La fine dei Warthog?

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Iscritto il: 21 luglio 2011, 15:59
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 26 agosto 2015, 11:43

domanda cretina , ma visto gli scenari attuali e futuri dove si prospettano campi di battaglia fluidi e diffusi ( non più le classiche colonne di fanteria che attraversano pianure ed ondate di carri armati ad aprire la strada ) non sarebbe meglio pensare ad una piattaforma ad ala rotante dotata di una ottima difesa passiva ed un congruo carico bellico in chiave aggiornata ? che so , una sorta di Ka52 rivisitato in salsa occidentale . costi minori , possibilità di proiezione globale grazie alla aerotrasportabilità , necessità di infrastrutture ridotte ai minimi termini , precisione di intervento , capacità di fuoco da punto fisso nottetempo.........
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Vultur » 26 agosto 2015, 14:07

Anche qui dipenderà da quel che si vuol fare. Pero stando a quel che si vede in giro, un esercito terrestre ormai può avere difese tali da rendere molto ostico il suo sorvolo, artiglieria contraerea e missili sam che anche se è notte non è che si fanno tanti problemi.

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Iscritto il: 21 luglio 2011, 15:59
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 26 agosto 2015, 16:45

tutto vero , resta il fatto che comunque un appoggio ravvicinato ai poveri mangiafango che sono sul territorio lo devi pur fornire quando la situazione diventa davvero critica ( e per chiedere l'intervento aereo devi ti assicuro essere davvero nella melma fino al collo , non è una cosa che si richiede così alla leggera nè è così semplice vettorare poi correttamente l'appoggio in arrivo . ) Non stiamo parlando di scenari dove una squadra di rangers si posiziona , illumina il targhet ed attende l'arrivo dell'arma stand off Cas lo si fa con il nemico a pochissime decine di metri dai tuoi , mentre sono sotto ed imminente pericolo , spesso con informazioni frammentarie e senza riferimenti visivi importanti . Non è possibile pensare di affidarsi ad un vettore remoto che sganci armamento autoguidato .
Per essere efficace l'intervento deve essere " manned " e possibilmente condotto da un vettore che sia in grado di sorvolare in sicurezza la zona , sincerarsi di dove siano posizionati " buoni " e " cattivi " , elaborare una soluzione di tiro efficace che garantisca al contempo la distruzione della minaccia e la salvaguardia dei " buoni " , il tutto sotto fuoco nemico ed in condizioni ognitempo .
Non è proprio una cosa semplice .
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 agosto 2015, 17:39

giragyro ha scritto:..... non sarebbe meglio pensare ad una piattaforma ad ala rotante dotata di una ottima difesa passiva ed un congruo carico bellico in chiave aggiornata? che so, una sorta di Ka52 rivisitato in salsa occidentale .....
In linea di principio si .....
..... ma resta il fatto che in situazioni di estrema emergenza un tale elicottero, per quanto veloce possa essere, potrebbe impiegare troppo tempo per portarsi in zona di operazioni ..... a meno che la sua base non si trovi nelle vicinanze .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 26 agosto 2015, 18:16

il bello degli elicotteri è prprio quello di poter operare a ridosso delle basi avanzate senza troppi problemi di logistica . certo hai una velocità di 180 nodi contro i 300 di un aereo come l'A10 ...
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 agosto 2015, 19:18

Pochi giorni fa ..... (come già segnalato) ..... "Welsh: F-35 vs. A-10 Testing a 'Silly Exercise'" ..... ... /32292147/

Ieri .....
The Pentagon’s top weapons tester confirmed to a small group of reporters on Thursday that his team will pit the full-up F-35 joint strike fighter against the A-10 Warthog and potentially other aircraft during comparative tests slated to take place in 2018.
The tests will occur during the formal initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) phase of the F-35’s development, and will evaluate the fighter jet’s ability in a close-air support role compared to the legacy A-10, said Michael Gilmore, director of the Pentagon’s Office of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E).
The tests will use the F-35’s final Block 3F software that provides the jet's full combat capability, Gilmore said.
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Despite remarks by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh earlier this week that seemed to indicate he thought such tests would be irrelevant, Gilmore said he has been assured Air Force leadership is fully on board with the planned test schedule.
Fonte ..... "Weapons Testers To Pit F-35 Against A-10" ..... ... /71279564/

Mi sa tanto che, per qualcuno, urgano dimissioni o, al limite, assistenza psichiatrica ..... :confused2:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 agosto 2015, 15:18

