La fine dei Warthog?

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 febbraio 2015, 13:58

L' USAF, come previsto, ci sta riprovando ..... ma la tenace senatrice Ayotte non è disposta in alcun modo a mollare la presa .....

The US Air Force announced it will try to retire the A-10 Warthog fleet in its fiscal 2016 budget request.
And once again, a top member of the Senate Armed Services Committee is rallying opposition to the move.
Just hours after the service unveiled its budget plan, Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., released a statement pledging to fight against the retirement of the Warthog.
Fonte ..... "Ayotte Pledges to Oppose A-10 Retirement" ..... ... /22771831/

"Ayotte Statement on Air Force's Renewed Effort to Divest the A-10" .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 4 febbraio 2015, 0:16

L' USAF ..... da (nel senso che fornisce) i numeri ..... :wink:
Punxsutawney Phil, the Warthog Version .....

Amy McCullough (2/3/2015)

The Air Force’s Fiscal 2016 budget proposal once again attempts to divest the A-10 fleet, even though Congress has thus far adamantly refused to allow the service to do so.
“During Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, the A-10 aircraft accomplished only 20 percent of all [close air support] missions,” states a budget document released on Monday.
“Additionally, the A-10 does not possess the necessary survivability to remain viable in anti-access environments.”
Unlike previous budgets, however, the Fiscal 2016 budget proposes a phased end to the storied aircraft.
The Air Force hopes to divest 164 A-10s in Fiscal 2016, including all 143 of the Active Duty component’s Warthogs and 21 of the Air National Guard’s aircraft.
That would leave 64 A-10s in the ANG and 55 in Air Force Reserve Command.

The Air Force would then keep these remaining A-10s “operational and available for deployment through 2019,” according to the document, the Air Force Fiscal 2016 Budget Overview ..... ... erview.pdf
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

'Punxsutawney Phil' .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 febbraio 2015, 14:57

Il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA di questa mattina è particolarmente prodigo nel riportare le dichiarazioni rilasciate dal CSM USAF generale Welsh in merito all'annoso problema del ritiro degli A-10 ..... anche alla luce delle recenti prese di posizione da parte di numerosi parlamentari che si oppongono con vigore a tale decisione ritenendola prematura .....
The Fire This Time .....

John A. Tirpak (2/5/2015)

All the arguments for retiring the A-10 have only gotten more compelling in the last year, not less, and that's why the Air Force is proposing it again, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said.
In an interview with Air Force Magazine, Welsh asserted, "we cannot afford to stand still and not modernize" in the face of the "emerging technology changes in both Russia and China" and the increasing demands for Air Force capabilities.
The "simple fact" of the looming budget sequester means "we are going to be a smaller Air Force. It is critical we become more capable."
Welsh noted that "we have cut a ton of ... modernization programs; about 50 percent of our overall portfolio," and the program presented to Congress is the best mix of "multirole" capabilities.
"We can't keep holding onto everything we've had in the past if it's costing us the ability to modernize and recapitalize," Welsh argued.
"If we can do the mission with the force structure we keep—as we modernize—it's the right military answer."
He added "we've done the operational analysis, we've compared it to multiple options and this is the best option in that particular portfolio."
He also noted that the A-10 is not alone—"we've cut force structure in every area"—and sequestration will mean "lots of other things ... will have to go away. And those discussions will be just as difficult."
Why A-10s in Iraq ? .....

John A. Tirpak (2/5/2015)

Critics of the Air Force's plan to retire the A-10 have pointed to the airplane's use in the battle against ISIS as proof the jet is still relevant, but optics had no influence on its deployment, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said.
Speaking Feb. 3 with Air Force Magazine, Welsh noted that while Congress denied USAF's request to retire the A-10 on the service's desired schedule, "they funded us to keep them in the inventory. Which is great. As long as we have the airplane, we'll use the airplane."
Welsh said US Central Command did not specifically request the A-10 enter the ISIS fight.
"They requested capability in ... strike aircraft, [close air support], personnel recovery," he said, and the A-10s "were originally deployed to the theater to serve ... specifically in the personnel recovery role as the (Combat Search and Rescue) flight leads over in the theater."
He added, "We have to use our whole fleet."
The new Air Force budget plan calls for phasing the A-10 out completely by 2019.
"It's very clear the world has not gotten more stable in the last year. If there's a way to hedge our bet a little bit in that regard, why wouldn't we?" he asked.
Al tempo stesso riporta la notizia del conferimento della DFC a piloti di A-10 particolarmente distintisi in combattimento in Afghanistan nel 2008 .....
Hog Heroes .....


