Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 marzo 2022, 11:17

tell ha scritto:
29 marzo 2022, 11:04
88 apparecchi sembrano molti ma, ricordiamoci, il Canada' e' il piu' vasto Paese al mondo.
Mi permetto di correggerti ... è la Russia ...

... ... ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 marzo 2022, 11:32

F-35 ... il blog elvetico "Avia News" fornisce qualche ulteriore dettaglio sulla decisione del Canada ...

... ... Le Canada confirme le choix du F-35 ! ...


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Iscritto il: 20 febbraio 2022, 14:56

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da tell » 29 marzo 2022, 12:49

Mi scuso... diamo al Canada l' argento del podio! Avevo difficolta' nello scrivere il post e ...mi e' scappato l' errore.
Resta il fatto che una difesa di un Paese di dimensioni "canadesi" non e' tecnicamente e politicamente di poco conto. Grazie per l' attenzione!

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 marzo 2022, 1:18

F-35 ... il commento di AINonline sulla decisione del Canada ...

Canada Selects F-35A for its Future Fighter Requirement


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 aprile 2022, 0:33

M-346FA ... una delle tre opzioni che ha la Polonia per la sostituzione dei vecchi velivoli ex-sovietici ...
La prima opzione è un’offerta italiana di una versione armata e in grado di combattere del Leonardo M-346 Master.
Da tempo gli italiani tentano di vendere una versione adatta al combattimento di questo noto addestratore.
In Polonia, l’M-346FA, come viene designato il Master in questa configurazione, sarebbe proposto non solo come sostituto del MiG-29 ma anche come sostituto dei Sukhoi Su-22 ancora in servizio in Polonia.
La proposta di Leonardo riguarda, quindi, un velivolo a doppio ruolo e a basso costo che potrebbe integrare la versione dell’addestratore, già in servizio in Polonia, con un caccia leggero ma moderno e ben equipaggiato.
L’M-346FA è la versione da combattimento della variante d’addestramento di questo ormai ben collaudato velivolo.
L’M-346FA è un velivolo multiruolo leggero dotato di radar, soluzione tattica molto redditizia per il moderno campo di battaglia.

aviation-report.comPer sostituire i MiG-29 la Polonia potrebbe valutare aerei da combattimento coreani ed europei tra i quali l’M-346FA italiano

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Iscritto il: 20 febbraio 2022, 14:56

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da tell » 17 aprile 2022, 15:13

Gripen per l' Austria?...
Il sito tedesco pubblica oggi un articolo in cui si prospetta l' acquisto di Gripen da parte dell' Austria. Vi sarebbe un' offerta informale da parte di SAAB per 14 "Gripen" C/D nuovi. Cosa serve? ...Volonta' politica e soldi che, per quanto riguarda la "Alpen Republick", mancano da sempre. ( E' una battuta contenuta in un' intervista alla ministra della difesa austriaca pubblicata in Svizzera lo scorso anno).

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 aprile 2022, 15:28

Il governo degli Stati Uniti ha autorizzato la possibile vendita di 12 elicotteri d'attacco Bell AH-1Z alla Nigeria ...
April 14, 2022 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Nigeria of AH-1Z Attack Helicopter Related FMS Acquisitions and related equipment for an estimated cost of $997 million.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

dsca.milNigeria – AH-1Z Attack Helicopter Related FMS Acquisitions

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 aprile 2022, 15:40

Dassault Aviation comunica ...
Saint-Cloud, France, April 19th, 2022 ...

Today, we received the first down payment of the contract for the acquisition of 80 Rafale by the United Arab Emirates.
Signed on December 3rd, 2021 in the presence of the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, this contract, by its exceptional scope, attests to Dassault Aviation’s technological expertise and the Rafale’s unique operational qualities.
It also illustrates the strength of the strategic partnership between the United Arab Emirates and France. contract for the United Arab Emirates enters into the order backlog

