Area dedicata alla discussione sull’Aviazione Militare, gli Aerei, i Reparti e le Basi, le Pattuglie acrobatiche

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Messaggio da richelieu » 23 giugno 2017, 9:38

Dal Daily Report dell' AFA ..... il grafico della dimostrazione in volo dello F-35A dell' USAF al Salone di Parigi .....

..... "F-35 Air Demo Debut Highlighted Combat Maneuvering" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 23 giugno 2017, 10:29

Il Daily Report dell' AFA ci erudisce su come tenere in sicurezza un F-35 esposto al pubblico in occasione di un salone aeronautico .....

..... "How to Keep a Stealthy F-35 Safe While on Public Display" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 25 giugno 2017, 12:46

Yuma Air Station ..... i voli degli F-35B riprendono .....

DefenseNews: ..... "Marine Corps F-35s at Yuma restart flight operations after software fix is found" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2017, 10:33

Si è tenuta ieri, a Marina di Grosseto, una manifestazione aerea dell' AMI in occasione del centenario dei Gruppi Caccia .....
E' apparso in volo, per la prima volta davanti ad un folto pubblico (per non parlare dei milioni di telespettatori della diretta RAI) il caccia-bombardiere F-35A .....
Solo che ..... per l' intera durata (oltre tre ore) della trasmissione ..... sia il conduttore che i numerosi ospiti che si sono avvicendati ai microfoni hanno accuratamente evitato di nominarlo .....
La stessa cosa non è però avvenuta nel corso dello 'streaming' dell' AMI ..... i cui 'speakers', presenti sulla spiaggia, non hanno mancato di dare il giusto risalto all' apparizione del velivolo .....
..... https://www.facebook.com/AeronauticaMil ... S_TIMELINE .....
Certi comportamenti, da parte del cosiddetto 'servizio pubblico' (che prende supinamente ordini dai 'soliti noti'), suonano offensivi nei confronti di quello che viene, evidentemente, considerato 'popolo bue' ...
E mi fermo qui .....


P.S. ..... il giorno prima ..... nell' aeroporto di Grosseto .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2017, 19:08

richelieu ha scritto:La Germania si muove ..... ma, per ora, soltanto a livello informativo .....

..... Reuters ..... "Germany asks U.S. for classified briefing on Lockheed's F-35 fighter" .....
Ulteriori passi avanti ..... al Salone di Parigi .....
During the Paris Air Show this week, German government officials met with Lockheed Martin to talk about the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, a source connected to the program told Defense News.
It is not uncommon for potential customers — including Germany — to engage with the defense industry on a number of platforms or technologies, nor does the meeting indicate a significant step forward in the process of selling the F-35 to Germany, the source said.
However, the air show marked the first time the German government and Lockheed had ever discussed the F-35 specifically, albeit in an unclassified setting, he said.
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "German officials meet with Lockheed to talk F-35 at Paris Air Show" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 26 giugno 2017, 19:20

Obiettivo ..... bersagli in movimento ..... :snipersmile: :werecomingforyou:
Once Raytheon gets approval from the Pentagon to integrate its GBU-49 guided bomb with the F-35, it will take only a couple months to wrap up the necessary testing, a company official told Defense News on Thursday.
The U.S. Air Force, and more recently the Marine Corps, have identified Raytheon’s GBU-49 as the quickest way to give the F-35 the ability to prosecute moving targets.
Currently the F-35’s ability to strike moving targets is somewhat limited, requiring the pilot to manually direct a GBU-12 to its destination.
The Air Force has since issued a request for information seeking information about precision-guided munitions that would allow the F-35 to hit moving targets — potentially broadening its search into a competition.
However, Mike Jarrett, Raytheon’s vice president of air warfare systems, believes the service will ultimately opt to sole source the GBU-49 from Raytheon.
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "Raytheon pushing GBU-49 as quick fix to give F-35 ability to hit moving targets" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 29 giugno 2017, 0:11

Per vederci meglio ..... :cyclopsani:
Elbit Systems and Harris will replace the head-down panoramic display system for the Lockheed Martin F-35 after 2019, the companies have announced.
Lockheed selected Elbit’s US-based subsidiary to begin developing a new large-format, touchscreen display for the F-35 cockpit.
Separately, Lockheed awarded a contract to Florida-based Harris to develop a new computer processor for the display.
The selections were made as part of Lockheed’s Technology Refresh 3 (TR3) effort for the F-35, which is installing new electronics in the 16-year-old fighter fighter programme.
Fonte: FlightGlobal ..... "Elbit, Harris to replace panoramic display in F-35 cockpit" .....

