L'anno del B-52 .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 ottobre 2012, 21:00

1957 ..... arrivano le avio-cisterne a getto .....
New Muscle for the Long Arm of SAC .....

The source of this tremendously increased striking power is an adjunct of the Free World’s Number One weapon system—SAC’s B-52, the long-range, eight-jet, 650-mph bomber which last January streaked around the globe in forty-five hours and nineteen minutes.

The new addition is the KC-135 Stratotanker, a sleek, jet-powered giant of an airplane which can rendezvous with and refuel the B-52 without causing the big bomber to deviate from its assigned course, speed, or altitude.

“If we had had the KC-135 last January,” a pilot at SAC headquarters told me, “we could have cut four to six hours off that global flight.”
Fonte ..... http://www.airforce-magazine.com/Magazi ... 57sac.aspx


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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 ottobre 2012, 9:57

Ancora sull' ultimo B-52H (61.040) consegnato nel 1962 ..... l' aereo è tuttora in servizio .....

Dal "Daily Report" dell' AFA di questa mattina .....

Baby BUFF Reaches 50 Years of Service .....

The final B-52 bomber delivered to the Air Force—the youngest B-52H—last week reached 50 years of operational service, announced manufacturer Boeing.


This airframe, serial number 61-040, is assigned to Minot AFB, N.D., where it flies with the combat-coded 5th Bomb Wing, according to the company's release on Oct. 26.

It was on that same day back in 1962 that Boeing delivered this airplane to the Air Force from the company's production plant in Wichita, Kan.

Between 1952 and 1962, Boeing built 744 B-52s in eight different models, states the release.

Today, the Air Force's B-52 fleet comprises 76 H-model aircraft, including two used as test aircraft at Edwards AFB, Calif.

Barksdale AFB, La., hosts the service's second combat-coded B-52 unit, the 2nd BW, as well as Air Force Reserve Command's 307th BW that runs the B-52 schoolhouse.

The Air Force intends to keep B-52s in service out to around 2040.

The final B-52 bomber delivered to the Air Force—the youngest B-52H—reached 50 years of service on Oct. 26, 2012, announced manufacturer Boeing.
This airframe, serial number 61-040, is assigned to Minot AFB, N.D., where it serves with the 5th Bomb Wing, according to the company.
Here (left), aircraft 61-040 outside Boeing's production plant in Wichita, Kan., in 1962.
At right, the airplane on the flight line at Andersen AFB, Guam, during a deployment to the Pacific air hub, May 4, 2012.

(Boeing photo and Air Force photo by SrA. Carlin Leslie)

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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 29 ottobre 2012, 12:10

Gli auguro altri 50 anni di servizio!! (se non si sgaggiano col next gen. bomber ce la puó fare :lol: )

Sarebbe curioso sapere quante parti di questo B-52 sono state sostituite nel corso degli anni e quante, invece, sono quelle "originali" di quand'è uscito di fabbrica (se gliene è rimasta qualcuna..) :mrgreen:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 ottobre 2012, 18:37

MatteF88 ha scritto:Gli auguro altri 50 anni di servizio!! (se non si sgaggiano col next gen. bomber ce la puó fare :lol: )
50 magari no ..... ma per lo meno altri 28 ..... in quanto si parla di ritiro definitivo nel 2040 .....
Of 744 B-52's built, around 75 'H' models remain in service, with some expected to last until 2040, when they will be an incredible 80 years old !
Fonte ..... http://www.aviationweek.com/Blogs.aspx? ... 5e711994d2

Boeing B-52H-175-BW (SN 61-0040) This was the last B-52 built .....


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 novembre 2012, 9:15

Ha perso i flaps ..... :eeeeek:

..... dal "Daily Report" dell' AFA di questa mattina .....

B-52 Loses Flaps .....

A malfunction caused a B-52H to shed its wing flaps in mid flight on a sortie from Tinker AFB, Okla.

The aircraft "lost the left and right inboard flaps" on takeoff on Nov. 1 and the entire assemblies physically "came off the aircraft," Tinker spokesman Ron Mullan told the Daily Report on Nov. 5.

The aircrew quickly declared an in-flight emergency and "came back around and landed safely at the base," he added.