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 aprile 2022, 1:25

La Colombia avrebbe deciso di fare acquisti nella Corea del Sud ...
Colombia’s Air Force has chosen a mix of TA-50 and FA-50 Golden Eagles as its next jet trainers, military sources told Defense News.
The Air Force plans to acquire at least 20 advanced jet trainers with air-to-air and air-to-ground combat capabilities under a project estimated to be worth $600 million.
The Air Force has denied negotiations are underway to procure the Golden Eagle variants, made by Korea Aerospace Industries.
But local sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press, said the Colombian government has acknowledged the Air Force’s preference for the South Korean aircraft and has insisted negotiations with KAI also involve Leonardo.
The Italian firm was shortlisted during the competition process and had offered its M-346 advanced jet/lead-in fighter trainer.
The inclusion of competitors is meant to help Colombia negotiate the best deal. chooses South Korea’s TA-50, FA-50 as next jet trainers, officials say

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 maggio 2022, 16:52

L'Air Force certifica il sistema di addestramento degli M-346 dell'aeronautica militare polacca per i futuri piloti di F-16 e di F-35 ...
Following a week-long assessment in late 2021, the U.S. Air Force certified the Polish Air Force training system with the M-346 Bielik at the 41st Training Aviation Base in Dęblin as equivalent to the training performed on the T-38C Talon in the USA, multiple Polish media outlets have reported.
Following this certification, Polish pilots will now be able to complete their training at home before joining the Operational Conversion Unit, without the need of additional training abroad.
... ... U.S. Air Force Certifies Polish Air Force M-346 Training System For Future F-16 And F-35 Pilots ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 maggio 2022, 10:21

La Grecia è sempre più vicina all'acquisto degli F-35 e, al tempo stesso, tenta di convincere gli Stati Uniti a non fornire alla Turchia una ulteriore quantità di F-16 e a non aggiornare quelli già esistenti ...
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the White House and Congress this week to make his country’s case for acquiring the F-35 stealth fighter jet while lobbying against Turkey’s attempts to upgrade its aging fleet of F-16s and acquire additional aircraft.
Not to be outdone, Turkish officials will visit Washington later this week to make their case for Congress to consent to an approximately $400 million deal to upgrade their F-16 jets with new missiles, radar and electronics - a prospect made more complicated by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent vows to block Sweden and Finland from joining NATO.
On Monday, Mitsotakis announced after a meeting with President Joe Biden that Greece will move forward with its bid to acquire the F-35 after 2028.
“We will launch the process for the acquisition of a squadron of F-35 aircraft, and we do hope to be able to add this fantastic plane to the Greek Air Force before the end of this decade,” Mitsotakis said at the White House.
He also noted Lockheed Martin - which produces F-35s and F-16s - “officially expressed its interest in investing in Hellenic aerospace” last week, right before his visit to Washington.
defensenews.comGreece seeks to join F-35 program as it lobbies against Turkey F-16 sale

Anche qui …’à 40 F-35 pour la Grèce !

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Iscritto il: 20 febbraio 2022, 14:56

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da tell » 20 maggio 2022, 11:45

Certo che, per noi svizzeri, vedere le priorita' difensive in un Paese certamente non ricco come la Grecia....fa un certo effetto! Dopo i costosissimi Rafale, che nel loro.esercizio sono...molto costosi anche se di seconda mano, e' ora il turno degli F-35. D' accordo la paura alimentata da un odio tradizionale e viscerale per la Turchia, pero'...Ci rendiamo conto che esistono... varie Europe. Saluti a tutti.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 giugno 2022, 11:28

L'Olanda ha intenzione di acquistare in futuro altri sei F-35A, portando in tal modo la consistenza della sua flotta a cinquantadue esemplari ...
Le ministère néerlandais de la Défense va investir massivement dans de nouveaux équipements militaire.
Le Lockheed Martin F-35A fait partie des futurs achats avec une augmentation de la flotte.
La pays vise l’acquisition de 6 F-35A supplémentaires qui venir grossir la flotte de 46 appareils en commande.
Un lot de 9 F-35 avait été commandé en plus en 2020.
--- --- ---
Les Pays-Bas préparent donc une troisième commande de F-35 qui portera le nombre à 52 appareils.
En 2013, rien prédisait que le pays allait opter pour une augmentation du nombre d’avion.
Les coûts du programme de l’époque étaient encore trop élevés et le prix à l’heure de vol était encore difficile à définir.
Les choses ont bien changé, cette troisième commande confirme la maîtrise des coûts et l’excellent comportement de l’avion.
On exclut d’ailleurs pas d’autres commandes qui pourraient monter la flotte à jusqu’à 70 appareils. Pays-Bas veulent encore plus de F-35 !


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 giugno 2022, 23:59

Anche AINonline riporta la notizia ...
For the Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu, royal air force) the main element is the purchase of six more Lockheed Martin F-35As, raising the total number to 52.
This will permit the creation of a third full squadron to join the current 313 Squadron at Volkel and 322 Squadron at Leeuwarden.
The white paper also notes that “the entire F-35 fleet will be expanded with modern long-range and precision weapons” and that the future use of unmanned fighters is being examined.
Long-range engagement and suppression of enemy air defenses are regarded as important aspects of future KLu operations.
ainonline.comMore F-35 Fighters on Dutch Defense Shopping List


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 15 giugno 2022, 14:56

AW149 ... Leonardo ha vinto in Polonia ...
Poland plans to buy AW149 helicopters, the defense ministry said Monday, with one Italian bank estimating the order could be worth €1.1 billion (U.S. $1.15 billion) to manufacturer Leonardo.
“In the near future we will sign contracts for the supply of mine destroyers ... AW149 multi-role support helicopters, two observation satellites and tank destroyers,” according to a tweet from the ministry, which cited Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak.
Polish news portal Defence24 (*) reported the order will include 32 helicopters, with assembly handled in Poland by PZL-Świdnik, which is controlled by Leonardo.
It also reported Poland will acquire the helicopters in three different formats: combat support; command; and reconnaissance and electronic warfare.
defensenews.comPoland reveals plan to buy AW149 helos in deal potentially worth over $1B

(*)defence24.plPolska kupuje śmigłowce AW149 w programie Perkoz

Anche qui … reuters.comLeonardo set to benefit from Polish military helicopter order

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 giugno 2022, 23:51

La Giordania ha acquistato otto F-16 Block 70 di nuova produzione ...
Jordan has officially signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance for the sale of eight new production F-16 Block 70 aircraft.
“This F-16 acquisition reflects over 70 years of U.S. cooperation and decades of partnership with Lockheed Martin,” says Aimee Burnett, vice president, Integrated Fighter Group Business Development.
news.lockheedmartin.comJordan To Join F-16 Block 70 Program

Anche qui … to order F-16 Block 70s after signing LoA


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 luglio 2022, 13:01

In vista ulteriori acquisti di F-35 ...

janes.comSouth Korea backs proposal to acquire additional F-35s

reuters.comGreece proceeds with purchase of 20 Lockheed F-35 fighter jets

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Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da JT8D » 15 luglio 2022, 20:35

Airbus Helicopters annuncia la H175M Task Force, il team industriale creato per offrire e supportare l’elicottero H175M per gli UK New Medium Helicopter (NMH) requirement: ... ask-force/

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2022, 22:34

AW149 ... Leonardo prepara la linea di produzione nel Regno Unito in vista della competizione "New Medium Helicopter" (NMH) ...
Leonardo Helicopters has begun work to establish a UK production line for the AW149 super medium helicopter it is proposing for the UK’s £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) New Medium Helicopter (NMH) requirement.
The company has ordered tooling to support the creation of the line at its facility in Yeovil, England, and could be ready to build helicopters by year-end if required, even though the competitive program has only just been launched by the UK Defense Ministry.
The company believes that the preparatory work will make its bid even more competitive, enabling the 8.6-ton rotorcraft to enter service as early as 2025.
Speaking in front of the AW149 on Leonardo’s stand here at Farnborough, Norman Bone, the chairman and chief executive of Leonardo in the UK, says the decision to begin ordering tooling and preparing the production facilities was “evidence” of the company’s commitment to “deliver the best onshore offer for the NMH program.”
aviationweek.comLeonardo Prepares UK Production Line Ahead Of NMH Contest

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 luglio 2022, 0:54

La Repubblica Ceca prevede di acquistare 24 F-35A e inizierà presto i negoziati con gli Stati Uniti ...
The Czech Republic plans to buy 24 F-35As, which would make it the 16th nation to either buy F-35s or announce the intent to do so and the 10th member or soon-to-be member of NATO to select the jet.
In a July 20 Prague press conference, Czech prime minister Petr Fiala said the nation has “decided to enter into negotiations with our U.S. partners for the acquisition of the fifth-generation, supersonic F-35 multirole aircraft.”
He also announced that the country will seek to buy Swedish infantry fighting vehicles.
These moves will strengthen the Czech Republic’s armed forces “for decades to come,” he said.
The country is interested in the F-35A conventional takeoff version.
airforcemag.comCzech Republic Plans to Buy F-35 as New Fighter, Would Be 16th Customer


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 luglio 2022, 21:20

KAI FA-50 ... questa è la scelta della Polonia per la sostituzione dei vecchi MiG-29 e Su-22 di origine sovietica ...
Un'occasione persa per Leonardo che aveva presentato lo M-346 FA (Fighter Attack) ...
Secondo quanto affermato dal Ministro della Difesa e Vice Primo Ministro Mariusz Blaszczak la Polonia acquisterà 48 velivoli d’attacco leggero FA-50 dalla Corea del Sud, nell’ambito del rafforzamento dell’esercito a causa della guerra in Ucraina.
La KAI sta discutendo la vendita dei 48 caccia FA-50 per un valore di circa 2,6 miliardi di dollari.
L’invasione del 24 febbraio, che Mosca chiama “operazione militare speciale”, ha sollevato timori per la sicurezza in molti ex paesi del blocco orientale e la Polonia, membro della NATO, ha promesso di aumentare la spesa per la difesa fino al 3% del prodotto interno lordo e di aumentare a più del doppio le dimensioni del suo esercito per scoraggiare qualsiasi attacco.
“Siamo interessati all’acquisto di tre squadroni, ovvero 48 aerei”, ha detto Blaszczak.
“Il primo aereo sarà consegnato in Polonia l’anno prossimo. Stiamo concludendo i negoziati su questo argomento, siamo vicini alla fine. Tutto sommato, sarà un salto nelle capacità di combattimento del nostro esercito”.
I velivoli sud coreani dovrebbero andare a sostituire i MiG-29 Fulcrum e gli ultimi Su-22 Fitter.
aviation-report.comLa Polonia acquisterà 48 nuovi jet FA-50 dalla Corea del Sud

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 29 luglio 2022, 0:49

L'acquisto di 48 KAI FA-50 da parte della Polonia ... ulteriori informazioni ...
Poland’s government signed a contract with the Republic of Korea on July 27 to buy FA-50 fighter/attack aircraft from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI).
Valued at around $2.5 billion, the contract is part of a wider $14.5 billion arms deal with South Korea that includes the procurement of K9 self-propelled howitzers and K2 main battle tanks.
Poland is buying 48 FA-50s to equip three squadrons, with the first 12 due to be delivered by the middle of next year.
It is KAI's ability to deliver the aircraft quickly that has been the decisive factor in Poland chosing the FA-50, said Mariusz Blaszczak, deputy prime minister and minister of defense, in an interview with Polish media.

ainonline.comPoland Turns To South Korea’s FA-50 Fighter/Attack Jet

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 luglio 2022, 15:51

Il Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti ha approvato la potenziale vendita di 35 F-35A, unitamente ad armamento ed equipaggiamenti vari, alla Germania ...
The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Germany of F-35 Aircraft, Munitions, and related equipment for an estimated cost of $8.4 billion.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
--- --- ---
This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving thesecurity of a NATO ally that is an important force for political and economic stability in Europe.
The proposed sale will improve Germany’s capability to meet current and future threats by providing a suitable replacement for Germany’s retiring Tornado aircraft fleet in support of NATO’s nuclear sharing mission, the centerpiece for deterrence in Europe.
Germany will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment and services into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
dsca.milGermany – F-35 Aircraft And Munitions

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 settembre 2022, 21:47

F-35 ... un'ondata di acquisti ...
The past four years have proved fruitful for Lockheed Martin in Europe, as six nations have hitched their wagons to the American company’s fifth-generation F-35 fighter jet.
Despite calls from French leaders for its neighbors to “buy European,” the F-35 has consistently beat out homegrown candidates in the most recent fighter jet competitions, including the Dassault Rafale, Saab’s JAS 39 Gripen, and the Eurofighter Typhoon developed by Airbus, BAE Systems and Leonardo.
This wave of success comes down to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter’s high rate of interoperability with allies and partners, particularly in NATO, along with its guaranteed upgrade road map, analysts told Defense News.
But more than anything, they noted, the jet arrived in Europe with pristine timing, as multiple nations were itching to refresh their fleets by the end of the decade.
defensenews.comHow the F-35 swept Europe, and the competition it could soon face


