USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 gennaio 2015, 10:42

Quella 'cosa' di Northrop Grumman ..... coperta da un telone .....

The ad shows the company's legacy of building flying wings, first with the YB-35 prototype from the 1940s, then the B-2 Spirit bomber developed in the 1980s and finally the X-47B unmanned system being developed for the Navy.
And then ... another flying wing shape, covered in a sheet.
Fonte ..... "Northrop Teases New Bomber in New Ad" ..... ... /22539301/

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 febbraio 2015, 17:34

Il futuro bombardiere strategico e le possibili implicazioni sulle sorti del settore militare dell'industria aerospaziale statunitense .....
Un commento dell'analista Richard Aboulafia .....

"Opinion: LRS-B And The Military Aircraft Industry ... Market forces are key, not government fiat" ..... ... t-industry

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 febbraio 2015, 11:34

Inconsueto battage ..... pubblicitario .....

"Northrop Grumman buys Super Bowl air time" ..... ... 3A20150202

Inoltre .....
How many American consumers are looking to purchase a new long-range stealth super-bomber?
So why would Northrop Grumman spend big bucks on producing such a glitzy ad and pay to have it run in Washington DC and Dayton, Ohio during the Super Bowl?
Fonte ..... "Why Northrop Grumman Ran A Super Bowl Ad For A Stealth Bomber" ..... ... 1683062602

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 7 febbraio 2015, 11:58

É forse un modo per dire che è pronto e magari sta già volando? :scratch:

O forse semplicemente, come già stato per il B-2, non é un black project.. :blackeye:

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 febbraio 2015, 14:09

MatteF88 ha scritto:É forse un modo per dire che è pronto e magari sta già volando? :scratch:
O forse semplicemente, come già stato per il B-2, non é un black project .. :blackeye:
Non è un 'black project' perché se ne parla abbastanza apertamente ..... ma, come è ovvio per un programma di tal genere, il velo del segreto c'è eccome .....
Che stia già volando ..... chissà ..... :dontknow:
Quanto meno potrebbe esistere una qualche forma dimostratore segreto ..... e c'è chi ricollega la cosa a quegli avvistamenti verificatisi lo scorso anno ..... ma si tratta soltanto di ipotesi .....
Posso limitarmi a ricordare che l' USAF rilasciò un primo rendering della configurazione del B-2 alcuni mesi prima della sua presentazione ufficiale ..... ma non è che rivelasse granché .....

Immagine ... 201076.PDF

Anzi ..... gli scarichi dei motori non erano praticamente visibili ..... e si tentò di continuare a mantenerli tali anche in occasione della cerimonia del roll-out .....


..... facendo sì che gli invitati fossero posizionati frontalmente e non potessero osservarli .....

Ci pensò però un team di AW&ST che, con un Cessna 172 preso a nolo, sorvolò la zona e fotografò l'aereo da una certa quota ..... in barba ad ogni divieto .....





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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 7 febbraio 2015, 20:24

Dall'articolo che ha postato il cardinale, trovo raccapriccianti questi passaggi, forieri di un indebolimento reale a mio avviso della capacità di efficacia dell'USAF:

« The F-35 in particular has shocked the defense industry into a new reality. Beyond its merits and failings, the F-35 aims to replace the majority of tactical fighters in the U.S. inventory with one type, sold by one contractor. Not only does this mean that there will be no future fighter aircraft competitions potentially for decades, but it also means all those sustainment and upgrade dollars will be migrating away from a diversified fleet supported by many manufacturers and right into the pockets of a single major contractor.

Why Northrop Grumman Ran A Super Bowl Ad For A Stealth Bomber

The very public lashing of the F-35 program and the numerous stories on its many faults have clearly widened who the defense contractors view as their constituency.