The bomber, assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot AFB, N.D., had just completed programmed depot maintenance at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex and was undertaking a functional test flight before returning to Minot when the incident occurred.

Mullan said a base safety board is "looking into the incident," but the Air Force has not yet convened an accident investigation board.

See also The Oklahoman report ..... http://newsok.com/b-52-loses-flaps-duri ... z2BMdTzKRs

Arie Church

Here, a B-52 takes off from Minot during a rapid-launch exercise .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 dicembre 2012, 18:49

B-52G ..... addio ..... :wave:

Dal "Daily Report" dell' AFA di questa mattina .....
Boneyard Surgery .....

The Air Force is slowly reducing the number of out-of-service B-52G bombers that still count as nuclear delivery platforms under the rules of the New START agreement with Russia by cutting up these airframes.

There were 30 B-52Gs in the Air Force's aircraft boneyard in the Arizona desert still considered as "deployed heavy bombers" under New START's counting rules, according to the State Department's fact sheet, issued on Nov. 30, but reflecting the size of the US strategic nuclear arsenal on Sept. 1.

http://www.airforce-magazine.com/SiteCo ... 113012.pdf

That total was down by six airframes compared to the data in the previous fact sheet from June 1 detailing the arsenal's composition on March 1.

http://www.airforce-magazine.com/SiteCo ... 063012.pdf

The Air Force is separating the tail from each B-52G fuselage in a way that eliminates them from the nuclear-capable inventory for the purposes of the treaty.

The service still had more than 140 B-2A, B-52G (all retired), and B-52H nuclear-capable bombers, according to the most recent fact sheet.

http://www.airforce-magazine.com/DRArch ... aSnip.aspx

The Air Force intends to draw down to a total of no more than 60 deployable B-2As and B-52Hs as part of the United States' overall reductions to meet New START's ceilings on strategic nuclear warheads and delivery systems by February 2018.

Plans are in place to convert some B-52Hs to platforms capable of carrying only conventional munitions to meet that number.

http://www.airforce-magazine.com/DRArch ... lanOK.aspx


"The Air Force is slowly reducing the number of out-of-service B-52G bombers that still count as nuclear delivery platforms under the rules of the New START agreement with Russia so that the United States meets the treaty's ceilings on strategic nuclear warheads and delivery systems by February 2018.
Here, B-52Gs shown in the Air Force's aircraft boneyard in the Arizona desert, Nov. 14, 2012.
The Air Force is cutting up the long-retired airframes so that they can no longer carry nuclear weapons.
As of Sept. 1, 2012, there were 30 B-52Gs still considered "deployed heavy bombers" under the treaty's counting rules, according to the State Department."

(Staff photo by John A. Tirpak)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 dicembre 2012, 10:12

"Linebacker II" ..... quarant'anni dopo .....

..... dal "Daily Report" dell' AFA di questa mattina .....

Linebacker II Memorial Dedicated at Barksdale .....

Airmen past and present gathered at the Barksdale Global Power Museum on the grounds of Barksdale AFB, La., to dedicate a memorial to the aircrews who flew B-52s and supporting aircraft against North Vietnamese targets during Operation Linebacker II nearly 40 years ago.

More than 150 veterans of the operation attended the Dec. 8 ceremony, sharing their stories and honoring their colleagues who died in the 11-day campaign that contributed to ending the Vietnam War, according to a Barksdale release.

Linebacker II commenced on Dec. 18, 1972; 15 B-52s were lost during it, along with 11 additional Air Force and Navy tactical aircraft, states the release.

"What all of you did 40 years ago helped shape me as an airman and us as an Air Force," said Lt. Gen. William Rew, Air Combat Command's vice commander, to the assembled veterans.


His father, retired Maj. Gen. Thomas Rew, a Linebacker II veteran, helped present a wreath during the ceremony.


Barksdale report by Carla Pampe ..... http://www.afgsc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123329266

For more on the operation, read Linebacker II from the December issue of Air Force Magazine .....

http://www.airforce-magazine.com/Magazi ... acker.aspx
"B-52s line up for takeoff at Andersen Air Base, Guam, during Linebacker II in December, 1972"

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Iscritto il: 26 dicembre 2012, 22:03

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da HellBent » 27 dicembre 2012, 18:48

richelieu ha scritto:Qualche vecchia immagine "scannerizzata" qua e là ....






