Tempest .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 settembre 2019, 0:14

E alla fine ... anche FlightGlobal si è accorto della notizia ...
Less than 15 months after unveiling its long-term air combat strategy and next-generation Tempest concept, the UK has added a second international partner to the latter activity, with Italy signing a statement of intent to work on the project.
The international armament directors of the UK and Italy signed an agreement at the DSEI exhibition in London on 10 September, followed by a similar pact the next day between their defence industries.
... "UK's Tempest gains strength as Italy joins formation" ...

Inoltre ... defensenews.com ... "British, Italian defense companies jump on Tempest" ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 settembre 2019, 15:22

Un commento da fonte italiana ...

... formiche.net ... https://formiche.net/2019/09/caccia-tem ... ni-trenta/ ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 settembre 2019, 11:46

FlightGlobal analizza la partecipazione italiana al programma Tempest ...

... "ANALYSIS: Italian industry lends support to Tempest" ...

Per poter leggere l'articolo nella sua interezza è necessario essere registrati ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 dicembre 2019, 9:34

Il CSM dell'Arma Azzurra guarda al futuro ...

... defensenews.com ... "Italian air chief: Time to think about next-gen fighters" ...


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da JT8D » 18 dicembre 2019, 22:29

Leonardo dimostra una nuova tecnologia radar per il Tempest:

https://www.md80.it/2019/12/18/proseguo ... gia-radar/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 dicembre 2019, 23:54

Intanto, negli USA, il 388th Fighter Wing ha ricevuto il suo 78° ed ultimo F-35A ...

... 388fw.acc.af.mil ... "Hill fighter wings receive final F-35A Lightning II" ...


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 gennaio 2020, 8:29

Tenete d'occhio, nei prossimi 12 mesi, questo spazio!


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 marzo 2020, 14:39

Mentre gli altri aspettano ... il Giappone sfoglia la margherita ... :flower:

... flightglobal.com ... "UK still in the game for Japan fighter partnership" ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 marzo 2020, 14:46

Collaborazione internazionale ... bye bye ... :wave:
Japan wants to develop a stealth fighter domestically, rejecting designs from Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co. in the United States and Britain’s BAE Systems PLC, three sources with knowledge of the program said.
That would put Japan’s leading defense contractor, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, in the lead for a military contract worth more than $40 billion.
The company has not submitted a design for the next-generation jet but developed Japan’s stealth fighter technology demonstrator, the X-2, in 2016.
“Japan’s stealth designs have performed well in tests so far,” said one of the sources, who has knowledge of discussions on the proposed plane, which is referred to as the F-3 or F-X.

... japantimes.co.jp ... "Japan rejecting foreign suitors in favor of homegrown design for new stealth jet, sources say" ...

Un'amara delusione per la cordata europea che sperava di portare il Giappone nel programma Tempest ... :(
Nell'articolo, però, le fonti anonime citate fanno notare che, per quanto riguarda molti dei sistemi di bordo, sarà pur sempre necessario l'appoggio delle industrie di altri paesi ... se non altro per ridurre gli enormi costi di ricerca e sviluppo ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 giugno 2020, 21:17

Tempest & FCAS ... Dirk Hoke, CEO di Airbus Defence and Space, auspica la fusione in un unico programma ...
A European Union, United Kingdom next generation fighter program should be negotiated in 2021 because coronavirus’ economic shock will make anything else unaffordable, Airbus’ head of defence has said.

... key.aero ... "Airbus wants FCAS, Tempest merger talks in 2021" ...

... Dirk Hoke ... https://www.airbus.com/company/corporat ... -hoke.html ...

Potrebbe essere una soluzione ... ma, qualora le cose dovessero poi andare come avvenuto in passato, il naufragio sarebbe inevitabile ...


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 giugno 2020, 19:25

Un commento di FlightGlobal ...
Tempest partners on target with year-end business pitch for UK ...

Craig Hoyle - 25 June 2020

Despite the huge disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic lockdown and the uncertainty of Brexit before it, the UK’s ambitious programme to develop a future combat air system remains on target, industry sources say.
Launched during the Farnborough air show in July 2018, the Tempest activity draws together leading UK defence industry players BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce, and the UK arms of Leonardo and MBDA, working in concert with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Royal Air Force’s Rapid Capabilities Office.
Their current focus is on delivering an outline business case proposal on schedule at the end of this year.