Michael Gilmore impone ai generaloni dell' USAF la grande sfida dei due secoli ..... F-35 vs. A-10 .....
« Ei si nomò: due secoli,
l' un contro l' altro armato,
sommessi a lui si volsero,
come aspettando il fato;
ei fe' silenzio, ed arbitro
s' assise in mezzo a lor. »

To gauge the joint strike fighter's ability to perform in a close-air support role, the Pentagon's top weapons tester has declared the sleek new fighter jet must face off against the lumbering A-10.
The Pentagon's Office of Operational Test and Evaluation plans to pit the full-up F-35 against the legacy A-10 Warthog and potentially other fighter jets to evaluate the next-generation aircraft's ability to protect soldiers on the ground.
The tests will identify the assets the F-35 brings to the close-in fight, and where it falls short compared to legacy planes, according to DOT&E chief Michael Gilmore.
Fonte ..... "To Prove Its CAS Capabilities, F-35 To Face Off Against A-10" ..... ... /71336130/

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Iscritto il: 21 luglio 2011, 15:59
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 31 agosto 2015, 16:04

segheranno nottetempo le linee idrauliche dell'A10 pur di far vincerer il secchio di bulloni .....c'è solo da sperare che non si ricordino che il nonnetto ne ha 2 totalmente indipendenti
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 agosto 2015, 18:30

giragyro ha scritto:segheranno nottetempo le linee idrauliche dell'A-10 pur di far vincere il secchio di bulloni .....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Vultur » 1 settembre 2015, 20:43

Mi fa comunque impressione che un areo come l'A-10, che per alcuni era già primitivo per il suo tempo, sia finito nonostante tutto, nel secolo successivo, a giocarsela con l'F-35. C'era chi mormorava che l'a-10 era vecchio per Desert Storm salvo poi essere smentito dai fatti.

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Lampo 13 » 1 settembre 2015, 21:21

Ce ne vogliono 7 di F35 per fare il lavoro di 1 A10 che costa meno di 1/7 del F35! :D

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 settembre 2015, 11:33

In Lettonia .....
Reserve A-10s Land in Latvia .....


A pair of A-10 Warthogs from the Air Force Reserve’s 442nd Fighter Wing at Whiteman AFB, Mo., recently touched down at Lielvarde AB, Latvia, marking the first time US fighters have landed at the former Soviet base, according to a Sept. 1 release ..... ... atvia.aspx
The Air Force has dispatched C-130s to Latvia, and F-16s have performed touch-and-go landings, but the A-10 visit marked a new first as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve.
“We are furthering the NATO capability if this base is ever needed as a forward operating base in the future,” said Lt. Col. Tim Brock, the bilateral affairs officer with US Embassy Riga.
US airmen and Latvians will cooperate to train on safety procedures, refueling, emergency management, and other tasks, he added.
The A-10s also collaborated with joint terminal attack controllers at the nearby Adazi Range, where JTACs with the Air National Guard’s 146th Air Support Operations Squadron and the Combat Readiness Training Center in Alpena, Mich., trained with Latvian infantry on close air support tactics .....
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 settembre 2015, 0:06

Roba da uscirne ..... pazzi ..... #-o :crazy: :crazyeyes:
The US Air Force (USAF) has issued a request for information (RfI) to industry for the re-winging of an undisclosed number of Fairchild-Republic A/OA-10A Thunderbolt II close air support aircraft.
The RfI, which was posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website on 17 September, is to gather comments and potential sources for production of new wing assemblies for the A/OA-10A to support operational requirements through 2021.
Fonte ..... "USAF issues RfI for A/OA-10A re-winging" .....
(255 of 291 words) ..... ... re-winging

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 settembre 2015, 10:47

In Europa ..... per almeno sei mesi .....
Flying Tigers Touch Down in Europe .....


