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Messaggio da richelieu » 25 gennaio 2021, 11:15

Il Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina Militare a domanda ... risponde ...

aresdifesa.itAmm. Cavo Dragone su F-35B: “Tra Aeronautica e Marina ci sarà integrazione”

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Messaggio da richelieu » 26 gennaio 2021, 0:37

C'era una volta ... ovvero ... quando le previsioni erano più che mai rosee ... :-?
Barring a wholesale shift to unmanned vehicles or unanticipated engineering problems- both viewed as unlikely events - the F-35A will begin replacing the Air Force F-16s and A-10s by 2010.
The following year, the Marines and the Navy will take delivery of their first F-35Bs and F-35Cs.

popularmechanics.comAmerica's New Strike Fighter: PM Meets the F-35


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Messaggio da richelieu » 30 gennaio 2021, 0:45

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Messaggio da richelieu » 30 gennaio 2021, 16:40

Si parte !!!
Il ministro della Difesa Lorenzo Guerini si è recato oggi a bordo della Portaerei STOVL Cavour (C 550), in navigazione nel Golfo di Taranto, per rivolgere il suo saluto all’equipaggio e al comandante della nave Ammiraglia della Marina Militare, che ha lasciato ieri la base navale di Taranto con destinazione gli Stati Uniti d’America dove acquisirà la certificazione per operare con l’F-35B e qualificherà per l’impiego imbarcato i primi piloti della Marina in transizione sul nuovo velivolo negli USA.

... analisidifesa.it ... La portaerei Cavour negli USA per l’operatività degli F-35B

Anche qui ... aviation-report.com ... La portaerei italiana Cavour parte per gli Stati Uniti per la certificazione operativa all’utilizzo degli F-35B

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Messaggio da richelieu » 31 gennaio 2021, 17:09

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Messaggio da richelieu » 4 febbraio 2021, 0:18

Nave Cavour in sosta nel porto di Rota ...
La portaerei Cavour, nave ammiraglia della Marina Militare italiana, ha fatto ingresso questa mattina nel porto di Rota, nella regione spagnola dell’Andalusia, tappa intermedia del viaggio verso gli Stati Uniti dove acquisirà la certificazione per poter operare con i moderni velivoli F-35B, a decollo corto e atterraggio verticale, che progressivamente andranno a sostituire gli AV-8B Plus.
“Si tratta di un’attività di natura tecnico-operativa con importanti risvolti sul piano strategico-militare per il Paese nel panorama internazionale”, ha dichiarato l’Ambasciatore italiano a Madrid, Riccardo Guariglia che, nell’impossibilità di effettuare una visita alla nave a causa del protocollo anti-covid a cui è sottoposto l’equipaggio, ha raggiunto telefonicamente da Madrid il Comandante, Capitano di Vascello Giancarlo Ciappina, per dargli il benvenuto in Spagna.

... ambmadrid.esteri.it ... La Portaerei Cavour in sosta a Rota: contatto telefonico Amb. Guariglia con il Com. Ciappina

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Messaggio da richelieu » 14 febbraio 2021, 11:21

Si presenta un nuovo problema ... si prevede vi sarà scarsità di motori ... #-o
The F-35 joint strike fighter program is grappling with a shortage of the jet’s Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, and it could be months before the situation starts to improve, a defense official said Friday.
The problem, according to the F-35 joint program office, is twofold.
First, the F135 Heavy Maintenance Center at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., has not been able to process engines through scheduled depot maintenance as quickly as projected.
Second, maintainers are discovering “premature distress of rotor blade coatings” in a “small number” of engine power modules, creating more repair work and contributing to the backlog.
A defense official who spoke to Defense News on background called the issues a “serious readiness problem.”
By 2022, roughly 5 to 6 percent of the F-35 fleet could be without engines due to scheduled depot maintenance as well as unscheduled engine removals caused by F135s in need of repair.

defensenews.comAn engine shortage is the newest problem to hit the F-35 enterprise

Uno degli effetti … military.comAir Force Cuts Back F-35 Demo Performances Due to Engine Shortage


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Messaggio da richelieu » 14 febbraio 2021, 16:10