Maj. Jeremiah Parvin, an A-10C pilot and director of operations at the 75th Fighter Squadron at Moody AFB, Ga., and Capt. Aaron Cavazos, 61st Fighter Squadron weapons officer at Luke AFB, Ariz., were recently awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for heroism in Afghanistan in 2008.
The two airmen responded to an urgent request for close air support from a Marine Special Operations Team under intense attack in the mountains of Afghanistan on Oct. 28, 2008.
Without adequate maps of the area, the A-10 descended below a low-cloud deck to differentiate friendly from enemy forces in the rugged terrain.
Parvin drew intense ground fire away from the marines by switching on the A-10's external lights, and decimated insurgents in close proximity to the group, allowing the marines to withdraw with their casualties to safety.
"You hear gunshots in the background; you hear screams of urgency in their voices. You could just tell they need help and they needed it now," said Parvin recounting the mission at the award ceremony at Moody on Jan. 29.
Cavazos was awarded his DFC during a ceremony at Luke on Jan. 16.

Luke release .....
Moody release ..... ... ss-wi.aspx
AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 5 febbraio 2015, 17:55

mi sembrano alquanto confusi sul da farsi .........e la telenovela continua .
Argo riconobbe Ulisse, Penelope no.

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Valerio Ricciardi
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Iscritto il: 22 agosto 2008, 8:33

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 5 febbraio 2015, 22:03

Ce l'hanno, funziona, è un mezzo concettualmente riuscito, micidiale, collaudato e robusto...
quante inani chiacchiere...
per una volta che fargli fare il suo sporco rozzo lavoro significherebbe ridurre di molto le perdite fra civili inermi e disgraziati... se avessero in IRAQ e Siria settentrionale tre squadroni di F4U Corsair,
sarebbero preziosi anche quelli.
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 febbraio 2015, 8:20

Valerio Ricciardi ha scritto:Ce l'hanno, funziona, è un mezzo concettualmente riuscito, micidiale, collaudato e robusto...
quante inani chiacchiere...
per una volta che fargli fare il suo sporco rozzo lavoro significherebbe ridurre di molto le perdite fra civili inermi e disgraziati... se avessero in IRAQ e Siria settentrionale tre squadroni di F4U Corsair,
sarebbero preziosi anche quelli.

Ora affermano che il 'Facocero' sarebbe stato coinvolto in numerosi episodi di 'fuoco amico' di cui avrebbero fatto le spese sia militari che 'civili inermi e disgraziati' .....
A meno che l'USAF, onde raggiungere finalmente i propri scopi, non abbia deciso di mettere in funzione una sorta di sua 'macchina del fango' .....
The Air Force A-10 attack jet has killed more U.S. troops in friendly fire incidents and more Afghan civilians than any other aircraft flown by the U.S. military, according to data declassified and obtained by USA TODAY.
The close-air-support aircraft has been embroiled in a battle over its survival between hawks on Capitol Hill and the Air Force.
To Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and others, the jet represents an Air Force commitment to troops engaged in ground combat.
To the Pentagon, it's a Cold War relic with no future in a time of tight budgets.
Fonte ..... "A-10 warplane tops list for friendly-fire deaths" ..... ... /22949239/

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 febbraio 2015, 8:58

Intanto, nonostante le polemiche, prosegue la partecipazione a esercitazioni combinate .....
D-M’s Hogs Take Part in Green Flag .....


Davis-Mothan AFB, Ariz., A-10 pilots and support personnel deployed to Fort Irwin, Calif., between Jan. 18 and Feb. 1 to support Green Flag 15-03, a joint service close air support exercise held at the Army’s National Training Center.
The deployment was a unique opportunity for Davis-Monthan’s 357th Fighter Squadron, because the training unit does not often go on temporary deployments to support exercises away from Arizona.

"A-10s provide close air support for Green Flag exercise" .....