Next-generation concept is being developed as Eurofighter Typhoon successor for UK

Operating as Team Tempest, this group has since last year also been working with the MoD to advance the planned involvement of international partners Italy and Sweden.
A first trilateral meeting between the participating governments took place online in May.
“In line with UK government advice, a significant proportion of our employees are working from home, and we have put in place interim arrangements to ensure our business continues to deliver during these difficult times,” says Andrew Kennedy, strategic campaigns director at BAE Systems Air.
“Throughout the lockdown period, we have continued to work in collaboration with the MoD and our Team Tempest partners, and at this point, we have been able to minimise any impact on our work,” Kennedy says.
“We are confident that any short-term delays can be mitigated as we continue to progress according to the original timescales outlined in 2018 – and ultimately achieving initial operating capability in 2035.”
Leonardo deputy managing director UK Alastair Morrison says that only 25-30% of its employees have been on site at any one time during the pandemic.
The ability for the bulk of its staff to work from the home throughout the crisis stemmed from previous major technology investments made by the company, he notes.
“We’re going forward [and] getting our materials together” in support of the business case submission, he says.
“There is a huge amount of activity going on just now.”
Referring to the MoD’s continued drive to keep Tempest on schedule despite the pandemic’s disruption and economic impact, Morrison says: “It has focused quite a bit of attention, and this kind of thing can be seen as an engine to recovery.
“These things don’t come along very often,” he says of the broad-ranging Tempest opportunity, adding: “there’s a kind of freshness about the programme. We see it as a route to a new generation of revenue, and it’s also one of the things that transports the business. It is opportunity and necessity that makes us change. We will not be going back to doing everything business as usual – even when Covid[-19]’s not there.”
Kennedy says that despite the near-term challenges posed by the pandemic, “The UK requirement for a world-leading combat air sector, delivering prosperity, military capability and international influence has not changed and, accordingly, we continue to develop the technology, skills and transformational thinking necessary to show how Tempest can deliver this ambition.”

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 luglio 2020, 19:17

Programma "Tempest" ... il Regno Unito e le sue ambizioni globali ...


... aviationweek.com ... "Export-Centric Tempest Has Global Ambitions For Partners" ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 luglio 2020, 19:46

Programma "Tempest" ... ulteriori passi verso la realizzazione di una grande alleanza ...
Seven companies representing the breadth of innovation across the UK have signed agreements to progress opportunities to work on future combat air concepts and underpinning technologies across Team Tempest.
The companies involved include Bombardier Belfast, Collins Aerospace in the UK, GE Aviation UK, GKN Aerospace, Martin-Baker, QinetiQ, and Thales UK. This is the first phase of organisations to sign such agreements, with more to be announced.
The announcement represents a significant step forward by bringing additional expertise into the Team Tempest project.
Team Tempest is a collaboration between BAE Systems, Leonardo UK, MBDA UK, Rolls-Royce and the UK Ministry of Defence, working together to develop game-changing technologies at pace and in an affordable manner.

... baesystems.com ... "Future Combat Air continues to drive economic advance across the UK" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 luglio 2020, 9:28

Programma "Tempest" ... Saab apre un ufficio nel Regno Unito ...
... on Monday, Sweden’s Saab said it is opening an office in the UK to develop FCAS technologies (*).
“Saab took the decision to create a new FCAS center so that we can further develop the close working relationship with the other FCAS industrial partners and the UK Ministry of Defence,” said Saab’s president and CEO, Micael Johansson.
“This emphasizes the importance of both FCAS and the United Kingdom to Saab’s future.”

... ainonline.com ... "New Members Announced for Team Tempest" ...

(*) ... "Saab Opens a Centre in the UK for Future Combat Air" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 luglio 2020, 14:37

Programma "Tempest" ... arriva la svedese "GKN Aerospace" ...

... gknaerospace.com ... https://www.gknaerospace.com/en/newsroo ... et-engine/ ...

Ulteriori informazioni qui ... aviationweek.com ... https://aviationweek.com/ad-week/trilat ... trial-base ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da JT8D » 23 luglio 2020, 19:15

Riguardo al programma Tempest, riporto anche alcuni articoli apparsi in questi giorni sul nostro Portale:

https://www.md80.it/2020/07/23/tempest- ... nazionale/

https://www.md80.it/2020/07/20/nuovi-ac ... m-tempest/

https://www.md80.it/2020/07/22/ge-aviat ... hnologies/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 ottobre 2020, 23:57

Team Tempest ha un approccio diverso ...
Team Tempest has provided a further glimpse into the UK’s Future Combat Air System (FCAS) program, two years after its unveiling at the Farnborough Air Show.
In an online media briefing, the industrial partners within the team outlined the financial, industrial and employment benefits that will be generated by the program, and that have already been leveraged in the run-up to submitting the outline business case proposal that it hopes will unlock further funding.
Both Italy and Sweden are partners in the UK program.
The Tempest name is applied to both the BAE Systems-led team working on the FCAS, and also to the manned aircraft that is expected to lie at the heart of what will be a system of systems, consisting of crewed and uncrewed platforms, weapons, sensors, and other force elements.
--- --- ---
The U.S. is already flying what Will Roper, the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisitions, Technology, and Logistics, called a full-scale flight demonstrator for its planned next-generation fighter (known as NGAD, or Next Generation Air Dominance), while the French and German governments have already launched the demonstrator phase of their FCAS and aim to begin flight tests in 2026.
By contrast, Team Tempest is in no rush to fly a demonstrator, or even to lock down the design.
The sooner you lock down the design, the sooner it’s obsolete,” observed Andrew Kennedy, Strategic Campaigns Director for BAE Systems Air.