Foto di gruppo come questa, mi mandano in visibilio...
Se penso che un pilota come questi raffigurati qui l'avevo iniziato una decina di anni fa -onde avere almeno un rappresentante del tipico aviatore USAF d'altissima quota negli anni '50- poi ho rinunciato, impossibile completarlo.
Troppo fuori dalla mia portata, specialmente le parti che compongono l'esclusivo casco MA-2 e i guanti pressurizzati (anche se ho assemblato e terminato al 100% alcuni piloti della "Jet Age" un pò più convenzionali...)

Avevo invece recuperato (e provvisoriamente messa su un manichino) proprio una tuta "Partial Pressure Suit" modello "High Altitude, MC-3A" identica a quelle della foto, fabbricata dalla ditta Berger Bros. Co. nel 1959.
Una cosa incredibile... un capolavoro di ingegnosità nel progettare un indumento che chiudesse, letteralmente, l'aviatore fin quasi a "stritolarlo" in caso di emergenza.
Non disponendo ancora (a differenza della Navy) di pratiche tute "spaziali" che proteggessero in una sorta di atmosfera artificiale, questo ripiego tipico dell'USAF si serrava sul corpo quasi entrandogli nella pelle, tanto era la stretta feroce che esercitava a tutta pressione...

L'ho indossata una volta e accuratamente regolata tramite le infinite possibilità di aggiustare i lacci esterni... anche la taglia mi calzava a pennello, dopo 45 minuti passati a regolarla (aiutato da due persone, e parecchio talco per infilarmi dentro) l'ho collegata al connettore di un compressore: tenendo presente che la tenuta del suddetto meccanismo ovviamente NON era paragonabile a quella dell'originale dispositivo, e nonostante ciò l'espansione dei tubi esterni ha comunque portato il tessuto a serrarsi spietatamente fino a stamparmi le cuciture sulla pelle....
non voglio pensare a cos'era una vera emergenza a 75.000 ft, a bordo di un U-2 o un B-58 Hustler, con la tuta che -MECCANICAMENTE- premeva a tal punto da impedire l'espansione di muscoli e arterie, nonchè il trasudamento di sangue e liquidi linfatici dalla pelle....

Che dire? se non....FANTASTICO !!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Iscritto il: 26 dicembre 2012, 22:03

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da HellBent » 27 dicembre 2012, 20:14

Un veloce rimando (indiretto) al B-52,
le tute qui raffigurate -le MC-3A, le più perfezionate ma anche le più difficili da sopportare anche da sgonfie- in realtà non sarebbero state necessarie, in quanto alle quote massime che un B-52 AVREBBE potuto, teoricamente, mantenere per molte ore consecutive potevano essere sufficienti le tute "Model MC-1". Leggermente più anziane e meno sofisticate, e meno protettive alle altissime quote (oltre gli 80.000 ft.).
Ma nel caso del nostro bombardiere strategico si sarebbe volati a non più di 14.500 - 15.000 metri circa, in cabine pressurizzate e il previsto evento di un'emergenza istantanea non avrebbe avuto effetti disastrosi sugli uomini.

Rimanevano comunque "mandatory" (lo sono ancora oggi) per i voli oltre i 45.000 ft, cioè quasi 14.000 metri.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 dicembre 2012, 20:40

In questo film del 1957 ..... "I giganti toccano il cielo" ("Bombers B-52" o anche "No Sleep Till Dawn") 1957 .....


..... i piloti indossano tute a pressione parziale .....

