plane From UAC at MAKS-2021


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Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 18 luglio 2021, 18:22

richelieu ha scritto:
18 luglio 2021, 17:57
"ScaccoMatto" ... un velivolo che potrebbe essere destinato all'esportazione ...
poco ma sicuro :roll: considerando l'attentissimo e ben calibrato primo video di marketing...

chissà se sarà una piattaforma valida e affidabile... tutto da vedere

... a noi toccherà di sicuro il b*d@n# americano invece...

...ma invece che quelli semplicemente prodotto a Cameri non potremmo ricomprare "usati come nuovi a km zero" un po' di quelli israeliani?

Almeno se ci ha messo le mani la Heyl Ha'Avir c'è un minimo di garanzia che funzioni tutto a dovere...
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2021, 0:24

Valerio Ricciardi ha scritto:
18 luglio 2021, 18:22
richelieu ha scritto:
18 luglio 2021, 17:57
"ScaccoMatto" ... un velivolo che potrebbe essere destinato all'esportazione ...
poco ma sicuro :roll: considerando l'attentissimo e ben calibrato primo video di marketing ...

chissà se sarà una piattaforma valida e affidabile ... tutto da vedere

... a noi toccherà di sicuro il b*d@n# americano invece ...

... ma invece che quelli semplicemente prodotto a Cameri non potremmo ricomprare "usati come nuovi a km zero" un po' di quelli israeliani?

Almeno se ci ha messo le mani la Heyl Ha'Avir c'è un minimo di garanzia che funzioni tutto a dovere ...

Dici bene ... "tutto da vedere" e, dal momento che si tratta, a quanto sembra, soltanto di un semplice mock-up realizzato su iniziativa privata e tuttora da finanziare e sviluppare ulteriormente (e ne passeranno degli anni prima che possa diventare operativo ... vedasi l'amaro caso del Su-57 che arranca ormai da più di undici anni) pensi proprio che, alla fine, quello che sarcasticamente definisci "il b*d@n# americano", debba necessariamente essergli inferiore quando ne sono stati prodotti, ora, oltre 600 esemplari ... alcuni dei quali hanno già preso parte a missioni di guerra?
E, quand'anche fosse veramente un "b*d@n#", come ti spieghi che vi siano paesi che continuano, con beata incoscienza, ad acquistarlo?

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Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da ally01 » 19 luglio 2021, 10:54

nel settore difesa validità di un prodotto e unità i servizio non vanno sempre di pari passo visti i fortissimi interessi e le pressioni dietro ad alcune realtà...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2021, 15:40

Un "rendering" ed un brevissimo video ...

bulgarianmilitary.comMeet the new Russian stealth fighter Su-75 CheckMate [video]

Inoltre ...

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Iscritto il: 22 agosto 2008, 8:33

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 19 luglio 2021, 20:51

ally01 ha scritto:
19 luglio 2021, 10:54
nel settore difesa validità di un prodotto e unità in servizio non vanno sempre di pari passo visti i fortissimi interessi e le pressioni dietro ad alcune realtà...
Appunto... i C130 insegnano...
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2021, 21:08

Valerio Ricciardi ha scritto:
19 luglio 2021, 20:51
ally01 ha scritto:
19 luglio 2021, 10:54
nel settore difesa validità di un prodotto e unità in servizio non vanno sempre di pari passo visti i fortissimi interessi e le pressioni dietro ad alcune realtà...
Appunto... i C130 insegnano...

Ciò non toglie che la scelta del C-130, indipendentemente dallo scandalo politico che ne derivò, sia stata la migliore che, al tempo, potesse essere fatta.
Il Transall non era in alcun modo all'altezza.
A quei tempi vigeva il dominio incontrastato di FIAT e Lockheed (vedasi anche il caso F-104) e l'Aeronautica Militare, magari non capendo, si adeguava.
O, forse, le conveniva.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2021, 23:47

Dal ben noto blog elvetico ...

psk.blog.24heures.chSukhoi présente le T-75, la nouvelle génération se confirme !