The 133 airmen helped train in various CAS scenarios at Fort Irwin, working with the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division from Fort Wainwright, Alaska, as well as other training opportunities.
Over the course of two weeks, the A-10s flew 118 sorties in 11 days of flying operations.
Instead of scripted scenarios, pilots flew out and coordinated with joint terminal attack controllers on the ground, said Capt. Chris Anthony, a 357th FS instructor pilot.
During the deployment 357th FS crews supported US Navy training off the coast of San Diego, as part of “Air Operations in Maritime Surface Warfare,” where they helped defend a vessel against a swarm of boats and develop tactics for maritime interdiction, Anthony said.
Senior Airman Charles Nicholls, a crew chief assigned to the 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., performs pre-flight inspections on an A-10 Thunderbolt II during Green Flag-West 15-03 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Jan. 26, 2015.
Specifically designed for close air support, its combination of large and varied ordnance load, long loiter time, accurate weapons delivery, austere field capability, and survivability has proven invaluable to the United States and its allies.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Mikaley Towle)

Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 agosto 2008, 8:33

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 6 febbraio 2015, 9:27

richelieu ha scritto: Ora affermano che il 'Facocero' sarebbe stato coinvolto in numerosi episodi di 'fuoco amico' di cui avrebbero fatto le spese sia militari che 'civili inermi e disgraziati' .....
A meno che l'USAF, onde raggiungere finalmente i propri scopi, non abbia deciso di mettere in funzione una sorta di sua 'macchina del fango' ...
Penso di si: parte degli adepti più feroci delle più svariate formazioni antioccidentali purchessia sono figli, parenti, amici o anche attoniti testimoni oculari di atroci carneficine (quelle si...) causate dagli F16 che scambiavano cortei nuziali per colonne di terroristi in spostamento... prima lanciavano bombe a consuntivo non particolarmente scolarizzate da 12.000 m in modo da non rischiare di esser tirati giù dagli Stinger poi leggevano sul giornale se quelli che avevano "stragiato" erano "i cattivi"...

ben altri effetti collaterali possono essere ascritti all'USAF, la coscienza non l'hanno pulita

E poi se la prendono con un velivolo capace di volare lentamente, basso, manovriero, con ottima visibilità e tiro "teso"... una specie di Corsair degli anni '80. Il Corsair fu ritirato nel 1965, un vero record per un caccia... qualcosa vorrà dire.

...Com'è che i russi non sembrano minimamente interessati a pensionare il Frogfoot?
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da spiridione » 6 febbraio 2015, 13:27

Valerio Ricciardi ha scritto: ... atroci carneficine (quelle si...) causate dagli F16 che scambiavano cortei nuziali per colonne di terroristi in spostamento... prima lanciavano bombe a consuntivo non particolarmente scolarizzate da 12.000 m in modo da non rischiare di esser tirati giù dagli Stinger poi leggevano sul giornale se quelli che avevano "stragiato" erano "i cattivi"...
F16??? Ma gli F16 vengono usati anche come bombardieri??? :scratch:

Ho volato su un MD80 così vecchio, che sulla porta di una toilette c'era scritto ORVILLE
e sulla porta dell'altra WILBUR....

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Iscritto il: 22 agosto 2008, 8:33

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 6 febbraio 2015, 13:37

Si, in Afghanistan con armi teleguidate.
Da quote tali da poter eludere facilmente i missili T/A, quote dalle quali peraltro la certa individuazione del bersaglio come "Neutral or Foe" (di friendly non mi pare il caso di parlare) è assai aleatoria.

Un afghano ha per tradizione quella, se maschio, di girare armato, anche se è la persona al momento meno bellicizzata del mondo; altra tradizione, sparare in aria in segno di festa.

Alcune feste di nozze son state bombardate, con sanguinarie carneficine di donne agghindate, bimbi e vecchi, per questo motivo. Osservatori notavano gli spari e classificavano il fatto come attività bellica.
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Gliding Bricola » 6 febbraio 2015, 15:57

spiridione ha scritto:
F16??? Ma gli F16 vengono usati anche come bombardieri??? :scratch:
A suo tempo Osirak venne obliterata da F16, scortati da F15.

Se l'uomo fosse stato creato per volare avrebbe avuto più soldi!

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 febbraio 2015, 18:08

spiridione ha scritto:F16 ??? Ma gli F16 vengono usati anche come bombardieri ??? :scratch:


Spiridione ..... mi hai stupito ..... :shock:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da spiridione » 6 febbraio 2015, 20:50

Vabbè, è un caccia multiruolo, ma ero convinto che allo zio Sam non mancassero alternative valide.... :shock:

P.s. Cardinale, assolvetemi, perchè ho molto peccato.... :mrgreen:

Ho volato su un MD80 così vecchio, che sulla porta di una toilette c'era scritto ORVILLE
e sulla porta dell'altra WILBUR....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 6 febbraio 2015, 21:05

spiridione ha scritto:Vabbè, è un caccia multiruolo, ma ero convinto che allo zio Sam non mancassero alternative valide .... :shock:

P.s. Cardinale, assolvetemi, perchè ho molto peccato .... :mrgreen:
Il bello è che le versioni (le più recenti) in possesso di caratteristiche più spinte nel ruolo attacco ..... non sono in dotazione all' USAF .....

Quanto all'assoluzione ..... preferirei, al momento, astenermi ..... in quanto mi potrebbe capitare di ricevere una telefonata di reprimenda da parte del Santo Padre de 'La Zanzara' ..... per esercizio abusivo di professione .....


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da spiridione » 6 febbraio 2015, 21:44

richelieu ha scritto:
Il bello è che le versioni (le più recenti) in possesso di caratteristiche più spinte nel ruolo attacco ..... non sono in dotazione all' USAF .....

Pure!!!! Oggi non ne imbrocco una, eh.....! :(

Ho volato su un MD80 così vecchio, che sulla porta di una toilette c'era scritto ORVILLE
e sulla porta dell'altra WILBUR....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 7 febbraio 2015, 8:40

spiridione ha scritto:
richelieu ha scritto:Il bello è che le versioni (le più recenti) in possesso di caratteristiche più spinte nel ruolo attacco ..... non sono in dotazione all' USAF .....
Pure!!!! Oggi non ne imbrocco una, eh .....! :(
Stai di buon animo ..... son cose che càpitano ..... :wink:

Tornando in argomento .....

..... e ...... come disse una volta quel tale ..... "La guerra continua" .....
The US Department of Defense (DoD) plans to transfer 36 Northrop Grumman (Fairchild) A-10 Thunderbolt II close-air support aircraft from the active-duty US Air Force (USAF) to 'backup flying status' in order to free experienced maintenance personnel from the programme to be re-trained as Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter maintainers, according to a 2 February memo from Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to lawmakers.
"I intend to authorise the Secretary of the Air Force to move up to 36 A-10 aircraft in the active component to backup flying status, and make conforming personnel adjustments, for the duration of Fiscal Year 2015 [FY 2015]," Hagel said in the document, viewed by IHS Jane's.
Fonte ..... "DoD to begin moving A-10 mechanics to F-35A" ..... ... s-to-f-35a

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 febbraio 2015, 15:13

Ed ora ..... si scoprono gli altarini ..... :twisted:
A government watchdog group on Monday accused the Air Force of manipulating data to skew the record of the A-10 "Warthog" when it comes to civilian casualties and friendly fire deaths in Afghanistan.
Recently declassified Air Force data said the A-10 attack jet has killed more U.S. troops in friendly fire incidents and more Afghan civilians than any other aircraft flown by the U.S. military, USA Today reported last week.
Fonte ..... "Watchdog: Air Force 'doctored the data' to make A-10 look bad" ..... ... 0-look-bad

Inoltre .....

Qui ..... attenzione al link a fine articolo .....
"Air Force Data on Friendly Fire, Civilian Casualties Was Manipulated Against A-10" ..... ... -a-10.html

"Lying to Win: Air Force Misrepresents Combat Records In Campaign to Retire A-10" ..... ... retire-10/

"USAF desperation behind A-10 friendly fire death message" ..... ... h-message/

Si tratterà dunque di vedere se, qualora queste accuse venissero appurate, qualche testa gallonata salterà .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 febbraio 2015, 14:19

Secondo loro non servono più ..... però li rimandano in Europa ..... :mrgreen:
The A-10 is returning to Europe, albeit temporarily.
Twelve A-10s and about 300 airmen are deploying to Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, as part of the Air Force's first theater security package to Europe, according to a news release from U.S. Air Forces in Europe.
Fonte ..... "A-10s Temporarily Deploy to Europe on Training Mission" ..... ... /23186927/

Da 'Jane's' un articolo purtroppo disponibile solo parzialmente .....
"USAF returns A-10s to Europe" ..... ... -to-europe

USAFE ..... "First Air Force theater security package deploys to Europe" .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 12 febbraio 2015, 10:06

I tartufi .....

..... ovvero il nuovo posizionamento degli 'inutili' A-10 in Europa ..... secondo il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....
First Theater Security Package to Europe .....


​Some 300 airmen and 12 A-10 Warthogs from Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., deployed to the 52nd Fighter Wing at Spangdahlem AB, Germany, marking the Air Force’s first theater security package to Europe.
The TSP will support Operation Atlantic Resolve—a demonstration of the US’ commitment to NATO and to maintaining security in the region—conducting training alongside NATO allies across Europe.
The unit will later forward deploy to Eastern Europe, where the US bolstered its presence last year following Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.
“The Air Force has been rotating forces as part of OAR for the past year,” said Lt. Gen. Tom Jones (1), US Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa vice commander, in a release (2).

(1) ..... ... jones.aspx

(2) .....

“The TSP is another way the Air Force is increasing [its] rotational presence in Europe to reassure our allies and partner nations that our commitment to European security is a priority.”
The A-10 TSP is just the first of several TSP deployments to Europe, states the release.
Most rotations will last six months, “depending on mission and US European Command requirements.”
AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 febbraio 2015, 0:18

Adesso dicono che il 'Facocero' potrebbe avere un 'figlio' ..... stealth ..... :shock:
Stealthy Son of A-10 ?

John A. Tirpak (2/13/2015)

The Air Force will consider developing a new dedicated close air support platform capable of operating in contested airspace; a follow-on to the A-10, Air Combat Command chief Gen. Hawk Carlisle said Thursday.
Speaking with reporters at AFA’s Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Carlisle said that such a platform “may be something … we need to look at in the future, depending on what’s happening. Nothing is off the table.”
Carlisle said he believes “we’ll have to perform close air support in contested environments” given that adversaries are growing more sophisticated.
They “are going to try to figure out how to … not let us do that,” he said, so a new platform may be required.
The idea is not a response to critics of USAF’s plan to retire the A-10, Carlisle insisted.
USAF has “always been dedicated to the mission of support to the ground component” and takes the mission seriously, he maintained.
Airspace denial is already a tough challenge, and the need to “close … gaps and seams” in future capability “I think (is) something we have to be cognizant of.”
He added that for the near-term, “there may be something that we can do with legacy platforms to make them better” at delivering CAS.
The A-10 is “significantly more vulnerable in a contested environment than other airplanes … and what provides that mission set in the future is something we’ll continue to look at … it’s something that’s got to be in the discussion,” he added.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AW&ST ..... "ACC Chief Open To A-10 Follow-On Platform" ..... ... w-platform

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 febbraio 2015, 9:10

Gli A-10 di nuovo in Europa ..... il generale è felice ..... :mrgreen:
A Match Made in Heaven .....

Amy McCullough (2/13/2015)

Although US Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa did not specifically request A-10s for Europe's first theater security package, USAFE-AFAFRICA boss Gen. Frank Gorenc said it's actually "a match made in heaven."
Now that combat operations have ended in Afghanistan, many European allies and partners are back home and have joint terminal attack controllers that require training, Gorenc told Air Force Magazine during a Thursday morning interview at AFA's Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando.
The Warthogs will be based out of Spangdahlem AB, Germany, but will forward deploy several times to Eastern Europe during the rotation.
"There is a whole string of exercises that are part of [Operation] Atlantic Resolve; there are detachments of Army soldiers doing training with Baltic countries, in Poland specifically, so we'll be sending them there and then down south in Romania and Bulgaria," said Gorenc.
The combination of A-10s with ground forces requirements "is advantageous to everybody," he added.
The A-10 deployment is expected to be the first of several six-month TSP rotations, but Gorenc said it's not yet clear if those will run back-to-back.
The command will continue to request fighter support through TSPs, as it did this time around, to support the Atlantic Resolve mission—the US' reassurance effort to NATO and its European partners.
"I would imagine the emergence of Russia and the way they are acting out in Ukraine will give it reasonable priority and I think we'll be reasonably successful," he added.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 febbraio 2015, 20:48

Un successore per il Warthog ?

Tutti ne parlano .....

DefenseNews ..... "ACC Head: Follow-On to A-10 Aircraft Possible" ..... ... /23304551/

Flightglobal ..... "Air Force considering A-10 replacement for future close air support" ..... ... ir-409052/

Jane's ..... "AFA 2015: USAF contemplates A-10 follow-on" ..... ... -follow-on

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 14 febbraio 2015, 10:37

Gli A-10 sulla via dell'Europa ..... con atterraggio d'emergenza ad Amsterdam ..... :mrgreen:
Two A-10s en route to Germany had to land at Amsterdam on Friday when one of the planes had an in-flight emergency, according to U.S. Air Forces in Europe.
"During the landing, the first aircraft experienced tire failure," USAFE said in a statement Friday to Air Force Times. "No injuries have been reported.
"A maintenance crew is en route to recover the airmen and aircraft."
Fonte ..... "A-10s make emergency landing in Amsterdam" ..... ... /23357265/

A questo punto ..... c'è il rischio che salti fuori, per l'ennesima volta, una qualche testa gallonata dell' Air Force che, approfittando del fatto, ricominci con la solita tiritera che 'tanto sono ormai obsoleti' e che c'è ora la ferma intenzione venga messo allo studio un successore che dovrà sostituirlo nel ruolo ..... e via discorrendo ..... per poi scoprire, a cose fatte, che si era trattato soltanto di una trovata (la classica 'promessa da marinaio') che, provenendo per giunta dall'USAF, suonerebbe quanto mai fuori luogo .....
Ovvero .....


Comunque ..... sono arrivati .....


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 14 febbraio 2015, 11:25

se avessimo un ministro della difesa ( che dico un governo ) minimamente competente farebbe immediatamente richiesta per averne schierati almeno 4 squadrons in sicilia ....visto che sta succedendo in libia ....
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 14 febbraio 2015, 14:03

Gliding Bricola ha scritto:
spiridione ha scritto:
F16??? Ma gli F16 vengono usati anche come bombardieri??? :scratch:
A suo tempo Osirak venne obliterata da F16, scortati da F15.
E, in quel momento, avevano perfettamente ragione e fu una fortuna per tutti.

Tutto il mondo era d'accordo:

con la mano sinistra attorno al tavolo tondo gli altri rappresentanti del Consiglio di Sicurezza ONU agitavano il dito indice indignati verso il rappresentante israeliano dicendo "non si fa, non si fa, censura, reprimenda, ferma nota di protesta, risoluzione di condanna, è un atto di pirateria in palese violazione delle più elementari norme del Diritto Internazionale e della legalità" :x

con la mano destra cercavano di stringergli la mano sotto il tavolo... 8)
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 14 febbraio 2015, 14:08

spiridione ha scritto:Vabbè, è un caccia multiruolo,
E' un cacciabombardiere leggero che se non appesantito da tanta roba sotto le ali resta uno dei peggiori "clienti" che si possano servire (tuttora) nel combattimento manovrato... una macchina riuscitissima, sin dall'inizio, mi dicono però ostico assai in decollo e sopratutto atterraggio, richiede sensibilità e buon manico se no te lo metti per cappello, mette le ruote a terra in assetto molto cabrato e a velocità altina.
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 febbraio 2015, 9:26

Le considerazioni del CSM USAF generale Welsh sul futuro del CAS ..... e sul ruolo di A-10 e F-35 .....
"The A-10 is going to go away eventually," he says.
"Stretching it as far as it can go is about 2027, 2028. If you go beyond that, you're talking about a huge investment trying to recapitalise that fleet. That makes no sense in today's environment. None."
Close air support "is a mission, not a platform", Welsh adds.
"We keep saying that but it's absolutely true. We're going to have CAS 50 years from now."
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
The air force has a long history of providing airborne overwatch for ground troops, stretching to the Second World War, when pilots flew the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, Republic P-47 Thunderbolt and North American P-51 Mustang.
It continued in later conflicts with the Douglas A-1 Skyraider and LTV A-7 Corsair, predecessors to the A-10.
It will continue with the introduction off the Lockheed Martin F-35, Welsh says.
"Everyone's talking about how the F-35 is not going to do close air support, well that's all the Marine Corps is buying it for," he says.
Fonte ..... "USAF chief keeps sights on close air support mission" ..... ... on-409070/


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da sidew » 18 febbraio 2015, 22:22


"Oops!" - Shannon Foraker, Ashes of victory

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 18 febbraio 2015, 23:26

sidew ha scritto:Immagine
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 febbraio 2015, 21:04

Un pensierino, però, ce lo avevano fatto .....

Despite what the Pentagon and senior Air Force leaders might say, the A-10 Warthog is far from “single-purpose airplane.”
But dropping nuclear bombs might be one of the things the low- and slow-flying attackers actually can’t do.

But the Air Force once briefly considered the idea.
Fonte ..... "The A-10 Could Have Become a Nuclear Strike Plane ..... It would’ve been pilot suicide" .....


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 19 febbraio 2015, 23:28

adoro questo aereo che sembra uscito da qualche secret file della luftwaffe nel 1945 ....da mangiafango quale sono stato ne vorrei stormi interi in volo sulla mia testa :-)

video molto " american style " , ma ci sta

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 febbraio 2015, 12:01

Un lettore scrive ad AW&ST .....
Pair USMC With A-10s .....

After the billion-dollar bomber, $12 billion aircraft carrier and other obscene milestones achieved as we speak, the debate over the thrifty A-10 continues to fill the pages of the Congressional record and, appropriately, of Aviation Week & Space Technology.
The U.S. Air Force never wanted the A-10; it only kept the close-air-support (CAS) mission to maintain its dominance over the jet inventory (read budget).

Pilots who serve in A-10s do so in closer proximity to the enemy than nearly all other Air Force communities.
A-10s have the scars to prove it and yet almost always return to base.
Their pilots and all grunts get that.

Another service has the game and Congressional following to protect this uniquely capable CAS asset in its current form or, as reported by Amy Butler in “The Backup Plan” in a new variant.
I speak, of course, of the U.S. Marine Corps, which is now to field not just the F35B it wants but also the F35C the Navy wants more of but cannot afford alone.
USMC and A-10 fans in Congress should rescue the A-10 from the clutches of the fast-jet, billion-dollar-obsessed careerists of the USAF.

By the way, what could have helped Ukraine stop the massive Russian incursion?
A wing of A-10s.

Henry Palacci

Chicago, Illinois
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 febbraio 2015, 9:13

'Fuoco amico' e 'danni collaterali' ..... l' USAF si difende .....
CAS in Context .....

Marc V. Schanz (Feb. 23, 2015)

Focusing on airframes is the wrong way to look at the effectiveness of the close air support mission in Iraq and Afghanistan, USAF spokesman Lt. Col. Chris Karns told Air Force Magazine.

His comments came in response to a query regarding a recent news article by USA Today (1), which cited declassified Air Force statistics and claimed the Air Force's A-10s are responsible for the most civilian casualty deaths in Afghanistan airstrikes since 2010—a disclosure the Project on Government Oversight (2) claims is based on "manipulated data … intended to bolster the Air Force's campaign to retire the A-10 Warthog in favor of the much costlier and unproven F-35 Joint Strike Fighter."

(1) ..... ... /22931683/

(2) ..... ... -fire.html

Karns said the data also shows incident-free rates of the A-10, B-1, F-15E, and F-16 are all "relatively comparable" due to the reliance on precision weapons.
While the F-15E had the top incident-free rate in the 2010-2014 timeline, cited in the report, each of the four aircraft had an incident-free rate above 99 percent.

Of the 140,000 sorties examined, Karns noted, the newspaper pointed to a total of 45 friendly fire incidents, which comes to an incident rate of 0.0003 percent.

"This speaks to the precision of each aircraft in the hands of highly skilled and trained airmen of all services," Karns noted.

In each instance of fratricide or civilian casualties cited in a recent news report, lessons learned were applied to CAS procedures, he added.

"Incidents are remarkably low because everyone works hard to keep them low," Karns said, adding that the development and refinement of precision-guided munitions over several decades has allowed USAF to "capably perform CAS with a wide variety of platforms, including some not originally designed with the CAS mission as a primary role."

Budget limitations, combined with the need to better operate in a "high-end threat environment," means the Air Force must focus resources on "survivable platforms capable of providing CAS in future conflicts."

The Air Force plans to use the A-10 while it remains in its inventory, Karns noted (as evidenced by recent deployments to both Europe and the Middle East).
However, divestment plans will eventually give the service the resources needed to "further support combatant command priorities while still providing [CAS] using multi-role aircraft."
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 febbraio 2015, 18:43

L' USAF da nuovo vigore al dibattito sul CAS (Close Air Support) .....