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Iscritto il: 26 dicembre 2012, 22:03

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da HellBent » 27 dicembre 2012, 20:46

Già, si tratta qui delle ancor più anziane "Model T-1" della David Clark Co.
I due piloti non indossano qui la "faceplate" (per ovvi motivi di praticità per gli attori), e i caschi sono i classici K-1A in fiberglass della ditta "International Latex Corporation" con sede a Dover, nel Delaware (la stessa che avrebbe poi preso nientemeno che l'appalto delle tute "A7L" e "A7L-B" per il progetto Apollo !!!).
La foto più conosciuta di equipaggi di B-52 alle prese con quegli strumenti di tortura che erano le "Partial Pressure Suits" rimane, comunque, quella di "Tex" Johnson, Art Curren e Guy Townsend mentre le provano simulando un'emergenza (la posterò appena imparato come si fa... :( ).
In quel caso si tratta di "vecchie" tute modello T-1 (o forse, T-1A), ed è spettacolare vedere come si ritrova l'uomo alle prese con uno di quegli affari mentre gli...disegnano anche i deltoidi delle spalle (e gli addominali... se solo li avesse, ovviamente).

Terrificante!!!!!! Darei non dico che cosa, per poter riprendere e portare a termine anche uno di questi esclusivi piloti...
ma come già detto, alcuni articoli saranno troppo fuori dalla mia portata. E comunque, l'aver dato via la "Partial Pressure Suit" MC-3A in cambio di due oggetti che mi sono serviti per completare il pilota di F-105 ambientato in Vietnam (tre anni di impegno) ha precluso definitivamente il progetto.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 gennaio 2013, 10:34

Ancora sullo "scambio di cortesie" fra ex avversari .....

Dal "Daily Report" dell' AFA di questa mattina .....

The Russians are Coming, Almost .....

US and Russian officials continue to hash out the details of a B-52/Tu-95 bomber exchange, Air Force Global Strike Command spokeswoman Capt. Karen Mock told the Daily Report.

"Further discussions are presently underway to solidify the details for the execution of exchange visits of bombers, crews, and support personnel," said Mock on Jan. 11.

AFGSC announced the US-Russia "long-range aviation bomber exchange program" last August after a command-led delegation returned from a site survey of Engels Air Base in Saratov, Russia, to determine if Engels was suitable to support B-52H operations.

http://www.airforce-magazine.com/DRArch ... ogram.aspx

The July 21-28, 2012, visit came after a Russian group toured Barksdale AFB, La., from July 11-12, 2012, to gauge its ability to host the Tu-95.


Mock said the "site surveys at both locations were found to be satisfactory."

The Russians proposed the bomber exchange during annual US-Russia security-cooperation discussions, she said.

Gen. Lt. Anatoliy Dmitriyevick Zhikharyev, Russian Long Range Aviation and Delegation commander, and Maj. Gen. Everett Thomas, Air Force Global Strike Command vice commander, have an office call on Barksdale Air Force Base, La., July 12.
This was the first visit to Barksdale for Zhikharyev, who visited the base as part of a Russian Air Force delegation for a new bomber exchange program.
As part of the visit, Russian Airmen received an up-close view of the B-52H Stratofortress bomber, a briefing about the mission and a visit with Air Force Global Strike Command leaders.

(U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Sean Martin)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 gennaio 2013, 23:54

All'atterraggio .....

A B-52H Stratofortess comes in for a landing at Minot AFB, N.D., on Jan. 7, 2013.
(Air Force photo by SrA. Brittany Y. Auld)

Fonte ..... Il "Daily Report dell' AFA di questa mattina .....


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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 gennaio 2013, 14:26

Altro atterraggio .....


..... questa volta sulla Nellis AFB durante l'esercitazione Red Flag 13-2 .....

Sullo sfondo ..... i grattacieli di Las Vegas ..... alla cui periferia la base è situata .....


Più grande ..... http://www.nellis.af.mil/shared/media/p ... 99-005.jpg

Fonte ..... il sito della Nellis AFB .....


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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 febbraio 2013, 13:35

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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 febbraio 2013, 10:55

Frank Dailey II ..... uno degli ultimi mitraglieri di coda dei B-52 tuttora in servizio (ma in altri ruoli) ..... va in pensione .....

Dal "Daily Report" dell' AFA di questa mattina .....

The Tail End of B-52 Tail Enders .....

CMSgt. Francis Dailey, one of the last former B-52 tail gunners serving on Active Duty, retired from the Air Force after more than 27 years in uniform in a ceremony at Hurlburt Field, Fla., announced base officials.