Nave Cavour è arrivata negli Stati Uniti ...
Dopo oltre 5300 miglia, diciassette giorni di navigazione, di cui dieci in Oceano Atlantico, la portaerei Cavour ha fatto ingresso e ormeggiato, sabato 13 febbraio scorso, nella base navale della seconda flotta della US Navy di Norfolk, in Virginia.
Si tratta della prima parte della campagna "Ready for Operations" (RFO) che porterà l’ammiraglia della Squadra Navale della Marina Militare al conseguimento della certificazione all’impiego operativo dei nuovissimi velivoli del programma Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) F-35B nella variante a decollo corto e atterraggio verticale (Short Take Off and Vertical Landing – STOVL).
Un vero e proprio salto generazionale, un’evoluzione dello strumento aeronavale che assicurerà il mantenimento della strategica capacità operativa della portaerei Cavour e consentirà di aumentare le capacità di proiezione di forze sul mare e dal mare ed il livello di protezione delle unità navali di tutta la Flotta.

marina.difesa.itNave Cavour arriva a Norfolk - Visita dell'ambasciatore d'Italia negli Stati Uniti, Armando Varricchio

Anche qui … navy.milItalian Navy Aircraft Carrier ITS Cavour Arrives at Naval Station Norfolk

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Messaggio da richelieu » 15 febbraio 2021, 23:39

A proposito delle future capacità nucleari ...
Il programma è rendere capaci i nuovi F-35A da 80 milioni l’uno non solo dell’aviazione militare statunitense ma della Nato (Italia compresa) di caricare e sganciare le nuove bombe nucleari B61-12 (potenza di ognuna fra gli 0,3 e 50 kilotoni: quest’ultima misura equivale al triplo della potenza della «Little boy» che polverizzò Hiroshima nel 1945).
Significativi avanzamenti del programma sono stati raggiunti nel corso di esercitazioni («Red Flag») nel deserto del Nevada, «palestra» anche degli F-35 e degli equipaggi del 32° Stormo di Amendola, la base dell’Aeronautica militare di Foggia, e di successivi test nella stessa area.
Ma non saranno i caccia «stealth» (invisibili o quasi ai radar) «pugliesi» a proseguire il compito di costituire la «forza nucleare» italiana (in un Paese che però ha rinunciato al possesso di tali armamenti), bensì quelli che arriveranno nella base di Ghedi (Brescia) in corso di ristrutturazione da parte dell’impresa «Matarrese» di Bari con un appalto da 91 milioni di euro.

lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.itPuglia, prosegue il programma degli F-35 con l’atomica

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Messaggio da richelieu » 17 febbraio 2021, 0:24

A proposito di nave Cavour ... un commento dal sito dell'USNI ...

news.usni.orgItalian Aircraft Carrier ITS Cavour Visits Norfolk Ahead of F-35B Testing


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Messaggio da richelieu » 17 febbraio 2021, 21:03

Un altro commento sulla missione di nave Cavour negli USA ...

formiche.netF-35, diplomazia e operazioni. Tutti gli obiettivi di Nave Cavour negli Usa

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Messaggio da richelieu » 20 febbraio 2021, 10:38

I prossimi anni non vedranno, con tutta probabilità, ulteriori diminuzioni nei prezzi degli F-35 ... :pale:
The next three lots of F-35 production - now being negotiated - likely won’t see much, if any, lowering of unit prices, Lockheed Martin aeronautics vice president Gregory M. Ulmer said Feb. 19.
A reduction in units being procured and an increase in capability of the aircraft will make it tough to keep the price from rising, he said.
“If you look at the next three lots, there’s going to be quite a bit of pressure, I would say, keeping the cost neutral,” Ulmer told journalists on a telecon press conference ahead of AFA’s virtual Aerospace Warfare Symposium Feb. 24-26.
There’s “a significant quantity reduction in the next three years … on the order of 100 aircraft,” he said, so there will be fewer aircraft across which to spread overhead costs.

airforcemag.comSteady F-35 Price Reductions Likely at an End


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Messaggio da richelieu » 26 febbraio 2021, 17:09

The F-35 is the cornerstone of our … fighter capability” ...
The Air Force remains committed to the F-35, and it is the “cornerstone” of USAF’s force planning, but the new tactical aviation study will decide if USAF should surge its production of the jet, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said Feb. 25.
In a press conference at AFA’s virtual Aerospace Warfare Symposium, Brown disputed recent media reports that have pronounced the F-35 a failure.
The F-35 is the cornerstone of our … fighter capability,” and of USAF’s plans for the future, Brown asserted.
The TacAir study he unveiled last week will simply look at what systems will be needed to complement it, he said.
The age of most of the fighter force - averaging 29 years - compels USAF to “look ahead … 10, 15 years in the future” at the right mix of aircraft for the missions expected in that timeframe, Brown said.
The study will develop “where we think we need to go, and how we get from where we are today to … the future.

airforcemag.comTacAir Study Will Determine If F-35 Production Surge Needed


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Messaggio da richelieu » 28 febbraio 2021, 1:08

But as I sit here today, I’m not overly confident we’ll get there” ... ovvero ... i dubbi e le preoccupazioni del generale ... :scratch:
Air Combat Command boss Gen. Mark D. Kelly isn’t confident that F-35 operating costs will be tamed to $25,000 per hour by 2025, which is the service’s goal.
He’s also concerned China will field advanced fighter technologies like those in the Air Force’s developmental Next-Generation Air Dominance system before the U.S. does.
“I’m not brimming with confidence” that the $25K by ’25 goal will be met, Kelly said of the F-35.
“I haven’t lost confidence,” he told reporters in a press conference during AFA’s virtual Aerospace Warfare Symposium, and that’s why he’s about to hit the road to visit operating locations, the depot, and other facilities, to “have conversations” about how the goal can be reached.
The idea is not to “talk about how we feel” but get to a “plan of action and milestones” to achieve the $25K target.
“But as I sit here today, I’m not overly confident we’ll get there,” Kelly said.

airforcemag.comKelly Worries F-35 Flying Costs Won’t Hit Target, and That China May Get NGAD First

Anche qui … defensenews.comAir Force general worried US won’t field sixth-gen fighter in time to beat China


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Messaggio da richelieu » 1 marzo 2021, 9:30

Se lo dicono loro ... :shock:

notizieflash24.itOra lo ammette anche l’esercito Usa: i caccia F-35 non servono a niente


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Messaggio da richelieu » 4 marzo 2021, 12:04


Primi appontaggi di F-35B su nave Cavour ...
Partita il 28 febbraio dalla base della Seconda Flotta della US Navy a Norfolk, nave Cavour ha iniziato la fase "calda" della campagna "Ready for Operations".
Il primo appontaggio di un velivolo F-35B del Corpo degli US Marines sul ponte della portaerei della Marina Militare, rappresenta un passaggio fondamentale nel lungo e complesso processo di certificazione all’impiego dei nuovi velivoli.
Il completamento della fase delle prove in mare "Sea Trials", che si protrarranno in Oceano Atlantico per circa quattro settimane, permetterà all’ammiraglia della Squadra Navale di testare il ponte di volo e verificare gli impatti con il velivolo di quinta generazione nei momenti topici di decollo e appontaggio in diverse condizioni di assetto ed in relazione a diversi fattori quali i venti e lo stato del mare, per arrivare alla certificazione finale di "Ready for Operations".

marina.difesa.itIniziate le prove in mare per la certificazione della Portaerei Cavour all’impiego degli F-35B

Anche qui … dvidshub.netF-35Bs Begin Sea Trials Aboard Italian Navy Aircraft Carrier

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Messaggio da richelieu » 6 marzo 2021, 1:29

I want to stop throwing money down that rat-hole” ... parola del presidente dello House Armed Services Committee ... :eeeeek:
“We’ve got to seriously scrub” programs like the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter in Congress instead of rewarding “people for failure, not results” in developing new weapons systems, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Friday.
Speaking in a Brookings Institution online forum, Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) said “there’s not an easy way out of” a program like the F-35 even despite his concerns on cost and performance.
“It all comes down to not putting all your eggs in one basket,” as he said happened with the fifth-generation fighter.
Smith said he wasn’t saying the United States and its allies did not need modernized fighter/attack aircraft.
I want to stop throwing money down that rat-hole,” he said.
Instead of buying more F-35s, he said the Air Force’s F-15EX could provide a model for other services to follow in adding capacity to their air fleets without retooling production lines already developed for foreign military sales.

news.usni.orgHASC Chairman Calls on Congress to ‘Scrub’ F-35 Program

Anche qui … defensenews.comRipping F-35 costs, House Armed Services chairman looks to ‘cut our losses’


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Messaggio da richelieu » 7 marzo 2021, 23:43

Ma ... questo aereo è davvero una "cioféca" ?
With an estimated lifetime cost of $1.6 trillion, the F-35 Lightning II, conceived as a versatile, super stealthy next-generation fighter plane, is the most expensive weapon system ever built.
When the program began way back in 1992, the F-35 was supposed to be an affordable one-size-fits-all solution for the Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy.
It took until this February for the Air Force to publicly admit that the F-16 replacement failed the affordability test.
On Friday, Rep. Adam Smith of Washington state, the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, verbalized the long-simmering frustration with the massive program’s costs and persistent technical problems when he said he wanted to “stop throwing money down that particular rathole. … Is there a way to not keep spending that much money for such a low capability?

nbcnews.com/thinkThe Air Force admits the F-35 fighter jet costs too much. So it wants to spend even more.


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Messaggio da richelieu » 11 marzo 2021, 19:31

In volo il primo esemplare destinato alla Danimarca ...
Lockheed Martin has flown the first example of an F-35A destined for the Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF, Flyvevåbnet).
Company test pilot Joe “Hooch” Hutcheson was at the controls for the 90-minute maiden flight, which was undertaken from the Fort Worth factory on March 8.
The aircraft wears the RDAF serial L-001, and is allocated the construction number AP-01 that identifies it as the first A-model for Denmark.
“Achieving the first flight of Denmark’s first F-35 is a major milestone for the Denmark F-35 program and a testament to the outstanding abilities of our dedicated and highly trained joint industry and government team,” said acting F-35 v-p and general manager Bill Brotherton.
“This team’s focus on delivering the most effective, survivable, and connected fighter in the world will ensure the sovereign protection of Denmark and strengthen allies and partners through the NATO F-35 coalition.”

ainonline.comLockheed Martin Flies First F-35 for Denmark

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Messaggio da richelieu » 14 marzo 2021, 10:21

"The Fighter Jet That’s Too Pricey to Fail" ... un articolo del Comitato di Redazione del New York Times ...

... nytimes.com ... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/12/opin ... -cost.html ...


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Messaggio da richelieu » 19 marzo 2021, 0:35

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Messaggio da richelieu » 19 marzo 2021, 10:29

Nonostante le critiche, gli Stati Uniti hanno bisogno degli F-35 ... anche perché la loro "is literally Ronald Reagan’s Air Force, and that’s a problem" ...
Adversaries like China and Russia have long sought to challenge America’s ability to project power through the air.
They saw the decisive advantage yielded by U.S. air power in Operation Desert Storm and beyond.
In response, they developed highly capable air defenses in the form of advanced surface-to-air missiles, next-generation fighter jets, and sophisticated sensor networks tied to command-and-control facilities.
America’s air power arsenal is woefully ill-equipped to face these new realities: 80 percent of the Air Force fighter inventory is comprised of aircraft designed in the 1960s and 1970s, primarily built in the 1980s and flown hard for decades.
This is literally Ronald Reagan’s Air Force, and that’s a problem.

defensenews.comF-35 in the crosshairs: Despite criticism, America needs the fighter jet


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Messaggio da richelieu » 20 marzo 2021, 12:13

F-35 ... in crescita, a livello politico, dubbi e disaffezione ... :scratch:
The House Armed Services Committee has “enormous concern” about the F-35 fighter’s sustainment, and suggested Congress may cut back on purchases of the jet to let the sustainment enterprise catch up, Readiness subcommittee chair Rep. John Garamendi (R-Calif.) said March 19.
Garamendi, near the end of a hearing on the military’s organic maintenance capability, said the “huge problem” with the F-35 is, “we buy more planes [but] we’re not able to maintain the older ones, so the more we buy, the worse the overall performance has been. That is going to stop.”
He did not elaborate about whether he intends to try to restrain F-35 purchases in the upcoming fiscal 2022 budget.
“The entire F-35 system is of enormous concern to the committee,” Garamendi said, noting that HASC chair Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) “weighed in on this in a very big and important way, this last week.”
Smith complained about assorted issues with the F-35, calling it a “rathole,” but allowing that it may not be an expendable program.

airforcemag.comHASC Cites ‘Enormous Concern’ About F-35; Readiness Chair Suggests Buy Cutback


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Messaggio da richelieu » 24 marzo 2021, 16:06

Eri piccola, piccola, piccola, così! ...
E' la nave ammiraglia della Marina Militare ed una delle navi da guerra più potenti in servizio nel Mediterraneo.
Ma la portaerei Cavour "sparisce" letteralmente nel confronto con la gigantesca USS Gerald Ford, la prima superportaerei di ultima generazione della US Navy.

cittadellaspezia.comIl Cavour "sparisce" accanto alla superportaerei americana USS Ford


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Messaggio da richelieu » 25 marzo 2021, 0:58

Eri piccola, piccola, piccola, così! ...

In un altro Forum è stato pubblicato questo ...

aresdifesa.itIl Cavour naviga assieme alla super portaerei USS Gerald R. Ford [Video/Foto]

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Messaggio da richelieu » 28 marzo 2021, 0:22

:thumbright: :salute: :thumbleft:

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Messaggio da richelieu » 28 marzo 2021, 10:57

Il Regno Unito (fino a quando?) e gli altri utilizzatori degli F-35B ...
“There is going to be a community of F-35 nations that we would be mad to ignore,” Heappey said in response to a question from USNI News.
“We think that our carrier capability is something that we can develop alongside - not just the U.S. - but the Italians, the Japanese and the Australians and many others who are looking at that highly capable aircraft.”

news.usni.orgMoD Official: U.K. ‘Would be Mad to Ignore’ Working with Allied F-35B Capable Carriers

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Messaggio da richelieu » 31 marzo 2021, 15:16

Astral Knight 2021 ... ci saranno anche i nostri ...
Astral Knight 2021, a U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa-led exercise, will take place mid-May, at Aviano Air Base, Italy, as well as other locations in Croatia, Greece and Slovenia.
--- --- ---
Participating aircraft include the U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, HH-60 Pave Hawk and C-130J Super Hercules aircraft; Italian Air Force F-35 Lightning II aircraft; Hellenic Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon and Emb-145 Erieye aircraft; and Croatian MiG-21 BisD/UMD aircraft.

usafe.af.mil/NewsExercise Astral Knight 2021


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Messaggio da richelieu » 6 aprile 2021, 0:51

Nuove nomine in casa LM ...
Lockheed Martin on April 5 appointed a new leader for the F-35 program who has experience in overseeing the jet’s sustainment enterprise, amid public criticism over the Joint Strike Fighter’s operations and maintenance costs.
Effective April 12 (*), Bridget Lauderdale will assume the role of vice president and general manager of the F-35 program.
Lauderdale currently leads the F-16 and F-22 programs as head of Lockheed’s integrated fighter group.

defensenews.comLockheed names new head of F-35 program

Anche qui … news.lockheedmartin.comLockheed Martin Announces New F-35 And Program Management Leaders

(*) ... 60° anniversario del lancio di Yuri Gagarin ...


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Messaggio da richelieu » 9 aprile 2021, 9:58

Consegnato alla Danimarca il primo esemplare ...
On April 7, Denmark's first F-35A, L-001, was delivered to the Royal Danish Air Force.
The Kingdom of Denmark commemorated the milestone with members of the Ministry of Defence, Danish Defence, the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization, the Royal Danish Air Force, U.S. Military Services, and industry partners at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas facility.
"The roll-out ceremony of our first F-35 is a huge milestone for Denmark. The F-35 will play a major transformational role, not only for the Danish Air Force but for the Danish Armed Forces," said F-35 Joint Program Office, Denmark National Deputy, Col. Jonas Ottosen.

dvidshub.netDenmark Welcomes First F-35

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Messaggio da richelieu » 1 maggio 2021, 15:18

Nave Cavour è rientrata dagli Stati Uniti ...
La portaerei Cavour della Marina militare ha fatto rientro questa mattina nella stazione navale Mar Grande di Taranto dopo aver terminato negli Stati Uniti la Campagna Ready for Operations (RFO) con le «prove in mare» (sea trials) per l’impiego operativo dell’F-35B.
Si tratta del velivolo da combattimento di quinta generazione del programma Joint Strike Fighter di prossima dotazione alla Marina Militare in sostituzione degli AV8B-plus.
La nave è stata «salutata» in Mar Jonio dal cacciatorpediniere Andrea Doria, dalla nave anfibia San Giusto e dal sommergibile Prini.
La nave ammiraglia della Squadra Navale, grazie alla campagna RFO, ha avviato con pieno successo le attività fondamentali nel percorso di qualificazione ad impiegare il nuovo sistema d’arma costituito da velivoli di quinta generazione, gli F-35 nella versione B, a decollo corto e appontaggio verticale.

lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.itF35: la portaerei Cavour rientrata a Taranto dopo campagna addestrativa in Usa


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Messaggio da richelieu » 2 maggio 2021, 1:08

L'uscita della Turchia dal programma provocherà un aumento del prezzo del motore ...
The cost of the F-35 fighter jet′s engine is set to increase by 3 percent due to Turkey’s removal from the program in 2019, the head of Pratt & Whitney’s military engines division said Thursday.
The company’s F135 engine — which is used in all three variants of the Lockheed Martin-made F-35 Joint Strike Fighter — was initially manufactured with a total of 188 parts produced by Turkish suppliers, Matthew Bromberg told lawmakers during a House Armed Services Committee hearing.
“These are some of the most critical parts of the engine, and the Turkey suppliers were high quality, low cost,” he said.
“Seventy-five percent of them have been qualified in new suppliers. Most of those are domestic here in the United States.”
Pratt & Whitney expects to have the remaining 25 percent of Turkish-made parts for the F135 qualified by the end of 2021, with all Turkish parts flushed from the system by the time engines for the 15th lot of aircraft roll off the line in 2020.
At that point, about 20 percent of the F135′s parts will be made by international vendors.

defensenews.comTurkey’s removal from F-35 program to cause hike in engine price


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Messaggio da richelieu » 3 maggio 2021, 23:52

Gli F-35A italiani in Estonia per una missione BAP (Baltic Air Policing) ...
Ad Amari, in Estonia, con il passaggio di consegne tra la Luftwaffe e l’Aeronautica militare, è iniziato oggi ufficialmente il comando italiano della missione di Air Policing della Nato.
Per la prima volta nell’ambito dell’Alleanza Atlantica, a protezione dei cieli del Baltico ci sono gli avanzati velivoli F-35, giunti da qualche giorno sulla base estone.
Sono quelli del 32esimo Stormo della Forza armata italiana, già protagonista nel 2019 del primo impiego operativo di quinta generazione nella Nato.
In quel caso, la missione di Air Policing fu in Islanda, poi ripetuta l’estate successiva.

formiche.netGli F-35 italiani in Estonia. Inizia la missione di Air Policing


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Messaggio da richelieu » 6 maggio 2021, 0:12

Interconnessióne ...
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works®, the Missile Defense Agency and the U.S. Air Force successfully linked a U-2, five F-35s and an F-22 in air and provided real-time 5th Generation data to operators on the ground, introducing greater mission flexibility across domains and an enhanced total operational picture for the joint warfighter.
Named Project Hydra, the latest flight test leveraged an Open Systems Gateway (OSG) payload aboard the U-2 to connect an F-22 to five F-35s via native Intra-Flight Data Link (IFDL) and Multifunction Advanced Data Link (MADL), successfully sharing data between all airborne aircraft and with nodes on the ground.
The target tracks were also transmitted by and through the U-2 into the fighter avionics and pilot displays.

news.lockheedmartin.comLockheed Martin Skunk Works®’ Project Hydra Demonstrates 5th Gen To 5th Gen Communications Across Domains

Il commento di RIDF-22 a F-35 si parlano con i loro datalink attraverso l’U-2