Elbit Systems of America ..... "Elbit Systems of America Awarded Contract to Develop Panoramic Cockpit Display Units for the F-35 Aircraft" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 29 giugno 2017, 9:04

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Messaggio da richelieu » 30 giugno 2017, 0:15

A ranghi completi .....

U.S. Air Force ..... "First operational F-35A squadron receives final aircraft" .....


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Messaggio da richelieu » 8 luglio 2017, 0:31

Red Flag 17-3 ..... F-35A (USAF) e F-35B (USMC) insieme per la prima volta .....
Air Combat Command’s premier exercise will integrate two variants of the newest fighter for the first time.
USAF F-35As from the 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin AFB, Fla., will fly alongside USMC F-35Bs at Red Flag 17-3, which runs from July 10-28 at Nellis AFB, Nev.
Fonte: AFA ..... "USAF, USMC F-35s to Train Together at Red Flag" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 10 luglio 2017, 18:18

I primi F-35B dei Marines arrivano a Nellis AFB .....

..... "Bringing the Heat: F-35s Arrive at Nellis Air Force Base for Red Flag 17-3" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 10 luglio 2017, 18:27

Intanto ..... dal sito 'Contracts' del DoD (July 7, 2017) .....
Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $5,577,714,486 modification to a previously awarded F-35 Lightning II low-rate initial production (LRIP) Lot 11 advance acquisition contract (N00019-16-C-0033).
The LRIP 11 contract contains requirements for the Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, international partner nations, and foreign military sales (FMS) customers.
This modification provides for the procurement of 74 fiscal 2017 aircraft, comprised of 48 F-35A aircraft for the Air Force, 18 F-35B aircraft for the Marine Corps, and eight F-35C aircraft for the Navy and Marine Corps.
In addition, this modification adds funding to previously awarded fiscal 2015 and 2016 aircraft contract line item numbers for the U.S. Services.
Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (55 percent); El Segundo, California (15 percent); Warton, United Kingdom (10 percent); Orlando, Florida (5 percent); Nashua, New Hampshire (5 percent); Baltimore, Maryland (5 percent); and Cameri, Italy (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in December 2020.
Fiscal 2015, 2016, and 2017 aircraft procurement (Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps) funds in the amount of $4,491,634,930 will be obligated at time of award, $275,641,724 of which will expire at the end of the fiscal year.
This modification combines purchases for the Air Force ($3,428,766,751; 61 percent); Navy ($1,444,492,090; 26 percent); and the Marine Corps ($704,455,645; 13 percent).
An undefinitized not-to-exceed contract modification to fund procurement of 50 F-35 Partner and FMS aircraft for $2.2 billion is anticipated within the month of July 2017.
The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Il commento di DefenseNews .....
The Defense Department has awarded Lockheed Martin a $5.6 billion undefinitized contract that will allow the company to continue work on the eleventh lot of F-35s.
The F-35 joint program office still intends wrap up negotiations on a final contract by the end of the year, but making an interim award was necessary because of “complex production lines and supply chain dynamics,” JPO spokesman Joe DellaVedova said in an emailed statement to reporters.
..... "Lockheed gets $5.6B for work on next batch of F-35s" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 11 luglio 2017, 11:23

Addestramento congiunto fra USAF e USMC in Giappone .....