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 settembre 2022, 9:19

L'Iran sarebbe sul punto di acquistare dalla Russia un certo numero di caccia Sukhoi Su-35SE ...
Iran is weighing plans to buy Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets from Russia, Air Force chief Hamid Vahedi was reported as saying by local media.
“The purchase of the Sukhoi 35 from Russia is being considered by the Air Force” of Iran, Vahedi told Borna news agency which is affiliated with the sports ministry, on Sunday.
It comes after the United States military said last week that Russia began receiving Iranian combat drones to be used in the Ukraine war, many of which have already proven faulty.
--- --- ---
Tehran and Moscow have for years been in talks for the purchase of Sukhoi 30 jets, a prospective deal that drew a sharp rebuke from Washington.
But Vahedi said on Sunday that “the purchase of Sukhoi 30s is not on the agenda.”
“We hope to acquire in the future the so-called fourth generation of Su-35 fighter jets,” he added.
timesofisrael.comIran says it’s considering purchase of advanced Sukhoi Su-35 jets from Russia

Anche qui …’Iran finalise l’achat de Su-35SE !

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 settembre 2022, 12:02

AH-64E Apache ... maxi ordine da parte della Polonia ...
Poland says it plans to buy as many as 96 Boeing AH-64E Apache attack helicopters, which will replace its aging fleet of around 30 Cold War-era Mi-24 Hind gunships and then some.
This would also make the Polish Land Forces the second-largest AH-64 operator worldwide, behind the U.S. Army.
The announcement reflects a broader multi-billion-dollar Polish military spending spree, spurred in part by the current conflict in Ukraine. Polish Plans For Mammoth 96 AH-64E Apache Order Announced

Anche qui ... … Pologne a choisi l’AH-64 E « Apache » !


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 settembre 2022, 20:57

I primi Eurofighter Typhoon della Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF) hanno raggiunto, dopo un un viaggio lungo e alquanto travagliato, la base aerea di Dukhan ...
The first four Eurofighter Typhoons for the Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF) have been ferried to the Gulf nation and are beginning operations.
They were officially accepted into service during a ceremony at BAE Systems’s Warton facility in the UK on August 15.
Three of the four aircraft left Warton on August 25 and the fourth aircraft was planned to follow a few days later.
After joining up with their accompanying Voyager tanker, one of the aircraft experienced a minor technical issue and returned to Warton for additional checks, while the remaining pair continued to Athens, Greece.
After departing there on August 27, one aircraft experienced a minor problem and the pilot decided to make a precautionary return to Athens, leaving QA404/ZR505, flown by the Qatari squadron commander (Colonel Faisal Al-Ghanim) to fly on to the jet's new home at Tamim Air Base, Dukhan.
On arrival at Dukhan, the Typhoon made a low flyby, flanked by a pair of F-15QA Eagles, and was then parked alongside the F-15QAs and pairs of Rafales and NH90 helicopters.
The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani greeted the aircraft.
The next pair of Typhoons left Warton just after midday on August 30, bound for Luqa airport in Malta.
The remaining aircraft at Athens flew on to RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus, where it was joined on August 31 by the pair.
The three aircraft then departed Akrotiri on September 1, routing via the Royal Saudi Air Force base at Tabuk.
A birdstrike to one of the aircraft delayed the completion of the journey, but the three finally reached Dukhan on Sept. 4.
Their arrival allowed the stand-up of the QEAF’s new Typhoon unit, the Al Thariyat (‘Moving Wind’) squadron, more formally known as No. 1 Wing’s No. 7 Squadron ...
ainonline.comQatar Takes Delivery of Ready-to-fight Typhoon Fighters


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 settembre 2022, 16:50

La Polonia sigla un accordo con la Corea del Sud per l'acquisto di aerei da attacco leggero FA-50 ...
Poland’s Ministry of National Defence has signed two contracts to buy 48 FA-50 light attack aircraft from South Korea, with the first 12 jets to be delivered next year and a further 36 aircraft in the years 2025 to 2028.
Polish President Andrzej Duda, who was present at the official signing ceremony on Sept. 16, said “the implementation of the program to introduce the FA-50 aircraft to the Polish military will allow us to fully resign from using the [Soviet-designed] MiG-29 and Su-22 aircraft,” as quoted in a statement released by his office.
“We assume that, in general, for the coming decades, and above all years, this is not the end of our purchases for the Polish fighter jet forces,” he said.
A spokesperson for the Armament Agency of the Polish ministry, Lt. Col. Krzysztof Płatek, wrote on Twitter that the two FA-50 contracts are worth a total of $3 billion.
defensenews.comPoland inks deal for FA-50 light attack aircraft from South Korea

Un'occasione persa per Leonardo che, in occasione della competizione, aveva presentato lo M-346 FA (Fighter Attack) #-o ...
Senza contare che la decisione di acquistare i velivoli Sudcoreani sembra abbastanza incomprensibile, sotto l'aspetto della standardizzazione dei materiali, in quanto la Polonia si era già dotata di 16 M-346 da addestramento ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 ottobre 2022, 1:18

Saab accusa il Governo del Canada di non aver seguito le regole in occasione della selezione dello F-35 ...
Swedish fighter-jet maker Saab is voicing complaints about Ottawa's negotiations with Washington and U.S. defence giant Lockheed Martin to buy the F-35, saying such talks weren't supposed to be part of the process.
The federal Liberal government announced in March that the F-35 had beaten out Saab’s Gripen in the $19-billion competition to buy 88 new fighter jets to replace Canada's aging CF-18s. jet maker complains about Ottawa negotiating to buy F-35

🇸🇪 :agrue: 🇨🇦

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 ottobre 2022, 11:52

La Spagna ha ceduto alla Marina del Perù sei vecchi Sikorsky SH-3D Sea King per la modica cifra di 100 Euro cadauno :wohow: ...
Yesterday, the decision of the Pedro Sánchez government to sell six Sikorsky SH-3D Sea King helicopters to the Peruvian Navy was revealed.
The reference of the Council of Ministers does not use the word "sale", but refers to it as "the disposal of six SH-3D Helicopters and their associated spare parts to the Republic of Peru, which are in a situation of low availability".
Let us remember that these helicopters, which were part of the 5th Squadron, were decommissioned by the Spanish Navy at the end of June.
The oldest of the SH-3 of the Spanish Navy was received in 1966, although the helicopters delivered to Peru will be more recent, since the oldest copies have already been decommissioned over the years.
outono.netThe sale of six SH-3D Sea King of the Spanish Navy to Peru for 600 euros

Anche qui … fly-news.esEspaña vende seis Sikorsky SH-3 de la Armada a Perú por 600 euros


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 ottobre 2022, 14:58

La Repubblica Ceca ha dato inizio alla procedura riguardante il futuro acquisto di 24 F-35 ...
En début de semaine, le ministère de la Défense tchèque a remis sa lettre de demande d'offre à la au département de la Défense américain.
Ce document n'est pas une exigence contraignante, le gouvernement tchèque à travers lui indique seulement son intérêt à entamer des négociations avec la partie américaine sur l'achat d’avions de combat de type Lockheed Martin F-35A « Lightning II ».
La remise de la lettre est une condition préalable nécessaire à la poursuite des négociations pour la partie américaine.
À la mi-octobre 2022, des représentants du ministère de la Défense discuteront des paramètres d'acquisition et d'exploitation d'aéronefs aux États-Unis.
L'implication éventuelle de l'industrie tchèque sera l'un des principaux points de toutes les négociations à venir.
En septembre 2022, les premières réunions des équipes d'experts tchèques et américaines ont commencé.
La décision du gouvernement d'entamer des négociations avec les États-Unis est basée sur une analyse préparée par l'armée de la République tchèque, selon laquelle seules les machines les plus modernes de la "cinquième génération" peuvent survivre sur le champ de bataille du futur., la République Tchèque a transmis sa demande d’offre !

Anche qui … Czech Republic has sent a preliminary request to the United States for the purchase of F-35 fighter jets

Nello scorso Luglioairforcemag.comCzech Republic Plans to Buy F-35 as New Fighter, Would Be 16th Customer


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 ottobre 2022, 17:13

Boeing ha rivelato un concetto per una futura versione dell'AH-64 Apache ...
Boeing has unveiled a concept for a future version of the AH-64 Apache with avionics and networking upgrades to connect the attack helicopter with the U.S. Army’s strategy for multi-domain operations, as well as the capacity to carry extra sensors and weapons.
The Modernized Apache Concept builds on the Army’s plans to re-engine the AH-64E with two 3,000shp GE Aviation T901 turboshaft engines and an open system interface in the cockpit.
The combination dramatically increases both the lifting and computing power on the aircraft.

aviationweek.comBoeing Unveils Vision For Future AH-64 Apache Upgrades

Anche qui … AH-64 Apache Concept Features Bigger Wings For More Weapons


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 ottobre 2022, 0:48

F-35 ... l'Austria sarebbe interessata all'acquisto ...
La direction de l'armement du ministère autrichien de la Défense (MoD) travaille sur le futur avion depuis plusieurs années.
Mais cette fois, une commission a été mise en place en vue d’étudier les possibilités offertes par le F-35 de Lockheed Martin.
Il ne s’agit là, que d’une première étape.
Si cette dernière est validée, le pays entreprendra alors une évaluation plus poussée avec à la clef. une possible, demande d’offre officielle.
Le remplacement des 15 Eurofighter devant s’effectuer d’ici 2030 par une flotte très moderne et plus importante.
Pour ce faire, le budget de la Défense autrichien a été monté à 15,5 milliards de dollars d’ici à 2027.
Ce qui laisse une marge intéressante pour financer le nouvel appareil et plus précisément le F-35 dont le coût à l’achat devrait baisser à moins de 77 millions la machine prochainement. s’intéresse au F-35 !


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Iscritto il: 20 febbraio 2022, 14:56

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da tell » 14 ottobre 2022, 10:15

L' di moda non fosse altro per il suo prezzo. Anni fa, con l' apertura della rappresentanza del suo costruttore in Svizzera, era stato detto che, con la vendita di qualche migliaio di Lighting II durante 40 anni il costo dell' apparecchio sarebbe sceso di molto sotto i 100 milioni di USD. Sarebbe confermato dunque quanto riferisce sopra il mio confederato romando...sicuramente competente in materia aeronautica, un po' meno in materia politica.
Austria. Qualche mese fa la ministra della Difesa Klaudia Tanner era stata intervistata da un giornalista del suo Paese per una rivista svizzera. Mi pare di aver postato qualche dato. La realta' e' quella che e'. La difesa, in Austria, non gode assolutamente di attenzione ne' politica, ne' fra l' opinione pubblica. Ho verificato su quotidiani austriaci la notizia degli F-35: il.riferimento e' sempre per la Svizzera, per l' Austria si parla di esaminare l' eventualita' di acquisto dell' F-35 per gli anni 30...Per ora 15 Typhoon con 16 piloti possono assicurare la polizia aerea per 3/4 ore al giorno con costi orari definiti insostenibili...In definitiva: ogni Stato ha le sue priorita', per l' Austria la Difesa.non e' mai stata in cima alla lista.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Il mercato mondiale dei velivoli militari

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 ottobre 2022, 0:55

L'acquisto degli F-35 da parte della Germania resta al sicuro nonostante l'aumento dei costi causati dall'inflazione ... lo afferma il comandante della Luftwaffe ...
As Germany’s inflation rate hit double digits last month among escalating energy and food prices, concerns have risen over the country’s ability to pay for its planned multibillion-euro military spending run.
The air force’s most critical fighter procurement program, however, is expected to weather inflation-related cost increases intact, according to the service’s chief of staff.
Berlin’s next major defense procurement contract, “the most important one for us, is the contract for the F-35,” Lt. Gen Ingo Gerhartz told a small group of reporters Oct. 24 en route from Ämari Air Base, Estonia, to Berlin aboard a Luftwaffe A400M aircraft.
Germany’s inflation rates hit a record 10 percent in September, up from just under 8 percent in August, due to soaring energy costs and food prices that have continued to hit Europe since Russia invaded Ukraine in February.
Berlin’s energy costs were nearly 40 percent higher in September than they were at the same time one year ago, Deutsche Welle reported, citing government-provided statistics.
defensenews.comGerman air chief: F-35 buy safe despite rising inflation costs