What results from all this is that the 'big three' military aerospace giants are not just in an all-or-nothing fight to win just a particular aircraft program, but for the ability to compete in the complex military aircraft space in the future. This means they are going to do what is necessary not just to win a contract, but to keep that contract solvent for the many years it takes for it to come to fruition and for the aircraft ordered to actually enter service in substantial numbers. For these manufacturers, getting both Congress and the public on your side is now an element of this 'total warfare' approach to winning market share for decades to come and possibly shuttering some of your historical competitors in the process.

Of course, this effort still starts with Congress. In 2014, Northrop Grumman spent $3.4M on Congressional donations. Both parties got a giant chunk, with Republicans receiving $2M and Democrats receiving $1.4M. Donations to individual politicians ranged from $62,000 to Dick Durbin (D-IL), the top beneficiary of Northrop Grumman donor war chest, on down, with the tenth largest recipient being Gerry Connolly (D-VA) with $12,750. Boeing was right there with Northrop Grumman's federal politician donations, handing out $3.6M in 2014, and Lockheed beat Boeing with a total just over $4M going to Washington politicians.

To say that Big Defense is buying Washington is of course true, and they also buy the Pentagon's people regularly, but other mega industries such as the automotive and energy sector are right there with them when it comes to lobbying and contributions. Keep in mind these figures do not include lobbying efforts, which dwarf direct contributions. Northrop Grumman spent $26M last year on lobbying efforts, while Lockheed spent a $21M and Boeing a cool $23M.

A mio avviso quanto letto è foriero di un indebolimento strutturale rispetto a quando proprio la libera concorrenza, orgoglio dei mercati di tipo liberale, garantì una capacità di esplorare strade progettuali diverse che fece benissimo all'evoluzione tecnologica.

Ricordo a me stesso che sin quando in Italia c'erano Fiat, Lancia e Alfa Romeo (due private, una del gruppo IRI) a contendersi il mercato, ciascuna delle tre era costretta a inseguire le specifiche migliori dell'altra nel settore in cui svettava (i.e. l'Alfa per le prestazioni stradali, la Fiat per la funzionalità generale, la facilità di manutenzione e la durata dei propulsori, Lancia per la qualità di assemblaggio e di finitura e per il servizio post-vendita).
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 febbraio 2015, 18:11

Da quelle parti ..... lo considerano una sorta di manna dal cielo .....


"New stealth bomber contract likely to be boon for Antelope Valley" ..... ... tml#page=1

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 febbraio 2015, 14:55

Un caldo abbraccio ..... :hothot:
..... come lo vedono da Seattle .....
The Air Force award of a major new bomber contract this spring could lead to consolidation among the big three aerospace defense giants.
Analyst Richard Aboulafia argues that one likely scenario is that Boeing will buy Northrop’s aerospace unit.
Fonte ..... "Bomber contract could push Northrop into Boeing’s arms" ..... ... ngxml.html

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 febbraio 2015, 10:22

Dal 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....
..... alcuni punti di vista sull'argomento 'LRSB' espressi da partecipanti all' 'Air Warfare Symposium' che si sta tenendo in in questi giorni a Orlando, Florida .....
Not Just the Air Force .....

Michael C. Sirak (2/13/2015)

The debate about the future Long-Range Strike Bomber should not rest solely on “how the Air Force is going to pay for the bomber,” said retired Col. Mark Gunzinger, senior fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington, D.C.
Instead, the issue should be how the Defense Department is going to pay for it, he said during the long-range-strike panel on Thursday at AFA’s Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando.
While the Defense Department boasts that it is a truly joint enterprise, that jointness has not made its way into budget progamming, he said.
Revisionist states are seeking to change regional balances of power by developing anti-access, area-denial capabilities and improving weapons systems that allow them to project power at greater ranges.
This places a premium on US weapon systems that can operate in contested environments at greater ranges, he said.
Yet, US military finds itself in the position that its force mix is out of balance with the emerging threat, such as the case of tactical fighters versus long-range bombers, said Gunzinger.
Today’s fighter-to-bomber ratio is 12:1; during the Cold War, that relationship was 5-6:1, he said.
That makes LRS-B so important, he said.
“We need to be able to tell this story to our senior policymakers … so we can build the force structure that we need in the future,” he said.
Manned, Unmanned on the Merits .....