ainonline.comTeam Tempest Reveals a Different Approach to FCAS

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 novembre 2020, 19:17

Anche se non lo dice a chiare lettere ... sembra evidente che il Primo Ministro britannico si sta riferendo al Tempest ...
We shall invest another £1.5 billion in military research and development, designed to master the new technologies of warfare, and we will establish a new centre dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and a new RAF Space Command, launching British satellites and our first rocket from Scotland in 2022.
I can announce that we have established a National Cyber Force, combining our intelligence agencies and service personnel, which is already operating in cyberspace against terrorism, organised crime and hostile state activity.
And the RAF will receive a new fighter system, harnessing Artificial Intelligence and drone technology to defeat any adversary in air-to-air combat.

gov.ukPM statement to the House on the Integrated Review: 19 November 2020

Anche qui … gov.ukDefence secures largest investment since the Cold War

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 gennaio 2021, 16:38

L'Italia firma un accordo trilaterale con UK e Svezia ... ma ciò che auspica potrebbe complicare non poco le cose ...
Accelera il programma Tempest, il sistema di combattimento aereo del futuro d’iniziativa britannica a cui hanno aderito il nostro paese e la Svezia nel 2019.
Lo scorso 21 dicembre “il ministro della Difesa Lorenzo Guerini ha sottoscritto insieme al Segretario di Stato per la Difesa del Regno Unito Ben Wallace e della Svezia Peter Hultkvist, un accordo trilaterale per lo sviluppo del nuovo sistema d’arma Tempest”.
Lo ha riportato per primo una nota dell’Agenzia Nova ieri sera.
L’accordo certifica la collaborazione trilaterale nell’ambito del programma avviata lo scorso 22 luglio dalle industrie nazionali coinvolte.
“All’accordo seguiranno i Project Arrangement e la fase di Full Development, attualmente prevista a partire dal 2025”.
E c’è di più.
Secondo la nota, l’Italia ritiene auspicabile “l’opportunità di valutare nel tempo una possibile convergenza dei due programmi” Tempest e il concorrente franco-tedesco-spagnolo Fcas.

startmag.itDifesa, ecco come l’Italia lavora sulla convergenza Tempest-Fcas

Infatti ... anche ammesso che il consorzio concorrente accetti tale proposta ... quanto tempo passerà prima che si scateni la consueta (e inevitabile) lotta per la conquista della supremazia da parte dei cugini d'Oltralpe?


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 gennaio 2021, 21:08

Tempest-Fcas ... una convergenza difficile ...

startmag.itLeonardo, ecco perché non sarà facile la convergenza Tempest-Fcas


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 gennaio 2021, 0:46

Tempest ... il segreto sta nel radar e nella miniaturizzazione ...
Radar engineers on the Tempest fighter program have said they expect to break data-processing records.
The secret, they explain, is all about miniaturization and going digital.
The sixth-generation jet — planned by the U.K., ...Sweden and Italy and set to enter service after 2030 — will bristle with new technology, from its weaponry and propulsion to a virtual cockpit projected inside the pilot’s helmet.
But the group set the bar high in October by announcing the fighter’s radar would process a quantity of data equivalent to nine hours of high-definition video — or the internet traffic of a medium-sized city — every second.
Few details were given to back up the claim, but now U.K.-based engineers with Italian firm Leonardo, who are working on the radar, have shared clues with Defense News.

c4isrnet.comSecrets of Tempest’s ground-breaking radar revealed

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 aprile 2021, 0:56

Se lo dice Vecciarelli ... :salute:
Sixth-generation Tempest fighters firing laser beams will be able to take out hypersonic missiles in the future, Italy’s military chief of staff has claimed.
Gen. Enzo Vecciarelli made the prediction at a Rome seminar on missile defense, stating that directed-energy weapons were “probably the future” when it came to stopping the hypersonic missiles now being developed around the world.
Hypersonic technology was a “game changer” which would inflict “devastating” damage on foes, he said, adding: “On Tempest there will be a large amount of energy available and I don’t rule out the use of directed energy” against “missiles of the latest generation, including hypersonic missiles.”
defensenews.comItalian military chief envisions the Tempest fighter zapping missiles

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 luglio 2021, 16:41

La prosecuzione del programma è assicurata dal grosso contratto che il Ministero della Difesa britannico ha assegnato a BAE Systems ...
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has awarded a contract worth approximately £250m to progress the design and development of Tempest, the UK’s Future Combat Air System (FCAS).
The contract, signed by BAE Systems, officially marks the start of the programme’s concept and assessment phase.

baesystems.comMulti-million pound Tempest funding set to advance the UK’s future Combat Air capability


