Tempest .....

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Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 luglio 2018, 17:15

Dopo Tornado e Tifone ..... il prossimo si chiamerà Tempest ..... e Leonardo farà parte del team insieme a BAE Systems, Rolls Royce e MBDA UK Ltd .....
Tempest is expected to complement the F-35 and eventually replace Typhoon.
It is understood that £2 billion in initial funding will be set out to oversee the design and build of the aircraft, which will be operational in 2035.
The project is a joint venture between BAE Systems, Rolls Royce, MBDA UK Ltd and Leonardo.
Fonte: ukdefencejournal.org.uk ..... "UK unveils new next generation fighter jet called Tempest" .....

Alla faccia di Francesi e Tedeschi ..... :P

..... aviationweek.com ..... "France to Lead European Fighter Project" .....

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da Maxx » 16 luglio 2018, 17:20

Senza aver letto gli articoli linkati, quello che mi chiedo è se sarà un aereo con un essere umano a bordo.

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 luglio 2018, 17:40

Maxx ha scritto:Senza aver letto gli articoli linkati, quello che mi chiedo è se sarà un aereo con un essere umano a bordo.
A margine del video .....

phpBB [video]
Defence Secretary Gavin Williams unveiled a full-size mockup of the U.K.’s new Tempest fighter jet at the 2018 Farnborough Airshow.
The aircraft will be able to be flown either manned or unmanned.

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 16 luglio 2018, 22:17

Il commento, da Farnborough, del Direttore di RID .....

..... "Farnborough: la TEMPESTA perfetta" .....

Con un' imprecisione ..... forse dettata da un eccesso di entusiasmo ..... :wink:
Come si vede si tratta di una strategia molto aggressiva, per la quale Londra si è già impegnata a stanziare 2 miliardi di sterline in ricerca e sviluppo da qui al 2025 e per puntellare la quale oggi si è fatto un chiarissimo riferimento, anzi, invito, a potenziali partner ad entrare nel programma.
Tra questi c’è pure l’Italia che dovrà anch’essa un domani rimpiazzare ll TYPHOON e che potrebbe potrebbe essere anche tentata da una cooperazione di ampio respiro con gli Inglesi piuttosto che dall’ingresso in una partnership come quella franco-britannica che al momento sembra molto chiusa ed esclusiva.
Altri commenti .....

..... flightglobal.com ..... "FARNBOROUGH: Tempest concept underscores UK fighter ambitions" .....

..... defensenews.com ..... "Britain reveals combat air strategy alongside new Tempest fighter jet design" .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 17 luglio 2018, 0:09

Il commento di 'AINonline' ..... nel quale viene esplicitamente affermato che la partecipazione di Leonardo al programma è, almeno per ora, limitata alla filiale britannica dell' azienda .....
The concept model has been generated by Team Tempest, a partnership between the RAF’s Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO) and British industry (including BAE Systems, Leonardo UK, MBDA UK and Rolls-Royce).
..... "Tempest Unleashes New UK MoD Era" .....

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 luglio 2018, 13:52

Anche AW&ST commenta ..... una volta tanto in chiaro ..... :shock:

..... http://aviationweek.com/farnborough-air ... ooperation .....

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 luglio 2018, 12:17

Da un più ampio articolo di AW&ST dedicato al 'Tempest' .....

..... http://aviationweek.com/aviation-week-s ... re-fighter .....

Il lato motore .....
Rolls Unveils Adaptive Propulsion Vision for British Fighter .....

For Rolls-Royce, the Tempest project almost certainly represents one of the first - and possibly only - opportunities in the foreseeable future to implement the full suite of future combat engine technologies currently under development by the company.
Like the latest new combat engines under initial development by General Electric and Pratt & Whitney, as well as those under study by MTU Aero Engines and others, the outline propulsion system is based on a three-stream adaptive, or variable-cycle, architecture.
This provides enhanced combat capability while simultaneously enabling the engine to be switched to lower fuel-burn modes to extend range and combat radius.


The third stream in the concept is indicated as a controllable bleed system, with offtakes located aft of the low-pressure (LP) compressor feeding large bypass ducts.
The LP section is made up of a wide chord - possibly blisked - fan stage, two LP compressor stages and two LP turbine stages.
The fan is also distortion-tolerant to ensure undisturbed flow downstream of a low-observable serpentine inlet.
The high-pressure (HP) core, which in the initial image released by BAE Systems includes only five HP compressor stages and a single HP turbine stage, is thought to be a glimpse of the lightweight high-temperature core under development in Rolls’ secretive Advance1 technology program, the military-related elements of which are based out of the company’s Bristol, England, facility.
The engine will feature advanced power and thermal management technologies, a key element for any sixth-generation combat engine, particularly one dealing with the divergent demands of stealth and high-temperature engine operations.
It also will incorporate more electric systems, such as a core-driven generator already tested on current military engines, including the Adour.

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 luglio 2018, 9:46

Da AW&ST ..... un video .....

..... http://aviationweek.com/farnborough-air ... ighter-jet .....

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 22 luglio 2018, 12:12

Dal sito del mensile 'Combat Aircraft' .....

..... "UK launches new fighter program" .....

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 23 luglio 2018, 10:12

phpBB [video]

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da Vultur » 24 luglio 2018, 21:02


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 24 luglio 2018, 21:06

Vultur ha scritto:Mockup?
Evidentemente .....


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 luglio 2018, 14:38

E Aboulafia disse la sua ..... :director:
Opinion: Why The Time May Be Ripe For The UK Tempest .....

Richard Aboulafia

At this year’s Farnborough Airshow, the UK unveiled the Tempest, a twin-engine combat aircraft concept.
This is the second new European fighter concept, after the Franco-German Future Combat Aircraft System that was announced in April.
The countries involved in these projects see two important reasons to proceed with a new fighter.
First, the Trump administration has created uncertainty about U.S. reliability as a NATO ally as Vladimir Putin’s Russia continues to loom as a significant threat.
This has boosted interest in purely European solutions, rather than relying on future U.S. aircraft or just a workshare in Lockheed Martin’s F-35.
Second, the combat market represents a very good business opportunity.
Fears of obsolescence due to remotely piloted systems have come to nothing, and fighters are still remarkably flexible tools.
Global tensions, delayed recapitalization programs and relatively high resource prices are propelling the market upward.

Source: Teal Group

Looking at current programs and contracts being filled, the world fighter market is heading above $25 billion in 2018 dollars, a level not seen since the end of the Cold War (see graph).
This value merely represents annual deliveries of aircraft; it excludes tens of billions of dollars in related costs, such as weapons, training and support.
Clearly, Europe has a strong economic interest in spending its combat aircraft budgets on its own industries and in pursuing export opportunities.
While the political and economic drivers behind a new UK fighter are clearly there, just £2 billion ($2.7 billion) is earmarked for the broader UK Future Combat Air Strategy through 2025.
Development of a next-generation fighter alone would cost 10 times that.
And it is unlikely that the UK will fund a Tempest-class fighter on its own.
The last all-UK fighter, the English Electric Lightning, ended production about 50 years ago.
Since then, new UK fighter concepts have led to harmonization with other European countries and the creation of pan-European designs: the Eurofighter Typhoon and Panavia Tornado.
In both cases, France and Sweden chose to develop their own designs.
Increasing aircraft development costs, U.S. market dominance and European defense budget constraints mean Europe can no longer afford three platforms.
Even two might be difficult. In the past, the UK would have been the biggest customer and industrial participant in pan-European designs, but Brexit greatly complicates that.
While a Franco-German alliance would be problematic due to France’s insistence on a dominant role, it does reflect Brexit’s grim political reality.
Airbus CEO Tom Enders’ recent comments about being open to a BAE/Airbus fighter unit merger depend on resolution of Brexit and other difficult political obstacles.
Yet the UK holds one very important card: its strategic and commercial relationship with Saudi Arabia, which provided the only significant export orders for the Lightning and Typhoon and was the sole export customer for the Tornado.
The Saudi Al Yamamah Tornado procurement program represented tens of billions of dollars in funding and made a very big economic difference for all three industrial partners.
Would Saudi Arabia consider covering some of the nonrecurring costs of a new UK-led European fighter?
UK Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson stated at the Tempest rollout: “We see this as an opportunity to collaborate with new nations that have not usually been involved in such collaborations before. The initial indications are exceptionally positive.”
The UK likely sees exactly what Europe sees: For political reasons, a second source for combat aircraft is highly desirable.
Only the U.S. has next-generation fighter programs currently underway.
If Saudi Arabia wants a second-source fighter in 2040, it might have no other choice than to support the development of the Tempest or a pan-European fighter leveraging Tempest design work.
That makes a UK-led program more viable, despite Brexit, funding questions and other headwinds.

Richard Aboulafia is vice president of analysis at Teal Group.
He is based in Washington.
The views expressed are not necessarily those of Aviation Week.

July 25, 2018 .....

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 30 luglio 2018, 17:45

Avviso agli interessati .....
The UK’s leading industry players and Ministry of Defence played a great hand at the Farnborough air show, with a clear statement of intent that they will not be left behind as their French and German counterparts strive to create a future combat air system.
By laying out not only the contents of its first ­Combat Air Strategy, but doing so in front of a full-scale model of a stunning concept for a notional “sixth-generation” fighter, the UK delivered a crystal-clear message: while it intends to work with partners – maybe including Berlin and Paris – it is only prepared to do so on its own terms.
Fonte: flightglobal.com ..... "OPINION: Tempest unveiling is clear statement of intent" .....

Si direbbe stiano veramente facendo sul serio ..... 8)

Ma c'è un però .....
Many international delegations were invited to see Tempest mock-ups at Farnborough and within a mystery marquee at the Royal International Air Tattoo, immediately before the main industry event of the year.
What officials from nations such as Japan, Sweden and Turkey saw cannot have failed to impress.
..... mi lascia infatti quanto mai perplesso ..... anzi ..... non mi piace proprio quel riferimento alla Turchia che, come è noto, vede la partecipazione di BAE Systems (principale propugnatrice del Tempest) ed Eurojet alla realizzazione del caccia indigeno semi-stealth TF-X per quell' ormai scarsamente affidabile personaggio che è il signor Erdogan .....


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 3 agosto 2018, 18:12

Secondo Giovanni Soccodato di Leonardo ..... il programma 'Tempest' potrebbe ancora usufruire di finanziamenti europei nonostante la Brexit .....

..... defensenews.com ..... "Despite Brexit, Leonardo sees a way the UK Tempest fighter could win EU funding" .....


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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 2 settembre 2018, 10:30

Tempest ..... qualche precisazione .....
Tempest’s purpose is to explore the technologies and systems that could form a future combat air system.
It is not yet at the stage of building a demonstrator aircraft, it may never end up being in any way similar to the mock-up.
According to a Commons Library briefing paper (*) which provides a brief overview of the Strategy, the process is still at very early stages and is focused more on exploring and developing potential technologies.
It states that:
“Tempest was a fighter aircraft in World War Two, although the Strategy only uses this term in the context of ‘Team Tempest’ – it does not confirm this will be the name of whatever aircraft or system emerges.”
Fonte: ukdefencejournal.org.uk ..... "What is the purpose of Tempest?" .....

(*) ..... "The Combat Air Strategy: From Typhoon to 'Tempest'?" .....

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 27 ottobre 2018, 10:23

Da un più ampio articolo di Jane's (282 of 593 words) .....

..... "RAF looks to Typhoon-Lightning-Tempest Force in 2030s" .....

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da FAS » 19 dicembre 2018, 8:36

la Brexit potrebbe essere un serio show stopper per questo programma.
"Il buon senso c'era; ma se ne stava nascosto, per paura del senso comune" (Alessandro Manzoni)

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 19 marzo 2019, 12:06

Meeting a Farnborough ...
Companies from across the UK defence industry have come together in the first opportunity for suppliers to engage with the Government and Team Tempest partners over the future of Combat Air System development in the UK.
The event in Farnborough was launched by Minister for Defence Procurement, Stuart Andrew MP, and saw 300 delegates including SMEs and technology-led organisations attending to build connections and take part in a series of briefings outlining the capabilities and skills needed to shape the future of Combat Air System delivery in the UK.
The Tempest programme aims to harness and develop UK capabilities that are critical for Next Generation (NextGen) Combat Air capability and to retain the UK’s position as a globally competitive leader through understanding of future concepts, technologies and capabilities.
--- --- ---
Hosted by Team Tempest (a co-funded technology initiative bringing together the Royal Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, Dstl, DE&S, BAE Systems, Rolls Royce, Leonardo and MBDA) and facilitated by ADS, the event offered a briefing for UK industry to better understand the Tempest programme and its role in supporting the UK MoD’s Combat Air Strategy and was followed by a separate, classified briefing.

La fonte ... baesystems.com ... https://www.baesystems.com/en/article/u ... -air-power ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 marzo 2019, 20:59

E Leonardo ... ci spera ...
Leonardo is hopeful that Italy can join the UK's Tempest sixth-generation fighter programme, building on the involvement of its defence electronics division in the effort.
Although the company is headquartered in Rome, it has a large presence in the UK, including the former Selex operation.
Norman Bone, managing director of Leonardo's electronics division, said during a financial results briefing on 14 March: "We are very clear as a company that it would be our preference for a collaboration that included Italy in the long term on Tempest."
L'articolo ... flightglobal.com ... "Leonardo targets role on UK's Tempest next-gen fighter" ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 aprile 2019, 13:33

Leonardo ed alcuni 'think tanks' italiani stanno esercitando pressioni sul Governo affinché l'Italia aderisca al programma Tempest ...
The Italian element of Leonardo said it was actively urging the Italian government to join the British FCAS work.
Several influential think tanks in Rome have also pressed Italy’s government to join one of the two European projects, primarily urging it to side with the UK option, arguing that Italy would be sidelined if it joined the Franco-German efforts.

L'intero articolo ...
UK Tempest Next-Gen Fighter Program Draws Notice Of Potential Partners ...

Tony Osborne - Aviation Week & Space Technology - Apr. 10, 2019

As potential foreign partners take a serious interest in British proposals to develop a new-generation combat aircraft, the UK government and industry are quietly working on the technologies that will pave the way for it.
Few details of the Tempest’s progress have emerged in the nine months since British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson unveiled the UK vision for a new combat aircraft to be ready in the late 2030s.
To get there, the UK is taking a multipronged approach.
While the Combat Air Strategy outlined that Britain would stay in the combat aircraft development game, the Future Combat Air System Technology Initiative (FCAS TI), an eight-year, £2 billion ($2.6 billion) program of research jointly funded by government and industry, is examining the technologies that could be needed not only for the future combat aircraft but also to support future upgrades for the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).
The public face of FCAS TI is Team Tempest, the joint government and industry consortium made up of the Royal Air Force’s Rapid Capabilities Office, BAE Systems, Leonardo, MBDA and Rolls-Royce.
All these elements feed into an acquisition program within the Defense Ministry that will ultimately lead to a platform to replace the Typhoon.
An initial business case for that platform will be delivered in December 2020, a full business case in 2025 and initial operational capability in 2035.
“Everything we do is focused on ensuring the UK is ready as a globally competitive combat air enterprise,” Group Capt. Jez Holmes, the Team Tempest program director, tells Aviation Week.
“What we’re trying to do is produce something that delivers credibility in capability terms and also delivers prosperity for the nation by bringing in partnerships,” he says.
Team Tempest’s sphere, in addition to conceiving and developing technologies for the future aircraft, encompasses the educational needs of the program so that skills can be maintained throughout the program’s life.
“Part of the FCAS TI initiative and the industry contribution is about sustaining and building those teams that perhaps have not had a huge amount of demand over the past 10-15 years,” says Clive Marrison, industry requirements director at Team Tempest.
Britain’s last Defense Industrial Strategy, published in 2005, stated that the introduction of the Eurofighter and the JSF meant the UK did not need to envisage building a new fighter for more than 30 years because they were both likely to have long operational lives.
Upgrade programs for the Typhoon and development of the Taranis unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) demonstrator have helped maintain those skills, but the Combat Air Strategy said that without a “clear indication of future requirements,” key engineering skills were placed at “greater risk.”
“Would we have lost those skills?” asks Marrison.
“It is difficult to say, but without the investment both from industry and government in research and development over the last 10 years and now into FCAS TI and Tempest, we would not have been in such a good position to sustain and grow them again.”
In March, Team Tempest held an industry day for potential suppliers to understand the Combat Air Strategy and how they can feed into the program through government and the Team Tempest consortium.
It attracted some 300 delegates from industry and government.
“It is not just about supporting the big four [BAE, Leonardo, MBDA and Rolls-Royce]; it is about supporting as much of the UK industrial and supply base as possible and bringing together as many of the clever minds, clever ideas and clever technologies as we can,” says Marrison.
The team is hoping that the work on the Tempest can ignite interest in aerospace technology in the same way the Concorde did during the 1960s.
“Some of the people who will be involved on Tempest, potentially in service until 2080, have not been born yet,” says Holmes.
“Part of our intent here is to engage on a STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics] basis across the nation and bring something that gives them an iconic focus,” he adds.
There is no shortage of international interest as well.
In late 2018, Sweden’s Saab confirmed it was in a “deepening dialog” with the UK over joining the Tempest program.
At the end of last year, the company carried out a 6 billion krona ($650 million) rights issue that CEO Hakan Buskhe said could provide funding for future work, including with the UK.
The Italian element of Leonardo said it was actively urging the Italian government to join the British FCAS work.
Several influential think tanks in Rome have also pressed Italy’s government to join one of the two European projects, primarily urging it to side with the UK option, arguing that Italy would be sidelined if it joined the Franco-German efforts.
Beyond Europe, the Tempest is one of several options being studied for Japan’s F-3 future fighter requirement to replace the indigenous Mitsubishi F-2, and the British government reportedly has also made offers to India, with which it has previously partnered on the Hawk and Sepecat Jaguar.
FCAS TI is currently focused on 60-70 technology projects, some lasting 1-2 years, others planned to last the full length of the program.
Some of the initial work underway on concepts and requirements is feeding what Holmes calls an “initial gauge,” supporting the opening stages of the acquisition process.
“It will start to deliver them with credible evidence about not only what the need but [also] about what we think we are able to do in an affordable way, with a focus on future adaptability and growth potential, so that we ensure we set ourselves up on a path for success,” says Holmes.
Part of that work is on industry sustainability; others have a more international flavor, such as several projects with France looking at communications and interoperability enabling future platforms to work together in a coalition.
Progress also is being made on development of a comprehensive open mission-system architecture designed to embrace avionics, sensors, connectivity and command-and-control systems.
Definition of the architecture and component specifications are close to completion, and components are being built for testing.
The architecture will not only underpin the potential for spiral development but also will allow partners or export customers to integrate their own mission-system fits quickly, as it has systematic reuse of software at its core.
With data becoming the currency of the battlefield, and future combat aircraft gathering up information from the electromagnetic spectrum and sensors, any future architecture likely will have to cope with terabytes of information, Holmes suggests.
The challenge will be turning that data into “decision-quality information and presenting it in a useful way,” says Holmes.
The ability to do this will depend on how quickly the aircraft’s systems can be upgraded.
“What we’re focusing on in some of our work is how we make that much quicker, much easier and much more affordable,” he says.
Such an approach could blur the lines between generations of fighters, Holmes says.
While the Typhoon is considered a fourth-generation combat aircraft and the F-35 as fifth-generation, the Tempest is widely considered to be sixth-generation.
However, the aircraft might not be considered as such when it enters service in the late 2030s.
“We have architected our capabilities in the past in such a way that you have to talk in generational terms, because they have a long life, and step changes in capability are more challenging to deliver,” says Holmes.
Nevertheless, Holmes points to the Panavia Tornado, which when it left service at the end of March was an almost entirely different platform from when it entered service.
The Typhoon will be the same, he notes.
“What is needed for a future combat aircraft is a regular, constant drumbeat of flexibility and upgradability, allowing that capability growth to happen much more quickly . . . almost breaking down the generation nomenclature to much smaller bite-size chunks,” says Holmes.
The UK’s heavy investments in unmanned combat aircraft technologies will also be applied.
The UK Defense Ministry and industry, led by BAE Systems, has poured hundreds of millions of pounds into a series of technology initiatives that ultimately led to development of the Taranis UCAV demonstrator and almost paved the way for a joint UCAV demonstrator with France, until the plans were shelved last year.
Many of these underlying technologies for the UAVs and UCAVs are “very transferable across to the systems-of-systems approach for FCAS TI,” Marrison says.
Those programs resulted in technologies for signature awareness and control, mission-system architectures, low-probability-of intercept communications and the ability to rapidly—potentially in real time—upgrade software and mission capabilities and orders.
“None of the areas of development and design and technology that we saw through those unmanned aerial systems - be they at the design, information, mission-system or architecture level - are going to go to waste,” says Marrison.
Like its Franco-German counterpart, the future British combat aircraft will likely end up working with unmanned platforms, perhaps as so-called loyal wingmen or as attributable systems designed to deceive air defenses, such as the swarming systems revealed by Williamson in February and expected to enter service in the early-to-mid 2020s.
In recent years, the UK has been experimenting with adaptable payload bays, advanced materials and new approaches to cockpit development, including the use of augmented reality.
It has also invested in cyber-resilience, making software dynamically reconfigurable and more difficult to hack.
Some of the successful technologies that could emerge from the Tempest could also end up in the Typhoon.
Rolls-Royce is testing some of the technologies it envisions for a future Tempest powerplant on a Eurojet EJ200, which could result in improvements for the Typhoon.
“We are working closely with Typhoon, working closely with the F-35 team as well, so we can spot those opportunities as and when they arrive,” says Holmes.

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 luglio 2019, 10:22


Team Tempest ... Q & A ...
Team Tempest was launched at Farnborough last summer amid huge media interest.
We talk to BAE Systems’ Strategy Director Michael Christie to learn more about Team Tempest.
... world.eurofighter.com ... "TEAM TEMPEST TAKES SHAPE" ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 8 luglio 2019, 18:29


E c'è pure in arrivo la Svezia ...
Sweden is set to become the first international partner to join the British “Tempest” sixth-generation fighter program.
An announcement involving the governments and industries of the two nations is expected to be made at the three-day Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) event, which begins July 19 at RAF Fairford, according to industry executives.
The British government took the wraps off the Tempest program at the Farnborough Air Show last year.
The project is the main attraction in a new combat air strategy stitched together largely to enable the British defense aerospace industry to maintain its technological edge in developing jet fighters.
... defensenews.com ... "Sweden to join BritishTempestnext-gen fighter push" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 20 luglio 2019, 21:10

La Svezia ... c'è !!!
Sweden has become the first nation to join forces with the UK on its Tempest future combat air system (FCAS) project, with the pair having signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on the initiative.
“Discussions between industries and governments had been ongoing since July 2018,” the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) says (*).
“A joint government feasibility report was completed in April 2019, informed by a joint report from UK and Swedish Industry.”
... flightglobal.com ... "RIAT: Sweden joins formation with UK on Tempest programme" ...

(*) ... gov.uk ... "UK and Sweden partner on future combat air" ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 21 luglio 2019, 21:22

Three bidders have been selected to pursue a UK contract to build and fly a lightweight affordable novel combat aircraft (LANCA) demonstrator: a class of unmanned vehicle which could potentially one day be used in coordination with assets such as the Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-35 or Tempest future combat air system.
Blue Bear, Boeing Phantoms Works International and a Black Dawn team – including Bombardier Aerospace’s Belfast unit and Northrop Grumman UK – will contest the requirement.
... flightglobal.com ... "RIAT: UK takes wraps off unmanned LANCA concept" ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 25 luglio 2019, 14:38

Un Boeing 757 come banco di prova volante ...
Leonardo has contracted 2Excel Aviation to provide a large-body test aircraft as part of the Team Tempest initiative.
Announced by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) at the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) at Royal Air Force (RAF) Fairford in Gloucestershire on 19 July, the contract will see the company provide a modified Boeing 757 testbed aircraft to test systems and sensors destined for the future Tempest fighter, as well as supporting capability enhancements for the current Eurofighter Typhoon and Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning.
Neither Leonardo nor the MoD provided a contract value, but noted that the testbed aircraft will come into service in the early 2020s.
... janes.com (349 of 656 words) ... "Leonardo contracts Tempest large-body test aircraft" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 9 agosto 2019, 16:19

Tempest ... il contributo del Typhoon ...

... ...

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Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 5 settembre 2019, 12:13

Secondo il quotidiano torinese 'La Stampa' ... l' Italia sarebbe sul punto di aderire al programma (per ora) anglo-svedese Tempest ...

... https://www.lastampa.it/esteri/2019/09/ ... 1.37413809 ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 settembre 2019, 14:51

Si fanno sempre più insistenti le voci secondo cui l' Italia sarebbe sul punto di aderire al programma ...

... telegraph.co.uk ... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/20 ... r-project/ ...

Anche qui ... RID ... https://www.portaledifesa.it/index~phpp ... ,3202.html ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 settembre 2019, 18:32

L' Italia ... c'è ...

... analisidifesa.it ... https://www.analisidifesa.it/2019/09/li ... a-tempest/ ...


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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 settembre 2019, 18:39

Da fonte ufficiale ...

... difesa.it ... https://www.difesa.it/Primo_Piano/Pagin ... mpest.aspx ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 settembre 2019, 21:03

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 10 settembre 2019, 23:46

A quanto pare ... il neo-Ministro della Difesa è soddisfatto ... =D>

... ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 settembre 2019, 19:17

Jane's ...
Italy has joined the UK project to develop the 'sixth-generation' Tempest fighter as part of a wider combat aviation system-of-systems.
The country's defence minister, Guerini Lorenzo, announced the agreement to partner on the project on 10 September following the signing of a statement of intent (SOI) by Sir Simon Bollom, CEO of Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), and Lieutenant General Nicolò Falsaperna, Italian Secretary General of Defence, at the DSEI 2019 defence exhibition in London.
... (302 of 797 words) ... "DSEI 2019: Italy joins Tempest" ...

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Iscritto il: 22 dicembre 2008, 21:14

Re: Tempest .....

Messaggio da richelieu » 11 settembre 2019, 19:30