Michael C. Sirak (2/13/2015)

Trying to avoid risk to aircrews is not, in and of itself, sufficient justification for removing pilots from the cockpit of the future Long-Range Strike Bomber, said retired Lt. Gen. Christopher Miller, former deputy chief of staff for strategic plans and programs.
Indeed, pilots have always been asked to go into harm’s way and they have done so, he told attendees of AFA’s Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Fla., on Thursday.
What would make a compelling case for removing the pilots is if LRS-B would be able to accomplish something that it could not otherwise do with humans onboard, he said during the symposium’s panel discussing long-range strike in a contested environment.
An example of this would be the bomber providing close air support for an extended period of hours beyond the endurance of an aircrew, he said.
More Than Ready .....

Michael C. Sirak (2/13/2015)

The aerospace defense industry is “more than ready” to develop the Long-Range Strike Bomber and it’s “time to move forward,” said Rebecca Grant, president of IRIS Independent Research, on Thursday at AFA’s Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando.
The Obama Administration has given a clear demand signal for the next-generation bomber, and the current bomber force, including the 20 B-2 penetrating, stealth platforms in the inventory, is not sufficient to meet the future threat landscape of more robust air defenses and much larger target sets, she said during the symposium’s panel discussion on long-range strike in a contested environment.
Swift program execution of LRS-B is essential to the US defense strategy, said Grant.
The new bomber will be critical to the United States maintaining a technological edge over potential adversaries, she said, noting that LRS-B will be the first new US bomber in 34 years.
Don’t Forget the Maritime Role .....

Michael C. Sirak (2/13/2015)

Among the attributes of the Air Force’s future Long-Range Strike Bomber will be its ability to reach out and operate in contested maritime environments, retired Lt. Gen. Bob Elder, former 8th Air Force commander, told AFA’s Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando on Thursday.
That capability will, in turn, support homeland defense, he said during the panel discussion on LRS in contested environments.
In broader terms, LRS-B will provide the nation with “a truly global-shaping, influence, and operational-effects capability that is unmatched by anything else,” said Elder.
It will give the President a tool of military and diplomatic power, encourage adversary restraint, and enable other air platforms and the entire joint force to be more effective, he said.
For those thinking that stealth technology has been overtaken by potential adversaries’ advances, Elder said “not all stealth is equal.”
He added, “all-aspect stealth makes a big difference.”

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 febbraio 2015, 11:38

Nel momento in cui la competizione comincia a si riscaldarsi ..... :onfire:
..... i contendenti ..... non trovano di meglio che fare a a botte fra di loro ..... :violent1:
Plans for the next-generation bomber, one of the top acquisition priorities for the Air Force, remain largely hidden from the public, but the major contractors vying for the program have been throwing punches at each other in their limited open discussions on the project.
Fonte ..... "Competition heats up for next-gen Air Force bomber contract" ...... ... /23633163/

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 febbraio 2015, 14:10

E LM si vanta .....
..... anche col programma F-35 in corso ..... abbiamo le capacità per affrontare pure quello relativo al nuovo bombardiere .....
Lockheed Martin Corp executives said on Wednesday they were confident the company would not face capacity constraints working on both the F-35 program and a new bomber if the U.S. Air Force chose its joint bomber bid with Boeing Co.
"Our aeronautics business has the capacity to execute the scope of work that we have on the bomber program," Orlando Carvalho, who heads Lockheed's aeronautics division, told Reuters in an interview during the company's annual media day.
Fonte ..... "Lockheed sees no capacity issue if it won U.S. Air Force bomber deal" ..... ... 8L20150219

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 marzo 2015, 20:54

Due programmi strettamente concatenati .....
LRS-B, LRSO Programs Vital to Power Projection .....