U.S. Air Force Capt. Stewart Cornett, 74th Fighter Squadron A-10C Thunderbolt II pilot, explains to local reporters the jobs of maintenance Airmen that work on the A-10 during the 74th FS media day, Sept. 18, 2015, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga.
Twelve A-10s are slated to deploy to Europe as part of a Theater Security Package, which refers to the rotational deployment of additional air force assets, support personnel and equipment to bolster U.S. forces in Europe.
(U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Eric Summers Jr./Released)

A dozen A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from Moody AFB, Ga., deployed to Spangdahlem AB, Germany, as part of theater security package in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve earlier this week.
"Once again the Air Force has called upon the airmen of Moody to support an extremely important mission in Europe," 23rd Wing Vice Commander Col. Mark Barrera said in a release .....
Approximately 300 pilots, maintainers, and support personnel deployed with the jets for the roughly six-month TSP.
The 23rd WG Warthogs will replace A-10s of Air Force Reserve Command's 422nd Fighter Wing, becoming the third rotation of A-10s to Europe in response to the increased Russian threat.
The unit practiced establishing forward-area refueling points for operations from austere airfields earlier this summer in preparation for a series of in-theater exercises and cooperative training with NATO allies during the deployment, according to a release .....
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

Saranno anche ansiosi di scaricarlo una volta per tutte ..... però lo stanno utilizzando al massimo ..... :mrgreen:

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 ottobre 2015, 0:00

Addestramento nel Deserto di Mojave .....
Hogs Rough It at Fort Irwin .....


A-10C pilots from the 357th Fighter Squadron conducted austere operations training, operating from a dry lakebed at Fort Irwin, Calif. (*), late last month.
"This capability can be vital … at locations and environments where US and coalition forces have a very limited footprint," said Maj. Mark Malan, a 357th FS pilot from Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., in an Oct. 2 release .....
"The A-10 was specifically designed with a more robust landing gear system to handle the stress" and is the only fighter-type aircraft in the Air Force capable of operating from unimproved strips, he added.
"We maintain a unique capability to operate and integrate in a forward-deployed austere location," but A-10 pilots seldom have the opportunity to practice the skill.
Controllers with the 22nd Special Tactics Squadron deployed from JB Lewis-McChord, Wash., for Exercise Green Flag West managed lakebed flight operations, affording three pilots the opportunity to certify on rough-field operations on Sept. 22.
Unit A-10s took part in a similar event in January.

U.S. Air Force Maj. Paul Doran, 357th Fighter squadron pilot, lands an A-10C Thunderbolt II during austere landing training on Bicycle Lake Army Airfield at the National Training Center range, Fort Irwin, Calif., Sept. 22, 2015.
Four 357th FS pilots participated in the training, which involved landing and taking off on an unimproved surface, during Green Flag-West 15-10.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Betty R. Chevalier/Released)

(*) ..... L' area di Fort Irwin .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 ottobre 2015, 21:02

I senatori si fanno sentire .....

Keeping the A-10 Fight Alive .....

Jennifer Hlad and Amy McCullough (10/13/2015)

Ten senators, including Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.), penned a letter (*) to Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James on Friday blasting the Air Force for what they called a “gradual backdoor divestment” of the A-10 fleet, which they said is “inconsistent with Congressional intent.” .....
(*) ..... "Ayotte, McCain Write to Secretary James on A-10 Readiness Requirements" .....
A-10 depot-level maintenance has dropped 40 percent from Fiscal 2014 to Fiscal 2015 from $79.4 million to $47.5 million, states the letter.
“This dramatic cut in the Air Force’s support for A-10 depot-level maintenance has created an A-10 readiness deficit that endangers the Air Force’s ability to provide a sufficient number of deployable A-10s to meet combatant commander requirements,” according to the letter.
Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), a retired Air Force colonel and A-10 pilot, told reporters Friday that troops on the ground “will die” if the A-10 is retired.
The plane has “the absolute best close air support capability that we have for very unique circumstances,” McSally said. 4McSally was able to get a prohibition on retiring the A-10 into the National Defense Authorization Act, but President Obama has vowed to veto the legislation over another budget issue.
If the legislation does fail, the Air Force could potentially put another 18 A-10s into backup status, McSally said, but she hopes Air Force leaders have “gotten the message that the will of Congress is for them not to do that.”
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 ottobre 2015, 15:22

Quegli aerei così 'inutili' che, di tanto in tanto, tornano ad essere utili .....
A-10s Deploy to Turkey .....