Dailey enlisted in 1985 and completed aerial gunnery school at then-Castle AFB, Calif., before serving under Strategic Air Command, according to Hurlburt's Feb. 17 release.

"For the next four years, I flew just shy of 1,000 hours as a gunner," Dailey recounted at his Feb. 14 retirement ceremony.

When the service eliminated Air Force specialty code 111X0 in 1991, ending B-52 gunner as a career field, Dailey cross-trained into intelligence and would later spend time on assignments in Africa, Afghanistan, and South Korea, states the release.

He retired as superintendent of the 361st Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group, training intel commandos at Hurlburt.

There are still some ex-B-52 gunners serving in other career fields or in the reserve components, according to the release.

Hurlburt report by SrA. Joe McFadden ..... http://www2.hurlburt.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123336878

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 21 febbraio 2013, 11:49

C'è chi ha abbattuto un Mig-21 con quelle torrette:
12/30/2010 - U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. (AFRNS) -- If the landmarks here could speak, the B-52 Stratofortress bomber sitting near the academy's north gate would have quite a Vietnam War story to tell.

The crew of the "Diamond Lil," a B-52D, Tail No. 55-083, took off from Utapao Royal Thai Naval Airfield on Christmas Eve in 1972. The crew's mission was to bomb the North Vietnamese railroad yards at Thai Nguyen as part of Operation Linebacker II, which took place Dec. 18 to 29, 1972.

However, the Diamond Lil's crew faced enemy air power. A North Vietnamese MiG-21 raced to intercept the B-52. The bomber's tail gunner, Airman 1st Class Albert Moore, noticed the MiG's approach."I observed a target in my radar scope 8:30 o'clock, low at eight miles," Airman Moore wrote six days later in his statement of claim for enemy aircraft destroyed. "I immediately notified the crew, and the 'bogie' started closing rapidly. It stabilized at 4,000 yards, 6:30 o'clock. I called the pilot for evasive action and the [electronic warfare officer] for chaff and flares.

"When the target got to 2,000 yards, I notified the crew that I was firing. I fired at the bandit until it ballooned to three times in intensity then suddenly disappeared from my radar scope at approximately 1,200 yards, 6:30 low. I expended 800 rounds in three bursts."

Another gunner aboard the B-52, Tech. Sgt. Clarence Chute, verified Airman Moore's kill in his report.

"I went visual and saw the 'bandit' on fire and falling away," Sergeant Chute wrote. "Several pieces of the aircraft exploded, and the fireball disappeared in the under-cast at my 6:30 position."

Airman Moore's kill is one of only two confirmed kills by a B-52D in the Vietnam War and the last confirmed kill by a tail gunner in wartime using machine guns.

Following the MiG kill, Airman Moore wrote, "On the way home I wasn't sure whether I should be happy or sad. You know, there was a guy in that MiG. I'm sure he would have wanted to fly home too. But it was a case of him or my crew. I'm glad it turned out the way it did. Yes, I'd go again. Do I want another MiG? No, but given the same set of circumstances, yes, I'd go for another one." Mr. Moore died in 2009 at age 55.

Linebacker II brought the North Vietnamese government back to the negotiating table after earlier talks had broken down. A month after the campaign, North Vietnam and the United States signed a ceasefire agreement.

Diamond Lil continued serving long after the end of the Vietnam War. In all, the aircraft flew more than 15,000 hours and more than 200 combat missions between its commissioning in 1957 and its decommissioning in 1983. It came to the Air Force academy shortly after it was decommissioned.

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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da JT8D » 8 maggio 2013, 22:20

Una macchina praticamente immortale :D :

http://www.md80.it/2013/05/08/boeing-co ... r-il-b-52/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da sidew » 26 maggio 2013, 22:49

pubblicata su FB:
A B-52 demonstrating it's low level abilities to the U.S. Navy.

"Oops!" - Shannon Foraker, Ashes of victory

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 16 luglio 2013, 16:33

Aggiornamenti ad avionica e capacità di trasportare nuove armi in arrivo...inoltre:
“Their structure, service life and air frames are good until around 2040. They are built very strong structurally. This is not a structural modification, but upgrades to the capabilities and the avionics,” Single explained.

http://www.dodbuzz.com/2013/07/12/air-f ... -overhaul/

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Iscritto il: 6 dicembre 2011, 18:57

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 28 giugno 2014, 12:46

Adesso l'hanno reso compatibile con un pod radar AESA che gli permette di operare in totale autonomia nel ruolo di pattugliatore marittimo, prima doveva avere l'appoggio di altri aerei...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 giugno 2014, 14:16

Un altro ruolo in ambito navale ricoperto dal B-52 durante la Guerra Fredda fu quello di 'posa-mine' ..... quando effettuò lanci in mare di mine Mk 60 'CAPTOR' a protezione dei passaggi 'GIUK' .....



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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 giugno 2014, 9:45

Ancora sul radar AN/ASQ-236 'Dragon's Eye' .....
Recently, AFGSC's Bomber Requirements Division led a successful demonstration of the AN/ASQ-236 "Dragon's Eye," a podded active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, on a B-52 Stratofortress.
Originally fielded for operational use on the F-15E Strike Eagle in 2009, Dragon's Eye was developed to provide aircrew with the ability to geo-locate points of interest, and conduct surveillance activities day or night, in adverse weather conditions.
Fonte ..... "Dragon's Eye demo exercises AFGSC's innovative capabilities" .....

Il 'pod' contenente il radar installato, in questo caso, sotto un F-15E .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 agosto 2014, 10:31

Una donna al comando di uno stormo di B-52 .....


"First Female Bomb Wing Commander" ......
http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pa ... ander.aspx

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Iscritto il: 16 ottobre 2011, 13:28

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da Vultur » 7 agosto 2014, 19:39

Il manuale relativo al B-52 "minacciosamente" scritto in cirillico per i piloti della PVO.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 agosto 2014, 20:30

Vultur ha scritto:Il manuale relativo al B-52 "minacciosamente" scritto in cirillico per i piloti della PVO.
Quello che trovo stupefacente è che il 'trittico' è stato indubbiamente disegnato dall'inglese Dennis Punnett ..... che collaborò per parecchi anni con William Green quale illustratore delle sue innumerevoli opere.
Non si scappa ..... quello è il suo stile!
E dovrebbe risalire ai primissimi anni Sessanta ..... in quanto, successivamente, disegnò l'aereo armato con quattro ALBM 'Skybolt' al posto dei due cruise 'Hound Dog' .....


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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 agosto 2014, 9:17

A difesa del Canale .....


"B-52 Defends Panama Canal in Exercise" ..... http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pa ... rcise.aspx

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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 agosto 2014, 10:21

M.I.T.O. a Barksdale AFB ..... :shock:


"B-52s Practice Rapid Response to Alert" ..... http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pa ... Alert.aspx

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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 ottobre 2014, 20:22

Da qui ..... all'eternità .....
The US Air Force is breathing new life into an effort to upgrade the radar systems in its fleet of Boeing B-52H bombers initially announced four years ago.
The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) on 23 September announced it was seeking technical, performance and cost information for radar systems to replace the Northrop Grumman APQ-166 strategic radars first fielded in the 1950s and most recently upgraded in the 1980s.
Fonte ..... "US Air Force again seeks to upgrade B-52H radars" .....
http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... rs-404306/

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 ottobre 2014, 10:15

Altro che ..... "Da qui ..... all'eternità" ..... :shock:

Il capo dello 'Air Force Global Strike Command' parla del futuro del B-52 ..... e lancia alcune proposte .....

​Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson, commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, addresses a Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies crowd in Arlington, Va., on Oct. 9, 2014.
(Staff photo by Lyndsey Akers).