Kadena Air Base ..... "Bringing lightning to the fight" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 12 luglio 2017, 21:01

Il rallentamento del ritmo degli acquisti da parte dell' USAF ha provocato una crescita del costo generale del programma .....
The F-35 program’s cost grew $11 billion in base year 2012 dollars because the Air Force has decided to buy the jets more slowly, the F-35 Joint Program Office reported late July 11.
The increase, reflected in the Pentagon’s periodic Selected Acquisition Reports, was “largely driven by the adjustments made to the US planned production profile,” JPO Program Executive Officer Vice Adm. Mat Winter said in a press release.
“The Air Force reduced its maximum annual rate of aircraft procured from 80 per year down to 60 per year, which extended the planned purchases by six additional years,” from fiscal year 2038 to FY ‘44.
The stretch-out caused “a slight uptick” in unit recurring and program unit flyaway costs, the JPO reported, although “these costs have been partially offset” by recent “block buy” arrangements with foreign purchasers, actual contractor costs, and exchange rates.
The flyaway costs “continue to decline and remain below SAR estimates,” the JPO added.
Fonte: AFA ..... "F-35s: Buy Less, Pay More" .....

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Messaggio da Lampo 13 » 12 luglio 2017, 21:28

Ci hanno dato una fregatura a livello di Totò che vendeva la fontana di Trevi...
Per quello che ci dobbiamo fare una linea da combattimento fatta di soli Typhoon
nelle varie versioni bastava ed avanzava!
Intanto i nostri Piloti volano al massimo 80 ore l'anno per mancanza di fondi...

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Messaggio da richelieu » 12 luglio 2017, 23:28

Lampo 13 ha scritto:Ci hanno dato una fregatura a livello di Totò che vendeva la fontana di Trevi ...
Per quello che ci dobbiamo fare una linea da combattimento fatta di soli Typhoon nelle varie versioni bastava ed avanzava!
Intanto i nostri Piloti volano al massimo 80 ore l'anno per mancanza di fondi ...

Dovremmo comunque essere in buona compagnia ..... :mrgreen:

Un' altra fonte .....

..... AINonline ..... "Total Acquisition Estimate for F-35 Rises to $406.5 Billion" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 13 luglio 2017, 15:09

richelieu ha scritto:L' incendio a bordo ..... tutta colpa del vento ?

A substantial portion of the jet’s surface was burned, according to multiple sources familiar with the incident.
Technicians will not know the full extent of the damage until they open the aircraft and examine interior components..
The root cause of the incident is unclear at this time, but initial assessments point to a tailpipe fire due to strong tailwinds as the engine was starting, the sources said.
This can happen after an aborted start if there is excess fuel left in the exhaust duct.
It was descried as analogous to a gas grill left on too long before lighting.
The wind records from Mountain Home back up this assessment, showing that the event happened close to the maximum wind and gust speeds of the day at 37 mph and 45 mph, respectively.
The wind was northwest to west-by-northwest all day.

Fonte ..... "F-35A Incident Points To Tailpipe Fire" .....
La cosa è stata confermata dalle risultanze dell' inchiesta .....

DefenseNews ..... "F-35A engine fire at US Air Force base sparked by strong tailwinds" .....

FlightGlobal ..... "USAF pins F-35A engine fire on strong tailwinds" .....

AFA ..... "Tailwind Caused September F-35 Engine Fire" .....

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Messaggio da Valerio Ricciardi » 13 luglio 2017, 22:47

Eh! :|

E vorrà dire che in caso di operazioni su teatro bellico si avrà cura di metterlo in moto solo con la prua al vento, e in giornate di vento di direzione continuamente variabile ci si accorderà col nemico del momento per una sospensione delle ostilità sino a condizioni meteorologiche meno contraddittorie e incoerenti.
"The curve is flattening: we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The parachute has slowed our rate of descent: we can take it off now!"
Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger

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Messaggio da richelieu » 14 luglio 2017, 0:11

Valerio Ricciardi ha scritto:Eh! :|

E vorrà dire che in caso di operazioni su teatro bellico si avrà cura di metterlo in moto solo con la prua al vento, e in giornate di vento di direzione continuamente variabile ci si accorderà col nemico del momento per una sospensione delle ostilità sino a condizioni meteorologiche meno contraddittorie e incoerenti.
E allora ..... VENTO ..... :propellerhead:

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Messaggio da JT8D » 17 luglio 2017, 22:05

Non sono mai stato un accanito sostenitore di questa macchina, però occorre dire due parole su questo incidente. Qualsiasi motore all'avviamento non è in condizione ideale se c'è forte vento in coda, con rischi maggiori di hot start. Certo poi i sistemi di gestione del motore (FADEC e simili) hanno incorporate delle routine di gestione del motore in caso di avviamento con vento in coda, in modo da non fare danni e ottimizare la sequenza di avviamento in base alle condizioni. Però vi sono dei limiti oltre il quale anche la gestione elettronica non può andare e in ogni caso sul manuale di ogni macchina, civile o militare che sia, è ben specificato il limite massimo di componente di vento in coda ammesso per un corretto avviamento del motore.

Così recita Flightglobal nel suo articolo già linkato sopra:

https://www.flightglobal.com/news/artic ... ds-439269/

Winds as high as 30kt blew during as the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine began a start sequence, forcing hot air into the Honeywell integrated power package's inlet. As air temperatures rose inside the IPP -- a mini-engine that supplies electric power and starts the engine -- a series of malfunctions occurred. The lower density of the air produced insufficient torque needed to to the engine, which slowed the rotation of the turbine section.

At the same time, fuel continued to supply the engine at an increasing rate, which spurred an engine fire that burst from the exhaust. The tailwind spread the fire across the aircraft and caused significant damage to a portion of aircraft’s aft section. The fire surrounded the engine’s exhaust nozzle, damaging several nozzle segments as well.

The pilot escaped but sustained minor injuries, including burns on his head, neck, face, and ears, the report states. The service has not yet determined the total costs, but estimates aircraft damages will cost above $17 million.

The report also lays blame on a lack of pilot awareness and training for tailwind conditions during an engine start. A pilot checklist included a warning that strong tailwinds during an engine’s start could cause an IPP failure, but the checklist made no warnings about the tailwind limit. The heavily automated F-35A engine start process also led pilots to believe the aircraft handled most of the start procedures and pilots assumed there were no problems if the dials were green, according to the report.

“Preponderance of evidence shows if there had been an expectation of engine startup problems with a tailwind, the [pilot] may have relied less on aircraft automation, and may have identified an abnormal engine start earlier,” writes USAF Colonel Dale Hetke, who conducted the investigation. “This vague awareness led to inadequate training for engine starts with a tailwind. Training also resulted in complacency and an over-reliance on aircraft automation.”

La dinamica dal punto di vista tecnico del problema è spiegata bene nell'articolo. Dal punto di vista del pilota l'eccessiva complacency verso l'automatismo non è mai una cosa positiva, andranno riviste le checklist e il training dei piloti. L'avviamento con forte vento in coda è sempre una situazione delicata per ogni motore, l'automatismo può aiutare entro certi limiti ben precisi stabiliti dal manuale, ma oltre non è il caso di andare. E comunque in condizioni simili è meglio non affidarsi completamente alla macchina e all'automatismo, l'uomo deve mantenere sempre il controllo della situazione per identificare eventuali problematiche in tempo. Io sono sempre convinto che, su ogni macchina, l'automazione deve aiutare l'uomo a svolgere meglio e in sicurezza il proprio compito, supportandolo, non deve sostituirsi ad esso e l'ultima parola e l'ultima decisione deve sempre essere quella dell'uomo.

"La corsa di decollo è una metamorfosi, ecco una quantità di metallo che si trasforma in aeroplano per mezzo dell'aria. Ogni corsa di decollo è la nascita di un aeroplano" (Staccando l'ombra da terra - D. Del Giudice)

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Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2017, 9:12

Si lavora per la soluzione dei problemi causati da episodi di simil-ipossia riferiti da piloti della Luke AFB .....
In response to reports of hypoxia-like symptoms experienced by F-35A pilots at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, the program office intends to make changes to the onboard oxygen generation system to optimize the flow of oxygen to those flying the jet.
The modification to the onboard oxygen generation system, or OBOGS, involves refining the algorithm associated with oxygen concentration, an F-35 joint program office spokesperson explained in a statement to Defense News.
“There is no indication the delivered oxygen concentration was a contributor to any of the recent events,” said Brandi Schiff.
However, by tweaking the levels of oxygen associated with varying altitudes, the office may be able to help prevent further physiological incidents from happening.
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "Clearing the air: F-35s to get upgrade for oxygen generating system over hypoxia concerns" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2017, 11:49

Al MAKS 2017 ..... Sergei Korotkov, Amministratore Delegato della MiG Aircraft Corporation, si è lasciato andare a dichiarazioni alquanto 'spinte' riguardo al MiG-35 .....
MiG Aircraft Corporation CEO Sergei Korotkov expects serial production of the “4+++” fighter to begin in 2019.
Borisov did not say how many aircraft or squadrons of MiG-35s the armament program would support or how many were needed.
Nevertheless, any state order would help anchor the program and make it more attractive to prospective international customers.
Korotkov said during a press briefing at MAKS that despite MiG-35 not having a low-observable airframe planform, the aircraft employs various stealth techniques including radar-deflecting materials and inhibitors as well as electronic countermeasures.
It also has a counter-stealth L-band radar in the leading-edge root extension and could potentially carry the latest X-band Zuke active electronically scanned array radar.
MiG-35 will be powered by two Klimov RD-33MK engines.
Korotkov says the aircraft is competitive against its Western rivals, including the Lockheed Martin F-35.
He was bold enough to say it would even win against the F-35 in aerial combat.
“This is better than the F-35,” he says.

Fonte: AW&ST ..... "Russia’s State Armaments Program Supports MiG-35 Orders" .....

:drunken: :crazyeyes:

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Messaggio da richelieu » 21 luglio 2017, 21:15

In una notte senza luna ..... :eeeeek:
The $400,000 helmet for the F-35B has a major problem: The night-vision camera does not work when there is no moon, according to video of a test flight aboard the amphibious assault ship America in November.
The problem will take months to fix, said F-35 Joint Program Office spokesman Joe DellaVedova.
Potential solutions are expected to be tested in the fall, he said.
Military.com first reported on Wednesday about the defect.
Fonte: MarineTimes ..... "F-35B helmet's night-vision camera failed during test flight" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 25 luglio 2017, 17:48

100.000 ..... ore di volo .....
The Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft fleet recently exceeded 100,000 flight hours while the F-35 Integrated Test Force teams are completing the remaining requirements in the program's System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase.

Fonte: LM ..... "Lockheed Martin F-35s Surpass 100,000 Flight Hours, System Development and Demonstration Completion On Track" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 27 luglio 2017, 22:30

richelieu ha scritto:Red Flag 17-3 ..... F-35A (USAF) e F-35B (USMC) insieme per la prima volta .....
Air Combat Command’s premier exercise will integrate two variants of the newest fighter for the first time.
USAF F-35As from the 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin AFB, Fla., will fly alongside USMC F-35Bs at Red Flag 17-3, which runs from July 10-28 at Nellis AFB, Nev.

Fonte: AFA ..... "USAF, USMC F-35s to Train Together at Red Flag" .....
E ci sono pure i B-2 e gli F-22 ..... un vero e proprio poker d' assi ..... :shock:

AFA ..... "B-2, F-22, F-35A and F-35B in First Red Flag Together" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 29 luglio 2017, 15:05

richelieu ha scritto:Intanto ..... dal sito 'Contracts' del DoD (July 7, 2017) .....
Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $5,577,714,486 modification to a previously awarded F-35 Lightning II low-rate initial production (LRIP) Lot 11 advance acquisition contract (N00019-16-C-0033).
The LRIP 11 contract contains requirements for the Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, international partner nations, and foreign military sales (FMS) customers.
This modification provides for the procurement of 74 fiscal 2017 aircraft, comprised of 48 F-35A aircraft for the Air Force, 18 F-35B aircraft for the Marine Corps, and eight F-35C aircraft for the Navy and Marine Corps.
In addition, this modification adds funding to previously awarded fiscal 2015 and 2016 aircraft contract line item numbers for the U.S. Services.
Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (55 percent); El Segundo, California (15 percent); Warton, United Kingdom (10 percent); Orlando, Florida (5 percent); Nashua, New Hampshire (5 percent); Baltimore, Maryland (5 percent); and Cameri, Italy (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in December 2020.
Fiscal 2015, 2016, and 2017 aircraft procurement (Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps) funds in the amount of $4,491,634,930 will be obligated at time of award, $275,641,724 of which will expire at the end of the fiscal year.
This modification combines purchases for the Air Force ($3,428,766,751; 61 percent); Navy ($1,444,492,090; 26 percent); and the Marine Corps ($704,455,645; 13 percent).
An undefinitized not-to-exceed contract modification to fund procurement of 50 F-35 Partner and FMS aircraft for $2.2 billion is anticipated within the month of July 2017.
The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

Il commento di DefenseNews .....
The Defense Department has awarded Lockheed Martin a $5.6 billion undefinitized contract that will allow the company to continue work on the eleventh lot of F-35s.
The F-35 joint program office still intends wrap up negotiations on a final contract by the end of the year, but making an interim award was necessary because of “complex production lines and supply chain dynamics,” JPO spokesman Joe DellaVedova said in an emailed statement to reporters.

..... "Lockheed gets $5.6B for work on next batch of F-35s" .....
Ad integrazione ..... dal sito 'Contracts' del DoD (July 28, 2017) .....
Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $3,693,062,124 undefinitized not-to-exceed modification to the previously awarded low-rate initial production Lot 11 F-35 Lightning II advance acquisition contract (N00019-16-C-0033).
This modification provides for the procurement of 50 aircraft for non-Department of Defense participants and foreign military sales (FMS) customers comprised of one F-35B aircraft for the UK; one F-35A aircraft for Italy; eight F-35A aircraft for Australia; eight F-35A aircraft for the Netherlands; four F-35A aircraft for Turkey; six F-35A aircraft for Norway; and 22 F-35A aircraft for FMS customers.
In addition, this modification adds scope for mission equipment and chase maintenance activity for the above mentioned participants, as well as the Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (50 percent); El Segundo, California (15 percent); Warton, UK (10 percent); Cameri, Italy (6 percent); Nashua, New Hampshire (4 percent); Baltimore, Maryland (4 percent); Orlando, Florida (3 percent); San Diego, California (3 percent); Nagoya, Japan (2 percent); and other international locations (3 percent), and is expected to be completed in December 2020.
Funding in the amount of $2,180,872,005 is being obligated on this award, $118,183 of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.
This contract combines purchases for the Air Force ($21,849,430; 0.6 percent); Navy ($2,213,825; 0.1 percent); Marine Corps ($3,879,316; 0.1 percent); international partner nations ($2,072,714,031; 56.1 percent); and FMS countries ($1,592,405,522; 43.1 percent).
The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
FlightGlobal ..... "DOD issues interim contract for international F-35s" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 6 agosto 2017, 23:52

Sulla inderogabile necessità di occultarsi .....
“Stealth” technology hasn’t been rendered obsolete by new radars and detection methods, and has, if anything, become even more of a critical design consideration for future combat aircraft, according to stealth veterans and experts at an AFA Mitchell Institute program at the US Capitol Wednesday.
Presenting a new report, “Survivability in the Digital Age: The Imperative for Stealth,” authors retired Maj. Gen. Mark Barrett (AFA’s former executive vice president) and retired Col. Mace Carpenter (a senior fellow at the Mitchell Institute) said stealth designs continue to be a relatively low-cost factor in new aircraft design, and are crucial not only to the survival of individual aircraft but in making a smaller force possible.
Fonte: AFA ..... "Stealth Is Still the Critical Secret Sauce for Combat Aircraft" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 7 agosto 2017, 17:57

Relazione della Corte dei Conti sul programma F-35 in Italia .....

..... "Relazione speciale sulla partecipazione italiana al Programma Joint Strike Fighter F-35 Lightning II" .....

Primi commenti .....

Il Giornale ..... http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/cronache/ ... 29069.html .....

Repubblica ..... http://www.repubblica.it/economia/2017/ ... 79007/?rss .....

adnkronos ..... http://www.adnkronos.com/soldi/economia ... G7lFI.html .....

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Messaggio da giragyro » 7 agosto 2017, 20:12

e vantiamocene
Argo riconobbe Ulisse, Penelope no.

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Messaggio da richelieu » 10 agosto 2017, 10:40

Il ritorno del GAO ..... che lancia nuovi avvertimenti .....

..... http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/686436.pdf .....

Il commento del Daily Report dell' AFA .....

..... "Modernization Program At Risk of Repeating F-35 Acquisition Mistakes, GAO Says" .....

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Messaggio da Gliding Bricola » 15 agosto 2017, 17:48

richelieu ha scritto:Relazione della Corte dei Conti sul programma F-35 in Italia .....

..... "Relazione speciale sulla partecipazione italiana al Programma Joint Strike Fighter F-35 Lightning II" .....

Primi commenti .....

Il Giornale ..... http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/cronache/ ... 29069.html .....

Repubblica ..... http://www.repubblica.it/economia/2017/ ... 79007/?rss .....

adnkronos ..... http://www.adnkronos.com/soldi/economia ... G7lFI.html .....
Qualcuno contro corrente, o forse che ha letto tutta la relazione: formiche.net http://formiche.net/blog/2017/08/09/rel ... onti-f-35/

Interessante. E non così negativo come rappresentato dalla nostra stampa generalista :roll:

Se l'uomo fosse stato creato per volare avrebbe avuto più soldi!

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Messaggio da richelieu » 11 settembre 2017, 16:35

Lotto 11 ..... forse entro fine Ottobre .....
The F-35 joint program office is aiming to cement a contract agreement with Lockheed Martin for the 11th batch of joint strike fighters by the end of the year.
But the new head of the program office, Vice Adm. Mat Winter, wants to get it done even faster, telling reporters on Sept. 6, “I’m pressurizing the team for 15 October.”
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "New F-35 program head wants lot 11 deal by October" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 16 settembre 2017, 10:25

La piroetta del Presidente ..... :hypnodisk:

President Donald Trump hasn’t always been the F-35’s biggest fan, but in a Sept. 15 speech commemorating the Air Force’s 70th birthday, he struck a more reverential tone.
Now, when our enemies hear our F-35 engines, when they’re roaring overhead, their souls will tremble and they will know the day of reckoning has arrived,” he told a crowd of about 800 service members at Joint Base Andrews.
“That is the way it’s been since 1947, when the Air Force was born.”
Fonte: DefenseNews ..... "Trump lauds F-35, promises sweet new tech in speech to airmen" .....


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Messaggio da richelieu » 18 settembre 2017, 14:50

P&W annuncia il successo di una serie di sperimentazioni effettuate con un motore F135 modificato .....
Tests this year on an F135 core engine paired with an experimental fan module featuring adaptive bypass airflow to improve fuel efficient and cooling capacity “met or exceeded expectations”, says engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney.
The testing on a full-scale powerplant for the Lockheed Martin F-35 wraps up P&W’s role under a four-year adaptive engine technology development (AETD) programme sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).
The testing was intended to understand the maturity of so-called “three-stream” adaptive turbofan technology as AFRL launches a $1 billion programme to develop a full-scale, 45,000lb-thrust-class prototype engine under the Adaptive Engine Transition Programme (AETP) that could be used to re-engine the F-35 and power a future combat aircraft.
Fonte: flightglobal.com/news ..... "P&W completes testing on F135 engine with adaptive fan" .....

newsroom.pw.utc.com ..... "Pratt & Whitney Continues Adaptive Engine Breakthroughs with Latest Tests" .....

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Messaggio da richelieu » 19 settembre 2017, 9:00

Ogni giorno ..... una nuova ..... :mrgreen:
Scores of US-owned Lockheed Martin F-35s would remain in the fleet with a software operating system rated below combat-grade under one of several cost-saving proposals under review by the Joint Programme Office.
Delays during the development stage caused Lockheed to deliver more than 108 aircraft with Block 2B software.
Each fighter requires 150-160 modifications to be raised to the combat-rated Block 3 standard, says Vice Adm Matt Winter, the F-35’s programme executive.
The looming modification bills are threatening to suck resources from a looming production ramp-up with more than 900 aircraft projected for delivery over the next five years, Winter says.
Fonte: flightglobal.com/news ..... "US considers non-combat-rated subset of F-35 fleet" .....