Brian Everstine (10/21/2015)

The Air Force deployed A-10s from Moody AFB, Ga., to Incirlik AB, Turkey, to join in the fight against ISIS.
The jets are part of a “regular rotation” to the base and will replace F-16s that have been deployed to Turkey in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said Oct. 20.
Twelve Warthogs already are scheduled to begin flying missions targeting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, according to Agence France-Presse ..... ... nes-turkey
A-10s deployed in November 2014 as part of Operation Inherent Resolve; however, they only flew strikes in Iraq ..... ... group.aspx
The new deployment focusing on strikes in Syria shows the changing dynamic of the conflict, with continued need for airstrikes and a new agreement with Russia regarding flight safety ..... ... ement.aspx
In July 2014, retired Gen. Michael Hostage, then commander of Air Combat Command, said “I could not send an A-10 into Syria right now. They’d never come back. I would have to conduct three weeks of very significant [integrated air defense system] degradation before I could think about sending a fourth gen platform and I sure as heck wouldn’t send an A-10 in because the rate of fire that would come in at low altitude would be unsustainable.” ..... ... A-AFBP.pdf
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Iscritto il: 21 luglio 2011, 15:59
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 21 ottobre 2015, 19:27

con i russi che stan demolendo i loro alleati a suon di Su34 , Froogfoot e Ka52 ........ops non si può dire Siria mi sa che ci penseranno ancora un po prima di pensionare l'A10 .
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 ottobre 2015, 10:35

Si tratta soltanto di una "normale rotazione" ..... nulla di più ..... e se lo afferma il portavoce della 'Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve' ..... chi potrebbe mai obiettare ?
A-10 Deployment “Normal Rotation” .....

Brian Everstine (10/22/2015)

​The deployment of 12 A-10s to Incirlik AB, Turkey, is part of a normal rotation to support the operation, and does not signify any “adjustment to the tactical situation,” according to the coalition.
Army Col. Steve Warren, spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, said the six F-16s that had been deployed to Incirlik needed to rotate back to their home base of Aviano AB, Italy, and the 12 A-10s of the 75th Fighter Squadron at Moody AFB, Ga., were what was available to deploy.
The deployment is “what it appears to be,” and there is nothing “special or magical about the platforms” the military deploys to the fight.
While the US has airdropped munitions to Syrian Arab Coalition fighters that are looking to advance on the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, the increase of fighters deployed to Incirlik - from six F-16s to 12 A-10s - and the close air support strength of the A-10 does not mean the A-10s were picked for an advance on the city, said Warren.
“Certainly if there is an offensive on Raqqa, we will use airpower to support it,” he said.
“We’ve been striking Raqqa for months if not almost a full year. It is not unreasonable to think A-10s will be striking Raqqa as soon as they are up and running.”
Warren transcript ..... ... -from-bagh
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA ...

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 ottobre 2015, 9:34

In Sud Corea ..... a fare CSAR .....
Play Together, Save Together .....

The Air Force and Republic of Korea Air Force concluded the two-week combat search and rescue Exercise Pacific Thunder at Osan AB, Korea, on Oct. 23.
"This exercise helps us bring together assets who would be involved and integrated into a real world CSAR mission," said Capt. Jerrod Dillon, 25th Fighter Squadron flight safety officer, in a release .....
"It also gives US forces a chance to integrate and execute with our ROKAF counterparts, further building the combined force proficiency and readiness," he added.
A-10s from Osan's 25th FS integrated with HH-60 Pavehawk helicopters from the 33rd Rescue Squadron from Kadena AB, Japan, as well as marine EA-6B electronic warfare aircraft and ROKAF air assets.

​Two A-10s from the 25th Fighter Squadron taxi along the runway at Osan AB, South Korea, Oct. 16, 2015, while an HH-60 Pavehawk assigned to the 33rd Rescue Squadron from Kadena AB, Japan, is prepped for takeoff.
Air Force photo by SSgt. Benjamin Sutton.

Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da MatteF88 » 24 ottobre 2015, 9:54

Chissà come sarebbe andata a finire se avessero prodotto anche questo, che era "night" e "all weather"


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da sidew » 6 novembre 2015, 8:49

phpBB [video]

"Oops!" - Shannon Foraker, Ashes of victory

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da AirGek » 6 novembre 2015, 8:56

Manco una straffata? Che palle... :roll:
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da sidew » 6 novembre 2015, 10:26

Già :wink:

"Oops!" - Shannon Foraker, Ashes of victory

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 novembre 2015, 9:32

Scusate il ritardo ..... :lol:
A Little to the Right …

John A. Tirpak (11/12/2015)