Getting More BUFF ..... (John A. Tirpak - 10/10/2014)

​A perennial B-52 upgrade idea—re-engining—is being considered again, Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson, head of Air Force Global Strike Command, said Thursday.
Speaking at an AFA-sponsored, Air Force breakfast in Arlington, Va., Wilson said plans call for the B-52 to remain in service until 2040 "and possibly beyond."
Wilson told Air Force Magazine that he's been talking to engine contractors, who say a commercial motor for the B-52 "could save us 25-30 percent on fuel," but an even bigger payback could come from ripple effects in logistics and operations.
Some new engines can "stay on-wing for 20 years" producing large savings on depot maintenance, and greater fuel efficiency translates to greater range, reducing the need for tankers, he said.
An engine replacement might pay for itself by "the mid-'30s" but make even more sense because Wilson thinks the B-52 will serve longer than that.
"We're flying them less," and racking up hours more slowly, he said.
There's no money in the coming budget for new engines, but Wilson said he's exploring whether Congress would be willing to allow the Air Force to use some money earmarked for energy-saving upgrades at installations for the project.
Right now, the money can't be used for aircraft modifications.
..... e non solo .....
... And a New Radar Would Be Nice ..... (John A. Tirpak - 10/10/2014)

The 51-year-old B-52H needs a new radar, and Global Strike Command chief Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson said Thursday he would be quite satisfied having the AN/APG-81, which equips the F-35 fighter, installed on the bomber.
Speaking with reporters after an AFA-sponsored, Air Force breakfast in Arlington, Va., Wilson said the F-35 radar would be an “80 percent solution” to what the B-52 needs, but offers big operating cost benefits: by buying the AN/APG-81, the Air Force could increase the production run and further reduce unit costs on the radar.
Also, as with potential re-engining of the B-52, Wilson said the radar would sharply reduce maintenance costs on the bomber, thus defraying the cost of the new capability.
The longer the B-52 serves, the more savings would accrue, he said.
The precedent for both upgrades is the KC-135 re-engining and digital upgrade, which has saved money and vastly extended the KC-135’s service life, he said.
..... ma c'è di più ..... e non so se la Marina, che sta lentamente avviando il costoso programma destinato alla sostituzione dei propri sottomarini lanciamissili balistici classe 'Ohio', sarà particolarmente entusiasta di cotanta idea .....
The BUFF as a Boomer ..... (John A. Tirpak - 10/10/2014)

Equipping the B-52 with new, long-range and faster—potentially hypersonic—standoff missiles would create a capability comparable to that of a nuclear submarine, Global Strike Command chief Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson said Thursday.
A bomber with cruise missiles that can reach the target in “hours or minutes” represents “a very cost-imposing strategy” on a nuclear adversary and would be a “significant deterrent,” he said at a Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies event in Arlington, Va.
It would also have the same striking power as a boomer sub, he said.
The AGM-86 Air-Launched Cruise Missile, which now equips the B-52 force, was “supposed to last 10 years,” but is still serving today and will be “another 10 years out.”
Wilson plugged for a long-range cruise missile replacement, which, especially if blessed with hypersonic speed, could breathe new life into the B-52, he said.
Even without such a weapon, though, Wilson touted the B-52 as “too … versatile” to retire, with the ability to employ more kinds of munitions than any other US platform.
Wilson also noted that AFGSC has set up a “standoff missile application center” with the Navy to explore the synergies of various missiles like the Tomahawk, Conventional ALCM, Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, or JASSM, and the Miniature Air-Launched Decoy and its jamming variant, the MALD-J.
The center seeks to “synchronize and de-conflict” the effects these weapons bring to the joint battle, he said.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 ottobre 2014, 17:58

Bill Sweetman ci parla, sullo 'Aerospace Daily & Defense Report' di 'AW&ST', delle prospettive di rimotorizzazione dei vecchi B-52H ..... rivelando alcuni dettagli circa i potenziali candidati .....
B-52 Re-engine Resurfaces As USAF Reviews Studies .....

Bill Sweetman | Aerospace Daily & Defense Report (Oct 10, 2014)

The U.S. Air Force is reviewing industry studies of fitting its 50-year-old Boeing B-52 bombers with new commercial-derivative engines, according to Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson, commander of the service’s Global Strike Command.

So far, Wilson said Oct. 9 at a Washington meeting, the Air Force assesses that the change would result in a net cost savings over the remaining life of the B-52s, which are expected to fly until 2040.

Wilson did not identify the contractor that made the proposal or whether more than one company is involved.
However, an industry source confirms that Boeing has presented a “concept brief” and that General Electric has looked at fitting the bomber with eight CF34-10 engines.
Pratt & Whitney also is exploring options.