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 agosto 2021, 1:18

Italia ... primi finanziamenti ...
Due miliardi (spalmati in quindici anni) per la partecipazione italiana al Tempest, il programma per il velivolo di sesta generazione.
--- --- ---
... il Tempest, che nel precedente Dpp figurava tra i programmi prioritari ma privi di copertura finanziaria, sebbene lo stesso Guerini ha poi specificato che “le risorse necessarie sono state individuate all’interno del programma operante Eurofighter”, vista la prevista transizione tra i due.
Questa volta ci sono invece le risorse alla voce Tempest: due miliardi di euro, spalmati in quindici anni, con 20 milioni nel 2021, altrettanti nel 2022 e 2023, e il grosso previsto tra 2027 e 2035.
La partecipazione al programma “garantirà all’Italia l’esclusivo accesso ad un progetto di eccezionale ambizione e destinato ad avere risvolti non solo nell’ambito tecnologico militare ma anche a favore della crescita sistemica delle più diversificate filiere produttive operanti nel settore della digitalizzazione”, si legge nel Documento.
Nel complesso, il fabbisogno del programma relativo alle fasi di ricerca e sviluppo è di circa sei miliardi.
Quello per la successiva fase di acquisizione e supporto in servizio è “in via di definizione”.

formiche.netNon solo Tempest (che vale 2 miliardi). Il documento programmatico firmato da Guerini

Visto dall'estero ...
This year, the money has begun to flow, with 20 million ($24m) euros due in 2021 and the same amount in 2022 and 2023 according to the budget.
Over the following three years, 90 million euros ($106m) would be freed up in total, while 1.85 billion euros ($2.2bn) would be budgeted between 2027 and 2035, for a total investment of 2 billion euros ($2.4) between now and 2035.

defensenews.comItaly hikes 2021 defense spending, finds cash for Tempest


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 settembre 2021, 11:04

Sotto quattro bandiere?

Japan could be the next partner nation for the trinational, British-led next-generation fighter program, an official hinted at the DSEI arms trade show in London.
The United Kingdom, Sweden, and Italy are jointly developing cutting-edge technologies to feed into the Future Combat Air System effort.
The FCAS is to eventually lead to a core fighter aircraft and a raft of new capabilities alongside it by 2035.
Since 2020, Japan has partnered on elements of the program, but military and industry officials at the biennial DSEI conference in London hinted that the relationship could develop further within the next few years.
The program — also referred to as Tempest, and separate from the Franco-German-Spanish effort also known as FCAS — is working with Japan on the technological initiative, said the U.K. program director, Air Commodore Johnny Moreton.
“We’ve been in negotiation, conversations and some pilot projects — nothing necessarily too complex at the moment,” he said while moderating a Wednesday panel on the program’s advantages through international alliances at the conference.

defensenews.comJapan could become partner nation on UK-led future fighter effort, says program director


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 novembre 2021, 16:21

Dal Regno Unito ... avviso di "Tempesta" ... ⚡ 🌀 ⚡
The UK-led Future Air Combat System (FCAS) has entered a “concept and assessment phase” with a contract worth approximately £250 million ($340 million) to lead contractor BAE Systems.
The effort is also called Project Tempest - the name of a new and stealthy fighter aircraft that forms the centerpiece of the system.
But at a series of presentations at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) show in London recently, officials described the wider ambitions and content of the FCAS.
“We’re taking a revolutionary approach, looking at a game-changing mix of swarming drones and uncrewed aircraft, as well as a next-generated piloted platform,” said Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, chief of the UK air staff.
“Tempest is not just hardware,” he continued.
“It is about the weapons, the sensors, its battlespace connectivity, and how information is moved around its network. Tempest will exploit our world-class industrial base, pairing our brightest minds with digital ways of working.”
The digital approach was a constant theme of the presentations.
The main partners - so far, they are Leonardo, MBDA, Rolls-Royce, and Saab - will be linked to each other and to the wider supply chain by the latest open systems information and networking technology.
They will share design and development models.
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) will play a big part.
“We must become digital natives. We are learning from Saab’s experience of digitalization on the Gripen E and the T-7,” said Michael Christie, the FCAS director at BAE Systems.
The T-7 is the new jet pilot trainer for the US Air Force that Saab has designed with Boeing.

ainonline.comStorm Warning Comes from UK in Form of Project Tempest


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 gennaio 2022, 9:43

Un editoriale ...

edaiperiodici.itPerché il Tempest


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 febbraio 2022, 16:05

Da AW&ST ...
UK Advancing Tempest Sensor Suite ...