​Retiring the A-10 Warthog attack jet will have to happen, but perhaps not as fast as the Air Force wanted, Air Combat Command chief Gen. Hawk Carlisle said Tuesday.
Speaking with defense reporters in Washington, D.C., Carlisle said he’ll use the A-10 as long as it’s in the inventory - hence the deployment to Incirlik AB, Turkey, for the anti-ISIS fight - but delays in getting the F-35 may cause the Air Force to hold onto the A-10s a little longer.
“We have to retire [the A-10],” Carlisle said, “but I think moving it to the right,” and starting the full retirement “a bit later, and maybe keeping the … airplane a bit longer is something that’s being considered, based on things as they are today and what we see in the future.”
The “majority” of A-10 retirements would move “two to three years to the right,” but USAF would want to do some retirements “early,” as now planned, because the service wants to retain the F-16s coming out of Hill AFB, Utah, to make room for the F-35.
Some A-10 units would have to go to free up room for those F-16s.
Carlisle told reporters afterwards that finding sufficient maintainers for the F-35 remains a “critical problem.”
USAF has looked at “contract maintenance” as a way to address “some” of the issue, as well as ways to improve retention, but there are “additive squadrons” with the F-35 buy that add up to a maintainer deficit.
“We have to find a place to get that maintenance manpower … to field those systems,” said Carlisle.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 novembre 2015, 9:48

Nonostante quello che ne pensano certe 'teste d'uovo' dell' Air Force ..... quei brutti animalacci zannuti a qualcosa servono ancora .....

Strikes Destroy ISIS Fuel Trucks .....

Jennifer Hlad (11/17/2015)

​The anti-ISIS coalition this weekend destroyed 116 oil tanker trucks using A-10s and AC-130 gunships, Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis told reporters Monday.
The strike, near Abu Kamal in Syria, was part of an operation “designed to attack the distribution component of ISIL’s oil smuggling operation and degrade their capacity to fund military operations,” Davis said.
“ISIL is stealing oil from the people of Iraq and Syria to fund its campaign of terror and further oppress the people under its control.”
The effort, called Tidal Wave II, began Oct. 21 with a strike against an ISIS-controlled oil field in Syria.
Davis said the US Treasury last year estimated ISIS oil revenue at about $1 million per day.
Still, Davis said, the US made efforts to warn civilians on the ground about the attacks, dropping leaflets and mounting a show of force ahead of time so that truck drivers who are not affiliated with the terrorist organization would not be harmed.
“This was something done with great care,” he said.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 17 novembre 2015, 10:12

grande hog I
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 novembre 2015, 0:07

Letale e insostituibile ..... così definiscono il 'Facocero' i due legislatori dell' Arizona ..... l' uno ex pilota di A-4 ..... l' altra ex pilota di A-10 .....
Lethal, "Irreplaceable" Warthogs .....

Brian Everstine (11/20/2015)

Lawmakers who led the fight to keep the A-10 in the Air Force’s inventory said this week the use of the Warthogs to destroy more than 100 ISIS oil trucks demonstrate the jets’ “lethality and irreplaceable role in our military when our country needs it most.”
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), a former A-10 pilot, said “time and time again recently,” the Air Force has called on the A-10, noting its use in Europe “to deter Russian aggression, … along the border with North Korea,” and now “in the fight against ISIS,” according to a joint statement, released Nov. 18 ..... ... ainst-isis
The two lawmakers pushed to block the Air Force’s repeated efforts to retire the fleet, and noted in the statement that if the retirement moved forward “we wouldn’t have these one-of-a-kind attack jets available to strike at ISIS targets and carry out the vital missions for which they are uniquely suited.”
Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., is home to multiple A-10 squadrons.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 novembre 2015, 10:09

Continua l' attività degli A-10 .....
A-10s, AC-130s Destroy More ISIS Fuel Trucks .....

Jennifer Hlad (11/25/2015)

American A-10s and AC-130 Spectre gunships destroyed 283 ISIS oil tanker trucks in Syria on Nov. 22, bringing the total number of ISIS fuel trucks destroyed in operation Tidal Wave II to 399, the spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve told reporters Tuesday.
Army Col. Steve Warren, speaking via a video link from Baghdad, said coalition airstrikes also recently destroyed a bridge near Ramadi, as part of an effort to deny territory to ISIS.
Warren scoffed at Russian reports claiming they had destroyed 500 ISIS fuel trucks, saying the total was likely less than 100, “unless the Russians are counting flat tires and chipped paint.”
However, he said, the Russians have likely caused more than 1,000 civilian casualties with their air strikes.
“This is sloppy military work. This is the reckless and irresponsible, imprecise, and frankly uncaring approach to operations in Syria that the Russians have taken on,” he said.
Warren also noted that due to efforts by the coalition and Iraqi security forces, ISIS vehicle-borne IEDs have gone from a nearly 100 percent effective rate to just five percent effectiveness.
Iraqi forces have learned to identify the “Frankentrucks,” Warren said, and know how to counter them.
Targeted airstrikes also have destroyed factories producing them.
Watch video of the oil trucks being destroyed, and ​video of the bridge bombing ..... ... lV6AJiFOM9
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 27 novembre 2015, 9:57

celebrazione in salsa italica dell'HOG ... .html#more
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 dicembre 2015, 23:58

C' era una volta ..... il 'Grand Tour' .....
Moody Hogs Come to Papa .....