Marc V. Schanz (3/2/2015)

Both the Long-Range Strike Bomber and the Long Range Standoff missile, which will replace the Air Force’s Air Launched Cruise Missile, are key modernization programs to maintain the viability of the US nuclear triad, US Strategic Command boss Adm. Cecil Haney told the House Armed Services Committee’s strategic forces panel on Feb. 26.
The responsiveness of the nation’s Minuteman III ICBMs, the survivability of the nuclear submarine fleet, and the flexibility of its bomber forces are what “we want our adversaries to contemplate if they decide to escalate their way out of a conflict,” Haney said, noting that modern weapon systems are critical to this calculation.
In order to preserve both “strategic and conventional capability” in the future bomber force, it is important for the LRS-B program to move forward, he added.
But that doesn’t negate the need for the LRSO, said Haney.
The ALCM has already been extended and will time out between 2020 and 2030, but standoff nuclear strike is an important option to preserve in the nation’s triad, he told Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.), who questioned the need for both weapon systems.
With potential adversaries growing anti-access and area-denial capabilities, maintaining these tools is important for both deterrent and offensive purposes, Haney added.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

A margine ..... "USAF considers supersonic engine for LRSO missile" ..... ... le-409653/

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 marzo 2015, 10:06

Sarà a prezzo fisso ..... un alto papavero del Pentagono parla dell' ancora segretissimo futuro bombardiere strategico .....
Nell' articolo si fa riferimento ad una sua precedente dichiarazione, rilasciata nell' Agosto scorso, secondo la quale 'qualcosa' starebbe già volando .....
Il che spiegherebbe taluni strani avvistamenti avvenuti giusto un anno fa ..... ... over-texas ... y-aircraft
LRS-B Will Be Fixed-Price .....

John A. Tirpak (3/20/2015)

​Air Force acquisition chief William LaPlante .....

Immagine ... lante.aspx

..... revealed some of the service's acquisition plan for the Long-Range Strike Bomber Thursday.
At a Senate Armed Services Committee's airland subcommittee hearing, LaPlante explained that USAF is doing all it can to contain costs on the bomber, and that cost is a key competitive requirement.
While the development phase will be cost-plus, LaPlante said, the LRS will be structured for fixed-price production.
"The first one off the line is going to be fixed-price," LaPlante said in response to a question from Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.).
In previous speeches and testimony, LaPlante has echoed Pentagon acquisition, technology, and logistics chief Frank Kendall, saying a fixed-price contract should only be used when a product is very well understood.
Clearly, USAF believes it will have thorough knowledge of what the LRS-B "should cost" after the development phase.
In an interview with Air Force Magazine last August, LaPlante said the LRS-B would not be chosen based on drawings alone but by evaluating "variants ... of technical articles; ... prototypes, if you want to call it," suggesting that subscale demonstrators, or proof-of-concept craft, have been flying for some time.
He also said in the interview that industry would likely have to invest a considerable amount of its own money in development to assure the maturity of the technology for production.
USAF has said it plans to award the program in the June timeframe.
LaPLante told Rounds that "nothing has changed" on the program since 2010 and that the target $550 million unit cost in 2010 dollars still holds.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 aprile 2015, 11:37

"Mi no so ..... son forestiero" ..... :lol:


..... il CSM USAF afferma che non sarà lui a decidere quale team verrà dichiarato vincitore della competizione per il futuro bombardiere strategico .....né di sapere come e da chi tale decisione verrà presa ..... in quanto l' Air Force mantiene uno stretto riserbo su tale dato .....
Who Chooses? It’s a Secret .....

John A. Tirpak (4/9/2015)

The Air Force won’t say who the source selection authority is for the Long-Range Strike Bomber, but it’s not Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh, he said Wednesday.
I’m completely isolated from that,” he told reporters in Washington, D.C.
I have no knowledge at all of what’s in the bids, ... which I think is completely appropriate,” Welsh said.
A USAF spokesman said the service does not divulge such information, presumably to shield the SSA from people attempting to influence the choice.
The request for proposals went out last year, and a choice is expected this summer.
Welsh said he has visited both the Boeing/Lockheed Martin team and Northrop Grumman, and “I was very confident on where both teams were before they submitted bids ... I was impressed by both—the work they’ve been doing—and so I’m excited to see how this moves forward.”
Welsh reiterated that LRS-B requirements have not changed since they were set in 2010, adding the program has not changed.
“I have not approved a single requirements change since I’ve been in this job. We are serious about maintaining the baseline cost,” which is $550 million apiece in baseline 2010 dollars, “and I think we can produce the bomber for that cost.”
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 aprile 2015, 9:49

Sarà un aereo in continua evoluzione ..... e qualsiasi azienda, indipendentemente da chi avrà vinto la gara, potrà competere per potersi aggiudicare i contratti relativi alle opere di aggiornamento .....
"The design is structured so that we have the opportunity to insert technology refresh in a way we have not had the flexibility to do in the past," Kendall said.
"That is one of the things we asked for … modular designs and the idea of competition for future upgrades is very much a part of that approach."
"I think we will have opportunities to compete technologies that can go into the bomber to a degree we would not have had really on other programs we have had before," Kendall said.
"I think the program office has done a good job of that."
Fonte ..... "Kendall: New AF Bomber Will Compete Upgrades" ..... ... /25536669/

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 aprile 2015, 16:42

Nessuno (o quasi) ci crede .....
Now, with little public scrutiny or debate, the Air Force is developing a next-generation bomber that it promises to build with advanced technology at a fraction of the B-2’s cost.
Few outside the Pentagon take the advertised sticker price of $550 million per plane, or $55 billion for a planned fleet of 100, at face value.
Fonte ..... "Almost Nobody Believes the U.S. Air Force Can Build an Affordable Bomber" ..... ... -believers

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 1 maggio 2015, 19:08

Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) ..... due opinioni a confronto .....

This week, Aviation Week & Space Technology publishes two differing viewpoints on the forthcoming selection.
Fonte ..... "Differing Views On Who Will Build The Long-Range Strike Bomber" ..... ... ike-bomber

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 maggio 2015, 9:23

Un generale dell' Air Force descrive il ..... bombardiere ideale .....
The Ideal Bomber .....

Susan Katz Keating (5/14/2015)

The ideal Air Force strategic bomber would offer the best capabilities to fill present and future long-range missions, Maj. Gen. Garrett Harencak told Air Force Magazine on Wednesday ..... ... encak.aspx

A former bomber pilot, Harencak is assistant chief of staff for strategic deterrence and nuclear integration on the Air Staff.
The ideal long-range strategic bomber should be able to penetrate anywhere in the world, Harencak said.
"We've always had to penetrate, and always will have to penetrate," he said.
"The aim is to deny all sanctuaries to the enemy."
The bomber also should have very long range without refueling, Harencak said, and should have precision and persistence.
It should have a large payload, and maneuverability.
Long-range bombers performed superbly in Vietnam and in World War II, Harencak said.
The need for such capability has not changed.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

..... e, al tempo stesso, afferma che il programma, nonostante recenti, tagli è tuttora 'in carreggiata' .....

"New bomber on track despite possible $460M cut, USAF says" ..... ... af-412295/

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 maggio 2015, 10:22

Air Force acquisition chief William LaPlante addresses a crowd at an AFA-sponsored, Air Force breakfast in Arlington, Va., on May 15, 2015.
Staff photo by Bridget Dongu.

Forse ci sarà qualche ritardo nell' assegnazione del contratto ..... ma l'importante è che le cose vengano fatte nel modo giusto .....
LRS-B Delays .....

John A. Tirpak (5/18/2015)

The choice of a contractor to build the Long-Range Strike Bomber will be delayed from the initial forecast of “late spring” 2015, but more important is “getting it right,” Air Force acquisition chief William LaPlante said.
“It doesn’t matter to me if it’s done June 1 or July 1 or August 1,” as long as the contract is properly structured, he told reporters after an AFA-sponsored, Air Force breakfast in Arlington, Va.
Asked why the award is delayed, LaPlante said, “it’s a lot of work. First of all, the teams are killing themselves,” and there continues to be a flurry of back-and-forth questions between the contractors and the Air Force that must be answered and checked.
“It’s only done when it’s really done,” he said, adding that he thinks it was a “good take” for Congress to subtract $460 million from the program in Fiscal 2015 because the service wouldn’t be able to spend the whole amount anyway.
Though LaPlante declined to call the contract as it is being structured “protest proof,” he did note that out of 140,000 Air Force awards last year, only 140 were protested, and of those, only two were sustained, with “corrective action” on just 20.
..... e, quale che sia il vincitore, non dovrebbero esserci conseguenze negative per i perdenti ..... in quanto il Pentagono cercherà di operare in modo tale che nessuno venga espulso dal mercato .....
LRS-B May Not Be Must-Win .....

John A. Tirpak (5/18/2015)

Though some analysts have suggested there will be a shake-out of the major airframe primes based on who does—or who doesn’t—win the Long-Range Strike Bomber contract, Air Force acquisition chief William LaPlante suggested Friday there may be enough work to keep everyone in the game afterwards.
“It’s a much bigger consideration than any one program,” LaPLante said at an AFA-sponsored, Air Force breakfast.
“You have to look at the [foreign military sales] situation” as well as other known programs like the Navy’s UCLASS ISR/strike drone and intense prototyping that will attend the Air Dominance 2030 project.
Three times, though, LaPlante noted, “There’s things going on in the classified world” that companies may either already have in-hand or could compete for.
After looking at that, he said the Pentagon then looks at the situation “using game theory” and then sets up its source selections “in the context of that broader problem.”
However, “it would be wrong … at the 11th hour” to make industrial base considerations a key discriminator, he said.
While DOD can’t “control the behavior of companies” after a major award, he said it strives to avoid doing anything “inadvertently” that would “push someone out of the market.”
Asked about how the industrial base would affect the LRS-B contract, Pentagon acquisition executive Frank Kendall recently said, it would be awarded “on the merits” of the proposal.
Fonte del tutto ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 giugno 2015, 0:13

Largo al factotum .....

Un ex-generale dell' USAF parla del futuro velivolo strategico .....
The secretive new aircraft is neither a bomber (B-X), fighter (F-X), reconnaissance (R-X), or electronic attack (E-X) aircraft, nor any other single-mission type.
It is a combination of all, and is better described as a “long-range sensor shooter”, Deptula contends.
The secretive aircraft is advertised to strike deep within enemy airspace at a time and place of its choosing, and is due to be delivered in the 2020s.
“The aircraft people are calling a bomber is much, much more than a bomber,” says the retired air force lieutenant general.
“It will have a sensor suite and communications capability on it such that it will be able to act as a critical node inside the future combat cloud, where weapon systems will all be linked together and sharing information in a way that we’ve never done before.”
Fonte ..... "ANALYSIS: It's large and lethal, but is LRS-B a bomber?" ..... ... -a-413378/

Lieutenant General David A. Deptula ..... ... ptula.aspx


Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da anonymous12345 » 11 giugno 2015, 9:35

richelieu ha scritto:Largo al factotum .....