Fitting new engines would sharply reduce the bombers’ fuel burn, and in turn reduce the need for tanker support, Wilson said.
Moreover, under current commercial standards the new engines would not have to be removed for routine maintenance over the lifetime of the aircraft.

Wilson’s Global Strike Command and Air Force Materiel command are examining the proposal; separately, Wilson said he wants his command to become more agile and innovative in terms of procurement and upgrade programs, and that he has worked on learning lessons from Air Force Special Operations Command in this area.
One example is the Dragon’s Eye demonstration this summer, in which a Northrop Grumman ASQ-236 radar targeting pod was fitted to a B-52 and flight tested in four weeks.

The main obstacles to a re-engining program could concern budgets and regulations, Wilson says.
Airline operating experience would have to be used to support military airworthiness requirements, and the proposal rests on recovering an early investment through lower operating costs.
Wilson notes that commanders have budgetary discretion to spend money against future energy savings when they modernize bases and other facilities, but not to modify aircraft.

This represents at least the third attempt to re-engine the B-52, which is powered by eight TF33 engines similar to those used on the Boeing 707.

Pratt & Whitney studied the idea in 1982, with four PW2000-series engines.
In 1996 Boeing and Rolls-Royce jointly proposed to fit B-52s with four RB211-535s, with the government leasing the engines.
The first plan was not taken up because all B-52s were to be replaced by B-1s and B-2s by the late 1990s, and the second failed because of resistance to leasing combat assets and a flawed economic assessment by the Air Force.

According to a 2004 Defense Science Board report, the USAF failed to take the cost of air refueling into account.
At that time, tanker-delivered fuel cost $17.50 per gallon, 14 times the cost of fuel on the ground.
The DSB task force “unanimously recommend[ed] the Air Force proceed with B-52H re-engining without delay,” but no action was taken.

“Had we done it all those years ago, we’d be patting ourselves on the back today and telling everyone how smart we were,” Wilson said.

GE’s eight-CF34-10 option could deliver more thrust than the current engines (variants are rated at 17,640-20,360-lb. thrust) and would avoid engine-out handling issues.

Pratt & Whitney announced in May that it was launching the PW1135G-JM, aimed initially at the A321neo and rated at a 35,000-lb. thrust class, slightly more than two TF33s.
The new engines would deliver an even greater performance and efficiency improvement than the engines proposed in 1996.

The RB211-535 has been out of production since the end of the Boeing 757 line in 2004, and the last F117s (military PW2000s) are being delivered with the final C-17s, so neither engine is a strong candidate today.
Link ..... http://aviationweek.com/defense/b-52-re ... =article_2

Un paio di vecchie proposte .....



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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 13 ottobre 2014, 18:56

richelieu ha scritto:
“Had we done it all those years ago, we’d be patting ourselves on the back today and telling everyone how smart we were,” Wilson said.
Eh, col senno di poi...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 ottobre 2014, 7:38

Un B-52H guida la formazione ..... http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pu ... 4joint.jpg

Ships from the George Washington and Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Groups and aircraft from the Air Force and Marine Corps operate in formation at the conclusion of Valiant Shield 2014, Sept. 23, 2014.
Valiant Shield is a US-only exercise integrating Navy, Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps assets, offering real-world joint operational experience.
(Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Trevor Welsh)


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Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 ottobre 2014, 14:44

Diconsi ..... 9000 ore ..... 8)

"Pilot reaches milestone -- 9,000 B-52 flying hours" .....


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: L'anno del B-52 .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 ottobre 2014, 19:17

I 'giganti' tornano in Europa e, per quest'anno, è la seconda volta .....
U.S. Strategic Command will send B-52 Stratofortress bombers to participate in Exercise Noble Justification this month in support of NATO allies and partners.
The bombers will practice “command, control and employment of simulated conventional weapons operations” as part of the maritime component of the NATO exercise taking place in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, according to a release.
Fonte ..... "B-52s headed to Europe for second time this year" .....
http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20 ... -time-year

"Over Twenty Warships Participating in NATO Exercise Noble Justification" .....
http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/na ... tification