Tony Osborne - February 03, 2022

The Tempest’s Isanke system aims to integrate, fuse and process onboard data from the platform’s numerous sensors, including its radar and defensive aids system.
Credit: Leonardo

Advanced materials and novel approaches to data processing are influencing a step change in development of the sensors for the UK-led Tempest Future Combat Air System.
Progress made in that development by the UK-based defense electronics unit of Leonardo, through the UK’s Future Combat Air System Technology Initiative (FCAS TI), is leading toward creation of what the company calls an Integrated Sensing and Non-Kinetic Effect system (Isanke).
Onboard sensors such as the radar, those associated with defensive aids suites (DAS), infrared search-and-track (IRST) and electronic support measures will no longer be siloed but will instead be fully integrated and work together through an advanced form of data fusion.
“Whenever the pilot is making a decision, that decision will be informed by the information from all of the sensors,” Andrew Howard, Leonardo director for major air programs and the company’s senior responsible officer for the Tempest program, tells Aviation Week.
This approach, he says, will give pilots a “more textured understanding of the combat space” than previous-generation systems. Past integration efforts, he says, were “relatively light . . . [with] no attempt to extract shared value from those separate sensing capabilities.”
Integrating all the sensors to work together “will unlock value from the platform . . . [and] deliver a range of capabilities that we have not previously put together,” he adds.
At Isanke’s heart will be the Multi-Function Radio Frequency System (MRFS) - he name given to the future radar system - which promises longer-range performance, uses a different type of antenna and features a new generation of materials for fighter radars.
Little is known about the configuration of the MRFS, but Howard says the materials used and other elements of the Isanke system exceed the capabilities of gallium arsenide and gallium nitride semiconductors used in current active, electronically scanned array (AESA) radars, and offer “substantial improvements” over those used on the Eurofighter Typhoon.
The materials enable miniaturization of components, boost conductivity and allow improved levels of heat management, all critical requirements on a low-observable platform.
As well as conducting traditional missions such as fire control, the sensor is also likely to be capable of electronic attack.
Other onboard elements to be linked into Isanke include the DAS, IRST and electro-optical (EO) targeting systems.
Sensors will be integrated and embedded across the airframe, with miniaturization allowing more capability to be squeezed into different parts of the airframe to “create a bigger output than we have ever achieved previously,” Howard says.
In 2019, a year after the Team Tempest industry partnership was established, Leonardo revealed it had developed new radar receiver/warner technology with improved direction-finding performance that was 1/10th the size of current systems and provided a taste of its capabilities.
The integration effort will need to have significant onboard computing power as its backbone, with Leonardo taking lessons from the commercial information technology sector about data management and processing techniques.
The expectation is that the platform will scoop data from the air at much higher rates than current platforms.
“Traditionally, when a DAS has seen a threat, it has simply reacted to that threat itself,” Howard says.
But with the Isanke system, the DAS could examine the threat with the other aircraft sensors, “seeking to triangulate the information,” he adds.
The combination of sensors could then decide how best to react to the threat, either through a maneuver or by releasing a countermeasure, he suggests.
“The pilot for the most part won’t know the source of the information—they will simply know they are getting the best information,” Howard says.
Like the rest of the Tempest, development of the Isanke system is being shaped around the need for exportability so that it can be adapted for different customers.
The system will likely make use of the Pyramid open-systems architecture envisaged for the Tempest combat aircraft and its uncrewed adjuncts, such as the Mosquito Lightweight Affordable Novel Combat Aircraft.
Isanke would also be scalable with elements likely to equip the Mosquito and that could find their way into earlier-generation platforms such as the Eurofighter Typhoon, in line with the UK’s Combat Air Strategy goals.
Leonardo is also exploring opportunities to work with foreign partners, including Italy, Sweden and, increasingly, Japan (*).
Leonardo’s defense electronics business in Italy specializes in the development of IRST and EO systems, and Howard describes radar development in Italy as world-class.
And Saab’s development of electronic warfare systems on the new Gripen NG fighter is “very complementary” to the Tempest plans, he says.
Work is also underway to see what Japanese industry can bring to the project, given its wide experience in electronics - discussions are in progress about codevelopment, workshare and expertise.
In line with the wider Tempest project, Leonardo is adopting digital tools to speed up Isanke’s development and mature the technology in readiness for key investment decisions by mid-decade—in time for the Tempest to reach the front line by the mid-to-late 2030s.
Those efforts will be supported with testing of all Isanke’s elements on the highly modified Boeing 757 Excalibur flight testbed being developed by 2Excel Aviation contracted by Leonardo.
Nonetheless, Howard says, this year will be important for maturing the technology, reaching a stable model of development with the international partners and aligning the work with requirements.
“The thinking is that work over the next year will give confidence to government to make bigger investments in the program . . . and press the accelerator harder,” Howard says.

(*) Da AW&ST ...
Engine Demonstrator To Strengthen UK-Japan Fighter Ties ...