Un ex-generale dell' USAF parla del futuro velivolo strategico .....
The secretive new aircraft is neither a bomber (B-X), fighter (F-X), reconnaissance (R-X), or electronic attack (E-X) aircraft, nor any other single-mission type.
It is a combination of all, and is better described as a “long-range sensor shooter”, Deptula contends.
The secretive aircraft is advertised to strike deep within enemy airspace at a time and place of its choosing, and is due to be delivered in the 2020s.
“The aircraft people are calling a bomber is much, much more than a bomber,” says the retired air force lieutenant general.
“It will have a sensor suite and communications capability on it such that it will be able to act as a critical node inside the future combat cloud, where weapon systems will all be linked together and sharing information in a way that we’ve never done before.”
Fonte ..... "ANALYSIS: It's large and lethal, but is LRS-B a bomber?" ..... ... -a-413378/

Lieutenant General David A. Deptula ..... ... ptula.aspx
Uno per tutto??

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 giugno 2015, 10:12

robygun82 ha scritto:
richelieu ha scritto:Largo al factotum .....

Un ex-generale dell' USAF parla del futuro velivolo strategico .....

Fonte ..... "ANALYSIS: It's large and lethal, but is LRS-B a bomber?" ..... ... -a-413378/
Uno per tutto ??
Non proprio ..... non farà l' aero-cisterna ..... ma non è ancor detta l' ultima parola ..... :mrgreen:


Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da anonymous12345 » 11 giugno 2015, 12:53

richelieu ha scritto:
robygun82 ha scritto:
richelieu ha scritto:Largo al factotum .....

Un ex-generale dell' USAF parla del futuro velivolo strategico .....

Fonte ..... "ANALYSIS: It's large and lethal, but is LRS-B a bomber?" ..... ... -a-413378/
Uno per tutto ??
Non proprio ..... non farà l' aero-cisterna ..... ma non è ancor detta l' ultima parola ..... :mrgreen:
In effetti manca quel compito.... e il drone per le consegne di Amazon..

Sinceramente mi lascia perplesso questo trip della monotipia... guarda l'f35, stan facendo salti mortali per avere tre aerei simili che fan cose diverse...

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 11 giugno 2015, 14:14

O forse anche 3 aerei diversi per fare le stesse cose.. :mrgreen:

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2015, 9:14

Un pericoloso concorrente .....
The greatest threat to the US long-range strike bomber (LRS-B) programme could be a submarine, with new a report showing that modernization of the sea-based leg of America’s nuclear triad dwarfs planned spending on airborne assets.
At a congressional hearing June 25, the US deputy secretary of defense Robert Work said the Pentagon is going to need an average of $18 billion per year between 2021 and 2035 on top of what it already spends on the nuclear force just to afford its planned submarine, bomber, intercontinental ballistic missile and cruise missile replacement efforts.
Work says without more money for nuclear modernization, the DOD will be forced to make “very, very hard choices” that impact conventional weaponry.
Fonte ..... "Bombers vs. boomers? DOD faces a nuclear spending dilemma" ..... ... ma-414053/

Si prevedono coltellate a iosa ..... 8)


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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da giragyro » 26 giugno 2015, 9:37

e dire che ce l'hanno già in arsenale da oltre 50 B52. perchè sostituirlo ? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

bel quesito l'ultimo posto .
Argo riconobbe Ulisse, Penelope no.


Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da anonymous12345 » 26 giugno 2015, 13:15

giragyro ha scritto:e dire che ce l'hanno già in arsenale da oltre 50 B52. perchè sostituirlo ? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

bel quesito l'ultimo posto .
Perché ha 50 anni e ste benedette cellule prima o poi arriveranno a fine ore??
Perché lo vede anche un bimbo con un forno a microonde??

Mi chiedo..
Han portato avanti il BUFF( un velivolo semplice, estremo sviluppo del bombardiere pesante WW2) per mezzo secolo adattandolo alle esigenze, perché non fanno lo stesso col B1??
Già di suo come prestazioni, carico ed elettronica è messo bene, una evoluzione costante potrebbe portarlo ad eguagliare la longevità del B52..

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2015, 15:06

robygun82 ha scritto:Mi chiedo ..
Han portato avanti il BUFF (un velivolo semplice, estremo sviluppo del bombardiere pesante WW2) per mezzo secolo adattandolo alle esigenze, perché non fanno lo stesso col B1??
Già di suo come prestazioni, carico ed elettronica è messo bene, una evoluzione costante potrebbe portarlo ad eguagliare la longevità del B52 ..

Qualcosa, in effetti, la stanno facendo .....

"Boeing Upgrades to Keep B-1 Bomber Soaring for Decades to Come" ..... ... es-to-Come

"SABR-GS – a powerful new radar for the B-1B Lancer" ..... ... Y1L_T8w-M8

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 26 giugno 2015, 15:27

Date a quel nuovo radar una modalità aria aria e riempite le stive del B-1 di missili meteor :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da giragyro » 26 giugno 2015, 15:53

MatteF88 ha scritto:Date a quel nuovo radar una modalità aria aria e riempite le stive del B-1 di missili meteor :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

magari gli facciamo fare pure le salite a candela e lo mettiamo in mano a piloti che lo usano come una sorta di AA contro i caccia ...( cit. )
Argo riconobbe Ulisse, Penelope no.

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2015, 15:57

MatteF88 ha scritto:Date a quel nuovo radar una modalità aria aria e riempite le stive del B-1 di missili meteor :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Già ..... diventerebbe una sorta di 'Missileer' degli anni 2000 ..... 8)


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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 26 giugno 2015, 16:48

Ma anche solo per vederlo in un test come quello che fece l'F-14 quando lanció sei 6 missili in rapida li immaginate una ventina di missili sparati uno dietro l'altro? :alien: :bom: :drunken:

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da Vultur » 26 giugno 2015, 19:35

Si è pensato anche al Tu-160P o a un Backfire versione aria-aria con AA-13, potrebbero essere intercettori pesanti con un antenna AESA veramente grande e un raggio senza rifornimento in volo di 2000-2500 km.

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 giugno 2015, 9:44

LRS-B ..... sarà il bombardiere 'per eccellenza' ..... ma si continua intanto a parlare di rimotorizzare i B-52 .....
Bomber Futures .....

John A. Tirpak (6/26/2015)

The Air Force's entire bomber fleet will eventually be replaced by the Long-Range Strike Bomber, Maj. Gen. Richard Clark, 8th Air Force commander, told a House Armed Services Committee panel Thursday ..... ... clark.aspx

The LRS-B "will be the long-range bomber" once the other aircraft have been retired, a fact Clark said is spelled out in a new bomber roadmap still being developed.
Even so, Clark said the B-52 is expected to remain in service "up to 25 more years," and to get there, in his opinion, "it's critical" to replace the BUFF's powerplants.
The existing motors are more than 50 years old, require increasing amounts of maintenance, and "spare parts are getting more scarce," he said.
New engines will allow the B-52 to burn less gas, get to higher altitudes, go further, carry more payload, and "enhance everything we need a bomber to do," Clark asserted.
Air Force Global Strike Command boss Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson said recently the Air Force has started preliminary discussions with industry about re-engining the B-52 fleet ..... ... ilson.aspx
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Re: USAF ..... verso un nuovo bombardiere strategico .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 luglio 2015, 18:50

Slittamento .....
The Air Force award of a contract for the long-range strike bomber, originally expected last spring, could take up to three more months, Air Force officials said.
Bill LaPlante, the service's undersecretary for acquisition, said the program announcement will be "done when it's done" and the Air Force wants to have it right instead of quickly.
The program will be flying with the service for the next 50 years, so the initial announcement does not need to be rushed.
Fonte ..... "Air Force: Next-gen bomber award could slip into fall" ..... ... /29912075/

Anche qui ..... "Bomber decision due in August or September: U.S. Air Force" ..... ... SD20150708