Arie Church (12/9/2015)

European theater security package A-10s are flying two weeks of cooperative training with the Hungarian air force this month at Pápa AB, Hungary, US Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa announced .....
Since deploying from Moody AFB, Ga., in September, the A-10s have visited seven countries, training with a dozen NATO allies, according to a release.
"A lot of that has happened because our coalition partners have been excited to receive us and have us operate out of their airfields," said 74th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Bryan France.
The 74th EFS will hone air-to-ground coordination with the Hungarians and take part in Exercise Wise Foresight, according to a release.
In addition to the 74th EFS A-10s deployed to Europe, Moody A-10s of the 163rd EFS are also currently deployed to Incirlik AB, Turkey, hitting targets in Iraq and Syria.
HC-130J rescue support aircraft and HH-60G combat search and rescue helicopters from Moody are also currently deployed to Turkey, providing CSAR for coalition forces from Diyarbakir Air Base.
The 74th EFS arrived in Hungary, Dec. 2.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 dicembre 2015, 9:40

E McCain ..... mise le mani avanti .....

All Options on Table for A-10 Mission .....

Jennifer Hlad (12/16/2015)

The A-10 is an “incredible asset” for the Air Force and the nation, and the demand for it has increased recently, the nominee for undersecretary of the Air Force told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Dec. 15.
We’re taking a hard look at it, and if confirmed, I look forward to working towards an acceptable plan for recapitalizing this incredibly important mission area. All options are on the table,” said Lisa Disbrow, the current assistant secretary of the Air Force for financial management and comptroller, who also is performing some duties of the undersecretary of the Air Force.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the committee’s chairman, said he hopes Disbrow “will not come before this committee with a request to phase out the A-10 aircraft when … according to the President of the United States yesterday, we will be stepping up our attacks in both Iraq and Syria. And it’s pretty obvious that the A-10 aircraft is one of the major tools to be used to try to destroy ISIS from the air.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 16 dicembre 2015, 10:03

se dovesse vincere le elezioni trump se ne farà regalare uno placcato oro ! :-)

a parte gli scherzi , forse stanno rinsavendo .
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Vultur » 16 dicembre 2015, 10:42

A parte il tipo umano, che mi sembra abbastanza particolare, l'ennesima conferma della robustezza e semplicità dell'aereo, quando si è mandati a caccia di sams nemici attraverso nuvole che rendono del tutto inutili i missili a guida ottica e non ti fanno vedere i missili nemici (così è più divertente!). Ho guardato la mia ala, ho visto un grande buco, non c'era più rivestimento e nemmeno la ruota e allora? Ma quante ne volete? Zitto e vola, qui-si-riga-dritto-e-basta-vi-faccio-vedere-IO!

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 gennaio 2016, 0:05

L' Air Force ci ripensa ?

Delaying Retirement ?
Jennifer Hlad (1/14/2016)

​Two members of Congress are cheering reports that the Air Force is delaying plans to retire the A-10 Warthog.
“It appears the administration is finally coming to its senses,” Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), a retired A-10 pilot, said in a release ..... ... -retire-10
“With A-10s deployed in the Middle East to fight ISIS, in Europe to deter Russian aggression, and along the Korean peninsula, administration officials can no longer deny how invaluable these planes are to our arsenal and military capabilities,” McSally said.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he would welcome plans to keep the A-10 flying through Fiscal 2017.
“With growing global chaos and turmoil on the rise, we simply cannot afford to prematurely retire the best close air support weapon in our arsenal without fielding a proper replacement,” McCain said ..... ... a8d7ec5395
Air Force officials had no comment on the issue, saying details of the Fiscal 2017 budget proposal will be released in early February.
But Air Combat Command chief Gen. Hawk Carlisle said in November that though the Air Force needs to retire the plane, they would likely have to wait because of F-35 delays.
AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:
