La fine dei Warthog?

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 aprile 2015, 11:05

giragyro ha scritto:la telenovela continua
E ..... come ben saprai ..... ci sono delle telenovelas che non hanno mai fine ..... :lol:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 aprile 2015, 8:42

Rotazione .....
Michigan A-10s Take Up the Fight .....

Arie Church (4/22/2015)

​A dozen A-10s and some 350 airmen from the Michigan Air National Guard's 127th Wing deployed to an undisclosed air base in the Persian Gulf region to take over the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, unit spokesman TSgt. Daniel Heaton told Air Force Magazine on Tuesday.
This expeditionary contingent left Selfridge ANG Base, northeast of Detroit, in early April on a six-month rotation to support Operation Inherent Resolve, the US-led air campaign against ISIS, according to a wing release .....

The Michigan contingent relieved an expeditionary squadron of A-10s and airmen from the Indiana ANG's 122nd Fighter Wing in Fort Wayne that deployed last November, marking the first A-10 OIR rotation.
The Michigan unit is likewise assigned to the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing while deployed.
This rotation is the 127th Wing's longest large-scale movement since deploying to Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, in 2011, said unit officials.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 aprile 2015, 8:57

Martha McSally porta avanti la battaglia parlamentare a sostegno dell' aereo .....
U.S. Representative Martha McSally today led a group of seven lawmakers on the House Armed Services Committee to urge Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry and Ranking Member Adam Smith to sustain funding authorization for the A-10 Warthog in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Fonte ..... "U.S. Rep McSally Leads House Lawmakers in A-10 Funding Authorization Request" ..... ... on-request

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 aprile 2015, 23:20

"Io era tra color che son sospesi" ..... sembra essere la sempiterna sorte del 'Warthog' .....
Six House Armed Services Committee subpanels have signed off on their portions of a Pentagon policy bill, leaving contentious issues like the A-10 attack plane's future to be decided by all HASC members.
The subcommittees on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning moved quickly through what HASC calls public markups, most approving their parts of the bill in five or 10 minutes.
As is the committee's custom, its Tactical Air and Land Forces subcommittee opted against addressing whether to reverse an Air Force proposal to retire its A-10s in its section of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
"That's definitely a full committee issue," a HASC Republican aide told reporters.
Fonte ..... "Subpanels Finish Work, A-10's Fate Unresolved" ..... ... /26233301/

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 aprile 2015, 17:32

Vorrei ..... ma non posso (almeno per ora) ..... :mrgreen:
Not So Stealthy Son of A-10 .....

John A. Tirpak (4/24/2015)

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh thinks the service needs a new low tech close air support platform “in the relatively near to mid term future.”
Welsh added that such a capability is needed “if the money would allow it. It doesn’t today.”
However, USAF would “like to have something like that, that operates more efficiently than the other airplanes we have today, that brings more firepower that we can use in a low-threat environment.”
Welsh made his remarks at a Defense One symposium in Washington D.C. on April 22 in the context of whether future USAF aircraft will be manned versus unmanned.
The CAS aircraft is “probably going to be a manned platform. I don’t see that as being unmanned in the next 20-30 years,” Welsh said.
Welsh’s comments dovetail with recent remarks made by Air Combat Command boss Gen. Hawk Carlisle, who has said ACC is looking to augment its low end CAS capability in the near future, and Welsh has pushed ACC to closely scrutinize the future of USAF’s CAS mission.
Congress, thus far, has blocked USAF attempts to divest the A-10 fleet, and opponents maintain the Warthog’s operating costs are lower than any manned aircraft USAF flies.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 28 aprile 2015, 23:57

Botta ..... il Congresso lo vuole .....
"Rigorous oversight, endorsements from soldiers and Marines about the protection only the A-10 can provide, and repeated deployments in support of [Operation Inherent Resolve] have persuaded Chairman Thornberry and many members from both parties that the budget-driven decision to retire the A-10 is misguided," according to a HASC fact sheet accompanying the legislation.
Fonte ..... "House Authorization Would Keep A-10s Flying" ..... ... /26463849/

Risposta ..... L' USAF no .....
If not allowed to retire the A-10, the Air Force says it will have to send F-16s to the boneyard and delay plans for the F-35 because there aren't enough airmen to maintain both fighters.
Fonte ..... "Air Force: Keeping A-10 means F-35 delays, F-16 cuts" ..... ... /26519547/

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 1 maggio 2015, 15:28

Punto e ..... a capo ..... e la deputata li ha messi nel sacco ..... =D>
he House Armed Services Committee has approved a plan to keep the A-10 in the air.
The committee passed an amendment late Wednesday from former A-10 pilot Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., to block any attempt by the Air Force to cut any Warthogs.
The amendment is on top of language in the defense authorization bill to authorize about $682 million to keep the A-10s flying.
Fonte ..... "House panel blocks A-10 retirement" ..... ... /26627591/

Martha McSally .....

"U.S. Rep. McSally Protects A-10, EC-130H As Defense Spending Bill Passes Committee" ..... ... ill-passes

"National Defense Authorization Act for 2016" ..... ... 13E5417451

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 maggio 2015, 23:02

Il 'Grand Tour' in Europa prosegue .....

"A-10s Arrive in Estonia" ..... ... =123446926

A member of the 354th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron performs an post flight inspection on an A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft May 1, 2015, at Ämari Air Base, Estonia.
The U.S. is committed to acting collectively with NATO allies and the international community to address security challenges in Europe and around the world.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Rusty Frank/Released)

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 maggio 2015, 20:41

Boeing ha un' idea ..... :idea:
Boeing has floated the idea of selling refurbished A-10 Warthogs to other nations as the US Air Force seeks to retire the venerable attack airplane.
The company is currently extending the service life of the air force’s A-10 fleet through a re-winging programme, and it recently delivered its 100th modification with more than 70 modifications left on contract.
At a Boeing-sponsored media event in San Antonio, Texas, today, the company’s chief engineer of off-Boeing programmes, Paul Cejas, suggested the US government might pursue international sales of upgraded A-10s.
Dozens of A-10s are currently in near-flyaway storage at the air force’s boneyard facility in Arizona, and could be brought back into the operational fleet at any time.
Fonte ..... "Boeing proposes international A-10 Warthog sales" ..... ... es-412606/

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 maggio 2015, 14:09

Un ampio commento di RID .....

"Quale futuro per gli A-10?" .....,3_id,676.html

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 30 maggio 2015, 22:00

Siccome a quanto pare l'A10 col suo progetto azzeccatissimo e specializzato sa fare molto meglio, verosimilmente, dell'F35 una serie di cose per volgere le quali ha costi di esercizio ben minori, l'USAF - nella quale direi che il lobbismo di Lockheed Martin ha raggiunto ogni risultato pianificato ed anche di più - ha "fretta" di ritirarlo dal servizio prima che possano verificarsi situazioni di utilizzo parallelo con gli inevitabili confronti.

Finché operativamente parlando l'F35 aarà una mezza chiacchiera perché troppo pochi esemplari saranno stati consegnati ai vari reparti e squadroni, potrà tirarla lunga; quando arriveranno un bel po' di Lightning II sulla piazza vedrete che salterà fuori un qualche difetto occulto da vetustà, che so, una predisposizione alle microcricche in qualche punto di forza strutturale... qualcosa, per poter dire "vanno messi a terra definitivamente subito".

Magari, se vola da una quarantina d'anni, si ricorderanno che in qualche schermatura termica interna c'è asbesto... :roll:
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 maggio 2015, 0:14

Valerio Ricciardi ha scritto:l'USAF - nella quale direi che il lobbismo di Lockheed Martin ha raggiunto ogni risultato pianificato ed anche di più ...
Chissà perché ..... mi fai ritornare in mente gli Hercules (con relativo contorno di Antilopi), le varie versioni degli Starfighter (ovvero ..... da qui all'eternità) e quel loro improponibile discendente a nome CL-1200 Lancer che, nonostante tutto, ci avevano proposto e che, per fortuna, non riuscirono ad appiopparci .....



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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 31 maggio 2015, 4:54

Ma almeno nella sua classe l'Hercules non si può non definire un progetto ben sviluppato... :(
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 31 maggio 2015, 12:04

Valerio Ricciardi ha scritto:Ma almeno nella sua classe l'Hercules non si può non definire un progetto ben sviluppato ... :(
Il mio riferimento all' Hercules non era rivolto tanto all' aereo in sé quanto al modo in cui era stato a suo tempo acquistato .....
Anche l'acquisizione dei 'J' mi ha sempre dato da pensare .....
Mi sono infatti più volte chiesto come mai si fosse ordinato un così gran numero di esemplari mentre l' Italia stava partecipando al programma A400M e ancora non si era a conoscenza dei complessi problemi cui il velivolo multi-nazionale sarebbe successivamente andato incontro .....


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 giugno 2015, 21:18

An A-10C Thunderbolt II assigned to the Maryland Air National Guard's 104th Fighter Squadron takes off for a training mission during Saber Strike 15 from Ämari AB, Estonia, June 8, 2015.
Saber Strike is an exercise that aims to continue to improve US interoperability with ally and partner nations, while increasing their capacity to conduct a full spectrum of military operations.
(Air National Guard photo by TSgt. Christopher Schepers.)

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 giugno 2015, 8:20

:idea: L'idea di Boeing di mettere sul mercato gli A-10 che, prima o poi, verranno dismessi si rafforza .....
Boeing is exploring the international market for a modernized and re-engined A-10 Warthog if the U.S. Air Force retires the aircraft, according to Paul Cejas, chief engineer for off-Boeing programs in the company's support division.
Cejas stressed that any such project is dependent on the Air Force retiring the aircraft, in the face of congressional opposition, and releasing its inventory.
"It is fairly new and not at a point where we can provide more details."
Fonte ....."Boeing Considers Upgraded A-10 Exports" ..... ... 10-exports

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 18 giugno 2015, 21:26

alla fine , forse , se ne sono resi conto .... ... 015-6?IR=T
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2015, 15:21

I 'generaloni' dell' Air Force si beccano una nuova sberla .....
..... il GAO batte l' USAF ..... (A-)10 a 0 ..... :mrgreen:
The Air Force based its plan to retire the A-10 on an inaccurate projection of cost savings, and will run into a capability gap associated with providing close air support, the Government Accountability Office said in a report released Thursday.
The GAO's report punches holes in the Air Force's justification for its controversial decision to retire the attack jet, saying planners did not "fully assess" the cost savings associated with the A-10 divestment.
Fonte ..... "GAO report blasts Air Force justification for A-10 retirement" ..... ... /29285967/

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2015, 23:15

Anche 'FlightGlobal' .....

"New report pokes holes in USAF’s argument for retiring the A-10" ..... ... he-414091/

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 giugno 2015, 9:58

Nonché il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA ..... ma in data 29 Giugno ..... :mrgreen:
GAO: Air Force Hasn’t Fully Assessed Cost of A-10 Divestment .....

Amy McCullough (6/29/2015)

The Air Force hasn’t fully assessed the cost savings associated with divesting the A-10 fleet, according to a Government Accountability Office report, released June 25.
The report also states that divesting the Warthog fleet “will create” gaps in the close air support mission even though USAF has other CAS-capable aircraft in its inventory.
The Air Force’s Fiscal 2015 budget request estimated divesting the A-10 fleet would save $4.2 billion over its five-year budget plan, but GAO found that estimate was “incomplete and may overstate or understate the actual figure.”
For example, the service did not take into account the potential cost of upgrading the A-10s if they kept flying or the potential need to extend the service lives of the F-15 or F-16, which would take on more of a CAS role until the F-35 entered the fleet.
The GAO report noted that the F-35 will have “limited” CAS capability “for several years.”
The report also suggested that divesting the A-10s would limit training opportunities for joint terminal attack controllers.
“While the complexities of the Air Force’s difficult budgetary decision is fairly represented in the report, the context in which that decision was made can only be understood by better assessing the risks to air superiority and global strike that retaining the A-10 fleet presents,” said Secretary Deborah Lee James in a response attached to the report. (*)
(*) .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 luglio 2015, 8:02

L' USAF torna alla carica ..... ovvero ..... MAI rassegnarsi ..... :mrgreen:

Proposals in the US Congress to protect the Fairchild Republic A-10 and Lockheed Martin EC-130 from retirement and restrict further fleet reductions could force the US Air Force to “delay or eliminate” modernisation programmes, Secretary of the Air Force Deborah James warned on 15 July.
The House of Representatives and the Senate are meeting to reconcile differences in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2016, but both versions so far agree on keeping the A-10 close air support fighter and the EC-130 Compass Call fleet flying.
Fonte ..... "Top USAF official warns of "blowback" if Congress saves A-10" ... 10-414688/


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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 16 luglio 2015, 8:40

niente da fare i generaloni vogliono fare tutto con il pessimo ( per ora poi chissà fiorirà come il brutto anatroccolo ) F35. brutta gente :-)
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 luglio 2015, 8:09

E' da tempo che le stanno (inutilmente) studiando tutte per eliminarli ..... però ..... piuttosto che venderli a paesi alleati (che potrebbero farne buon uso) ..... preferiscono tenerseli ben stretti e al caldo nel cimitero del deserto .....
The US Air Force has closed the lid on discussions about shopping the A-10 Warthog to allies, telling Flightglobal it will not sell the close-in attack aircraft to anyone.
Boeing triggered speculation about whether the US government would consider selling the aircraft it wants to retire when a company official told reporters there have been “early discussions” about international sales.
Fonte ..... "USAF rules out international A-10 sales" ..... ... es-414975/

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 agosto 2015, 8:35

Nei cieli della Romania .....

An A-10 Thunderbolt II assigned to the 354th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron flies during a theater security package deployment at Campia Turzii, Romania, April 1, 2015.
The squadron completed its historic TSP mission on July 31.
Some 300 airmen and 12 A-10s from the 355th Fighter Wing at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., forward deployed to eastern Europe in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve, marking the first theater security package to Europe.
(Air Force photo by SSgt. Joe W. McFadden)

Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 agosto 2015, 9:56

Il ritorno a casa dell' 'Indesiderato' .....
A-10s Return to Davis-Monthan from First Europe TSP .....


​​Pilots with the 354th Fighter Squadron pose for a photo next to one of their A-10s at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz. on Aug. 4, 2015.
Photo by SrA. Chris Massey.

​Twelve A-10s and about 300 airmen returned home to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., this past week, marking the end of the first theater security package mission deployed to US Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa .....
The TSP mission, in support of Ope​ration Atlantic Resolve, saw the A-10s fly and train with NATO allies across the continent in order to strengthen interoperability, build readiness, and demonstrate commitment to keeping the region secure.
The 354th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron deployed to the 52nd Fighter Wing at Spangdahlem AB, Germany, in February.
The 354th EFS went on to participate in 21 exercises in 22 countries during the deployment, in nations such as Romania, Slovakia, and Poland, logging nearly 2,700 flight hours in more than 1,500 sorties.
The deployment of the A-10s was the first of several planned TSP deployments to Europe; rotations are expected to last about six months, and will include several different types of aircraft.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

AYOTTE for President 2016 ..... :usa2:

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 13 agosto 2015, 10:36

Risponderà al vero che stanno effettivamente pensando ad un successore dello A-10 ..... o si tratta, ancora una volta, della solita cortina fumogena di parole emessa allo scopo di nascondere le loro intenzioni di rottamarlo una volta per tutte ?
“We must also continue to develop a balanced close air support (CAS) capability across all [global precision attack] platforms, explore opportunities for a future CAS platform, and enact specific initiatives to ensure we maintain a CAS culture throughout the combat air force,” the document says.
The note about the future CAS platform is further indication that the senior leaders within the air force are actively pursuing an A-10 replacement, or A-X, even as they seek permission from Congress to move the A-10 to the boneyard to make way for the Lockheed Martin F-35, which has basic CAS capabilities.
Fonte ..... "A-10 replacement? USAF strategy calls for 'future CAS platform'" ..... ... as-415639/

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 agosto 2015, 9:56

Andirivieni .....

Una squadrigli di A-10 è appena rientrata negli USA .....
..... ed ecco che, in Europa, ne arriva un'altra .....
Hogs Arrive in Estonia .....


​Airmen and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from the 303rd Fighter Squadron, 442nd Fighter Wing at Whiteman AFB, Mo., deployed to Estonia as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve.
Eight Warthogs and about 170 airmen arrived at Amari Air Base in Estonia on Aug. 22, according to an Air Force news release .....
The reservists will work with Guardsmen from three Air National Guard units to train Estonian forces and participate in training with Finnish air forces during the deployment.
Training will focus on joint readiness and interoperability, and will include some low-level flying, according to the news release.
Twelve A-10s and about 300 airmen from the 355th Fighter Wing at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., returned home earlier this month after the first A-10 theater security package deployment to Europe.
TSPs help US Air Forces in ​Europe-Air Forces Africa meet the demand for forces supporting Operation Atlantic Resolve, officials told Air Force Magazine in July.
Notevole questo largo impiego di un aereo che si vuole, a tutti i costi, eliminare .....
E il bello è che, nonostante ciò, si continuano a spendere somme ingenti per aggiornarlo ..... il che la dice lunga su quanto talune cose che avvengono attualmente oltreoceano abbiano una sconcertante somiglianza con analoghe verificatesi negli scorsi decenni in Italia .....
New Wings on a Hundred Hogs .....


Air Force and industry technicians installed new, reengineered wings on the 100th A-10C as part of the Enhanced Wing Assembly Program on the Ogden Air Logistics Complex line at Hill AFB, Utah, Aug 20.
"The first A-10 took over a year to complete - 442 days to turn it around" when the program began in 2012, Ogden ALC Commander Brig. Gen. Carl Buhler noted in a release.
"Today I'm proud to announce that this jet took 172 days … that's nine months of aircraft availability given back to our warfighters," he added.
Boeing and Ogden technicians are re-winging and structurally reinforcing a total of 173 A-10s to extend their service lives through 2040.
"The new wings will allow the aircraft to fly another 10,000-12,000 flight hours," 521st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron technician Monte Marcos said.
"They are also strengthening the fuselage so it will last as many flight hours as the wings," he added.
Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA .....

Anche qui ..... "Ogden ALC marks 100th A-10 wing assembly" .....

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 25 agosto 2015, 12:59

riassumendo , la banda dell'F35 sta facendo il diavolo a 4 per mandare l'A10 in pensione mentre in realtà gli " operativi " lo stanno aggiornando per portarlo fino al 2040 . mmmmmmmmm si , concordo . ricordano molto quegli strani individui che vivono in quel paese in mezzo al mare a forma di stivale
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Vultur » 25 agosto 2015, 14:29

Se l'a-10 arriva fino al 2040 vorrebbe dire che in ultimo voleranno su un aereo di ottant'anni prima!

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da spiridione » 25 agosto 2015, 14:39

Pensa che le proiezioni sul mantenimento in servizio del B52 parlano di un progetto che arriverà alla longevità record di quasi un secolo..... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Ho volato su un MD80 così vecchio, che sulla porta di una toilette c'era scritto ORVILLE
e sulla porta dell'altra WILBUR....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 agosto 2015, 20:56

Lo scontro fra 'Titani' (F-35 vs. A-10) ..... non ci sarà .....
The US Air Force is pushing back on reports the Pentagon's top weapons tester is planning to pit the F-35 joint strike fighter against the legacy A-10 Warthog for comparative testing, arguing such an exercise would be irrelevant in light of the new jet's capability.
"I think that would be a silly exercise," Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said Monday during a press conference at the Pentagon when asked about the reports, adding that he is unaware of plans for any comparative testing between the two aircraft.
Fonte ..... " Welsh: F-35 vs. A-10 Testing a 'Silly Exercise' " ..... ... /32292147/

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da giragyro » 25 agosto 2015, 21:40

paura eh che il nonno bastoni a morte il costosissimo nipote ?
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da AirGek » 25 agosto 2015, 21:53

Ma chi se lo immaginava che nel 2020 si sarebbero trovati a combattere poveracci con kalashnikov e ciabatte? Per forza non se ne fanno nulla dell'F35.
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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da Vultur » 25 agosto 2015, 22:48

Credo che anche allora bastasse un sforzo d'immaginazione è pure loro avrebbero potuto arrivarci, ma credo che la priorità del momento fosse far cadere l'Urss non importa con cosa. Comunque, close-air-support, supporto aereo ravvicinato, contro l'Isis è lecito pensare a un campo di battaglia non molto tecnologizzato, quindi un F-35 potrebbe combattere senza lo stealth e contando anche sui piloni esterni. In fondo l'a-10 era stato pensato non tanto per questo, ma per bucare corazze in uno scenario pieno di carri armati sovietici con o senza fanteria da supportare, il che mi sembra una cosa "specializzata" (fermare ondate di mezzi corazzati). Anche il Su-25, non è mica specializzato nel fermare carri armati, perchè la supremazia numerica di carri in Europa era sovietica.
Chiaro che poi l'a-10 farà anche altre cose, ma è possibile che il campo di battaglia di oggi si sia evoluto e forse non permetta più tanti più o meno facili sorvoli a distanza di cannone. Con l'a-10 quindi ci potrebbe essere la situazione di un vecchio aereo per campi di battaglia moderni, con l'f-35 invece un aereo moderno per campi di battaglia vecchi, nel senso che non credo che l'Isis sia dotato di una difesa aerea strategica articolata e capace di contrastare anche aerei di ultimissima generazione. Cioè contro l'Isis vanno bene un po' tutti, contro "altro" forse l'a-10 è datato, perchè se non può usare bene il cannone, allora è solo uno dei tanti aerei da appoggio (ma se si parla di "altro", si parlerebbe già di terza guerra mondiale ...).

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Re: La fine dei Warthog?

Messaggio da richelieu » 26 agosto 2015, 10:39

A proposito dell' ipotetico A-X ventilato dall' USAF quale altrettanto ipotetico successore dello A-10 ..... c'è chi ora suggerisce di fondere tale programma con quello già ben avviato dell' addestratore T-X sulla base della prospettata scarsità di fondi disponibili .....
Qualora tale ipotesi si concretizzasse ..... le probabilità di successo nella competizione T-X del 346 si ridurrebbero ulteriormente ..... in quanto è presumibile che, a questo punto, l'USAF punterebbe ad avere in servizio un velivolo di categoria superiore ..... in sostanza un multi-ruolo (possibilmente denominato T/A-52 o T/A-7 ) assai più vicino ad un F-16 biposto che ad un F-5 biposto .....
The Air Force could design a replacement A-10 that is capable of multiple missions, said Mark Gunzinger, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Washington.
"If you are thinking about the future and the kind of operational environments that the Air Force is prepared for, should prepare for, to me it doesn't make a lot of sense to have a single-mission" platform for CAS, Gunzinger said.
"It makes a great deal of sense to have a multi-mission platform performing that mission. In fact, it makes a lot of sense to have many multi-mission aircraft capable of supporting that mission, not just one."
But with several costly projects looming in the next few decades, including the new bomber, the Air Force does not see a clear funding stream for a next-generation A-10 replacement.
Given a better budget environment, the service would want a relatively cheap, next-generation aircraft to provide close support for ground troops - but that is not a realistic proposal today, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said this spring.
"We need a low-threat CAS platform in the near future, if the money will allow it," Welsh said at an April event sponsored by Defense One in Washington.
"It doesn't today, but we would certainly like to have something like that, that operates more efficiently than what we have today, that carries more firepower and does so in a low-threat environment."
It would be a challenge for the Air Force to squeeze another new aircraft into the budget plan, which already includes recapitalizing the bomber, trainer and Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System fleets, Gunzinger said.
One option is to combine the T-X and A-X programs, given the trainer's capability to conduct CAS missions, he suggested.
"It would be a multimission system - light attack, close-air support, along with our training aircraft," Gunzinger said.
"It could help defray the cost of developing an A-10 replacement, since the Air Force has already determined it's going to invest in T-X."
Fonte ..... "Amid Pressure To Keep A-10 Alive, USAF Explores Close-Air Support's Future" ..... ... /32109249/

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