Amy Butler su AW&ST ..... "USAF To 'Re-Energize' Debate On Future Of CAS" ..... ... future-cas

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 febbraio 2015, 12:03

Tutti in coro ..... :wav:


..... per dimostrare che lo A-10 non serve più .....
Technology Makes CAS Platform Agnostic .....

Otto Kreisher (2/26/2015)

A senior Air Force officer noted that the basic elements of an air component commander providing close air support to a ground forces commander, through the “translator” of a controller, have not changed since he started flying A-10s in 1987.
“But really everything else has changed,” he added.
In a Feb. 24 background briefing on the elements of close air support, which has become controversial with the Air Force’s attempt to phase out the A-10s, the senior officer and three younger pilots with experience in different aircraft emphasized the changes that the improved technology in aircraft, precision weapons, tightly followed rules of engagement, and intensive training since 9/11 have made to CAS.
“It’s really platform agnostic,” said a veteran F-16 pilot and weapons school instructor.
An F-15E pilot noted that pilots of his age know “nothing but this war and close air support. We know what it is, how important it is.”
The third pilot said that due to the nature of the post-9/11 wars, “close air support IS the mission, for every platform, for the F-16, F-15, B-1, A-10. It’s the primary mission we train for.”
When preparing for a combat deployment, he said, “You train for the mission set you expect to fly. In the last 14 years, that’s been close air support.”
F-15 Pilot: Air Force Cares About CAS .....

Otto Kreisher (2/26/2015)

A veteran F-15E pilot with extensive experience providing close air support in Iraq and Afghanistan protested the often-heard charge that “the Air Force doesn’t care about CAS. I have to tell you, that is so untrue. We care about the mission,” he said.
The pilot said that when he filled out his request for his aircraft assignment, he asked for the F-15 first and A-10 second, “because I wanted to do close air support … To say we don’t care hurts a bit,” he said in a Feb. 24 background briefing on CAS, which has become a heated subject with the Air Force’s effort to phase out the A-10s.
The pilot noted there is a sign on the door of the air operations center at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, that all flight crews read when going out for a mission.
It says: “The mission is support of the guy with a rifle,” he related.
“Everything else is less important.”
He added, “We knew why we were there.”
When they scrambled on a mission to support Americans on the ground, he said, all the ground support airmen came out to the jets “just in case we needed anything [and] to make sure we got out to make that mission, because they knew Americans needed our support.”
McHugh: CAS Mission Critical Regardless of Platform .....

Marc V. Schanz (2/26/2015)

The close air support mission is “absolutely critical” to the Army, but the Army and Air Force agree the mission itself is “platform agnostic,” Army Secretary John McHugh told reporters in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday.
The future of close air support is a “strategic question that will be addressed and re-addressed over time,” McHugh said.
As technology and capabilities change, the expectations will change as well, he added.
“I think it’s important to note, like the Army, the Air Force is making some very tough choices, not because they wish to, but because budget circumstances have forced us into that environment,” he said.
And, as such, USAF has determined the A-10 is an “unaffordable” aircraft.
However, the important thing is that when needed the Army can “have explosive ordnance on enemy positions,” said McHugh.
How USAF performs this task “is a matter of ... their discussions and decisions,” he added.
Recently the Air Force has sought to restate its commitment to the CAS mission, and is meeting with the other services next month to discuss CAS lessons, tactics, and future plans.
McHugh: No Army A-10s .....

Marc V. Schanz (2/26/2015)

The Army is not interested in assuming operation of the A-10 fleet if the Air Force succeeds in its divestiture efforts, Army Secretary John McHugh told reporters in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday.
Though he said there is essentially “no chance” such a scenario would play out, McHugh also acknowledged that "a​nything can happen ... but that’s not a topic of casual conversation.”
He said the Army is taking “dramatic steps” to reconfigure its own aviation assets in order to generate long-term savings and the A-10 is not “something to consider” in these reorganizations.
The fixed-wing CAS mission is “an Air Force mission and it should be. And I’m sure the Air Force feels the same way,” added McHugh.
In addition, the Army doesn’t really care what platform the Air Force uses to conduct the mission “as long as [ordnances dropped] are timely and effective, we are comfortable with that. And every assurance that we have received says that they will be.”
Il tutto ..... a cura del 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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