Tony Osborne - February 02, 2022

The demonstrator will likely feature technologies from Rolls-Royce’s FCAS TI and IHI’s development of the XF9 indigenous fighter engine.
Credit: Rolls-Royce

British and Japanese propulsion engineers are cooperating on development of an advanced fighter engine demonstrator that could lead to a single powerplant for the future combat aircraft planned by both nations.
Rolls-Royce and IHI Corp. will work together on a £230 million ($310 million) full-scale power and propulsion demonstrator that will bring together technologies developed by the UK’s Future Combat Air System Technology Initiative (FCAS TI) and IHI’s work on its advanced XF9-1 experimental engine.
The project is emblematic of the tightening bond between the UK and Japan on combat aircraft technologies, a reflection of Britain’s pivot toward the Asia-Pacific region, and Japan’s broadening of its defense relationships beyond its traditional ally, the U.S.
“There’s a natural alignment of the ambitions of the two countries,” Alex Zino, Rolls-Royce’s director for business development and future programs, tells Aviation Week.
“Since 2020, we have been exploring synergies, technologies and road maps to look at how both sides could work together and drive efficiencies and benefits for the end user.”
If successful, the common power system for the two fighters could shave hundreds of millions of dollars off the cost of both programs.
Few details have emerged about the engine requirements for the UK and Japanese combat aircraft, known as the Tempest and F-X, respectively, but the efforts are focused around a combined propulsion and power system - a “power station in the sky,” as Zino describes it.
Key to the development is a powerplant that generates significant electrical power for the mission systems and sensors to function, even paving the way for directed-energy weapons.
Because both platforms are expected to use low-observable technologies, the engines are likely to be deeply embedded into the platform.
They will need to be physically smaller in volume but produce more thrust than previous generations of powerplants, requiring them to operate at higher temperatures, testing material technologies and heat management processes.
Thrust vectoring may also be adopted.
“We see capabilities in Japan around materials,” Zino says, pointing out the strides that country has taken in the development of ceramic matrix composites as well as engine electronics.
IHI’s XF9, which entered ground testing in 2018, is a prime example of Japan’s development work on future fighter engines.
It uses an adaptive cycle for different flight regimes and has been designed to achieve higher thrust with a slimmer engine volume.
Its performance has been likened to that of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor’s Pratt & Whitney F119 engine - but packaged in a volume like that of the General Electric F110.
A smaller engine volume means more room for fuel or larger payload bays for combat persistence.
“The XF9 has capabilities in it that we can pull into this demonstrator program,” Zino says.
Little has emerged about the engine technologies developed and tested in support of the UK’s FCAS TI, apart from Rolls-Royce’s work on an embedded core-driven generator previously tested on the Adour engine.

As for adaptive engine technology, Zino says that providing a variable cycle capability “comes in multiple forms,” and Rolls-Royce is continuing to explore those, he says.
Particularly crucial to the engine demonstrator efforts will be testing new digital design tools and new manufacturing techniques to speed up the development.
These approaches, Zino says, mean that new components can be designed with lead times of weeks, rather than months or years.
Rolls-Royce has already proved it can develop new versions of commercial engines in five years and is confident the same can be achieved in the military engine domain, too.
“We can’t repeat what we did on the Typhoon with 20-year lead times and costs; we’ve got to really compress this,” Zino says.
Such design and engineering approaches are critical to development of the Tempest platform, airframe and sensors.
Achieving such an accelerated development would allow the Tempest combat aircraft to achieve an initial operational capability around 2035.
Rolls-Royce and IHI will work on the demonstrator until around 2026, when key decisions about moving into a full development program will be made.
Rolls-Royce’s work on the Tempest reaches beyond simply powering the manned combat aircraft, also including the numerous unmanned adjuncts that will support it.
“We’re looking to be the power partner across the combat system, and that goes beyond the primary node aircraft,” Zino says.
The OEM is developing a family of engines that could power platforms such as the Mosquito Lightweight Affordable Novel Combat Aircraft.
That development also allows Rolls-Royce “to test some of these novel [design] capabilities,” Zino says.
Using such smaller, lower-cost assets also enables engineers to “test, fail and learn a lot faster,” he adds.


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 febbraio 2022, 9:53

Il Ministero della Difesa del Regno Unito comunica ...
The UK and Japan have today signed a Letter of Arrangement (LOA) to jointly conduct cooperative research on a world-leading fighter jet sensor.
- Partners will acquire cutting-edge sensor technology to detect lethal threats
- 75 UK jobs to be created, including 40 engineering jobs in Scotland
- Part of UK’s Combat Air Strategy, backed by £2 billion of funding during the next four years
The universal radio frequency sensor technology, known as “JAGUAR”, could enable the Armed Forces to better detect future threats from air, land and sea, quickly and accurately locating targets and denying surveillance technology operated by our adversaries.
With joint work on the project scheduled to start in April, JAGUAR is expected to create 75 jobs across the UK, including 40 highly skilled engineering jobs at Leonardo’s Edinburgh site.

gov.ukUK and Japan to work together on world-leading fighter jet sensor

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 febbraio 2022, 9:36

Le vite (quasi) parallele di Tempest e F-X ...
Discussions between Japan and the United Kingdom concerning the development of Japan’s next-generation F-X fighter have been ongoing for five years.
During that period, Japan has moved away from early plans to procure a derivative of an existing foreign-designed aircraft or to simply join an existing fighter program, and instead has opted to develop an indigenous fighter from scratch, albeit with input from allied nations.
It arrived at the decision following successful trials of the indigenously-developed X-2 technology demonstrator.
F-X is receiving support from a number of partner companies.

ainonline.comGrowing Links Between Japan’s F-X and Anglo-Italian Tempest


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 luglio 2022, 14:30

Le partnership sono fondamentali quando Tempest inizia a prendere forma ...
Però la configurazione del velivolo potrebbe essere alquanto diversa da quella che fino ad ora è stata mostrata ...
The twin-tailed, delta-winged, “pelicanesque” configuration of the Tempest sixth-generation manned fighter concept has become familiar from numerous CGI artworks and from the presence of a full-scale mockup at various air and trade shows.
However, there remains a very real possibility that the actual manned fighter that will form the cornerstone of the Tempest project could look nothing like this.
The final size, shape, and configuration of the aircraft will depend on decisions still not made.
Only when Team Tempest - consisting of project leader and integrator BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, Leonardo, MBDA, and the Royal Air Force - decides on competing and sometimes contradictory priorities can it determine precisely which balance of complex compromises will produce an aircraft best suited to the overall requirement.
Those decisions will have to consider the performance and capabilities of the range of adjuncts and effectors that also form elements of the overall Future Combat Air System, since the Tempest core platform has always been considered one element in a wider system of systems.
That might turn out to be a configuration like the one to which many have become accustomed, but it could turn into one of a huge number of configurations that designers have modeled, exhaustively tested, and analyzed in minute detail.

ainonline.comPartnerships Key as Tempest Begins To Take Shape

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2022, 22:56

Leonardo e Mitsubishi Electric portano avanti congiuntamente il lavoro sul radar "Jaguar" del futuro caccia "Tempest" ...
British and Japanese engineers are advancing work on an advanced antenna that could form the basis of the future radar for the UK-led Tempest crewed combat aircraft.
As the two nations eye further cooperation on development of the fighter, Leonardo UK and Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO) have agreed on the concept for the Jaguar - Japan and Great Britain Universal Advanced RF (Radio Frequency) - radar technology demonstrator.
Work on Jaguar builds on Leonardo’s initial work on its Multi-Function Radio Frequency System (MRFS) for Tempest and the broader Integrated Sensing and Non-Kinetic Effects (ISANKE) system that will integrate Tempest’s defensive aids suite, infrared search-and-track and electronic support measures to work together through an advanced form of data fusion.
The Jaguar program aims to deliver more powerful sensing and processing capabilities as a proportion of its size compared to previous generations of radar.
Leonardo says the Jaguar work represents the “first big building block of an international radar program” that meets the ambitions laid out by Japan and the UK as part of F-X/ Future Combat Air System (FCAS) discussions.
aviationweek.comLeonardo, Mitsubishi Electric Advance Joint Tempest Radar Work

leonardo.com/itLeonardo UK e Mitsubishi Electric proseguono insieme il programma anglo-giapponese per lo sviluppo di sensoristica dei jet da combattimento

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2022, 23:23

Il Regno Unito porta avanti il dimostratore tecnologico del "Tempest"...
The UK is to build a demonstrator to support the development of its Tempest crewed combat aircraft.
The crewed, supersonic aircraft will fly within five years, paving the way towards the full-scale development of a fighter that is envisaged to replace the Eurofighter Typhoon by the end of the 2030s.
Work has been underway on the demonstrator for two years, Richard Berthon, the UK defense ministry's director for Future Combat Air, tells journalists on the opening day of the Farnborough Airshow.
The project, he says, was “important for developing the technology, the processes and the skills for learning new techniques for the future.”
The UK and partners including Italy and Japan want to develop a combat aircraft that can be developed in half the time of previous-generation fighters and at a lower cost - the demonstrator will prove out the technologies that support that theory.
Development of the so-far unnamed Tempest demonstrator will continue a long tradition for the development of demonstrators for UK combat aircraft programs.
Those include the Experimental Aircraft Program (EAP), which preceded the Eurofighter, and the Taranis unmanned combat air vehicle demonstrator, which itself was preceded by several autonomous technology demonstrators.
aviationweek.comUK Advancing Tempest Technology Demonstrator

ainonline.comUK’s Tempest Demonstrator Set To Take Wing

leonardo.com/itLeonardo e BAE Systems annunciano collaborazione industriale Italia-UK per il programma Future Combat Air System

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 dicembre 2022, 15:02

Ci siamo !!!
Come Capi di Governo di Italia, Giappone e Regno Unito, siamo impegnati a sostenere l'ordine internazionale libero e aperto basato sulle regole, più importante che mai in un momento in cui questi principi vengono contestati e in cui crescono minacce ed aggressioni.
Poiché la difesa della nostra democrazia, della nostra economia, della nostra sicurezza e della stabilità regionale riveste una sempre maggiore importanza, abbiamo bisogno di forti partenariati di difesa e di sicurezza, sostenuti e rafforzati da una capacità di deterrenza credibile.
Le nostre tre nazioni hanno relazioni strette e di lunga data, basate sui valori di libertà, democrazia, diritti umani e Stato di diritto.
Stiamo oggi compiendo il passo successivo nel rafforzamento del nostro partenariato trilaterale.
Annunciamo il Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP), un ambizioso progetto volto allo sviluppo di un aereo da caccia di nuova generazione entro il 2035.

governo.itDichiarazione Congiunta GCAP (Global Combat Air Programme)

Anche qui … defensenews.comMove over, Tempest: Japan pact takes UK-Italy fighter plan ‘global’

E qui … avianews.chLe Japon rejoint le team "Tempest" !

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 dicembre 2022, 15:48

Da "Aviation Week & Space Technology" ...
UK-Italian And Japanese Future Fighter Projects Merging ...
By Tony Osborne - December 09, 2022

LONDON - The UK and Italy’s Tempest Future Combat Air System (FCAS) project is merging with Japan’s F-X fighter effort, creating a fighter project that will span the globe.
The Global Combat Air Program (GCAP) will be an equal partnership to develop a sixth-generation fighter aircraft for the 2040s.
The effort will build on the existing work already underway by industry in all three countries, including the UK’s Team Tempest as well as the multinational work on engine demonstrators and advanced sensors to develop a combat aircraft ready for front-line service in 2035.
Key UK industry players in the GCAP effort include BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, MBDA UK and Leonardo UK, all of which are members of Team Tempest.
These have been joined by Italy’s Avio Aero, Elettronica, and Leonardo.
The effort in Japan will be led by IHI Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
Making the long-awaited announcement on Dec. 9 with his Italian and Japanese counterparts, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the three partners would work together to produce a fighter that could “outpace and outmaneuver those who seek to do us harm.
“The next-generation of combat aircraft we design will protect us and our allies around the world by harnessing the strength of our world-beating defense industry - creating jobs while saving lives,” Sunak said.
UK defense officials say the three countries will now “work intensively” to establish the core platform concept and set up the structures, including the business model needed to deliver the project.
The aim is to deliver a full business plan by the end of 2024, enabling a move into a full development phase in 2025.
Cost and worksharing arrangements are yet to be agreed to, but will be based on a joint assessment of costs and national budgets.
The UK so far has allocated some £10 billion ($12.25 billion) to the FCAS program over 10 years, with the final budget depending on future defense reviews.
The joint work will also assess the need for additional capabilities, including weapons and additive uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS), such as collaborative combat aircraft.
“The launch of the Global Combat Air Program firmly positions the UK, alongside Japan and Italy, as leaders in the design, development and production of next-generation combat air capability,” said Charles Woodburn, BAE Systems’ CEO.
He added that the agreement with Japan and Italy was “fundamental to meeting the goals set out in the UK Combat Air Strategy” and would create and sustain thousands of jobs and benefit companies across the UK.
However, it could be argued that the arrangement goes against the grain of the Combat Air Strategy, which had called on the UK to take the lead in such a development program.
Exports will remain at the “heart of the partnership,” officials say, noting that Japan’s own relatively new approach to defense exports is still evolving.
Work is underway with both Japan and Italy on the aircraft’s exportability.
Officials also note the project is open to “collaboration on wider capabilities.”
Working with European partners represents a considerable break from tradition for Japan, which has worked with the U.S. as a partner on its previous combat aircraft programs.
Its Mitsubishi F-2 is heavily derived from Lockheed Martin’s F-16.
The UK’s partnership with Japan has evolved steadily over the last six years, beginning with cooperative research on a Joint New Air-to-Air Missile (JNAAM).
Since then, the work has expanded to include Jaguar, an advanced radar antenna demonstrator between Leonardo and Mitsubishi Electric; and a fighter engine demonstrator by Rolls-Royce and Japan’s IHI, which have since been joined by Italy’s Avio Aero to create a trilateral development program.
The merging of the two programs adds volume and depth to the fighter program, which Tempest lacked.
The creation of GCAP will not affect plans for the development of a flying demonstrator, announced at the Farnborough Airshow in July, which should fly in 2027.
At the same time the GCAP announcement was made, what appears to be a third iteration of the aircraft’s design has emerged.
The design builds on a concept shown at the Farnborough Airshow that featured a YF-23-like butterfly tail combining the vertical and horizontal stabilizers into what appeared to be two large ruddervators.
The latest configuration features a lambda wing with smaller vertical stabilizers fitted at a less shallow angle, while the engines appear to be more widely spaced than in the previously publicly released design iteration.