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 luglio 2021, 9:34

John A. Tirpak (... https://www.airforcemag.com/person/john-a-tirpak/ ...) traccia una prima analisi ...
The new Russian single-engine fighter in the F-35 class - a field that is getting crowded - echoes designs dating back to the Joint Strike Fighter competition of the 1990s; ironically, borrowing most from the two concepts that lost that contest.
The Checkmate fighter from Sukhoi is to be officially unveiled at the MAKS airshow near Moscow on July 20, but leaked photos of a mockup in the exhibit hall, and fast-edited clips from promotional videos released by Russia’s United Aircraft Corp., appeared on the internet in the last few days.
The images show an aircraft with a large angular chin inlet reminiscent of Boeing’s X-32 contender in the JSF contest ultimately won by Lockheed Martin’s F-35 and also on China’s J-10B.
Checkmate also seems to have a short, clipped delta wing, which does not extend to the tail; again, like the X-32.
The jet has two canted elevons rather than a standard empennage of stabilizers and elevators, harkening to both the X-32 and McDonnell Douglas’s JSF entrant, as well as to the YF-23 on which McDonnell Douglas was partnered with Northrop.
The YF-23 lost out to the Lockheed Martin F-22 in the Advanced Tactical Fighter competition, and McDonnell Douglas’s loss in the must-win JSF contest was a major factor in the company’s 1996 merger with Boeing.

airforcemag.comNew Russian Fighter in F-35 Class Echoes Other JSF Designs


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 luglio 2021, 16:26

Il nuovo caccia di quinta generazione mostrato al MAKS-2021 ...

Clickare, quindi, su "Guarda su YouTube" ... :scratch:


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 luglio 2021, 22:45

Il commento di AINonline ...
Rostec and its United Aircraft Corp. (UAC) division have unveiled a new stealthy, lightweight fighter design at the MAKS 2021 show being held this week at Zhukovsky in the Moscow suburbs.
The aircraft is referred to as the LTS “Checkmate” and is a product of the Sukhoi design bureau.
It is marked with the registration “RF-0075” and the Bort (side number) “Blue 75,” suggesting that the type could be designated Su-75, or have the design bureau designation T-75.
Whether the article on display is a full-scale mockup or a test article is open to question.
However, Rostec claims the LTS is ready for flight-test.

New Sukhoi Fighter Design Unveiled at MAKS

E il video messo in rete da Rostec ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 luglio 2021, 9:50

John A. Tirpak ( ... https://www.airforcemag.com/person/john-a-tirpak/ ... ) ritorna sull'argomento "CheckMate" ...
Russia officially unveiled its new Checkmate fighter at the MAKS airshow July 20, offering a series of ambitious performance claims about the jet, which it is clearly promoting as a low-cost, single-engined alternative to the F-35 in the world market.
Company officials said an unmanned version may become available.
United Aircraft Corp.- parent company for all of Russia’s aircraft makers, including Sukhoi, Ilyushin, MiG, and Tupolev - says the Checkmate will fly in 2023, will be in series production in 2026, and will be offered for export at the bargain basement price of $25-$30 million per copy.
That’s well below the price of the F-35, which is running at just under $80 million a copy for the conventional-takeoff F-35A model, after some 665 examples have been produced.

airforcemag.comRussia Officially Unveils New Checkmate Fighter, But Performance Claims are Ambitious

L'Air Force non commenta ... :mrgreen:


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 luglio 2021, 0:54

David Cenciotti ... ulteriormente ...

theaviationist.comLet’s Have A Look At All The Latest Claims About ‘Checkmate’, Russia’s New Light Tactical Fighter


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 novembre 2021, 23:33

La Russia, a Dubai, sta tentando, con il Checkmate, il ribaltone nei confronti del Lightning II ... :shock:
For only the second time ever and for the first time outside of Russia, the new single-engine Checkmate fighter graces a display platform here at Dubai 2021.
United Aircraft Corporation (UAC, Stand 895) and the Sukhoi Aircraft Company (Chalet S16) revealed the program only this past July on the opening day of the Moscow Aviation and Space Expo (MAKS).
The airplane, which is also sometimes referred to as the Su-75 or the Light Tactical Aircraft (LTS in the Russian acronym), represents an effort by Moscow to stake out a portion of the export fighter aircraft market.
The officials who gave a briefing on the program at MAKS spoke of what they see as a lack of an inexpensive, single-engine lightweight stealth fighter in the world market.
The other two most stealthy single-engine designs - the Swedish JAS-39E/F Gripen and the Lockheed Martin F-35 - both cost considerably more than the $25 million to $30 million that the Checkmate designers quote for their program.
The public briefings on the program all contained few specifics of where the Sukhoi design team and UAC believe they could market the Checkmate, but other marketing material released to date shows that the primary target customer is the UAE - hence its appearance at this year’s Dubai show.

ainonline.comRussia Signals Ambition To Overturn UAE F-35 Sale

Anche qui … ainonline.comRussia Shifting Priorities to New Fighter Designs


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 novembre 2021, 15:38

Checkmate ... il nuovo video ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 1 maggio 2022, 23:23

Nuove informazioni riguardanti il "Checkmate" ...
Il deposito del brevetto del caccia stealth di quinta generazione, Checkmate o Sukhoi Su-75 presso il Servizio Federale Russo per la proprietà intellettuale ha atto emergere alcuni dettagli circa il nuovo monomotore da combattimento russo.
Il documento sottolinea infatti che «il risultato tecnico è l’aumento della stabilità e controllabilità del velivolo senza compromettere le caratteristiche di [in]visibilità radar», ottenuto anche studiando i limiti manifestati a suo tempo dal velivolo statunitense stealth F-117A.
Il Checkmate è dotato di coda “a V”, presa d’aria nella parte inferiore mentre l’ugello vettoriale 3D consente di utilizzarlo per il controllo e il bilanciamento del volo.
Circa i propulsori, a spingere il Checkmate sarà inizialmente l’Izdeliye 117 (noto come AL-41F1), cioè il motore adottato dal Sukhoi Su-35 che sarà opportunamente modificato per un velivolo monomotore in attesa che sia disponibile il nuovo Izdeilye 30, più leggero e prestante e destinato anche al bimotore Su-57.
analisidifesa.itDa Mosca nuovi dettagli sul caccia leggero Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate

Anche qui … tass.com/defenseCheckmate fighter’s designers took into account Lockheed F-117A’s weakness - patent


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 luglio 2023, 10:13

Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate ... cambia tutto !!!

aviacionline.comSu-75 Checkmate design modifications and new versions in development

La notizia è pubblicata anche sull'ultimo numero di AW&ST ... ma non è disponibile per chi non è abbonato ...


Da AW&ST ... A look at how the Su-75 Checkmate has changed from its 2021 design to the newer version unveiled this year ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Da Sukhoi il futuro "Light Tactical Fighter Aircraft" russo ...

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 luglio 2023, 10:58

Ho recuperato l'articolo di AW&ST ...
Sukhoi Reshapes The Su-75 Checkmate ...
By Piotr Butowski - July 10, 2023

In late June, Russia’s Federal Service for Intellectual Property revealed a series of design patents submitted by the Sukhoi Design Bureau showing a new configuration for the Su-75 Checkmate light single-engine stealth fighter; the aircraft designation is not mentioned in the patents.
The aircraft’s shape was patented in three versions: a single-seat fighter, two-seat combat trainer and an uncrewed aircraft.
The Su-75 Checkmate was displayed in a full-size mockup in 2021 and in a series of similar patents in 2022.
In the new variant, the tail section of the fuselage is changed, the rear wing edge has enlarged flaperons, and the wing leading-edge root extensions are slightly longer.
The outer wing panels previously were taken directly from the Su-57; now they have been modified.
This confirms rumors about changes in the Su-75 design.
Sukhoi probably intended to demonstrate the updated Checkmate at the MAKS 2023 air show planned for the end of July, but the show’s cancellation was announced on June 30.
The Sukhoi single-engine fighter was revealed two years ago at MAKS 2021 with the formal designation LTS (Lightweight Tactical Aircraft) and the nickname “Checkmate.”
The number “75” painted on the side corresponded to Sukhoi’s internal code T-75, later designated as Su-75.
The LTS-M presented at MAKS 2021 was a nonflying demonstrator intended for on-ground synchronization of construction components and equipment.
The same aircraft was displayed at the Dubai Airshow in November 2021.

Rework Means Delay ...

The Sukhoi Design Bureau started detailed design of the Su-75 in early 2020, and the LTS-M demonstrator was completed by the Sukhoi KnAAZ plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in May 2021.
The same plant is working on the next test aircraft, and future serial aircraft are planned to be produced there.
United Aircraft Corp. CEO Yury Slyusar says two test aircraft are under construction and four will be produced in all.
It is unknown if he counted the LTS-M mockup in his total.
The new aircraft are being produced according to the revised design.
Slyusar says the use of supercomputers for design sped up development.
Compared with classic experiment-based development, supercomputer simulation enables a more rational design in less time and at a much lower cost.
Sukhoi says the Su-75 is its first aircraft fully designed on supercomputers.
A significant change in the aerodynamic configuration after the LTS-M mockup was built is likely to delay the program.
Even if that adds time, redoing the aircraft at the design stage is more efficient than doing so after several years of flight tests - which is what happened with the Su-27 and Su-57 fighters.
Sukhoi intended to conduct full trials on five Su-57 aircraft made in 2010-13.
However, after problems with insufficient structural strength became apparent in 2016-17, the design was revised to strengthen the airframe, and another five test aircraft had to be built.
Russian officials do not appear to be in agreement about the timing of the Checkmate program, probably because the company is developing the platform without external procurement and funding and so without imposed deadlines.
During the first aircraft presentation for Russian President Vladimir Putin at MAKS 2021, reports stated that the fighter would make its first flight in 2023.
A preproduction batch was to be completed in 2026, and full-scale serial production was to start a year later.
A few months later in Dubai, Slyusar said the corporation intended to accelerate the project and “to start series production in late 2025,” Aviation Week reported at the time (AW&ST Nov. 22-Dec. 5, 2021, p. 18).
On May 18, 2022, Sergei Chemezov, CEO of Rostec Corp. (which includes United Aircraft Corp. and Sukhoi), reported to Putin that the first flight-test aircraft would be completed at the turn of 2023-24, and series production would begin in 2027.
A month later, on June 17, Yuri Borisov, then-Russian deputy prime minister and responsible for the defense industry, said the first flight of the Su-75 was scheduled for 2025.
That August, during the Army 2022 exhibition, Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov gave the date 2024 for the start of Su-75 trials.

No Customer ...

A delay to the Su-75 Checkmate program is not critical because no one is waiting for it anyway. Its greatest challenge is the lack of a firm customer. In July 2021, Chemezov admitted that the fighter is being produced at the company’s own risk, without any orders. A 2021 Checkmate advertising video featured “pilots” from Argentina, India, the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam, signaling Russia’s intended markets.
Russian announcements about possible Su-75 customers have been vague. At the IDEX defense exhibition in Abu Dhabi in February 2017, Russia and the United Arab Emirates signed an agreement to cooperate in the next-generation light fighter project - that was the stimulus that directly pushed the Russians to initiate the Su-75 project. The cooperation never progressed, despite subsequent declarations that it was still valid.
In Dubai in November 2021, a representative of the Russian arms trade service said: “A number of customers have shown heightened interest in this aircraft.” But no specifics followed.
During the February 2023 Aero India air show, the Tass news agency reported that the Russian delegation was discussing possible cooperation with India in the Checkmate project and that the aircraft would be presented at the show. But the aircraft was not displayed there, and it was not mentioned after the show.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and the resulting geopolitical disruptions significantly limited the number of countries willing to buy Russian military equipment. The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) likely would be the first customer for the Su-75. The VKS, with the Su-30SM, Su-35S, Su-57 and MiG-35S multirole fighters and heavy Su-34 fighter-bomber in current production, is not interested in buying another tactical combat aircraft. But the VKS would buy the Su-75 if the political authorities deem it necessary to keep the project alive and support its export.
The Su-75 Checkmate is a single-engine new-generation fighter, which the Russians intended to make at low cost using ready-made components, mostly from the Su-57 fighter—including the same AL-41F-1 engine, as well as much of its systems, avionics and weapons.
Slyusar says the Checkmate will be offered at $30-35 million, while its cost per flight hour is expected to be “six or seven times” less than the Lockheed Martin F-35’s. The Su-75 Checkmate is designed to fly at Mach 1.8 to a range of 2,800 km (1,740 mi.) with internal fuel. Its maximum takeoff weight is 26,000 kg (57,320 lb.) including 7,400 kg of weapons and stores.
